TER General Board

Re: Pokes 59 min, cums at 60
goneofp 1 Reviews 128 reads

This guy says what I think.

I'd like to talk to someone about the experience first. She was my first provider and there were some good things, some bad things, but over all I left feeling...bleh... Before I leave a review I want someone to double check my perspective.

The first half was OK... not mind blowing, but it was OK. The second half, eh, there was a bit of miscommunication, but we talked about that and got back on course. I don't want to say too much on the boards, because I feel like that might be publicly insulting to her, I don't know if she participates on the boards and my TER handle is linked to my P411 account, so she'll know it was me and she's a sweet girl so there is a possibility that I might repeat, so I don't want to ruin that.

But I am wondering if I had unrealistic expectations... Or maybe the first time with any particular provider is "not optimal" because you're just getting to know each other. Not sure really, but I would really appreciate it if I could PM someone about it. Not sure I can even do that with a basic membership.

Anyway, thanks in advance guys and gals.

Were her pics accurate & did she provide services she advertises? Did you request maybe something not on menu? ..or did you ask a lot of question and scare her to death..lol. That can happen with newbies.  
Sometimes GFE gets confused with "porn star" actives.   CIM/Greek/ Snowballing ect are usually consider to be porn star.
A newbie once asked me to lick his ass hole..Oh hell NO! Not for love or money I said. I've had other others request greek or snowballing, which I don't do.  

Just like in the civie world, every lady is different. And should go without say, but hygiene is always extremely important.    

Not sure if this is too much info or violates the boards rules, remove it if it is. I don't intend for this to be an actual review, but it does kinda read like one doesn't it?

Anyway... here goes.

She's a bit older than in her pics, but it IS her and she's a pretty girl. I think she provides as advertised. She was pretty clear about what she doesn't do and her list was the same as my list, so no problems there.

I didn't ask a lot of questions, but there were scheduling issues on my end and I could understand if she thought I was flaking on her. That could ruin the mood.

There was a bit of miscommunication about going for round 2. I thought she wanted a second round, she thought I wanted a second round, but truthfully neither wanted a second round. Not because the first round was bad, it was good, but both of us would have been cool to just cuddle and hang out at the end. But there was a miscommunication so when round 2 got underweigh, it was pretty clear that nobody was into it.

She had a rule about touching her hair, which I kind of get given her explanation, but it left me in this weird situation where I wasn't sure what else to do with my hands. Obviously, I did "other things" with my hands, but running my finger through her hair was just sort of automatic and it was a pain in the ass psychologically to keep reminding myself to not do that. Hard to stay "focused" and in the moment when I have to keep restraining myself. I never really got to "let loose and relax." I ran into other restraints too.

The experience felt business like. I could tell she was trying to make it NOT feel that way, she really made a good effort, but toward the end I found it hard to suspend my disbelief.

In the beginning we really clicked and it was pretty cool. First round was good.

GaGambler212 reads

If so, that would explain everything as you NEVER fuck with a black woman's hair. EVERYONE knows that. lol

I think the OP had unrealistic expectations. And I do get the hair thing. Just things the OP as a newbie needs to understand is that it's very common for people to have certain rules. And it's not uncommon that the first time might be not as a organic with some people. OP should probably hobby a bit more before he starts getting the gist of what hobbying is  about before writing reviews.

Ok that's fair. That was the whole point of starting this thread was to get alternate perspectives.

I don't get the hair thing. Explain it to me.

Specifically for me...

1. My hair is very thick, curly, and wavy. You'll make me look like a frizz ball if you play in it too much

2. I do not want bodily fluids in my hair.  

That being said, I overall am fine with my hair being touched.

Nope. White as the driven snow... in Florida no less. O.O

My ATF is ebony, and she LOVED it when I pulled her hair.

I think it just depends on the woman and whether or not she has extensions or any type of hair enhancements. I have thick curly natural hair and I LOVE having my hair pulled but I'd probably feel differently if I had clip-ins or something like that :D

Posted By: vantheman666
Re: Ok, I have to ask. Was the provider in question ebony?
My ATF is ebony, and she LOVED it when I pulled her hair.

GaGambler190 reads

Secondly, if you are having mixed emotions about writing a review on her and you are thinking about seeing her again, maybe it would be best, especially as this would be your very first  review, to wait until after you see her the second time.

Speaking strictly for myself though, my fist time with a woman is usually the best as I am a pig and I love variety and what better way to "get to know" a girl than to have sex with her. lol

I think it's often best for guys to wait a while after their first session before writing a review or even to see a couple of different girls for context before writing their first review as often newbies go in with unrealistic expectations of what to expect out of a paid sexual encounter.

Senator.Blutarsky160 reads

...until after I had seen another gal, before posting my first review. In fact, I would suggest waiting until you've seen several before you write a review to "calibrate" your scale.  

I also have found that the first session is usually the best one. If I had a session like the OP described, there wouldn't be another with that gal.  It usually does not get better in my experience.

Welcome to the hobby world.

It sounds like you had a pretty good time, but might have let your big head take control of the smaller head. The first time is usually nervous, exciting and not really knowing what to expect can distract you. Its totally understandable. It will get better.
I usually get a little more nervous going to an In call, vs. Having her come to my hotel. I can relax and have a drink or 2, which helps me chill.

Already some great advise here.

I would wait at least a few days to do a review.
You sound very honest and open to tell your story and ask for help. That's good.

In your review, focus on the good parts of the date and that it was your first.

Looks and performance are your opinions.
If the pics are old, you can say that without being mean or degrading.

Try a couple different well reviewed ladies and then decide if you want to see this one again.

You will not "click" with every one, but still can have a great time anyway.

Good luck and be safe!

You should write the 1st review since you paid for the services (unless provider willing to give you a refund).  The provider should give you the 2nd date for FREE because her services are below expectation.   It is no cheap, no providers will state ahead of time what are allowed and no allowed when setting up the appointment, will not show their face in their ad or email picture with their face, and all providers just want the MONEY.

8 posts and 2 reviews. We should all be taking notes.

Providers brought shoes and didn't like it. They returned it for refund and wrote bad reviews on the shoes at Amazon.   So guys should also write reviews to let other know services provided by providers are below standards.  There should not be only good reviews and no bad reviews.  This defeed the purpose of this and other erotic web sites.

...your mind, but as GaG noted I'd give it a few days to let the dust & emotions settle before penning the actual review.

VOO-doo164 reads

whether the inability to suspend disbelief was on your end or hers. If you're nervous, it can be hard to "forget" why you're there. So that might be something you're projecting upon her... again, hard to tell from your post. It's obvious that at least she didn't have a "businesslike" approach, from what you say, so I wouldn't slam her for it. Maybe you guys just didn't click, or maybe it was nerves. If you had a good time and want to, see her again... and, as other say, review her after you've had some other experiences to put this one into context (I'd definitely mention the age discrepancy and your reaction to it).  

Also, the "I forgot it was a service" benchmark is a bit troublesome. I don't think it's meant to be taken literally. Seriously, I've had guys rate me lower because they didn't "forget it was a service" after I refused to stay overnight for free, see them for free, text them all day, or date them. I guess it's hard to "forget it was a service" when you ask a girl to hang out in a non-professional capacity (for free), and she replies w/something like 'Unfortunately I'm already committed tonight, but I'd love to schedule a date with you another time! Just let me know what day(s) work for you, and how much time you desire!'

About the "miscommunication" at the end... some clients do expect us to try for round 2, even if they know they're not going to be able to finish in the time allotted. Personally, I usually express my willingness in a way that doesn't pressure the guy. Round 2 has come to be considered a standard... we, as providers, feel like we should at least show willingness to go for round 2. She was likely just trying not to disappoint you. Now you know for the future... ask to cuddle, for a back rub, or just tell her flat-out that you're a one-pop guy. That takes away her sense of obligation.

That's fair. As a general rule, I do think WAY too much and I probably stood in my own way as far as "suspending disbelief" goes. However, mentioning you have a party to get too, doesn't help. I didn't need to know that. I know it's not a "work related" party, but knowing that you've got to get ready and jet AS SOON as we're done makes me feel a little "inconvenient." And in fact she was getting ready for the next event in her calendar before I even left.

I mean, she wasn't watching the clock or anything, in fact I think we went 15 minutes over and she certainly made a great effort to put me at ease with small talk, an effort that was very well received. But the transition from small talk about being from the same nonFlorida state and getting our clothes off had the feel of "so we doin' this or what? Here are the rules..." She literally said, "I have 3 rules." Instantly reminded that this is business.

As far as round 2 goes... I am in fact a multi round kinda guy. I once had sex for a solid 5 hours (short breaks) with a girl I was dating, but she had a similar appetite and the relationship was serious so it was sans condom and very playful. And it was AMAZING. Ya know the phrase "I'll try anything once?" That was us.

Handcuffs, blindfolds, sensitivity INCREASING lubricants, this weird fetish she had for involving ice cream, etc. If the girl is interested, I can and will go all night long. I'm 29 and I rock climb, I totally have the stamina if she has the desire.

But I didn't sense that this provider WANTED to have sex. Her lack of authentic desire was a bit of an erection killer, I'm not gonna lie. There were a few times I went soft and squishy because she wasn't responding.  

Her phone kept getting texts and although she didn't respond to any of them and she did silence the phone after the third one, it was enough to remind me that she's got things to do and that text could be the next client.

Maybe I'm making a big deal out of nothing, but when one pays money for an experience one does have certain expectations. I understand that I'm not her only client, but for an hour, lie to me and let me think that, OK?

Or am I wrong? I could be way off, this is my first time, is my experience common?

GaGambler211 reads

They also get paid for their acting skills and making you believe they really WANT to have sex with you.

If she is leaving you feeling like she was an unwilling participant, maybe you should reconsider seeing her again.

Or of course it might just be you and you may end up feeling this exact same way with every hooker you see.

My advice is as before, hold off writing the review until after you have seen a couple of other girls to compare her to. and when you do finally write the review, there is no need to omit the part about the second cup if the other girls don't make you feel the same way about it. If you honestly felt that she "wasn't into it" and it was her and not just you, then you should say so in your review, but the only way to know that is to see some other providers.

VOO-doo286 reads

(although I've forgotten once or twice, particularly when I was in a rush. Not optimal, but it happens. Guys have done it to me as well just FYI).

The hair thing... when I worked for an agency, I had $1k+ extensions, and did let guys play with my hair... a few of those extensions got pulled out by rough hands. I looked at it as a cost of doing business, but everybody has different boundaries and tolerance levels. I generally don't *like* my hair mussed or pulled too much, although I'll tolerate it. I'm curious - did she say this while laying down "rules", or during the action?

Stating rules upfront... well, everybody is different. Some women have a more matter-of-fact approach, others will be "in character" the entire time. It's not unreasonable to prefer the second approach. I've personally been with both types of providers in doubles situations. All were very popular and highly rated on TER. I guess it comes down to personal preference.

I've had men ask *ME* if I had any rules or dislikes, before the play started. Sometimes, guys don't want to inadvertently do something that's going to make the provider uncomfortable.  

Why did she say she had to be someplace to be afterward? Did she have some reason to think that you might offer to "treat" her to dinner or otherwise extend your time with her, sans pay? Some providers might mention plans for afterward if they fear or expect that the guy has the express intention of overstaying his time, to a greater or lesser extent. Or, she may just have been making conversation.

So all of that is reasonable, although some might not mind as much as you did. Where I think you need to rein in your expectations, is where you compared sex w/a provider you just met (I'm assuming it was a shorter date, 2 hours or less) to sex with someone with whom you had a personal relationship that sounds characterized by trust, strong lust, and similar likes/dislikes.

Also, while I've had some very strenuous appointments, including some 3-4 hour marathon fuckfests, and even some fetish work... I've never had anybody put me in a condition where I was so messy I *needed* a shower in order to walk out the door and not get stared at. I'd consider that pretty extreme.

VOO-doo144 reads

"But the transition from small talk about being from the same nonFlorida state and getting our clothes off had the feel of "so we doin' this or what? Here are the rules..." "

Again, how much time did you book?  

Something you may want to do in the future (in addition to booking providers who have a more organic approach) is to book enough time where you can enjoy a drink or two together, either in the bar, or in her incall (or your location, wherever your meeting). Feels more like a real date, a more natural situation. Definitely helps with the chemistry, and the 'OK, should I rip off my clothes, or wait till she does?' type of feeling.

VOO-doo198 reads

Just don't. This *isn't* your girlfriend, or your personal life.

I've even seen it stipulated on submissives' sites that they do not want to leave the sessions with any marks on their bodies that were not there when they arrived.

This is one parameter in which you *do* need to care about the men who come after you. This is her job, not  your personal life. She has other people to see, who probably will be turned off by a visible hickey. She's a service provider. Not your property for the hour.

Ok. That's a fair point. Hadn't thought about that aspect. I'll take that on board.

Actually the hair thing was rule #3. Laid out up front, not during the action. Rule #2 was no anal (no argument from me, I'm not into it) and Rule 1 was something I don't remember because it wasn't something I'd ever even remotely thought about.

Not sure why she mentioned she had someplace to be. Maybe it was as you said, preventative measures against a client trying to over extend. That would make sense to me. Not sure it was making conversation, it seemed... out of place in the flow of conversation.

Maybe I had unrealistic expectations, but I've had some AMAZING one night stands, so I don't think it was too unrealistic to want a certain amount of playfulness and lack of restraint.

Perhaps I was being a bit over dramatic when I said a shower was "needed" to walk in public. I was making the point that good sex tends to be a bit messy and that's certainly been my experience. Usually it ends with both people collapsing into a puddle of sweat and... unmentionable fluid extracts from both bodies and the occasional item from the refrigerator.


VOO-doo178 reads

usually start with a drink, or something.  

Opening a door to a total stranger and immediately banging isn't really a natural situation. A lot of people need a slower build... even if it's just 10 minutes of get-to-know you chat that morphs into kissing and then...  

Some providers will knock you to the floor the minute you enter, but I'd say most won't. At least, not the first time you meet.  

You can always use reviews to find a provider with a more aggressive style, but it might not necessarily feel more "natural." No way to know, but to try different things w/different women.

We had a decent 15 minutes of chatting. It wasn't immediate.

To be sure, two hours would have allowed more time for a slower ramp up, I can appreciate that.

But at SOME point during our hour together, I do expect a girl I'm paying $300 to "respond." Even if she's not actually into it, maybe she's having an off day... FAKE IT. To a certain extent, that's professionalism.

I work in healthcare and I am NO STRANGER to faking empathy for some of my patients who have CLEARLY caused their own symptoms and KNEW they were doing it. I found a way, I dug deep, I took 1000mg of Suck It The Fuck Up and I found a way to care for these people, even if only for 20 minutes. Actually caring, even if I have to mind fuck myself, is the only way I can give the best that's in me and render the quality of care these patients need and have paid for.  

Somedays, I don't "feel" like it. Then a terrified patient sits in my chair and I force myself to care. Being professional means giving your best, always. Feelings don't factor in.  

Providers are rendering a professional service. At $300 an hour (and more), they're technically better paid per unit of time than some doctors. So... FAKE IT. Find a way, or charge less money. Offer a "not feeling it today" discount. I could respect that. It's honest.

At these rates, I don't think it's ridiculous of me to expect a certain "enthusiasm and attention."

VOO-doo331 reads

Then it sounds like she wasn't comfortable with the situation.  

No, you're not wrong to expect her to act into it. Yes, a certain amount of acting is necessary in this job. HOWEVER, she's not a robot, and a client can't expect her "act" through everything just because he paid a few hundred bucks.  

Yes we're service providers, and professionals... BUT, providing is NOT a normal service profession in spite of the commonalities. You don't have to fuck your clients. You're not vulnerable to them, you don't have to fear that they might hurt you (with or without realizing it), or do something that might be upsetting or traumatizing (at least, not on such a personal level as during sex. On a physical and emotional level, providing can be extremely treacherous in a way that other service professions are not).

You're not wrong to expect her to act into it... *UNLESS* she is made extremely uncomfortable by the session. Or if she is in pain.

Most of the guys who cause me pain don't realize it, and are actually doing things that they think will make me come (jackhammering my pussy with a dry finger or three, fucking for way too long or hard, or in a painful position,  hair yanking, biting or twisting nipples are a few things that come to mind). Please don't expect her to act through something like that (although, many will).  

For the most part, I'll push through.... however, there have been times when I've just had to stop "responding" if it was just too painful, or if I could not breathe in the position I was in. Or, if I felt intimidated/scared.  

She's not a robot. If she doesn't seem into it, ask for feedback. Communication is so important. As is being attuned to nonverbal cues.  

(Do you *really* want a girl to act through what you're doing if she's that uncomfortable? Wouldn't you really just rather she say something? As I said, she's not your personal property for an hour, and you can't do whatever you want to her just because you paid. She's a human being.)

In any case, if the above does not apply to your date, it's still good perspective (I hope) that will give you some empathy going forward.  

But it really sounds like it wasn't a good situation with this girl. Lack of sexual compatibility, no chemistry. Why repeat? But please don't review until you have some other experiences for context.

-- Modified on 5/29/2017 6:14:37 AM

Well... it was over all pretty "vanilla" sex. I didn't make any requests, I let her take the lead. Being the first experience I decided to just hang back and see what she'd do. I followed her lead the whole way. We weren't in any weird or painful positions. I'm generally not a very intimidating person. I don't have a large frame, my cock is fairly average. I don't have weird sexual appetites. I'm pretty direct in conversation (especially keyboard warrior forums LOL), but in action I certainly prefer to sit back and see what happens and then respond to whatever is going on.

So, those things didn't really apply in this case. It was honestly, the kind of sex you might expect from a girl you're dating whose not very adventurous and that nice "honeymoon" phase of the relationship has passed and it's become routine.

Seriously, I don't want to sound like an ass that has no empathy. Because I am sensitive to the fact that you ladies are putting yourselves "out there" and it can be dangerous and if you get a guy that's into some really WEIRD shit, things can become literally painful rather quickly. And this "business" can take an emotional toll. I'm sure clients fall in love with providers and maybe providers fall in love with clients and it gets messy emotionally. So I am not unaware of these facts and I do have empathy for those situations. However, that being, if being a provider IS what woman wants to do, then I think like in ANY customer service, there is a certain amount, within reasonable limits, of "the customer is always right."

And I think it would a real dick move to have "expectations" of a legitimate girlfriend or wife. They're not "hookers" and I dislike that word. But a provider is a "professional," and part of what's being paid for is not "mere" sex, but a sensual experience. The over all experience is what you're paying for.

Sex? I can get lackluster sex from drunk college chicks anywhere. Or for $50 from BP or streetwalkers. Or Tinder with a fake as shit profile. Hook up culture is ALIVE AND WELL.

I'm just wondering where HER playfulness and curiosity was? It was my first session, so I didn't suggest anything. But she could have. Providers, if you're having a session with a client and things seem "blah" will you take it upon yourself to "spice things up" and make the experience better? Ya know, supposing your client lacks imagination or just lets you run the show, would YOU be the playful one that suggests things to do, or would you simply blow him, missionary fuck him till he pops and then send him on his way?

I'm legitimately curious how this works. The sex was boring, but I never suggested anything out of a concern for her rules and or standards. I didn't want to offend, so I let her take the lead. Was that a mistake? Because if it is ON ME to take charge of the session and make it fun and enjoyable, for both of us, and I do care about her enjoyment, I'll do that.

I'm totally willing to do that.

VOO-doo53 reads

Whether you're paying, or not.  

She's a woman before she's an escort. Even if she's a professional, there's a component to this transaction that's mutual, emotional, unquantifiable, and unpredicatable... on both sides.  

If you make sure she has fun... you'll have fun.  

Personally, if someone lay down on the bed, and said to me w/his actions, 'Show me what you can do, beeyotch!!!!' I'd perform the requisite acrobatics... I'd do what I had to do, but it would likely lack a certain emotional tenor, and I doubt it would feel genuine (no matter how much I intended it to). Acting against one's feelings can only go so far.  

If you want the session to feel a certain way, act that way! Show  (treat) her how you want to be treated, and she'll likely reciprocate. And the chemistry factor will improve.

We're pros, but we're not robots.

You're absolutely right!

I took a lot of your advice on board and saw a different provider yesterday, went in with no expectations, or at least significantly dampened expectations. OMG, the difference!

I spent more money, I booked 2 hours instead of one. And honestly, it was everything I'd wanted. I, LITERALLY, forgot it was a service. She was playful, she was responsive, she made me dinner (!), she curled up on the couch with me while we bullshitted about her going to law school and ran through some logical fallacies. We Googled a famous porn star for pics of what lifting weights could do for girl.

Ever wonder what it would be like to a have a friend roughly your own age that "just so happened" to be a provider whose services you occasionally used? That's what this was like. Ironically, we even talked about "the business" of this hobby and she related some of her experiences. Far from reminding me that it was a service, it had more the quality of a friend chatting about her work. Went 30 minutes over bullshitting afterwards.

Can't say enough good things. The mere memory is enough to make me smile.

Thanks for your words of wisdom. Really improved my experience.

Hookers are not doctors or lawyers. $300 an hour for FS is not a lot in the hobby. You should recalibrate your customer service expectations. Unfortunately for you, clients are willing to pay that much merely for a warm place to stick themselves.  

If you expect more, you must study reviews. If $300 is too much to pay without the girl "mind fuck[ing]" herself into liking you as much as you, in your consummate professionalism, care for you patients, maybe you should stick to your incredible one-night stands.  

It's possible this provider fell well below standards for 300 GFE. But I find it more likely you don't yet know what to expect. There's a going rate for suffering men to stick their things in you with no emotional involvement, and 300 or a little less is about it in a lot of markets.

"If you expect more, you must study reviews. If $300 is too much to pay without the girl "mind fuck[ing]" herself into liking you as much as you, in your consummate professionalism, care for you patients, maybe you should stick to your incredible one-night stands. "

You know, except for this bit of unnecessary snarkiness, that was an informative post that gave me some things to think about.

It's true. I probably don't have a feel for the market value of a $300 provider.

Her name, email, number, assuming you want to know if she has a profile somewhere.  You said you don't know if she is on TER, is active or participates? How did you meet her? If you met her through P411 her profile should have a link to her reviews, or you could type her name in the search box here and see if she has some recent reviews.  Of course all of that is in hindsight since you've already seen her.  But maybe it would give you more of an idea about her should you decide to see her again.  If this is something you are going to be doing with frequency then getting VIP would be a start, especially if you want to receive PMs.  It wouldn't hurt to wait until you saw her again to get a clearer picture.

Posted By: goneofp

I'd like to talk to someone about the experience first. She was my first provider and there were some good things, some bad things, but over all I left feeling...bleh... Before I leave a review I want someone to double check my perspective.  
 The first half was OK... not mind blowing, but it was OK. The second half, eh, there was a bit of miscommunication, but we talked about that and got back on course. I don't want to say too much on the boards, because I feel like that might be publicly insulting to her, I don't know if she participates on the boards and my TER handle is linked to my P411 account, so she'll know it was me and she's a sweet girl so there is a possibility that I might repeat, so I don't want to ruin that.  
 But I am wondering if I had unrealistic expectations... Or maybe the first time with any particular provider is "not optimal" because you're just getting to know each other. Not sure really, but I would really appreciate it if I could PM someone about it. Not sure I can even do that with a basic membership.  
 Anyway, thanks in advance guys and gals.

-- Modified on 5/28/2017 4:56:45 PM

GaGambler229 reads

There  are hundreds of thousands of hookers who have reviews here and only a relative handful that post on the boards or even read them. Same with the guys. Just look at how many "users online" there are at any given time, then compare that number which is always in the tens of thousands, currently almost 85,000, to the number of reads that any one post will get.

the rest of your points are quite valid

You probably don't have enough perspective at this time to know if the bad was something you should take some responsibility for of is the providers fault.

If you are thinking of repeating wait to do a review.

My thoughts exactly. My next provider will purposely NOT be her in order to gain that perspective.

which is no one's fault.   Just move on and don't fret.  

As for the hair thing, I love to do that also, but gals are very touchy about their , so one must always ask first lest you end up pulling her wig off, which happened to me once.

...but I think here is the crux of the problem -- "...but when one pays money for an experience one does have certain expectations."

How realistic were your expectations, given that this was going to be your first review? Experience with any provider varies from person to person (thus the phrase "YMMV"), so if you did sufficient research, it should have given you some insight as to whether she might have been a good "fit" for you and your expectations.

Perhaps talk about the way you feel the session might go and see how *her* expectations line up with that. You might need to adjust those expectations but give it some more time. Perhaps you're looking for a GFE experience and she wasn't fully on board with that level of intimacy/interaction.

Research, read reviews, pay attention to her electronic presence and perhaps meet with her for a 1/2 hour M&G to assess your mutual suitability (yes, you pay for her time but if things don't line up the way you want them to, it's a small amount compared to a disappointing session).

Write your review in Word while the details are fresh but don't post to the site just yet. Give it some time and then go over it again, see how you feel about things.

deciding whether to write a review or not, wait until you encounter the unrealistic expectations of many of the providers to your numeric scores.

Just a comment here about some of the issues raides by OP.
I have long curly hair and it is closer to  a mane that I care to think,takes one hour to dry in the morning...
yes,you can touch it but be careful as no it won't be like the shampoo ad:
you fingers won't slide thru it,you'll get stuck and pulling hair is not part of my sex activities.

As for the poking every body parts I read somewhere,it is not all that are erogenous zone...full disclosure here: only use of my ears is holding glasses ,I usually remember to tell but if I forget I cannot ''fake'' enjoying a tongue there if I was paid for it,even when I am paid...I rather we share real pleasures then having to fake one because someone think he buys all my body when booking me.
So yes there are rules and it is not a dirty word...no anal,no biting and nothing with ears...there is enough body part left to have fun.

HappyChanges110 reads

I enjoy face fucking while hair pulling.  Most provider s do not like there hair touched but are ok with the face fucking.  However, the girls will usually allow the hair pulling when asked nicely.  I think in-person communication is key when asking for special requests.

...to see her again maybe talk with her before another date. AND THEN if the 2nd date still leaves you feeling 'meh' then write the review as a total of both dates.

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