TER General Board

Re: Taylor Madison (TER Profile Under Review)
UnnamedOne 1894 reads
1 / 17

Taylor Madison (TER 361083) decided to doxx a guy for being disrespectful. She doxxed his photo and phone number.  

The doxxing is here:


Another reason to reconsider possibly sending RWI (especially selfies and DL photos) for screening.  

Yes, he was a dick, but she could have backchanneled and blacklisted, not doxxed.  

If you are able, please go to Twitter and report this post for doxxing.

cks175 44 Reviews 33 reads
2 / 17

The general consensus in the comments is that other providers recognize that phone number/pic and characterize him as a time waster who never follows through and actually books. Some suspect he’s not a monger at all, but just an incel troll.

Zeel 67 Reviews 33 reads
3 / 17

Yeah, he was an a-hole and she was right to not see him. But posting his photo and the conversation was a bit too much. IMO, that should only happen if he scams/steals or threatens/hurts a provider. Being a douche is not reason enough.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 41 reads
4 / 17

Agree. I just posted on the twitter thread also.

my-0.02-cents 34 reads
5 / 17

Other providers are saying the picture of the guy is not him and she is still keeping that picture as if that is the dude that started this whole thing.  Imagine walking in out in public and random people started calling you a pig because somebody used your picture to harass a provider.

Providers should share this type of info in a small private community that only they can access.

cks175 44 Reviews 36 reads
6 / 17

For those who don’t have X, or in the event the posts are deleted, here’s the convo memorialized:

Provider:If you're not willing to deposit you'll have to schedule same day.

Monger:Fair enough
I'll keep my schedule open with you too
And load my sperm into the right girl

Provider:I'm done communicating with you.
Why are you talking to me nasty like that?

Monger: Why do you act like it disgusts you? You do it every night.

Provider:  so l don't even know what the fuck you're talking about saying I do that every night. What is wrong with you
But I will be sure to let other providers know how you look down on the industry and how disrespectful you are.

Monger: And I'll be sure to review you too
I don't care at all
Mutually assured destruction here

Provider: You can't screenshot anything in this conversation that shows that I was rude nor disrespectful to you in any way.

Monger: I have multiple accounts
Multiple numbers
I have proof
You think you can threaten me and there won't be recourse, you'll learn
I will review you from all of them

Provider: You can go ahead and add whatever review you need to. I didn’t do anything to you.

I also never threatened you so you're delusional obviously.
Why would you ever think that it was okay for you to speak to me like that? Genuinely curious.

Monger: HA!
Do you want this to keep going or do you want to walk back from
whatever threatening stance you've gotten yourself into? I will give you one chance

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 44 reads
7 / 17

Correct. Doxxing is for threats of violence or actual violence. If I doxxed everyone who is a dick head that is all I would be doing!!  
That is an April Fools joke, I really don't get that too often anymore. When you have been in the biz for awhile you learn who is time waster and just move along. Not worth getting your panties in a bunch over.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 34 reads
8 / 17
Dr901 10 Reviews 37 reads
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Definitely a bad look.  Her reviews suck with regard to her attitude and running off with deposits so not that surprising.  Dude could have saved himself a lot of trouble by checking TER first.

brownjack 29 reads
10 / 17

As a client, I know little to nothing about the provider experience.

He was a douche to be sure.  But, that is not reason enough for him to be doxxed.  Especially, if there is a chance (most likely) that a false photo was used.

But, my observation is that she could have ended the conversation at "I'm done communicating with you.".  He'd rant on and make threats for awhile longer, but eventually give up when he was no longer getting the attention that he craves.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 40 reads
11 / 17

So they were both acting like temper tantrum toddlers that did not get their way. Sounds about right.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 37 reads
12 / 17

My line that I use when things start to unravel:
 I am sorry but this does not look like this is going to work out. I think it would be best if you move on looking for another provider. Best of luck to you!!  
That is it. Move on. If they ask again respond:  
no thank you.  
Always take the high road. Name calling and trying to attack the other person just makes you look like a very small and insecure person. At the end of the day it is not worth it.

djrunner 165 Reviews 36 reads
13 / 17

If you look up her TER ID, its been removed.

cks175 44 Reviews 35 reads
14 / 17

Her reviews indicated that she was a very attractive provider with GPS and a good number of problematic deposit reports.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 45 reads
15 / 17

it's a good idea to give a provider your personal information for screening?  Even P411 had been exposed on this board recently by Justsauce.  Some people never learn.  

Angel4Life 42 reads
16 / 17

TER profile appears to have been deactivated

cks175 44 Reviews 40 reads
17 / 17

Not delisted yet, but under review. When a profile is delisted, a search will bring to a page with blue background, no name, stating “Profile Does Not Exist”

When a profile is under review, the provider name is listed on a white background.

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