TER General Board

TER Customer No Serviceangry_smile
kingcole8178 14 Reviews 1856 reads

Are others having problems with TER customer Service?  I Requested access to Reviews Discussion board. Their response was simply, "Denied."  No explanation, nothing despite meeting the requirements. I've messaged them several times since and haven't gotten a response. My subscription is coming due. I'm thinking of not renewing.

I don’t know what the criteria are for that. I was in it years ago under another membership. I don’t think I ever knew what the requirements were, per se. I got in the first time I asked. Don’t remember how many reviews I had at that point.  

Seems like maybe they don’t want the criteria to be common knowledge? Maybe. I will say if you’re buying vip I’m not super surprised you didn’t get in.  

Also, that’s not “no service”. They gave you an answer, you’re denied because you don’t meet the requirements. You want to know what the requirements are which is very natural and understandable but that doesn’t mean you got no service.  

No service would be if they closed out your feedback with no response given. Which happens sometimes.  

I understand you’re frustrated and I don’t blame you. If you believe you can go on loving and leaving without the real details of sessions or PM’s or the alias you’re using right now then don’t renew.  

And no I’m not being sarcastic. Everyone has to decide for themselves how much Intel they need before pulling the trigger. If the general details section is enough then so be it. Play the game your way. My very first two providers ever I picked out that way, so it can be done. I reviewed them got vip and I personally never looked back but that’s me.  

This place is very flawed and the owners are opportunists who don’t take awesome care of us, I won’t argue against that. But I will say of all reasons to drop out of here that’s a bad one. When I was in the RO board I never saw anything that shook the earth or shifted a paradigm or anything like that. That’s just one guy speaking from his own experiences. Keep writing reviews and you’ll get in at some point.

RespectfulRobert24 reads

"If you have written at least 10 or more approved reviews and would like to be part of this board, please contact us with your TER username. Please put "Reviewers only board access" in the subject line."
I'm wondering if they closed it off to anyone not currently authorized for some reason or if the OP doenst have the 10 reviews required. They do say that it is a privilege and not a right, so...

I have more than 10 approved reviews and I followed the instructions .

Or are you someone other than the OP and implying that you were also not approved?

Dmbs126 reads

If he is posting with both on this thread should not only not get on the reviewers board but getting his hands slapped

...to me a few times.  He should report it to TER ASAP.

Yes I’m aware of that, thank you Robert. I didn’t explain myself well but I was thinking about any unwritten criteria that they don’t share with us. The kind of stuff Ranger referred to or whatever else admin wishes to consider. They might look at how long it took to get to ten or how long since your last one. Again, if OP is buying vip…?

I have written in about other issues. Things for which there are written guidelines, asking for clarification when I see said guidelines being ignored. “Everything is on a case by case basis.”  

I actually very much appreciated that response because it let me know that we actually have no rules here. Believing that there are rules being ignored is more difficult for me than just being aware that I’m in a lawless frontier controlled by the whim of whichever random mod saw it first. It brings a certain understanding, in a way. And will save me time in the future.

Probably also worth keeping in mind that the current owners of the platform are either the second or third owners (3rd I think but not 100% sure on that) but I don't think I've ever seen any type of updates or change announcements made regarding policy.

I would seriously doubt anyone would buy this type of platform because they wanted to improve the customer service or pay much attention to policies that were established by some other management. So they might be paying as much attention to the written policy as so many of the members demonstrate ;-)

I think you're take that assuming some well enforced and understood policy/rules exists is a questionable stance makes a lot of sense to me. Mostly just go with using a fair amount of common sense, pass things through a lens of effort minimization in administration and the place makes the most sense rules-wise.

Steve_Trevor25 reads

I can find is writing at least 10 or more approved reviews.

If the OP doesn’t meet that criterion, I can understand—but don’t agree with—a terse response. I think an explanation should have been provided.  

Edit: Robert posted while I was typing my response.

-- Modified on 5/19/2024 4:33:05 PM

Have been on for years and  like you can not find any other requirement . That being said vaguely remember something that because it is not a moderated board they look at postings both posted and rejected so see if general rules are followed.
Through the years actually heard more complaints from providers not being allowed on their board.

I expect there are similarities between the decision making process for board access between providers and reviewers boards. I recall needing reviews plus board participation plus a certain undefined amount of time established as a provider before being considered for access. Even then I’m not sure what exactly tipped the scales in my favor finally.

The only stated criteria is 10 or more reviews, which I have. I call it no service, because any business that doesn't provide an answer to the customer's satisfaction is incomplete or no answer.  Plus I have sent several follow up emails with no reply.  I  consider this no service. I know in the company I own, a one word answer would never be tolerated. I guess I just have high standards.

I don't rely on reviews much any more since there are so many fake reviews. I have  met enough ladies that I rely on their feedback. They know me and can match me up pretty well. I don't need TER for this service. In fact, I find I use TER less and less, so no loss when I let my subscription expire.

I hear and read plenty of criticism of TER. so "flawed," I think is an understatement.

RespectfulRobert35 reads

You think TER is "flawed", many reviews are "fake" and you don't need TER anymore bc you have providers to match you up with other ladies and yet you so desperately want to get on the RO board???? How does that make any sense at all?

How would anyone know if they can't see the board???

A few years ago I was also denied despite having 100 reviews.  I was told I didn't participate on the Discussion Boards enough to qualify.  I finally got in a year or so ago.

And I agree with Lt. Frank Drebin:  "When I was in the RO board I never saw anything that shook the earth or shifted a paradigm or anything like that. That’s just one guy speaking from his own experiences. Keep writing reviews and you’ll get in at some point."

I agree, I rarely find anything intellectually stimulating in any of the boards - there's so much negativity, cat fighting and off-subject comments that I pretty much stay away. However, I was interested in this one board that I wanted to check out.  

The only thing I will regret in leaving TER is writing reviews. I do like to promote ladies that meet my standards. I'll do anything to help them out. I get lots of PM's about women I've seen and I've hooked up many hobbyist with various providers. I love when a provider contacts me, thanks me, and tells me what a good experience she had with someone I referred to her.

I recall that you become eligible for consideration after 10 reviews, but that isn't a guarantee of acceptance.  I've been similarly eligible but never requested joining because someone once said nothing really interesting goes on there.  
I did uncover a document of their meetings, in the link below.

I got the same response. I have way over the required reviews. I probably didn’t get in because I call CDL out on his arrogance.

just the minimum number of reviews required.  They also want you to be a contributing member of the other boards for a few months so they can assess your demeanor when posting and that you follow the posting rules.   Obviously, since the RO board is unmoderated, they don't want disruptors there.  Post on this board for a few months so they can moderate you here and see that you have read and will follow the "general posting guidelines" that are published for all posters.  They don't know anything about how you are going to interact with others here and following a few months of posts here will give them an idea of your posting style and interaction others.  

It's the same with the PO board.  Providers should have a posting history on the moderated boards before they ask for permission to join the unmoderated, restricted board.  

I tried to get access but got a denial message saying I needed to be active on the discussion boards. I don't know what the threshold is for activity though. I assume they just want to see what type of posts you make, whether they are helpful or trolling.

once a day over the course of three or four months, then submit a new request.  The GD board is best place to get recognition as a member of the community by Admin.  Regional boards do not have as many regular viewers.  You have 23 posts spread over a year.  That's not nearly enough to show TER that you understand and follow the posting guidelines as far as the content you provide.  If you most more than that each day, then the time to qualify could be shortened. You have enough reviews, but the access to the unmoderated board is a judgment call by TER based on their assessment of your posts on the public boards.  The time to qualify can vary.  

Thanks for that. That’s a piece of info that would be useful.  
I actually prefer the regional board over the general board, but I’m not a fan of either. People don’t tend to ask the question posed and get off subject quickly plus there is so much negativity.

FlaNoName28 reads

What does "If you most more than that each day" mean???  Now look who is lame AF.

If you are going to pick on the typos, spelling or grammar of other people, you open yourself up to looking very lame AF if you don't follow you own advice.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Try posting at least . . .  
once a day over the course of three or four months, then submit a new request.  The GD board is best place to get recognition as a member of the community by Admin.  Regional boards do not have as many regular viewers.  You have 23 posts spread over a year.  That's not nearly enough to show TER that you understand and follow the posting guidelines as far as the content you provide.  If you most more than that each day, then the time to qualify could be shortened. You have enough reviews, but the access to the unmoderated board is a judgment call by TER based on their assessment of your posts on the public boards.  The time to qualify can vary.  

by autocorrect as the same as bad grammar.  How can you honestly say that not knowing the difference between using "your" and "you're" is the same as autocorrect changing a word, which I agree I failed to proofread before submission? (The answer is that you can't, but then again, you are not known for honesty.)   Spelling typos are often a product of the software we use, while bad grammar is usually from stupidity or lack of education.  Not knowing the difference between grammar and spelling errors is a special kind of stupid.  Congrats to you!

Are you officially stalking me now?  Your last six posts on this board were negative comments to me.  You even posted about me on the Atlanta regional board, a board I have not visited.  The obsession with CDL runs deep with this loser.  How about letting us see the reviews you claim to have?  Lol

FlaNoName26 reads

Who made you the grammar and spelling police of TER?  And why are you so selective as to who you target with their mistakes?  Why "stalk" and harass so few and not everyone?  And by the way, my previous post should have included your not proofreading as you have chided others for as well.  

YOU are the one not known for his honesty as you come to conclusions and label so many people based on a brief post and not knowing anything about them.  

So what when someone continues to use "your" instead of "you're?"  You made your point now move on.  You don't need to point it out every single time and berate the individual.  Instead, why don't you contribute to the OP's thread instead of changing the subject so frequently that isn't relevant?  You made some nice responses to threads this week that were informative and on point.  Use your experience for good instead of being a harasser and frequently so negative.  

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Don't confuse changes in words . . . .
by autocorrect as the same as bad grammar.  How can you honestly say that not knowing the difference between using "your" and "you're" is the same as autocorrect changing a word, which I agree I failed to proofread before submission? (The answer is that you can't, but then again, you are not known for honesty.)   Spelling typos are often a product of the software we use, while bad grammar is usually from stupidity or lack of education.  Not knowing the difference between grammar and spelling errors is a special kind of stupid.  Congrats to you!  
 Are you officially stalking me now?  Your last six posts on this board were negative comments to me.  You even posted about me on the Atlanta regional board, a board I have not visited.  The obsession with CDL runs deep with this loser.  How about letting us see the reviews you claim to have?  Lol

I have EVER written that "chides" somebody for not proofreading?  You lose cred when you just make things up like this.  Pointing it out is a teaching tool.  It's called "spaced repetition."  You probably learned your multiplication tables and maybe even a foreign language this way.  If I am repetitive, she should eventually get it and mimic what I am teaching her.  It will improve her literacy.  Others may also improve themselves just by reading my posts to her.  Sloppiness when it comes to grammar is the first step in the degradation of communication skills.  

Did you know you can write reviews under an alias to improve your cred here and look like a real hobbyist and not just a lurker?  Do a review search of RespectfulRobert and you will see it's possible.  This would go a long way to get others to engage with you.  

At least you got some feedback. I dot one word, "denied."

I can only guess how they process new members, but here's my take.
To get in, they might look at your total body of contributions to the community. Are you reviews well versed, and not tied to one factor. Price, race ,location probably play into their evaluation among just how you present a review.
Also,contributions to the boards, General, your region, sports or any other post where they can gauge you. Also are you engaging in a positive or informative way. In other words...are your post helpful.
I was "allowed" participation a few years ago. It was interesting but I found that the board wasn't overly helpful. Now how I got kicked out??? There was a post that really was't true, I corrected the post and the next thing I knew I was persona non grata. Kicked out. adios,sayonara, au revoir...get the fuck out
But it was no biggie, haven't really gave that side of the board much thought.

So I guess the claim that the RO forum is unmoderated is true for only some definitions of unmoderated.

thin-skinned assholes there who like to report posts they don't like.  You can still submit an RAP just like you can on P & R, which is unmoderated, although the P & R guys are mostly warriors, not pussies.  Lol

four or five years ago, the RO board was mostly populated with SB mongers back then, who were a little clique-ish and there wasn't a lot of interest for me there, but it has changed over the years to include a wider range of discussions. and more about providers than SB's.  

That would leave out most of the knuckleheads here.
Now I see why I got kicked out...lol

Interesting. I never knew this board existed until today. I will try to see if I can get in. However, my question is, why is this board so secretive? And why wouldn't it have moderators?

Not a member nor have I ever tried to be but from prior comments in the public forums I think the answer is:
1) A place where reviewers can privately exchange thoughts on reviews and providers without providers seeing that information (Like the Provider Only board.),
2) Has reviewer that have been more vetted by the admins/manageent of the board so limits to more expreienced, and presumably more objective/unbiased (e.g., no shills, no easily impressed/bough off), and
3) GIven the presumed higher standard and status of the board membership some additional independence from TER admins, hence no moderation (which seems only slightly true as some have been kicked off the board from what I've heard).

Steve_Trevor23 reads

to 1) is:

1) A place where reviewers can privately exchange thoughts on reviews and providers without providers DIRECTLY seeing that information (Like the Provider Only board.)

That is… if you use the RO Board, don’t assume that a provider you post about won’t hear about it somehow. 😕

I generally agree with you. But the problem I had with it was it leaked like a sieve, so what you wrote wasn't really confidential. Especially if you made a negative comment about a provider intended to help someone who was considering booking her. Far too often she'd hear about that, which led to trouble.
My membership there ended when I took a hiatus and I didn't try to get entry again when I returned.

I had heard that too but figured I would not bash the place/people since I'm an outsider.  

I suppose the RO board can be filed under one of those Wile E Coyote type plans.

To be honest......I would only pay attention to parts of this business that I really need to. Like where I (The Provider) place my AD and General Conversation.

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