TER General Board

Re: One "rule of thumb" is that the best tip is scheduling another appointment. eom
sl_nms 45 reads

This. I don't tip, but I do repeat quite a bit with those I have a great time with. And if someone is good enough that I want to repeat, I've found that the 2nd and subsequent sessions are almost always even better.

Posted By: keystonekid
Re: One "rule of thumb" is that the best tip is scheduling another appointment. eom

Well I’m a pretty nice person, iv always tipped at restaurants because iv worked as a delivery person in the past and tips really do add up while your getting less than 15 an hour, but for these ladies who do charge like 4-800 an hour, do tips really matter to them? I understand the cost of the hotels and what not, but let’s say your rate is 500 an hour would a 50$ tip be disrespectful? Or would providers expect like 100$ tip?

Libertine_Proust51 reads

Typically, with indies who are hosting from their residence, I don't tip.  

For indies who host from hotel. I still don't tip, they should increase their rates to cover such expenses.  

With agency girls, who has the house shaving some off the top, and if it's an exceptional girl, usually $150.  

Point being - indies have more control over what they charge, while agency girls don't, which makes tipping them more justifiable.  

-- Modified on 2/21/2018 6:27:27 PM

-- Modified on 2/21/2018 6:28:12 PM

...in Extraordinary, and I DO MEAN Extraordinary circumstances, then yes, a 10 or 15 percent tip might make sense.      

Well shit! I like it.
The tip is...... "Don't bet on slow horses or fast women."  

Sorry....................  Not really.

imanalias40 reads

Is what many say on there websites. Tipping agent girls is nice as stated, about 50% of your rate goes to the agency.

Independent providers like tips also. And usually when you schedule to return they may treat you special in some way. If you don’t tip it should affect the service the next time you see them. They will be happy to just see you again.

Generally 10% is enough. As what you suggested 50 would be enough to make them happy. Of course the more you tip the happier they’ll be. If you’re tipping and repeating you might get a Christmas gift or on your birthday they may even buy you a cake.

Even a small thoughtful gift goes a long way but most don’t want flowers or chocolates and wine is ok if you find out first they like wine. Amazon gift cards are appreciated too.

But yes, it’s not a cheap hobby so some find it hard to be more generous than what they have to pay for the hour. Also, only tip if you feel they exceeded your expectations, just not set them too high.

When I had more money than sense I use to tip. One I saw more times than I can count and tipped every time only got better and better. And yes, I got a Christmas and birthday gift, brought them to her also. She was an independent and if she didn’t have another appointment right away she let the time run over and after the play we would sit around talking and sharing the wine I would bring.

Best of luck, tip if you want and can, or not, just enjoy the time.

TamedRage31 reads

Lmfao. 50% goes to the agency huh? Lol. Where did you get that figure from? Your ass?

Do you know? Some agencies get 40% some get 30%. I know this from relationships with providers. I have heard of agencies getting 50% but don't know of it first hand.

I worked for an agency in the late 90s. It was a 60/40 split. At the ranches, it's 50/50.

TamedRage41 reads

That's the point, it varies agency to agency, but rarely is it 50%.

imanalias34 reads

“But rarely is it 50%” you’re correct, rarely but not never heard of.  

My other post on DC was a joke, much like the one who said it looked like a Craig’s list ad, but ok you didn’t get it.

In this case, much like others have said including yourself, some agencies do take as much as 50%.

So where is your substantive contribution to the OP? It was about tipping in case you didn’t notice.  

Honestly I would rather you continue having sex with me through your posts making me your bitch and continue pointing out how stupid I am for injecting myself on a thread and providing no value to the thread.  

Honestly I get a hard on from having your attention and slapping me around. So please master not stop. I love it when you mention my ass too.

Hey Washington DC, your village is missing it's idiot. lmao

I remember this tool from a few posts he has made on the DC board, what a maroon.

imanalias33 reads

Crawled back under his rock, too bad, best posting sex I have is his.....

Otherwise, how would the agency make any money? I worked for a no name "agency" who took 100% of my income when I first jumped in. I didn't know that was going to happen, but because they were paying everything, we agreed upon 60-40 split. I got 40%. However, they took all of the money and then just left me stranded LOL. The only thing I had left were any tips ppl gave me over that two weeks.

That was a pimp. Lol. Oopsie! (Goes to show, many people jumping in don't know what's up... and they used to do that to a lot of people, advertising the role-call as "no to little experience preferred".)

The next agency I worked for was an actual agency, and they charged a certain amount per hour booked up to a certain amount of hours. But I paid for all of my travel expenses, Hotel, ads, Etc.

If they would have paid for it all, then a 50/50 split would make sense because they are using their resources to make your job work. Admin, travel planning, advertising, paying all the expenses, and growing a following is a lot of work. I generally take home 40% of what I make anyway after all of the expenses. Not including I pay my own medical and stuff. (No benefits.) Then taxes.

Otherwise why would they do the work? The agency wouldn't make anything if they paid all of the expenses. If the escort is paying all of their own expenses, and just paying for the administration and benefits from the agency's Client List, then I could see an hourly charge of some sort being reasonable.

Now with agencies, depending on what kind of an agency you're using, the escorts charge a lot less than some independents. So the agency providers are competing against the others within the agency for the agency's clients. The types of clients that the agency has attracted probably fits within a certain price range. So the escorts really don't have as much control over what they charge, at least if they want that client list's budget to be interested in them over the next hottie who charges less.  

It's nice to be independent and have that control over what you charge, and even what you pay out. (I do remember the real agency I worked for was really good at finding the best deal and location for flights and hotels, but some of the hotels weren't ideal, lol.)

When you're with an agency obviously you have to be successful for them to want to keep sending clients to you. From what I remember, I had to be on top of sending them money to put my ads up. As an indy, if I have a month where I don't want to put up an ad, I don't have to. You probably don't have to as an agency, but it is expected. A phone call, "Ok, it's time to renew your ad on xx site..." came up frequently. If you were touring multiple cities, that adds up.

I say if you're going to tip anyone, and you're worried about how much they already make anyway, I would say tip the agency girl if you're trying to choose. Based on what I've seen in the past, even when I asked some of the most successful agency girls, the actual net percentage after payout on a busy tour always shocked me.

OH. I forgot to mention, agency girls also don't always have as much control of how many clients they see either. Because the agency is the one advertising and recommending them. I hate to say this, and I don't know if it works the same way with every agency or not, but I think sometimes girls do get more clients sent to them versus other girls. I mean, the agency is obviously going to send clients to the person they know is going to pull through every time. If you get somebody who can't handle quite as much is probably not getting a lot of clients.

As an independent, you have to think about this too, the more somebody charges probably speaks to how many clients they actually want. If the indy is very on top of their marketing, been around for a while, and has a "name", maybe they are making a ton of money. Most independents, from what I hear, aren't working 8 hours per day.  

If you don't know how to navigate yourself through a flooded, competitive market, it can get pretty rough lol. I know from when I first became independent through the first couple years. I was brooooke! A provider in their first couple of years might not be doing as well as you think. You have to really learn a lot to thrive. Part of that is even knowing how to pose for a damn camera, LOL! Or what thumbnail is going to grab people's attention to get them to click. You even have to learn how to take a good selfie nowadays. It's hard! (Knowing your angles is a skill, especially if you use multiple angles. Having a signature pose. Knowing which thumbnail will draw the eyes and get them to click. Knowing what kinds of clients will like you and return to you...)

What I say, about tipping anyone, if it's going to make you feel bitter, don't do it. I was just thinking about this yesterday. Should people tip a lot or a little? Do they feel obligated? 20 bucks is 20 bucks. I'll take an extra 20 bucks. And it's still above and beyond. The main goal, however, is to get bookings because that's where the real money is.  

I will say, people who have made an impression with a tip or a gift, always show up, always treat their provider nice, they are probably going to get first dibs on availability. For me, the guys, (I only serve men...) always know about my tours before I advertise a tour, and they get to pick whatever time works best for them before new interest gets a chance.

I answered all of the questions I saw in this thread in this one post. But the last note - if you don't feel comfortable tipping, then don't tip. I notice most people tip or gift in my world, then again, I'm also not seeing a ton of people... so I don't have a huge sample to go by. And not everybody tips or gifts every time. It's a nice surprise though! The main goal is to get that booking, and for the client to return. That - again - is where the real support is at. A regular. :)

-- Modified on 2/23/2018 5:52:49 AM

but if turns out I don’t have any before a given appointment (e.g., I haven’t had time to order anything cool) then I’ll try and tip about 15-20%.

As far as what they /expect/ - that depends on the lady in question.  Though in my experience (and from reading many of the posts on this site) the main thing they seem to want is repeat business... which I’m  more than happy to give, though I can never repeat as much as I’d like.  -sigh-

sl_nms46 reads

This. I don't tip, but I do repeat quite a bit with those I have a great time with. And if someone is good enough that I want to repeat, I've found that the 2nd and subsequent sessions are almost always even better.

Posted By: keystonekid
Re: One "rule of thumb" is that the best tip is scheduling another appointment. eom

A repeat visit and a good time had by all is the best tip I can receive! Ohhh....  I'd also appreciate the great O too... yes, a great orgasm and a repeat is the best tip ever!

....... and always an O for the hostess.
And being a true gentleman listening to the lady  
so  you know when and where  to stick the tip in.

Tippecanoe33 reads

Not disagreeing per say, but in the 'real' world that doesn't make sense. You don't go to a restaurant and tell the waiter/waitress, "That was an amazing meal, delicious" and "The service was great, thanks!" with no tip at all and NO words other than, "It was so good, I'm going to make another reservation".  Then coming again next Friday and repeat. I'm sure the wait staff would be overjoyed and thankful.

Isn't this a service industry? Or is it like a mechanic/ auto shop. They do a good job, you trust them, and come back again - and they are thankful for you being a loyal client.

What is the differentiation?

sl_nms31 reads

This isn't comparable to a waitress. If I repeat at those places without a tip, only the owner benefits directly and the service person doesn't get any extra $ unless I tip (ignoring if it's so slow they wouldn't get shifts). That's why I tip waitresses - it's the only way to compensate them for good service.  

Providers, whether they're independent or agency, benefit directly from repeat visits as more $ ends up in their pocket with each visit. They're like full or partial owners of a business, not payroll employees. And when I say repeat, I'm talking like 5-10 times. I see new providers hoping that they'll be great and can go onto my roster of those I visit regularly. 2/3 of my sessions are repeats, and 1/3 are first time trying to find more I can repeat with.

Question for those who do tip - how do you handle it? Do you pull out your wallet and leave extra on the table as you leave? Do you decided your going to tip beforehand? I've always tried to discrete dropping an envelope in plain sight at the beginning, not bringing it up, and proceeding with the illusion of GFE or PSE. I've never felt comfortable talking about the $, let alone busting out my cash and peeling off a few bills.

I always carry my cash in my front pants pockets. What I do when seeing providers is to have the donation in one pocket and the rest of my cash in the other. Somewhere in the first few minutes I drop the donation on a nightstand or somewhere else obvious for her to see, usually when disrobing before taking a quick shower before the fun starts.

If I want to tip, I either drop the tip while getting dressed, the inverse of how I start the session, or I wait until my goodbye kiss at the door and either slip the money into her cleavage or simply press it into her hand with the comment about how much I enjoyed myself and how she should buy lunch/dinner on me. It's kind of hard to say "buy dinner on me when leaving only an extra 20 bucks. lol)

Comparing sex workers with waitstaff is a bad analogy. Waitstaff make low hourly wages (sometimes less than minimum wage)  and depend on tips to survive. Many providers make more in an hour than some of their clients make in a full day.

.... none of them kiss me after.  
These ladies usually do. Hence the tip! I guess.

Tippecanoe40 reads

But when your doctor does a rectal exam, do you tip him?

Posted By: micktoz
Re: My attorney, CPA and doctor all fuck me but....
.... none of them kiss me after.  
 These ladies usually do. Hence the tip! I guess.

Many providers do a lot more work than what is in person on the date. In my opinion, this is a sales marketing job that is based on 100% Commission. We pay all of our own benefits and biz exp as well.

Most of the work is in the admin and marketing. The in-person Experience, that's payday & reward for all the work done to make that sale. LOL.

-- Modified on 2/23/2018 9:48:32 PM

I've known plenty of servers who get paid a couple bucks an hour and the rest of their money is based on tips.

I don't know what restaurants pay nowadays, but their money is based on tips. Their service to the customer determines how much that tip is going to be. Huge difference

Here, there is no obligation to tip ever. But it's nice, and I will never say no to a tip lol! But again, it's not the same thing

John_Laroche32 reads

If, in your mind, getting an hour of nice BBBJ and a game of in-and-out is worth 5:

she asks for 4, tip her up to 1
she asks for 5, no tip.
she asks for 6, (and you still consider it) question your initial valuation.

I think providers EXPECT you to show up and leave on time and be respectful in-between.

I like giving gifts to good people who I enjoy, so I always tip when treated well.

It's fun with the right women.

I don't haggle the rate; I show up on time, clean and prepared to give her a great time; I bring gifts that I've gotten for her specifically because we've had enough conversation to know what she digs; I don't abuse her time; and I book repeat sessions where we've gotten along really well.

I have two faves with whom Ive booked 4-5 sessions each with, usually multi-hours. One of them gives me additional time, is highly enthusiastic and we have awesome GFE playtimes. The other is quite inventive and loves to experiment on me with toys (with my enthusiastic consent), enjoys 3somes and is my wing woman, making recommendations of other local providers with whom we can have fun.

So I give and I get, well above what a 10-15% tip might entail. It's more personal, it's more involved and it pays greater dividends in the long run.

Posted By: trex44
Re: I don't tip
I don't haggle the rate
Trex is a:
Savvy shopper:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qnplk_JTqIg
Snappy dancer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54SBHobALBQ
Cultural enthusiast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFBR2IUGJ2Q
Not so athletic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iam9_04uVo
Or maybe he is, despite his short arms: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JQLR-04RF4
("65 million years in the making!")
But Trex loves pussy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2A7ELd0LOQs

Thanks for posting my home movies!  

Yeah, Sue and I had a fling about 66 million years ago -- it was kinda traumatic to see how much she's let herself go since then.

Dancing? Oh yeah -- the hard part was finding a TRex tutu in my size.

Tennis is more difficult without the opposable thumbs you primates brag about all the time. But I did get bonus points.

And all of us here love pussy, right? ;)

I tip $20, and never for the first date, only for girls I repeat with. I don't see the point in paying extra for a girl that I may not have a good time with. No I'm not tipping 15% on hookers, the girls I meet are not poor and they should be grateful for my repeat business. If they don't like 20 bucks as a tip then they can suck my dick. : P

I'll put a gift card for one of their interests listed on their website but I'm not going to tip cash

When I do tip, I have never based it on a percentage. It just depends how I'm feeling, and how much money I have in my pocket.

Repeat business is supposed to be the best tip and I do repeat, with almost every lady I see.  

If you want to tip, give what you want. A provider should appreciate any tip. If a 500/hr lady finds a $50 tip (10%) disrespectful, is this a lady you really want to be seeing?

I have seen comments before about "small"  tips being rude or disrespectful. That should go both ways though. I have also seen a provider on p411 who has a 700/hr rate but offers a $20 discount for p411 members.

HappyChanges38 reads

I don't tip hookers and neither should you. The're looking for regulars..... Not Crumbs. Tips are not necessary in this business.

WHAT???..hey i tip the doorman who opens the door,gives me smile.calls me cab,and makes sure im happy...so i would definitely tip the provider who opens her legs,gives me smile,swallows my cum.and makes sure im happy...

I mostly see k- girls who are smoking hot and work their asses off to split $250- $260 for an hour at a 60/40 split or $150 to them before tip.  In my opinion, any decent performance from these girls deserves a $40- $50 tip, making the total $300 and $190- $200 to the girl. I recently saw a few Indies in the $300- 400 range who book themselves. Although they were both great, I did not tip, and I may or may not repeat. In general if I have a great session and make a sexual connection with the girl, I tip  $40- $50, which is 10% +/- for the price range of my sessions.      

cajunman76 reads

here or in the real world (Emily Post's Etiquette).  ANY tip is, as they say, unnecessary but appreciated.

I do tip well however and "tip" with repeat visits.

-- Modified on 2/23/2018 8:23:39 AM

If it's someone I like I'll usually give them a little more.  Last two people I saw their rate was $950 for two hours (which is actually low for me, typically two hours for me is $1200 to $1400).  I placed $1000 in the envelope.  If it's a new person I'm not sure about I'll give the exact requested amount.

...repeat visits are the best tip. Money and dick (or dick & cooch if it's a couple) at the same time. Woooo *Ric Flair voice*!

Posted By: ohLordHaveMercy

Well I’m a pretty nice person, iv always tipped at restaurants because iv worked as a delivery person in the past and tips really do add up while your getting less than 15 an hour, but for these ladies who do charge like 4-800 an hour, do tips really matter to them? I understand the cost of the hotels and what not, but let’s say your rate is 500 an hour would a 50$ tip be disrespectful? Or would providers expect like 100$ tip?

souls_harbor33 reads

I don't generally tip anyone who I think earns more per year than I. I suspect some escorts do make more than I. There are some who certainly make less.  So I am more likely to tip escorts who have lower hourly rates.

There are 500/hr girls who see 2 or 3 guys a week. There are 200/hr girls who see 8-10 guys a day.

Tips are never expected, but always appreciated.  The tips I receive are usually between $10 and $50, highest I have received was $500 (thank you!!!)  


The hotels started charging for parking. I appreciate even a $20 tip to cover parking. I had one client who made a point of tipping before the beginning of the session the first time we met in hopes to get a better session. Not a bad strategy. Honey/vinegar......

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