TER General Board

Re: Thank you!
BertG 452 reads

Haha. Yeah no flaming thus far. However I can sense London Rayne lurking around here somewhere. She should be in momentarily.

BertG1339 reads

Would this be a suitable hobby to put down at the bottom of my resume? No in all seriousness...how did this become part of the terminology used to describe this so called act. I find it curious. Was there merely no other name alternative? I jack off sometimes..would that be considered a hobby too? Lol

GaGambler759 reads

and they think by sugarcoating it with a "nicer" name that they can feel a little bit better about their whoremongering. Much the same as many hookers abhor the term hooker and demand that  you call them providers or escorts, or some other sugarcoated term.

As for me, I am most definitely NOT a hobbyist. I am a whore mongering pig and proud of it.

don't be surprised if MANY MANY people here disagree with me, but trust me, I am right. lol

Count me among those who disagree on terminology, but that is all just bullshit anyway.  Just bricks in the wall...

Bob.Sugar384 reads

It makes the whole transaction sound so much nicer.  And with my fragile ego, it helps me get through the day.

Posted By: GaGambler
and they think by sugarcoating it with a "nicer" name that they can feel a little bit better about their whoremongering. Much the same as many hookers abhor the term hooker and demand that  you call them providers or escorts, or some other sugarcoated term.  
 As for me, I am most definitely NOT a hobbyist. I am a whore mongering pig and proud of it.  
 don't be surprised if MANY MANY people here disagree with me, but trust me, I am right. lol

Been one since the first time I forked over cash for the privilege of sticking my dick in a strange pussy...

I may be a trick too, but I think that term lends itself better to PT Barnum's "there's a sucker born every minute" and if your favorite hooker thinks you're a sucker, then you're a trick...

If she appreciates your business, looks forward to repeats, then you're a john :)

-- Modified on 7/2/2015 9:48:44 AM

Hobbyists, johns, clients, customers, blah blah blah.  We all know what we're talking about, don't we?  Yes, some of these words can conjure up images to which we do not wish to liken ourselves... but at the heart of it, it really is all the same thing.  

Maybe some people who call themselves hobbyists do so partially because they have literally made a hobby out of this activity: spending countless hours a week in research, reviewing, gazing at pics, and last but not least.... posting on the message boards!!  IDK, just a thought.  LOL.

Why do people keep getting bent out of shape over what someone else does or does not want to call themselves or others??

A rose by any other name.... would still smell like my vagina; according to one of my reviews, that is.   LOL!

Why does anyone else give a flying rat's ass if I want to call myself a provider, escort, lady-of-the-evening, agent provacateur, or (my personal favorite) a fallen woman?   I know what the hell I am and what I'm doing; I'm not trying to convince anyone (least of all myself) that I am any better or worse than a street-walker or a $50K/day "courtesan".
Sex worker seems to be the most clear-cut term IMO, but you don't see or hear it tossed around so much in this country.

OK, I'm going to go take a chill pill now.   :-

Aren't all women hookers in some sense anyway? Sex appeal is a form of advertisement and women in general use their bodies and sexual prowess as a form of power, just as men use their financial status. When a man pays to take a non escort woman out before getting her in the sack, the amount of dates it takes for him to finally get her in bed is infact her "rate".

I'm kidding! But seriously, it kind of rings true, no? ;)

I've been saying this for years.  "Hobby" is lame.  "Hobbyist" is lame.  WTF, are we collecting stamps here? Coins?  I'm not a hobbyist, I'm a whoremonger.  A John.  A trick.  I fuck whores.  Hookers. I want them to own it.
But, look, man, we're dealing with serous shit here tonight.  Like renegade mongers who need to be dealt with. Just read the thread below.
PS: When I put up a post like yours as a noob five years ago I got flamed.  But I think you'll be OK.

BertG453 reads

Haha. Yeah no flaming thus far. However I can sense London Rayne lurking around here somewhere. She should be in momentarily.

Hobby: noun,  
an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.

Hobbyist: noun,  
a person who pursues a particular hobby.

According to actual dictionary definitions, I don't see how these terms don't fit for most participants in this.

As to putting it on your resume, well that's up to you.

By the way, if you jack off regularly, during your leisure time for pleasure, then damn right that's a hobby too.

Based upon those definitions I am a Hobbyist, and this sport is a Hobby for me.

I really don't give a fuck if someone wants to call me a Whore Monger/John/Trick/Client, it doesn't change what I do, nor does it change anything about my life, liberty or happiness. I prefer to call myself a Hobbyist, that's my choice.

"PL's"  (Pathetic Losers).
All said in good fun, of course.

Here in this world, I kinda like "hobbyist", tho "trick", "jane", or "whore mongering piglet" are fine too.

judgmental words used by societies that strongly disapprove and punish those activities. We can try to co-opt those words, but consider that attempts to co-opt the N word have resulted in some ugly messes. I often refer to the women in this industry as ladies because I very much want to acknowledge their humanity, dignity, and oftentimes grace.

But I agree 100%! Thank you so much for posting this.  I get the idea behind people wanting to co-opt terms like whore, hooker, john, and trick, but I just can't get behind it.  

And I have an especially hard time using vocabulary like that here on the TER message boards where it feels like there's already so much disrespect and contempt for providers and hobbyists alike.  If "it doesn't matter what you call it" then why *choose* to use vocabulary that we all realize is widely considered offensive? Is there something to be gained by speaking about everything in the most vulgar terms possible? Is it really too much to ask that we talk to and about each other with at least a basic level of dignity and maybe even a little class?

Oh wait, I forgot where I was lol. Of course it's too much to ask. Carry on, whoremongers, I'll see myself out...

I guess I lowered my standards playing in this sandbox. Like I have said when an adult talks to a five year old they don't talk to them as they would another adult.  

Sort of like heading into Walmart and expecting the same level of service you would expect at Tiffany's. Ya kind of get caught up in the ebb and flow of the environment you choose to play in.

You call this a message board but it is best known as a "fuck board"...see what I mean?

whatever, just with using them consistently to define one's own identity or another's.

GaGambler469 reads

Most of the time you actually seem to enjoy this place, not all of the time, but most of it.

I am sure you will agree that was not always the case, was it?

I don't really much care what we call it, but when given a choice between a PC label, and ANYTHING else, I pretty much go with ANYTHING else. So hooker,john, whore, trick, and most definitely Fuck board it is. lol

However I choose to  stay around here and I choose to not feel frustrated and went with the flow even if it does have a vague cesspool (the dark side) like flavor.

-- Modified on 7/2/2015 12:26:08 PM

GaGambler440 reads

I have to admit, I can see the "old you" struggling to come out every now and again, but by and large you keep that side of you under control. I also will freely admit that I like H+T a LOT better than old 'what's her name"

I may have to learn to do the same unless I want to keep enjoying the daily rage headaches that are brought on by reading some of this garbage lol.

I have to try hard not to let it actually become me. I take breaks and for the odd chunk of human detritus, I simply ignore them.

I absolutely see what you mean.  Luckily your comments are intelligent and funny enough that you still stand out as one of the smartest voices on this "fuck board" lol.

LasVegan340 reads

I use the term "hobbyist" in a way to be a bit less direct............so as to provide a certain degree of decorum, not for myself but as a way of extending well deserved respect to providers (who I refuse to call hookers or anything short of respectful).

My privacy is pretty well assured, so I am not "protecting" my own self image.........just trying to be a gentleman in whatever manner I am able.

nom_de_plume700 reads

In other service businesses, the people paying for the service are referred to as "clients."  The ones performing the service are known by a term that describes their profession, eg attorney or therapist.  There's several possibilities for this profession:  escort, courtesan, provider (kinda generic), and others that have been mentioned like hooker.  

But the thread is about what to call those who pay for the service.  I think it's interesting that the providers I know who refer to their customers as "clients" tend to have a professional approach to the business. I don't have statistics on that--just an observation.  

Maybe they refer to me as a john or whoremonger when I'm not there. Who knows?  ;)

There are johns and tricks and there are clients. On here I use the john and trick vernacular because that is who I am conversing with....as I have said, this board tends to lower the standard and not because I came on here and did it out of malice, the guys did it, so IF they are offended (mostly at how the hookers speak to and about them), they need to look at where it all started.

Would I prefer a more adult less locker room affair, yes, however I do not run the boards and it has been long established, this tone is what is preferred. One either fits in or is eternally frustrated and angry.  

These providers you know...are they frequent visitors on this board? And if they are, they may, in fact, actually see you as a client and  treat you accordingly BECAUSE you afford the same respect and dignity.  

Bantering on here for most of the people who do, is a release or a place where they can either truly be themselves and express really how they feel OR a place to be the devils advocate and stir the pot however, in real life, are just nice respectful people.  

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nom_de_plume619 reads

... and not just about how "hobbyists" are referred to on this board.  I understand your point about what is expected here.  It may already be obvious :) that I don't change how I conduct myself, here or elsewhere, because a certain form of behavior is expected but is contrary to how I want to act.  As I said on an earlier thread, what you see here is the real me.  I've always wondered how "nice, respectful people" can act like asshats on an Internet forum and get some kind of pleasure from doing it.  My theory is, such people really aren't all that nice, or respectful.  Being a devil's advocate and "stirring the pot" in a way that's respectful of others, that's great and adds spice to the discussion.

About your question re whether providers I know frequent this board... that's interesting.  I don't think they do, at least, not with their handles--maybe under an alias.  At least, they don't post here.  Maybe they peek in silently, as many people do.

GaGambler386 reads

TER tried to make the boards NICE a few years ago and they thought they could accomplish said goal by censoring speech, to the point where you couldn't even say the word "fuck" on a fuck board. Their little experiment was a dismal failure and made the boards even more unfriendly that they were previously.

H+T "gets it" or at least she does now. This is a locker room at it's heart, and that's just the way it is, using words like hobbyist or provider instead of hooker or john, doesn't make this place the least bit more respectful, you unfortunately are just one of those people that won't ever "get it"

I am actually quite nice and respectful, but I don't mince words, and I have no fear of calling a spade a spade either here or in real life. You can put me in polite society and I will clean up my language to suit the occasion, but that doesn't mean that I am any different a person here that I am in real life. I don't get pleasure being an "asshat" I get pleasure from bantering with my friends. All I have to say is "when in Rome....."

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