TER General Board

Re: Sex work
WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 1154 reads
1 / 30

Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers was first recognized in 2003 as a memorial and vigil for the victims of the Green River Killer in Seattle Washington. Since 2003, Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers has empowered people from cities around the world to come together and organize against discrimination and remember victims of violence.
 The  stigma and discrimination and criminalization that makes violence against sex workers acceptable must end. Please join with sex workers around the world and stand against criminalization and violence committed against sex work communities.
Thank you everyone for your continued support to make our community safer and to one day experience the full decriminalization of all adult consensual sex work!

RespectfulRobert 26 reads
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100ProofOfLV See Agency Profile 26 reads
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holystonethedeck 79 Reviews 23 reads
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Posted By: WIMissScarlet

Thank you everyone for your continued support to make our community safer and to one day experience the full decriminalization of all adult consensual sex work!
I'd like to see legalization rather than just decriminalization.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 26 reads
5 / 30

Thanks for your comment, but sex workers do not.  Legalization models statistically do not reduce sex trafficking any more than with sex work being completely illegal, which is the usual talking point for any opponents to sex work.  
Under decriminalization basic business principals that are not adhered to would still be illegal, so it is not a free for all, which I am assuming is the reason for your post, but feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

RespectfulRobert 25 reads
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The problem with legalization, from what I understand, is that it will bring with it numerous government rules, regulations and oversight. Girls would have to get licensed, get regular health check ups, have to follow anti-discrimination laws. The ones who do not get licensed would still be subject to arrest and/or fines and thus wouldn’t have the same protections to report crimes to law enforcement as decriminalization would allow.  
Seems the best path is to decrim it and leave the government out, but allow any SW to report any crime against her without the fear of reprisal from the government. Of course trafficking would still be illegal, whetter it be forced sexual acts or a person being underaged.  
I am certainly no expert on this issue and would be open to learning more. I am sure there are down sides and positives to whichever path is followed.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 33 reads
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This is correct. I personally would have no issues getting a license, which I did do when I worked at a legal brothel in NV. The problem is that those that cannot afford one or that want to remain UTR will be the ones that will be targeted.  
We see this often with the Asian massage parlors. LE of course says they are monitoring and arresting people because of "sex trafficking" (very often BS, we know!) but actually they are just an easy target because most are unlicensed and some if not all of the workers are illegal immigrants.  
Decriminalization of sex work is also supported by the majority of human rights organizations around the world as the most beneficial to sex workers and their clients for health and safety.  
Trafficking, underage, forced pimping, assault, and rape would all still remain illegal.  
There are no federal laws that make sex work illegal, so any decriminalization would happen at the state level.  
If anyone has any questions I will do my best to answer them and also look up info I do not know. Thank you!!!

divadiamond See my TER Reviews 22 reads
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The unseen crimes towards sex workers is ignored.  Humanity thinks we're criminals, what we do is care about clients that have basic needs.  Sex workers can be a place of service.  Many sex workers are good people not losers.  The bigots and hypocrisy of politicians is off the wall.  They don't care what we go through (in the name of human-trafficking laws). Yeah, we know how good that makes law makers look.  It's a community where offensive humans take their hate towards women.  We live in a society that allows female sex abuse by politician laws.

Yesterday on "X", I followed every sex workers account.  Sex workers have no rights.

holystonethedeck 79 Reviews 24 reads
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Not sure I get it. I am a native NYer  and compare this to what happened with marijuana from a legal perspective. Decrim just means it's not a crime - but still illegal. Not all criminal offenses are crimes. It would be reduced to what is called a "petty offense" which is not a crime (felony or misdemeanor) but still punishable by up to 15 days in jail and/or a fine.

Of course, all states are different and I realize that.

-- Modified on 12/18/2023 9:17:19 PM

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 26 reads
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OK, I see where you are coming from with your comment. Decriminalization would remove the laws that make something illegal, legalization would be laws added to make something legal with actions required, i.e. permit, registration, etc.  
When something is decriminalized it also expunges records, so that is why are amazing gov. did not decriminalize cannabis as that would have meant a chunk of our prison population would be released and that would not bode well with our money making justice system.  
And no, there does not need to be a law on the books somewhere to make something "legal", it is actually the default. I live out in the country and have chickens in my backyard. My town does not require a permit to have any livestock, so I am not breaking any laws by having chickens because there is no law that exists, so by default it is "legal" for me to own them.  
And yes, every state is different, just like cities and counties can also enact local ordnances as well. Any way we look at it though we can all agree the current illegality of sex work helps no one.

holystonethedeck 79 Reviews 27 reads
12 / 30

Posted By: WIMissScarlet
Re: Sex work
OK, I see where you are coming from with your comment. Decriminalization would remove the laws that make something illegal, legalization would be laws added to make something legal with actions required, i.e. permit, registration, etc.  
Actually, in my NY example decriminalization would change the classification of the offense from a misdemeanor or felony to a violation. Legalization would simply remove (repeal) the statutes involved. In recent years, NY repealed the " loitering for the purpose of engaging in a prostitution" section of the Penal Law (§ 240.37) so no arrest can be made for that action.

Permits, rules, regulations, etc. of the business would have to be done via new legislation not related to criminal or criminal procedure statutes. In NY it would most likely fall under the General Business Law.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 32 reads
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legalization if what I spend on providers becomes a legitimate tax deduction by the IRS.  Lol  

Otherwise, decriminalization for all concerned is the best route.  Neither sex workers nor their customers should fear taking part in the business.  

beechnut 1 Reviews 23 reads
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Is that because, as one provider I knew who has since retired from the biz put it, that legalization would mean that they would have to then pay taxes on it?

beechnut 1 Reviews 23 reads
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But, will they wake up to this the way they did nearly a century ago during the illegality of liquor?

beechnut 1 Reviews 29 reads
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And on the client side of the ledger we can report scammers without fear of reprisal. So it should be win-win.

beechnut 1 Reviews 27 reads
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Could it also filter down to the state level, such as when Atlantic City first legalized casino gambling. Did not legalize in all of New Jersey.

beechnut 1 Reviews 34 reads
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Have said many times that this activity’s prohibition hasn’t been any more effective than it was with liquor a century ago.

impposter 49 Reviews 36 reads
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"this activity" = The World's Oldest Profession

Posted By: beechnut
Re: I would only agree with . . . .
Have said many times that this activity’s prohibition hasn’t been any more effective than it was with liquor a century ago.

holystonethedeck 79 Reviews 21 reads
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I can't make any blanket statements here, but I do know that many ladies DO pay taxes on their earnings.

impposter 49 Reviews 39 reads
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The TAX subject comes up every once in a while, so I suggest that Providers check out posts on filing taxes NOW rather than lose your savings later. The Feds require the reporting of transactions of $10,000 and above. Many financial institutions voluntarily report transactions of $5,000 and above. (The reporting cutoff is now or will be lowered to $600.) A "spender" had better be able to account for the source of that money or answer to the IRS.  
If you want to make a major purchase (car, house, ...), you had better be able to prove to the financial institutions that your money was not stolen and is not being laundered for someone else. A reasonable history of tax filings provides that proof.  
If the IRS swoops in to collect back taxes, they can pretty much estimate your previous non-reported income to be anything they want and back-tax you on whatever they want.
A couple of old threads, but search for more (or ask for help / advice) in a new thread:
http://www.theeroticreview.com/discussion-boards/ter-general-board-12/providers-should-set-up-a-business-entity-for-tax-purposes-989974 (scroll to the top post and read the whole thread)
http://www.theeroticreview.com/discussion-boards/ter-general-board-12/re-feds-can-make-up-an-income-999282 (read whole thread)
Remember: The Feds didn't get Al Capone for murder, theft, or bootlegging. They got him on tax evasion. It will be easier for LE to put you in jail for tax evasion (and take your money!) than for SW.

Posted By: holystonethedeck
Re: Sex work
I can't make any blanket statements here, but I do know that many ladies DO pay taxes on their earnings.
Beware: Failing To Pay The IRS Could Land You In Jail

holystonethedeck 79 Reviews 22 reads
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In addition, paying taxes/showing yearly income earns you social security credits which come in handy for "retirement".

Whatever the profession, many younger people don't think of retirement planning as a priority. While I am set for life with everything financial, I could have put more retirement savings away and saved more on taxes...

impposter 49 Reviews 29 reads
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Good point! I know someone who did a HUGE amount of volunteer work, as in 40+ hours per week of volunteer office work, bookkeeping, fund raising work, etc. but had zero pay hence no payroll deductions or payments into the Social Security system. Today, they are screwed.  

Posted By: holystonethedeck
Re: Sex work
In addition, paying taxes/showing yearly income earns you social security credits which come in handy for "retirement".  
 Whatever the profession, many younger people don't think of retirement planning as a priority. While I am set for life with everything financial, I could have put more retirement savings away and saved more on taxes...

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 20 reads
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First of all, any person who hits a person in my family (That's a sex worker) has a death wish (Literally !!).  

georgebensen 101 Reviews 21 reads
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I hope it is decriminalized.   I love all the lovely ladies I’ve had the chance to fuck.   Just paying for it is so much easier than cheating on my wife with a mistress.  Etc.   this is clean and I get new pussy and ass every week if I want.  My wife is happy because I am home every night.  These sluts are doing gods work.   And my use of sluts is my term of endearment.  I love you gals.  I’m an awful person I know.   But I love you gals.  

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 19 reads
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I very much enjoy my clients as well and I also respect them, so that is why I refer to them as clients, and not tricks, johns, or punters. Slut is not a term of endearment, it is derogatory and defamatory. And yes, you are an awful person. Show your love for providers by being an honest, trustworthy, and decent human, not the messy train wreck you are portraying by your posts.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 13 reads
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I can get behind that.  Enough of calling me a marriage cheater, a betrayer, or an adulterer,  Those are hateful, derogatory and defamatory.  I prefer to be called an anti-discriminatory horizontal gymnast.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 28 reads
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I have seen people call you many things on this board, but I have yet to see anyone call you a marriage cheater, a betrayer, or an adulterer. They are hateful, derogatory, defamatory, and most of all, unnecessary. I am also quite confident that if anyone did call you these names they would then not turn around and try to tell you they are terms of endearment.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 13 reads
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I was thinking ex-wives and their relatives.  :-)

georgebensen 101 Reviews 17 reads
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Yes only you know what is right and you decide what others are allowed to think and how to behave.  Basically you think you are better than everyone.  The sluts can call me anything they want as long  as they swallow my cum.  

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