TER General Board

tallslim26 26 Reviews 1828 reads

I was wondering if any of you find members could give me insight or your opinion on a post I viewed recently on one of the regional boards. The ad was placed by a provider that has decent reviews and also has her own company, but I still have some red flags arising.

The ad is for a Party where, according to the ad, 12 girls will be present to meet and greet. There is a $20 admission fee and it is said there will be a stock of alchohol, a buffet, lapdances and of course other fun, 200 for an hour which is consistent with the providers company rates.

I wasn't concerned so much with this being a rip more than if it was something that LE might key on. Is it legal to offer free alchohol but charge an admission where it is being served?? Could you get into any hot water for just attending a party of this nature? I assume it will be held at a hotel. My plan was to attend just to meet the girls and if one caught my eye, get together with her in the near future. Even if guaranteed that there would be no problems, with LE or otherwise, I am not to keen on "getting to know a girl" with 50 people in the ajoining room.

Any thoughts, perhaps from those who have knowledge of the legal system. It is an enticing proposition but I am a bit skeptical.

the last thing you want to worry about is whether or not the alcohol is legal.  You have to assume the hostess will screen so that LE can't find it, and that the invitees will be smart enough to keep their mouths shut about the location before the party happens.

Chances are, if you hook up with one of the ladies, you will not have a problem finding a private room to continue the lap dance.  I don't personally like an audience either, but if you are just meeting and checking her out, it should be OK.  I'll lay odds that she will have her own room in the hotel.

I would suggest that you relax as much as possible before you attend a party like this - you will definitely enjoy it more.

Have fun :-)

I recall that during my college days (middle mezozoic era), it was very common for people to throw a party and charge a couple of bucks at the door to pay for the keg and other goodies.

The cops started to crack down on that however and eventually a system where a large pail with a sign that said "donation: $2" was stuck on it.  Peer pressure did the rest.  Apparently that was legal.

Now as for the rest of the entertainment, I can make no assurances.

(still not a lawyer, nor much of a partyer anymore)

I'm sorry Officer, the money wasn't for the booze, it was for the Hookers. :-D

Well I don't even drink alchohol so I am only worried about being present. I would think only the organizers would be in any trouble, not those attending but maybe I am wrong.

It sounds like a cool concept so I am sure I would have fun if I went. Me being a guy who has never seen an independent girl its appealing to get a look at all the girls before choosing without paying (20 is miniscule). The girl staging it has good reviews but the girls that are listed under her agency are a mixed bag but for 200 it wouldn't be too big a risk as far as seeing a girl with no reviews.

I am sure I might get more insight and thank you in advance...

You usually have to be screened yourself before allowed to attend...but, it can be a lot of fun, for exactly the reasons you described.


organizers better know who they invite.  Otherwise, LE will be all over it.  Discretion is necessary.

That's what I figured. So I am in a catch 22, I have no independent girl references so if I do get invited I have to wonder how she is screening the party guests to ensure that their will be no scent of bacon at the partay...lol

Screw it, I think I will just call up the agency and ask to see the one girl on the site that looks hot, if the pics are fake then I will just pass on the bait and switch. Sucks cause I would like to go but its not worth getting into hot water over.

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