TER General Board

Re: same here. She said she
nothrofboston 24 Reviews 516 reads

exactly ... it's the reviews ... and I've seen several gals, live and only in print, that have gotten 10s that either were 8s or someone I would not put at the top of my "to do" list .  

I have my preferences and I've found the PERFECT woman for each ocassion... for example, my current GTG doesn't do anal and I could care less. Another favorite enjoys anal, but I don't need to go there on every date. And with a new friend, I'm gonna tap that ass every time I see her.  

I enter every date with no expectations except a hotttt time.

-- Modified on 2/1/2017 2:41:02 PM


would you see a woman with all 10/10 reviews over a woman with a couple non 10/10 reviews?  

I always wondered, given my own experiences with seeing boyfriends and duo partners; many were great experiences and a couple were hilarious disasters. haha  

I don't like my inner kink demon on public display so I don't encourage reviews but am I doing myself a disservice by not driving the narrative in regards to getting new reviews?

Because I'm not generally looking for the activities that get you there, besides kissing and BJs. That's for the new system, anyway. The old system, I didn't trust 10s as far as I could throw a truck.  

I've read a lot of reviews, and I wouldn't say the numbers are meaningless. But I go mostly by the body of the reviews, and I generally disregard the outliers.

GaGambler660 reads

and the more of them she has without a single  7,8 or nine thrown into the mix, the more suspicious it looks to me. It makes me believe there was either coercion, manipulation, or both going on as no woman can be all things to all men.

BTW, your lack of whining about your recent 8-2 review makes me less likely to pay much attention to it than if you had come on here to whine about that one bad review. I think most of us will just chalk it up to an outlier. I know you didn't even mention it and kudos to you for not making this a whinefest.

but it doesn't mean it wasn't most guys singularly best experience,  
a OIAM perhaps. Everyone hasn't had your experience where the vast number of ladies you've claimed to have bedded is concerned.  

We believe you ... LOL. Hey, you might be a great writer with lots of friends that share their experiences with you and you just "speak" for them. I mean, if you wanna be skeptical, tge same can me said for me too. I'm sure I've been with at least 10 gals ... hmmmm  

I get your point and I think you get mine. I'm reserved about every gal until I make up my own mind. I'm not influenced by scores, only guided. Maybe intrigued is the better word.

GaGambler384 reads

If "most" of her reviews are 10-10 glowing reviews with a  few 9-10s, 10-9s or even an 8-8 or two tossed in, that means "most" guys found her the greatest and THAT is a good thing

What I am talking about is when a woman has page after page of NOTHING BUT 10-10 reviews, To me that is suspicious and makes me believe the guys who thought she was  9-9 were somehow discouraged, black mailed or otherwise manipulated into either not writing a review at all, or giving a score they really didn't believe in.

I won't refuse to book with a woman with all tens, if I find her attractive personally of course, but I will have a healthy dose of skepticism looking at 50 10-10 reviews in a row.

as a 10/10. And I could care less about about scores. I've seen guys rate amazing providers a 6 or 7 and write a review like the gal is an 8 or a 9. I've only seen one Vegas girl get fifty+ 10s here and she may have earned them. I understand everyone's point, but I feel it's moot where my decision making is concerned. That's how I look at scores

One thing I can attest is that FOR ME and my budgetary restrictions are in play here, I doubt I'll ever be seeing a $7,8 or $1000/hr hooker.  
I never say never, but I've been with gals for a fraction of that whom I'd stack against a lot of them. I don't believe I'd even NEED* to fuck them to prove a point. I've been with enough 10s to be pretty sure I have a good sense of the limits, or HEIGHTS (for the wordsmiths) of pleasure.  

I'm all for a free market economy ... charge what you can get ... I would too if I could.  

footnote * but I would at my price point. I'm not stupid  lol

GaGambler473 reads

To me, THAT smells like review manipulation.

As a rule I don't see HDH's either for the same reason I don't buy $1,000 bottle wine. I just doubt I am going to notice even the slightest difference between a $500 hooker and one who charges twice as much, any more than I can really tell the difference between a $500 or a $1,000 bottle of wine, and yes I have had several bottles of wine costing upwards of a $1,000 bottle, but they were "free" or more accurately, "I never got a bill" for them as the casinos are more than happy to spring for a few grand to keep you happy while you are playing more per hand than the wine costs. lol

I guess the same could be said about me ever seeing (and paying) a thousand dollar an hour hooker. I will never say never as I "might" throw an exceedingly hot babe a thousand dollar chip for an hour long romp if I were in the middle of either a very good winning streak or a very bad losing streak, but during normal times, times when I value my money. I agree that I too am VERY unlikely to be booking any $700 hr girls or higher. It would have to been a spontaneous thing, not something I planned in advance.

Keep in mind that in places like Colombia these same girls getting a grand an hour, the crème de la crème of hookers, get "maybe" a hundred bucks, tops, and I have been with hundreds, if not thousands of them over the years. As you said, I too have been to the HEIGHT of pleasure where it comes to pleasure where sex is concerned and it cost me a LOT less than a grand an hour.

Lastly, to agree with you once again. I too have no objections to a woman (or man) charging as much as she wants. If she can get it, more power to her, but I just don't see the value in it as a consumer, I guess if I ever got truly "rich" I might feel differently, but right now I still work for my money and except when drunk, or gambling I expect value for my money.

If a provider has all 10/10 scores, she's most likely manipulating the system. I've been very disappointed because of that a couple of times.

Guys are too nice.  
Saw this girl 4 months ago, and she was preoccupied with not getting a bad review.

She had a bunch of 10/10, which shouldn't have been given based on TER criteria. Instead of focusing on giving her best performance, she told me she didn't want a bad review.
What the fuck? She hadn't even started blowing me yet, and she's talking about reviews.
Maybe other nice guys gave her pity points because of it.  
There were several truthful reviews which I should have given more weight to, and that's what I do now.  
Several mediocre reviews can be a deal breaker, as it tells me the provider does not give consistent high-level service.

I actually avoid 10/10s because I know I'll probably be disappointed, since 10/10 raises your expectations so high, and the donation is usually so great.
It's hard to know whether that expensive 10/10 will actually be better than others with slightly lower scores.

and I stand by them. But those providers have lower scores, too.

Never had anyone mention reviews at the outset, though. Had one lecture me at the beginning of our meet about posts on a regional forum slamming her that she thought I wrote. I didn't, and the lecture was a real boner-killer.

exactly ... it's the reviews ... and I've seen several gals, live and only in print, that have gotten 10s that either were 8s or someone I would not put at the top of my "to do" list .  

I have my preferences and I've found the PERFECT woman for each ocassion... for example, my current GTG doesn't do anal and I could care less. Another favorite enjoys anal, but I don't need to go there on every date. And with a new friend, I'm gonna tap that ass every time I see her.  

I enter every date with no expectations except a hotttt time.

-- Modified on 2/1/2017 2:41:02 PM

Senator.Blutarsky448 reads

...the scores kind of become moot after a certain threshold. I would be wary of all 10/10s as this may indicate a entitled attitude that most of us guys avoid.

...And then lastly the numbers. So the numbers themselves are least important in determining whether or not I'm gonna reach out to her for an appt.

And as others have stated, all 10's is a big red flag.

John_Laroche451 reads

I've never seen a perfect 10/10, but am always very skeptical when one emerges. I have seen at least 8 women who rated Top 10 in their respective city when I saw them. Most were positive experiences, but didn't exactly blow away the competition.

Once you're established (10-20 credible reviews), new reviews every few months are nice so mongers don't wonder if things may have changed or if you're still active. When I see a lot of reviews over a short period, I suspect some bartering going on. Excessively glowing "rebound" reviews after a bad one are also suspect, but then again, so is a 2 in a sea of 9s and 10s.  

asking customers for reviews and just allowing it to happen organically, so like GaG, I'm always suspicious when a girl has all or mostly 10/10's.  Too many 10/10's will actually put me off of seeing a girl because I will assume there's a lot of Greek going on (not really my thing although I got carried away in the moment in London last summer), and what would otherwise be an innocent little whiff during a session can turn into a shart.  Sharts are messy mood-killers for me.  Others may disagree.  

GoogleWasMyIdea510 reads

So, assuming we're talking about a provider with a reasonable number of reviews  

- I pay little attention to looks scores so long as she has current photographs and roughly meets my preferences. If  looks scores were really low (like below seven) or seemed totally out of line with the photos it would raise a red flag, but that pretty much never happens. I've also got to say... I've learned not to pay too much appearance to looks. More than once I've met a provider, been disappointed in her appearance, clicked (and did other things) with her, and then found her beautiful.  

- Ideally I'd want to see a few 10's in the service category. That tells me that an out-of-this-world experience is at least possible for some people. I'd take someone with performance scores of 9, 9, 10, 8, 9, 10 over straight 9's any day.  

-  BUT if someone has more than a few 6s or 7s  I'd be very cautious and wonder if some of the good reviews were fake or if there was something else going on (substance problem, very moody, whatever) and be cautious  


to see if we are likely compatible, have shared interests to talk about, etc. I want to feel an "attraction" that is beyond someone else's opinion about "appearance" or some formulaic number for "performance".

There is value in reviews, I believe, in making a judgement about truly poor choices for a date. They also generally steer us towards better dates as well.  

Uninterrupted 10/10's in reviews is to me highly suspect, and I will avoid meeting someone who has them. No one person is perfect for all men, so I feel like something other than honest opinion is at work in those scores. There is always a distribution when a bunch of people express their opinion.

I think optimally you want one review every three months... just enough to let everyone know your reviews are current.

Master Zen, it is obvious that you tend to look for women whom you would have more of a social and intellectual connection with.  I am thinking that you are seeking someone with whom you could easily enjoy a night at Lincoln Center or at a Broadway Play.  I am thinking when you are looking for someone you go in sometimes with the thought that the nature and scope of the relationship could be long term. I dare say that some of the women who no longer ply their trade as escorts have become good friends and from time to time you will call just to chat or to catch up with each other.  
Henceforth in this demimonde it is just not intense, carnal pleasure but the other items of interest that you could discuss and see what her response is, is what you look forward to.  I am sure that you put certain questions out there to see how they will respond and that always determines the level of compatibility and interest that you might have when you see them again.   Not that this is real life but your needs are a bit more social than carnal in this point in your life.

He just loves the build up beforehand. At least with me, it makes for a very carnal experience!


Steph xoxo

But Steph, let me ask you this question.  From time to time does Zen call or email you just to say hello?  Also does he contact you when you get in town for drinks or dinner when he can?

Posted By: MatureGFE
He just loves the build up beforehand. At least with me, it makes for a very carnal experience!  
 Steph xoxo

GaGambler356 reads

Dopey, since when the fuck is anything that MZ and Steph do any of your fucking business?

They might be too polite to tell you to fuck off, but I'm not. Dopey, fuck off and mind your own GD business.

A great cognitive connection combined with a great physical chemistry makes for the most intense carnal experience, IMO. The mental, emotional and physical are inextricable, not mutually exclusive.

My reviews are there for all to see.

If a dude is an established member and has a history of reviews with a range  of scores I tend to feel pretty comfortable that his 10 is a reliable reflection of his experience. I do not disqualify credibility if the lady has multiple 10s.
Through the years I've come to trust the board and am aprecitive of those who take the effort to submit reviews.
One thing is an absolute. Every....and I mean every encounter is subject to YMMV.  

As far as looks, if there is a picture up on your site and its accurate, you are what you are.  It is subjective.  My 10 for looks might be somebody elses 7 or vice versa.  Unless the pics are doctored, I let that recommend the looks.  The service score?  Again, subjective.  My 10 might be some other guys 9 or 8 and vice versa.  Grantes TER has made scoring a 10 tougher to do but it is what it is.  The text of the reviews is more important than the scores IMHO.  A solid 7 or 8 isnot a bad score and I might, (and have) seen providers with ose scores based on their reviews.

Have become so diluted that it isn't anything that will amuse me.  The meat and potatoes are in the actual review itself.  I tend to trust that I will have a better time with a provider with an abundance of 9s as they are more realistic.  All 10s in the performance department with no mention of Greek, CIM/COF, squirting, fisting, etc. tend to let me know that they were agreed upon either before or after said session.  For every 10 I have written there is something in the review pointing toward some or all (minus fisting) of the previously stated criteria.  

To answer your question, to each her own as to getting new reviews.  Some women don't need them because they have built a solid reputation with repeat customers/word of mouth and 1, 2, or 3 new reviews per month won't make or break them.  If you treat this a business, look at reviews as an investment.  Past a certain number there really isn't much that is going to be disclosed that will drastically change that, unless said provider started out CBJ and is now BBBJ or now offers Greek.  Another reason I'd say reviews are needed is if  the latest review is past or approaching the one year mark.  

AnonymousHo429 reads

Why would a guy score you a 2 in performance because he says you had body odor, and score you an 8 in appearance? Wouldn't personal hygiene have to do with appearance not performance?

They don't think about smell appearing before them. I read the review, and though he mentions the room had a foul odor the moment he entered it, he pinpoints the moment it out him off as when she got on top. Which is part of the main event, so it's reasonable to mark that under performance.  

I don't know if it deserved a 2, since he finished and leaving early isn't that big a deal. I've had my libido curtailed by odor before, but never that bad, so I wouldn't know.

Those reviews are crap.
Some of the reviewers would be lucky to rub elbows with a 5 so anyone showing them attention gets a 10.
And the reviews all sound the same.  
They're worthless.  

Besides, I'm not going to fault a girl for having no chemistry with some slob who rates her lower.  

What I look for is a type of body, certain look that appeals to me.
She may be somebody else's 6 and my 8.
And I don't care what he's looking for lol

The numbers are subjective, more so than the review. I'm not  intimidated by the NUMBERS in the least. But just like an 8/8 wouldn't preclude me from seeing someone, neither would a  
10/10. I make my decision to see a provider based on a combination of all of the essentials I look for in a date.

I understand why guys could be hesitant but to each his own. I  
don't see 10/10 and book without doing the same homework I  
do for any provider. If a guy is intimidated into not giving a gal a 10/10 like all/most before him I could care less. It still might be  
far and away the best experience he's ever had.  

I can also understand the ladies feelings about the scoring. GET OVER IT. I'd guarantee you stay busy based on you reputation and scores as well, with more emphasis on your look and reviews. Chill.

Guys, many are a suspicious lot. I recently met a gal with great reviews and mostly 10s. I haven't reviewed Maria yet but 10 isn't  
a high enough score. Totally off the charts... for me IMHO.  

Each woman and experience is unique for me regardless of how someone else rated their session. We all need intuition here.
I trust mine.

-- Modified on 2/1/2017 7:49:44 AM

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