TER General Board

Re: Sounds like you have your eyes...
gggdickson77 21 Reviews 93 reads

Thanks Trex,  

It is nice to read someone who is not slapping me around.

I had a SP who went to Mexico and ran out of money she contacted me for $5,000. I told her I could not send her the money she was major pissed. She never wanted to see me again.  

I took another lady for a dinner date and she needed $4,000 on top of her fee. I could only get $3,000 out of the ATM as I had hit my daily limit and it was late in the night. I gave it to her on top of her fee. Well, she made a big deal about it right in the restaurant. I was shocked and she stormed out of the restaurant yelling at me telling me never to call her again.  

Wow guys have you ever felt like a human ATM. Maybe some ladies have been short changed in the past but I have met some real winners.

No Mama not messing with you.  

The stories I could share with you over the 30 years would make you laugh and cry.  

Don't get me wrong I have had a ton of good stories and great experiences. But in the end, the experiences fall apart.  

However, it is about the moment. We are not here for a long time just a good time. I have had some great times.  

Good news is I am not married to them. Now that would be a nightmare.

I could really use the help, so I can see some providers this weekend.

You laugh but i have done a few events with fellow pooners and we have had a blast.  

Am i going to send you $5,000 I do not think so. I only do that to people I respect and to only good people I feel deserve it.

Posted By: gggdickson77
Am i going to send you $5,000 I do not think so. I only do that to people I respect and to only good people I feel deserve it.
Allow me to introduce myself ...  
By the way, do you do Bitcoin?

that's you'll never want to see him again if he doesn't send you the dough.

That's the ticket.

... I've never had any provider ask me for extra money, not even a few bucks let alone thousands of dollars.  I seek providers who are intelligent, considerate people, in addition to sexy, fun etc., so maybe I've done a good job with that. Or maybe I've just been lucky.  

If any had done that, I would have had a good laugh, and then smiled and told them that wasn't going to happen.

Yes I have had a lot of good ones who i have helped out over the years. So there are a lot of good ones. But there are some strange birds as well. I was just highlighting those ones in the posts. But I was wondering if anyone has had that happen to them.

But then I send out my Nigerian Prince emails and someone like the op replenishes my supply of cash  $6 million at a time.

-- Modified on 6/9/2017 7:47:08 PM

because it won't give me any money. Human error they say.  

As far as  your situation, I marvel that you're able to throw around thousands like its nothing. It's cool because we're all somewhere along the hobby spectrum. But I do understand the volatility of some of the ladies. I've had some get pissed at me for a lot less than 4 or 5k. One lady went off her rocker when I was $20.00 short. I told her it must have fallen out of my pants because I've never once short changed a lady. We looked around, and sure enough it was on the floor just under the bed. She sheepishly apologized.

You're into financial domination and are actually getting off on them treating you like shit over money. Because that's a thing, apparently.

GaGambler113 reads

I've read his reviews and he seems quite capable of "manning up" and giving sub par providers scores of 6-6, which makes me call into question all these posts which show him as being a spineless jellyfish.

My vote is still out on him, but my bullshit detector is going off bigtime.

Believe what you wish GaGambler and I have been called evil and the worst client ever. So my sword cuts both ways. However, you might want to have your bs detector checked. On the second hand don't waste your time because it does not matter. You believe what you wish nothing I or anyone else says will change your thoughts of me. In the big scope of things does it matter. Why even waste your time thinking of it but I am honored you even posted.

from this post? Beyond mine, of course LMAO. I just want to know how many ladies (and maybe some men too) I got to take out of the picture :D

Oh, my dear, you are the only one so far. However, I expect to receive the hate messages soon.  

I appreciate your post but you do not know anything about me, yet, so do not be too quick to jump to conclusions. Good or bad! Might I suggest you do your homework before jumping into bed with a character like me? Save yourself the pain that comes with my introduction my dear. But I am flattered by your post. I am getting warm all over and my smile has returned to my face.

As far as you tale, I don't think it matters a bit how much money you have or how attached to it you are.  Anyone who lets himself be abused that way you did is, indeed, a "spineless jellyfish."  Don't get all Zen about it.
I do have a question for GaG, who used the above phrase: is there such a thing as a jellyfish with a spine?

Abuse is a relative term. I do not think I am abused as there is no harm in SP asking. I choose to say yes or no.  

As a pleaser I can be taken advantage of. However, I know of SPs who's kindness and introduction to the hobby has left them open to being "abused" by clients who ask them to pay for their own dinner.  

One might interpret being tied up and being pissed on or even allow guys to cum on their face as "abuse". So I think we need do need to introduce some Zen into the thoughts floating around.  

Before the jellyfish right groups get involved let me just say please do not insult a who species by comparing me to such wonders of nature. I can assure you and other I do have a spine, however, twenty years ago I was told the abuse I put my body show it was in the share of an 80-year-old. so I have one but it is not very good one. Just want to lay that to rest.  

So back to the matter at hand. It is clear such requests for rights of first refusal is not well accepted so my suspicions were correct and my breaking contact was correct. Or maybe it is more accurate her breaking of our connection was the right thing to do just using this as the catalyst.  

Thank you all for your insight. I appreciate your thoughts and comments. Insightful although my ego took a few hits it was none the less worth putting the questions out there.

Be sure to bring all your  bankcards with you,

LOL, But it is more than a blow job I seek. I do not think you are my type.

On the contrary, my net worth and value just improved and with it, my credit rating. People only want to lend you an umbrella on a sunny day. Then they want it back when it rains.

Yea but I have a limit on how much I can pull out after being hit at a ATM. Got to be careful now a days.

GaGambler144 reads

Or at least allow you to increase from their default setting of only a few hundred bucks.

I've got mine set at $2,000 in cash and $5,000 in POS transactions per day, but I carry more than one card

Some girls are just very ungrateful I'm surprised to hear she caused a scene in public over your 1k short when she received a generous amount on top of her fee and being you and her have an Ongoing situation she's crazy defiantly someone who you probably shouldn't even be around anyway if it were me I'd defiantly would have appreciated and understood the ATM limit instead of humiliated you in public don't let that change your view on the good girls that our out here shame on her. xo

My dear more good than bad my dear. But in all fairness, I think most people are excited at first and are very grateful. For example. I saw a provider for a while and she loved flowers. She informed me one of her wishes was for her to get flowers to her real job. Well over time she gave me her office address. I did not ask for it but I had a car service pick her up after work. So she freely gave it up. Well after our trip I started to send her flowers every Monday. The first time the flowers arrived she call me and was close to tears. No one had done that before. Then I arranged for the florist to deliver fresh flowers to her office every Monday. By the middle of the second Monday she asked me to stop them.  

If we get things over and over again you get tired. I remember that lady loved Kate Spade bags and by the end of our 18 months of being together and 12 Kate Spade handbags, she did not want to see another Kate Spade bag. My point is if you do things over and over again they get boring and has very little meaning.  

There are ladies who i help out with an extra $100 here then next time it is $500 then it is $1,000 then it is $5,000. Once you let the genie out of the bottle it is human nature to watch it accelerate out of control. I really think you would be like so many others.

ROGM88 reads

Provider or Regular Girlfriend, same difference. You're going to pay no matter what. No such thing as a Free Ride when you deal with women.

Yup no debate on that point. You want to play you pay. The question is for how long. With a SP you pay and play. You marry them you pay and then maybe play.....

It screams doormat if you want my honest opinion. The nerve of them demanding this kind of money on top of their fee just staggers me, but the fact you went to an ATM and got $3k out to give to a demanding bitch at all just made me chin hit the floor.
I feel bad for you for being mistreated but I also want to slap you and tell you to grow a pair!!!

Well, my apology if my stupidity offends you, my dear. With that young lady, $3,000 did not see unreasonable considering I bought her a house. Yup after 5 years of seeing her on regular bases. I felt bad but she was helping me live out an amazing fantasy. So rather than invest in another condo I bought a house and for tax purposes put it in her name. For her and her two boys could move in. I put them in private school and was living the dream for a few years. Until her EX-showed up. He did not even pay child support, the scum bucket, but well he was the boy's real father so who am I to get in the way. So there is more to the story than just $3,000.  

Oh, let me introduce myself Greg "doormat" Dickson.  

Now in all fairness the lady in Mexico who called me. I never gave her the money. 90% of the SPs who hit me up for money I refuse to see them never mind give them cash. Even if they refuse to see me again. The lady who offered me the rights of first refusal I walked away after 18 months of a hot time in the big city. Another who got pissed because I would not be her sugar daddy has blacklisted me. Shit happens. I recently had a provider who did not like my sleeping habits and choose to raise my rates just because of who I am. Well, I had to cancel as I was feeling like a human ATM thus the thread.  

So if you are thinking of hitting me up for cash sorry. I am not your boy. However, forgive me for helping out a few SPs along the way. The ones I think deserve it. Like a young lady who is a single mother and had to haul her laundry in a wagon to a laundry mat. So I got her a washer and dryer so she no longer had to do that. I know there is a lot of guys do things for their SPs but do not admit it. I just offered to pay off a debt that a SP accumulated after a death in the family. However, she refused my offer, bless her heart. She has character! I admire her and I did drop some $20,000 on her in just over a month but what a month it was!!!!!

So think what you like. I only pay for the value you I think I get. I may not be as big a doormat as some think. For some, I am considered a real asshole. So to each his own. Thank you for responding to the threat. I value your opinion.

To have a woman treat you with respect and make you happy like you'd make her happy, look me up. I'll show you the time of your life babe.

I hate to see SW give other SWs a bad rap.

After reading a few of the responses her my dear you better run for the hills. I am your worst nightmare!

...wide open when relating to the various providers you're seeing and making conscious choices about how to interact with them. The money isn't an issue for you (or so it sounds from what I've read here), so enjoy!

You're getting what you want (mostly) and that's about as good as p4p can get, in my experience.

Problems arise when people want more and their expectations aren't met.

Best of luck!

Thanks Trex,  

It is nice to read someone who is not slapping me around.

1) you have some reviews where the provider donation is high. Oddly enough, with those girls, you're the only reviewer

2) with those reviews that have a provider website, your stated donation (as you're the only reviewer) does not allign with the providers website (for example, your most recent review)

3) your second most recent review you submitted is a fake. The email has no web presence besides sites that steal from TER, and the number you listed as contact belongs to a DIFFERENT escort, one whom you've also reviewed.  

4) the only reviews of yours that look real are of providers charging standard rates, i.e. not thousands of dollars as you've stated you've dropped either in this thread or another (you've posted a lot).  

Why are you doing this? I'd suspect that you're trying to bolster the image of yourself as a big spender so girls will flock to you and you can get away with paying less and promising more. But, that's just conjecture.  

Hey, maybe I'm wrong but something with you isn't right.  

Never try to fool an escort with a smartphone.

... it's another to out one.   At times like this I ask myself 'what would Bob Sugar say?'  lol

well detective Abbi, I am impressed you would take the time to dig that deep.  

1) I am sorry if I am the only reviewer of those ladies. I do tend to look for ladies who are low volume providers. So maybe that might be the reason.  

2) If you are referring to Peyton's review I can assure you I did pay what I paid for her and I paid the same amount for her Friend as well as took them both for dinner with my guest.  

2) I do not haggle on a provider's rates. It is not uncommon for a lady to charge me more especially if they are not used to doing overnights, or travel dates. My most recent review of Ms. Malloy is a good example. I stumbled across Ms. Malloy to pay a bit part in another ladies fantasy. But we hit it off and we have traveled to Toronto and to Nashville. She is new and I was her first out call, her first overnight, and her first travel date. So her rates are not set. She has one ad on LL list but I suspect you will see more from her. I have spent over $20,000 on her and our events. If you really want to know feel free to email her. I do not appreciate you or others to call me a liar. Forgive me if I put in the wrong phone number.  

4) I do not do hourly visits with providers but multiple hours with dinner dates and travel dates. If you really want to know vs speculate call the ladies or email them. But please do not waste your time or mine to call me a liar. I am very much offended by such suggestions.  

Why do others post on her or share their experiences? I am no different than the others on here. If my contributions are not welcome maybe I should leave. I did not call anyone out, or mistreat anyone, or was obscene. I was respectful and responsible. Why would you attack me for my contribution and make such accusations about me? You do not know me.  

I can tell you, your speculation is totally wrong and misguided. I am shocked based on my comments on this board that you are so quick to jump to conclusions. I had no idea my posts were so offensive, My questions were so inappropriate,  and my experiences were so distasteful.  

My dear, you have never been so wrong in your conclusions but you will see what you want and you will draw your assumptions from your imagination and if this board is that corrupt in your thoughts then this is not the place for me.  

You might want to stick to escorting because your days of being a private detective are deeply numbered.

They dump you because their conscience can no longer tolerate unearned largesse.  If you were just an ATM to them they would keep the machinery well oiled and happy.

At first they are flattered that you think them worthy of your generosity.  But over time it begins to dawn on them that your gifts have no bearing on anything they say or do.  The flattery slowly turns to disgust when it more clearly dawns on them that they are replaceable cogs and your beneficence has nothing really to do with them as an individual.

You smother them with gifts to please yourself, that is your fantasy watching you please them.  But they are no longer pleased.  The disgust grows until it blows up in a fit of anger.   They lose the income but regain their self-respect.

So your fantasy is a lie.  It's not just not real, it is opposite of the feelings you are causing in these ladies.

Wow,  I appreciate your insight. Anyone else want to tar and feather me as well.  

You may be on to something. It might be time to retire based on your feedback. or better yet just cut my wrists.  

But what is a fantasy? Is Disneyland real? Does Mickey Mouse exist? Come on people why can not someone enjoy the experience?

It was an analysis -- don't read it as judgmental.    Being overly generous actually turns off a lot of people.   They begin to suspect your motives.

I find it highly inappropriate to do so, even if it's a regular or someone who you have established a friendly relationship with. They are still a client.  

In the words of my friend Natalia Nova in NYC, "Clients are to be entertained, they are not a personal charity"

which is why I don't even fuck with 'em no more (it's even worse when there's no guarantee of them actually putting out). As for the providers tho, I usually stick with the lower end of the price range anyway. And I lay down the law as far as they're concerned, and they know they're replaceable at the drop of a dime, so they know better than to fuck with me like that. In some parts of the caribbean, a man like you would be known as a Boops, a word that was made popular by Supercat's 1985 dancehall hit of the same name. Now I'm not trying to knock you if that's your thing, but it doesn't make sense for you to waste time complaining about it if you know you're not gonna change.

too hard to actually go thru with it. Demanding $$$ or she wont talk to you again? Bu-Bye

DISCLAIMER: This is not an endorsement or even a recommendation of Boost. (I had a Boost plan many years ago and service wasn't all that good.)

And whether she a career hooker, doner-class middle-class middle-aged divorcee or a blushing young bride they'll test the limits of what the market will bear.  

Crap ,  
I personally never had your kinda experience
Probably because i can only afford this hobby one hour at a time , but to answer your question do I feel like a human ATM ?  

My answer is absolutely .
I always thought hookers are expensive , but after  
Being married for over 10 years i think hookers milk me less than my wife , and at least with hookers I don't feel like a bagger :)

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