TER General Board

Re: So when you speculate all they do is hit the "Trash" button you're not making an assumption?
souls_harbor 5770 reads
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P411 just broadcast a message to everyone on site that clients, if asked, must show the ID that created their p411 id.  Failure to do so will get you banned from p411.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 74 reads
2 / 34

It has always been in their terms, and that same message from Gina is repeated every so often.

NaughtyPiper See my TER Reviews 75 reads
3 / 34

Micah and I were just locked out of our accounts until we sent in stuff to verify who we were and that we were of age. They say it could take up to 72 "business hours" to get back into it. I guess something must have happened to make them go to this kind of verification measure.

GinaXXX 93 reads
5 / 34

It's not a new policy (as noted, ty).... this has been the client id policy since the inception of P411 (2005), and I  post it every year or so (and it can always be found under Extras).

Security has always been our top concern, and always will be. It's an evolving process, as we always learning new ways to weed out scammers and trouble makers.


micktoz 41 Reviews 63 reads
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pronational 66 reads
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It's amazing to me that these sites are asking for government ID as if this activity is lawful.  I mean, the potential for security breaches and outing alone is cause to tell them to take their requirements and kindly fuck off.  Why are people agreeing to this??  I get the ones who aren't concerned about outing and the like.  Not everyone needs to hide, sure.  But are those of you (clients and providers) who want this to be a secret...are you actually agreeing to this?  I'm really interested in knowing.  

NaughtyPiper See my TER Reviews 79 reads
8 / 34

I see no problem with it at all, and even require it myself for newbies who don't have references as well. I'm pretty reputable so they know I'm not fake or LE, but if you have no one to back you up, I'm not willing to see anyone without it. As for P411, I get it on their part as well for both sides. It's way more risky to have girls signed up that are under age and legitimate government ID's are the only way to prove the age requirements. In retrospect, also having the guys information makes it much safer for the ladies to use their service without as big of a risk and helps us in the leg work as well. I love P411 for much of that reason. Granted, if the guy is new, I'll still ask for those things, as Gina consistently suggests to do (mentioning to both ladies and gents alike that we are allowed to do any additional screening we feel makes us safer) but for those who have established accounts, it's a great tool. Everything that is on my screening form is already listed in the user's profile including age, race, and preferences. Not only that, but it also has all your references listed there and a quick way to contact them. I don't accept "TER Whitelist" as a means of reference anyway, as I prefer to contact ladies directly and ask how the date went from them. P411 is a great tool that has helped me many of times-even got my donation when a guy flaked out after knowing my cancellation policy! They're great, so I have no problem giving them those things if they help both parties to be safe and play by whatever rules you want to say this hobby has.

VincenzoG91 5 Reviews 69 reads
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I can tell that you're a libertarian by the paranoia. P411 doesn't keep records of how they verify client users. They verify, and then they make the client ID based on information that a provider can verify in person. Like the four-digit number part of a client ID is the last four digits of some form of ID that you can show, like a driver's license. This is for the provider's sake, so she can verify that a client is actually the person who was cleared by P411. Likewise, P411 verifies providers to make sure that they aren't law enforcement or underage, so that clients can feel secure when booking with them. Sorry you don't see the value in it, but most of us do.

xyz23 45 Reviews 58 reads
10 / 34

...contact the lady directly using a TER White List. The providers name on the white list is a link. It will take you to her profile where her contact info is.

I'm not saying you should change the way you do things but wanted to point out the White List gives you direct contact information.

souls_harbor 68 reads
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I was aware of the policy and mentioned it just a few days ago.  I have been on p411 since April of 2016 and this is the first admin broadcast email about it that I've seen (I keep them all, so I've just verified not getting it.)  So that's why I assumed it was a crack down.  

pronational 59 reads
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Those are people who indulge exhaustively in fuzzy concepts that would probably never survive exposure to reality; and I say probably because Libertarians can never be specific enough about an idea to seriously vet.  So no, I'm not.  

What IS real, though, is that prostitution is illegal (see penal code in your state), sites get hacked (Ashley Madison, Equifax and Yahoo for example), and escort listings get targeted and raided (there's a specific one that got my original comment blocked when I tried to mention it).  
I'm sure requiring scans of government ID has all kinds of useful purposes (for the site), but my question was intended to speak to the risk involved.  In regard to that, though, tell me - do you work for P411??  Because if not, how would you know what they do or don't do with photocopies of your passport?  I'm not being rhetorical, I would really like for you to answer this.

Mommascomin 62 reads
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Not a rhetorical question , do you honestly believe p411 deletes all that data?

souls_harbor 54 reads
14 / 34

I believe she deletes it.  Because the only value is for recurring billing.  The rest is a liability target.   Since there is no recurring billing, the most likely cause is deletion of data.

JakeFromStateFarm 78 reads
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Do you have any evidence she doesn't?  If so, how come none of it has leaked?  And if she keeps it, why?  What would be the point?  Last, don't you think she knows if any personal info leaked, or was hacked, her business would be Instant Toast.  So she has no incentive to keep it and every incentive to shit can it.

pronational 69 reads
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Re: Does she delete it? Let me put it this way...Do you have any evidence she doesn't?
If he doesn't have evidence that P411 is keeping the info, it's OK to turn over the info?  Lol.  You're inadvertently making his point for him: there's more than enough doubt/uncertainty to say, "you know what, I'm going to keep my passport and driver's license to myself."  
If so, how come none of it has leaked?
So if there hasn't been a leak (to your knowledge), that means the data isn't being stored?  That rationale is a bit flawed.
And if she keeps it, why?  What would be the point?  Last, don't you think she knows if any personal info leaked, or was hacked, her business would be Instant Toast.  So she has no incentive to keep it and every incentive to shit can it.
Generally speaking, if you're a business, keeping the info you collect from customers just makes it easier to service them.  Efficiency.  That could be the point.  Or something else.  It's not as if there's zero motivation to store sensitive info.  

Or maybe they ARE getting rid of it as far as they're concerned.  But maybe their idea of deleting is to just hit the trash button on the email while, without their knowledge, it stays sitting on a server waiting to be plucked.  

Guessing just wouldn't cut it for me on something like this.  

JakeFromStateFarm 72 reads
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I simply explained why it's extremely unlikely P411 has ever (or would ever) leak info.  I provided my personal info to the about 7 years ago and nothing has been leaked.  Nor have I ever heard about personal info ever being mis-used by them. So all I am doing is making a logical inference.
Your final point, "efficiency" is just plain silly.  How does having a copy of my Driver's License make it easier to "service" me? They have my email address, which is all they need.
And talk about assumptions, you speculate that all they may do it hit the "trash button on the email."  Why do you assume that?  As far as assumptions go, that's much further out there than any I made.
You worry too much.

AllbSure 14 Reviews 63 reads
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Not to quibble but the data historical and present is one way the product (p411) has value to a potential buyer so their is definitely a reason to keep it
Kinda like an agency book. That said if a leak happened the value goes to 0 in an instant...   So like all things safety including your data everyone should take personal responsibility for themselves and act accordingly...

 Most major breaches are not discovered for years so “ never leaked” is not something anyone can say. Take for example the target leak... that data was being traded on the dark web for 5 years before the leak was exposed.
 Bottom line everyone needs to be accountable for their own security... develop a good reputation by being a good client and you can control your own destiny

pronational 63 reads
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You should definitely reread this exchange.  I'M not the one making assumptions.  I'm pointing out the potential issues.  YOU'RE the one making assumptions about what precautions P411 is taking with your data and how safe it is.  

Are you really asking how keeping data on clients make it easier to service them?  Jesus fella.  Maybe you're new to digital commerce and the internet in general, but everything I said is plausible.  Your faith in that dated-looking website is kinda funny.  

JakeFromStateFarm 91 reads
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I really am LMAO at that one.  I also never said I wasn't making some assumptions.  Seems like i'm not the only one who needs to do some "rereading.":
Edited to  add this PS:
Gina already answered on this thread and has a very good rep in this community for professionalism and responsiveness. Whereas you are an unknown handle on this board with no reviews and a couple of dozen posts on local boards that only go back to September.  

-- Modified on 11/17/2017 3:13:30 PM

-- Modified on 11/17/2017 5:19:57 PM

Sexyhunnypot See my TER Reviews 50 reads
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She does not delete provider info it says right on the page you get when your account is locked so they can keep your ID on file!!!!!!

DT_lover 188 Reviews 69 reads
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I think in 8 years, 2 girls (booked thru P411) have asked for my ID.  One girl I showed without even thinking there would be a problem.  The other I could not because my wallet was in the car.  No issues either time.

SerinaSander See my TER Reviews 70 reads
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That's exactly why P411 rocks!!!!

souls_harbor 44 reads
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My comments were based on the client side of things.  I have no insight to the provider side.

pronational 69 reads
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Re: So when you speculate all they do is hit the "Trash" button you're not making an assumption
No.  Since...you know...I began that statement with "But maybe."  If "but maybe" reads like an assumption to you, you're not capable of having this discussion, cognitively speaking.  It would explain you having such a hard time wrapping your head around the topic, though (hint: the topic is risk).  
I also never said I wasn't making some assumptions.  Seems like i'm not the only one who needs to do some "rereading."
Ah OK.  I thought you'd want to disassociate yourself from uninformed assumptions because you know they're bad.  That was me giving you too much credit.  You got me there, I should have known better.  
Gina already answered on this thread and has a very good rep in this community for professionalism and responsiveness.
Good point!  Or at least it would be if I said anything about her reputation.  I do wonder, though, if websites run by well-meaning professionals with good reputations have ever been hacked or raided before...Does anyone here know if that's ever happened?? (hint:  I'm asking sarcastically)
Whereas you are an unknown handle on this board with no reviews and a couple of dozen posts on local boards that only go back to September.
You know what else is older than my posting history on TER?  This red herring about someone's posting history on TER.  I can appreciate that you're probably more comfortable with simple subjects like the dates of people's posts, but it's not germane to this topic (hint: the topic is risk).  

Portia 80 reads
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I've seen this message and have no problem with this.  I'm happy to use p411 as one of my verification methods so I know when a friend comes to see me that they are who they say they are.  Yes I know the possibility is there for it to be otherwise but p411 has always shown me to be a great source for verification and one that I trust so If they are asking for members to send ids as is a requirement anyway from what I gather then I have no problem with that.  I'm sure everyone can understand this is something that allows people to feel safe so them not doing this would be considered off if that was the case.


CamilleUK See my TER Reviews 72 reads
27 / 34

....advertising and screening site I have used consistently for the last 10 years. It works for me and it works for the clients that I like to see. Gina runs a tight ship and I’ve never had cause for concern.  


RandyJ1000 1 Reviews 70 reads
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In my experience P411 and TER do collectively provide about the safest way of finding good providers. Clients and providers should still do a little sleuthing. With TER that might include checking reviewer history on top of provider reviews, and with P411 this should always include comparing provider contact info against at least a basic www search. In the case of P411, I’ve ran across providers with no reviews and found next to nothing (sometimes nothing at all) when searching, for example, the provider’s phone number. I’m sure Gina has verified these latter, but my own standards of safety keeps me from even considering such a listed provider.  

As for the P411 “crackdown,” it’s as previous responders say. Status quo. I’ll add that I’ve never had a P411 provider ask that I show my authentication doc (with the 4 number sequence). I’ve never understood this given that every client P411 member signs up knowing this doc is expected to be requested.

hey mikey 8 Reviews 88 reads
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As many have said, this focus is not new.  My experience has been that Gina is an amazingly honorable person. I knew (of) her before there was a P411 or a TER, and she was known as being honorable then too. IMHO, good and decent people do not change... so I trust her, and it seems to me that while nothing is perfect, P411 is better than anything else at what it does.

hey mikey 8 Reviews 62 reads
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My 4 digit number was requested the first two times I met ladies via P411. Since then I always have all of the data/ information with me (in my travel wallet) every time I meet with a new lady, but I've not been asked to show it again.

Unexpected 63 reads
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P411 is not in business to protect clients. It is for profit by taking money for membership. There are providers using p411 that should be avoided, but they are there.  Because without providers to attract members, there would be no p411. It's only a matter of time before LE infiltrates as phony clients/providers. Eros has been around for years and just recently office was raided in U.S.?  

How many of us "older gents" can remember using a fake i.d. to get past a bouncer at a club or bar??? You don't think if someone can falsify an i.d. and hand it to someone and still get by, can't make an i.d. with a 4 digit code and send to p411 without any photo for recognition?? And thats more secure?? You don't think you can make up false bank statements, bills or other forms with address on it. You don't think that there aren't numerous clients on p411 in this digital age we live in now, who aren't who they say they are??  Cmon, almost everyday we hear of governments, corporations and banks having info misused. Identity theft is one of the most rampant crimes around. You seriously think p411 is the Fort Knox of information gathering and protection?  

As clients and providers it's simple to fall into like everything else in this country we want it "fast food" way. Sure it's easy to let p411 do the work but are you taking care of yourself??  There are many providers who still don't use p411 or will see someone not a member, but do their homework because it's in their best interest to do so. I can remember Eros was new. There was no p411 or TER. If both a legitimate client and provider do their research and use caution, both can end up with end result they both desire.

DT_lover 188 Reviews 71 reads
32 / 34

You can avoid all risk by staying in the closet and die a virgin.

I'm very happy using P411.

drocks See my TER Reviews 60 reads
33 / 34

"....to make sure they aren't law enforcement or underage..."  I have several clients that are LE and they all have 411 memberships so I'm pretty sure p411 does not verify that aspect of identification.  

drocks See my TER Reviews 57 reads
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I posted my previous comment and realized I had deleted the rest of my comment...oops.  Anyway, I meant to say that IMO no verification site is bullet-proof, including p411.  We as a community both Providers and Hobbyists need to use common sense and conduct ourselves as responsible adults and not solely depend on any site to keep us safe.  

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