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TS post op. What are the signs?
CuriousGeorge1152 789 reads

Have there been times when a girl is listed as female, all reviews make no mention of any TS signs but you still might wonder?  Is 'she' post op with some excellent surgery?
- clit is hardly there (just a slight bump)
- slightly husky voice
- man made breasts (or very flat)
- taller than typical
- looks that seem just a little " fake"
- and yet a fully functional vagina that gets wet and feels normal

In 30+ years, this has happened maybe 2 or 3 times, all with Asians. For those who know the Asian monger world, it is famous for some alteration surgery that's pretty remarkable.

Anyone else with similar experiences?

Be aware that there are no clear-cut physical signs that you can rely on. You'll never be able to identify a trans person through physical attributes alone. People’s bodies are incredibly diverse, and a single physical characteristic (or even multiple characteristics) won’t say much about a person one way or the other. Moreover, genital reconstructive surgery has come such a long way that many who undergo it (not all trans people do) are indistinguishable from those who haven’t

I met up with a post op TS, knowing full well in advance that they were.

We had a long and very enjoyable back and forth on line, so there was a lot of simpatico, and they were quite gorgeous looking in a pixie-ish sort of way.

Alas, when we met behind closed doors, but my dick was not having any of it.   I had to make up an excuse to leave, having given the full donation (Which they tried to return.)

I think it might have had to do with hormones or pheromones and such, but I'm no biologist, so that's just a guess.

You can take the boy out of the country....

Just a comment on your last bullet point. If you are in fact with a post of transgender person their vagina cannot lubricate on it's own. Vaginal lubrication is created by the cervix and the vaginal walls during sexual arousal. Usually a transgender vagina is created by surgically inverting the skin of the penis and the head of the penis is used to create a clitoris. The vagina must also be dilatated daily to prevent it from growing shut and it has to be kept clean and dry to prevent an infection. I would assume (I am not a dude, duh!!!  lol) that it would feel similar to a woman that has had a full hysterectomy (if the cervix is removed) and would require the same amount of lubrication applied to have satisfying and non painful sex.  

PistolPetey22 reads

Exactly right. Lubrication (or rather lack of) would be an obvious sign.

...and it definitely is in my bucket list to experience one day. But I'd like to know about it before it happens, lol.

CuriousGeorge115225 reads

Glad you responded!  I was curious if you had such an experience and could tell better than us guys. If it does get crossed off your bucket list let us know :-)

I have gotten asked this a couple times in my career and it always offended me but now that transgender is so popular I don’t get offended when asked anymore. Just ask the lady you’re trying to hire if she was born a male I guess haha

CuriousGeorge115224 reads

Frankly I was concerned I might be wrong and it would seem offensive, in which case the session might be ruined.

There was a young lady who had killer pictures on of the LA adsite, LAExoitc or LA Ladies...who remembers, She had no reviews. She had a killer rack and I had to meet this person. Made the call, went out and when I saw her something didn't jive.
She had broad shoulders, man hands, her hips looked unbalanced and she was tall but walked awkward. We talked and she was very nice and then I told I wasn't feeling it. She was cool, I gave her the dinero, all of it and I thanked her and said I was sorry.
Fast forward and a month or two. As a few of her reviews started to circulate, most of her reviews hinted and some said that she was indeed a post-op
My  senses told me something wasn't kosher with her.

injectable lube that goes in as a gel and then their body heat breaks in down in several minutes into the consistency of natural skene's gland secretions, so we reviewers can claim how wet we got them when we licked their pussy.  Sorry to burst the bubble of the guys here that didn't know this already.  My point is that I can't imagine that post-op TS providers haven't discovered this same device in order to simulate a real, rather than a man-made, pussy.  It comes in a plastic syringe they are hardly ever used within view of customers, at least not with GG providers.  It is usually inserted when they excuse themselves to the bathroom before the action starts or just before they open the door to let the customer in to the incall. In about five minutes they get very wet, and you are hard-pressed to tell it from the real thing (in the vernacular of P4P, pussy juice).

CuriousGeorge115218 reads

I suspected something like that. Thanks for the confirmation.

Thousands of these trans in the Philippines , Bangladesh, Thailand, etc so no surprise that they are here too. Guess it won't  hurt to ask before you sign up.As I always say,  "know what you getting " before taking the plunge.

It's very, very difficult to surgically replicate a vagina. The rest of it, meh, simple enough, you might be able to tell on an individual basis, sure, but as a generality, there's nothing outside of a vagina that is a guaranteed 'tell'. In terms of vaginas, real ones are self cleaning, and pleated, and there's a ton of musculature involved that they can't replicate surgically. But hey, if you're horny, I get that alot of men wouldn't think about it long enough to tell, a wet hole is a wet hole to some extent, but it's not 1:1 or anywhere near it. Undoubtedly it'll get your rocks off, but then, so will a fleshlight which isn't anywhere close to the real thing, so, perhaps that's a bad benchmark eh.

I will say in my experience, the easiest tell is that they don't act like women. That's a subjective thing I realize, but, women have a way about them that the male mind cannot replicate, and that's a physical limitation that cannot be overcome with pharmaceuticals/surgery/therapy/etc. To realize that, you'd actually have to appreciate women in a real way, and, I suspect most mongers don't really.

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