TER General Board

Omigosh, embarressing moment tonightsad_smile
oldfashionedlady 5338 reads

I just had a client who was in the midst of making me cum tonight, with his delicious tongue slashing, when I made the mistake of pulling on his hair :((( I had my eyes closed, when I was pulling on it, and when I opened my eyes, I had a group of his hair in my hands!!!!!!!!!! I guess the front part of his hair was not glued on too tight, for it pulled off :(((( Well, you should have seen the look on his face when I came down from my high with his hair in my hands. He got up so quickly and ran to the bathroom to readjust it. You can tell that it was crooked when he came back to me, and I felt so bad. I had offered him a tremendous discount, but he said that it wasn't an issue, and he took his leave. I know that shit happens, but I didn't mean to pull it off. Infact I didn't even know he was wearing something fake on top of his head. Should I write to him and offer him a discount or should I not mention it at all? Yes, this did happen tonight..true story.


I don't think he was bothered by you knowing he had a hair piece... I think he was more concerned with what he would say to his wife regarding how it got torn off!

Send him an email telling him the truth, you were so caught up in the moment and that you were extremely glad to find out you hadn't pulled out by the roots in your excitement :)

And let him retain some semblance of dignity -- however distorted it may be (kinda like his toupee).  I'm sure he realizes what happened and would probably rather let the whole embarrassing incident die.  Gotta tell ya though, I haven't stopped laughing since I read your post!

...damn!, that's funny. :)

In all seriousness, you apologised and made your offer of a discount and he declined. He was clearly embarrassed when he left. I'd simply not mention the matter again unless he does. Otherwise, you might be reviving his discomfort. In this case, discretion is the better part of valour.


Arizona Angel2736 reads

I agree.., you made efforts to compensate... he declined... I would say leave it at that, but on second though let the memory die down for a few days and then E-mail him just to say hi and mention what a great time you had and how you would enjoy seeing him again in the future... if he does respond just give him a "special" even if you aren't running one currently... in order to make up for the embarrassment you both felt.

I thik you should send him an e mail telling him you had a great time and look foward to seeing him

then when he arives have fun and when donation time comes just discount it

Cogito Ergo DATY3989 reads

you can still get laid if you're bald.  

This, of course, means you don't have to make a fool of yourself wearing a bad toupe.  Furthermore, it allows you to direct all your creative energies toward making a fool of yourself in a myriad of other ways, just like guys with hair.

Stories such as yours are why I never DATY unless all removable or flamable items have been safely secured prior to commencing activities.

Remember, deep down, bald guys are just like other men... they just get laid a hell of a lot less.  Rather than embarass this guy further (especially since he thinks he isn't bald anymore), you could make ammends by offering ALL bald men a nice discount in the future.  As a group, I can assure you they've already suffered enough in life... more than you can ever know.  As a result, they're a hell of a lot more deserving of your charity than those ungrateful seniors, for example, many of whom still have hair but demand their 15% senior discount anyway (greedy bastards).

It would be a nice gesture, especially since bald men are the only group that society routinely and openly discriminates against, yet are deemed to be so hideous that they don't even have their own bleeding heart movie star spokesperson or telethon fund raiser to find a cure.  Plus, as anybody in LA knows, even cock roaches on movie sets get more consideration.  

"Remember, deep down, bald guys are just like other men... they just get laid a hell of a lot less."

Being a man of lesser hair endowment, I can assure you that bald guys DO NOT get laid less.  Remember, we are using are horomones for more important things than sprouting a crop of hair.  

I am taken care of on a regular basis by both civilian and provider alike, all beautiful, and I am in no way deprived by my lack of hair! (smile)

Thank you ladies for seeing us bald men for what we are, great lovers.


I think it must have been a damn good toupe - she didn't know it wasn't real until it came off in her hand.

Perception is interesting.

There's how you see it
How you think others see it
And finally, how others ACTUALLY DO see it

and usually, we're WRONG.

You're implying that woman are not only turned OFF by baldness, but certainly not turned ON.

Let's take a poll here, as I know I disagree. I don't think bald men are LESS attractive, and certainly have found some clean shaved-headed men VERY sexy. And I know a number of ladies who agree.

And I KNOW that most ladies would rather a man completely shave his head as bald as a baby's butt than ever see a 'comb over'. Yikes!

Arizona Angel3509 reads

I love a clean shaven head... it is very... SEXY!!! Of course I also love a few other things cleanly shaved ir trimmed down real low... Bald is not just sexy, but way more fun. Prrrrrr...

...of a time when a fellow soccer player in the over 30 leagues lost his toupee on the field on a rainy, windy day. I never saw him wear the toupee again. Kind of like the incident gave him the freedom not to have to wear it anymore.

The quick, snappy answer would have been to tell him how sexy you think he'd look without the hair.

You offered a discount already. I think he would be more comfortable if you didn't bring it up again. You were more than appologetic, bringing it up may cause more embarrasement. Let it go unless he brings it up first. besides , he should be proud of his talent..=:^P

-- Modified on 12/5/2003 5:06:36 AM

I would send him an e-mail appologizing and also complimenting him.  Tell him that his tongue work was so good you couldn't help yourself.  Most guys would love to hear how good they are and by stroking his ego, he may not care at all that the incident occurred. After the compliments, he will be thinking he rocked a providers world.

But, I wouldn't let it happen again.

I sometimes get so enthralled that I wish I could pull the lady's hair, but I'm afraid to  hurt her. I wish someone would pull mine! But if she did, it wouldn't come out (it'd be a bloody mess if it did).

Just make sure that the one you're with is into it.  And a lesson I learned the hard way, make sure you pull from the back of the head and not the side -- OUCH!

Arizona Angel1924 reads

Actually the most comfortable way is when they grab a big handfull of your hair and gather it up ponytail style no matter what direction it get pulled in... LOL

Once I met a millionaire
Ran my fingers through his hair
The whole thing turned out rather dim
None of his hair belonged to him!

Regular Gal3636 reads

I once knocked a man's false teeth out during DATY. Fortunately we were both able to pretend it didn't happen.

then put it in a box and giving it a proper burial.

nyuser3854 reads

I think what happens between 2 people is ok , but it's not ok to tell all world about such thing . Imagine that client told us that Sedona is bold and have wig.....you did n't mention name but he knows, and it gonna hurt him .

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