TER General Board

Re: One, not so small problem with Russia, is the Mob.
starquarterback 511 reads

I agree with what you said up until the end. Russia is full of hotties. You saying otherwise makes me think you have never been there. It was a common misconception during the Cold War that Russian women were fat manly pigs and that just is not the case. But I do agree with you about the corruption and the danger there. I think you are putting yourself at great risk in MANY countries when you hobby there. I was surprised to see how carefree guys are about it from the comments on here.

just returned from Russia where I had a very interesting trip.  I will tell you about it, but you may get bored by the story or disbelieve it.  If you wish, you can skip to the end where I have some information about traveling overseas that may interest you.

Six months ago I was in Saint Petersburg and asked a friend to come over and bring a friend if she could.  I ended up spending about a week and a half with two women for a very reasonable rate.  Now, I just returned from a second trip.

I had made plans to return and see Yana and Svetlana.  But the two women had a falling out, and I chose to see Yana.  I asked Yana to stay with me for the 15 days I would be in Saint Petersburg and bring a friend.  

I arrived and Yana came over the first day slightly after noon.  Her friend Christine was to come over later, but Christine’s child was sick and we were not sure if she would come.  So Yana and I spend the first six hours in bed waiting for Christine.  Christine was a no show.  Yana suggested another friend, but we ended up spending the 15 days alone.

Most of the days were spent sleeping until noon followed by noontime sex, later afternoon sex, and evening sex.  On the fifth day I asked Yana her favorite position, and she replied cowgirl.  So I lay on the bed erect expecting to be mounted, and instead she gave me an hour-long BBBJ.  We would go out for dinner and window shop and see a movie.  I had planned to attend the operas and ballets, but for the first five days they were all sold out.

We then hopped the train to Moscow, and when Yana decided she wanted to visit home, we flew to Rostov.  Sitting at dinner with her mother, sister and nephew made me wonder what these people knew or suspected.  It was weird, but it worked out OK.

Actually it gets really weird here, but you would never believe me.

That’s about how the whole 15 days went.  I had planned to attend some of the culture available in Saint Petersburg, but since most shows were sold-out, we retreated to the bedroom in the evening.  The days were spent doing minor errands.

So how much did this 15 days of 3-times-a-day sex, and public hand holding cost?  Yana requested 13,000 rubles per day.  That’s $200 at the exchange rate.  $200!!!!  The 15 days was to cost $3100.  I gave her $3500.  What?  How?

Here’s the inside information!  Russian agencies don’t pay the women well.

I once asked a woman working at the massage parlor I used what she received.  Russian massage parlors are very nice.  The one I used had tile-lined rooms, heated floors, a fresh bathrobe, a fresh towel, new slippers, and a shower in the corner for both of us.  The parlors are very nice.  The management spends a lot of money of the infrastructure, but not on the women.  The woman told me that she gets 30% of the fee.  So for one hour of EVERYTHING except sex and a BJ she gets 1500 rubles ($23).  Whether she allows you to touch her clitoris or give her oral is up to her.

A night with a woman costs 15,000 rubles.  So she will get maybe $80 - $120 for a night.  You can obviously pay more than that.  Many of these women are NOT full-time escorts.  They appear to be part-timers.  Maybe students.  They float from one agency to another.  They sometimes have private clients.  They do not care who pays them.  They just want to get paid.

Here’s my suggestion:
1. Call an agency and ask for a woman for an hour or two to your hotel.
2. If you like her, if her English is adequate, give her your phone and email.  Ask for hers.  Ask her to join you for a night and offer $200-$300
3. If that works, ask her to spend the day or a week with you.  If interested, ask her if she has a girlfriend who can join you.  They always have friends who work in the business.  An agency that sends you two women may send you two women show do not know each other.   It’s much better if the women already know each other.

So, 1 night with two women may cost you $500-$600.  A week with two for $4000 or less.  Not bad

JakeFromStateFarm610 reads

Thanks, but I'll pass.  Pussy is cheap in Central America, too, but it's warm there and most people speak some English.

stucaboy342 reads

SUCKS.  If you like beets, potatoes, and herring then good for you...you'll like it.  Ever hear of a famous Russian establishment famous for it's food.  No.  OK,OK, NYC had one but it was not "great".   And no, the Russian Lady in Hartford Conn. is NOT Russian.

BTW.  I don't want to hear anything about their Caviar, it's GREAT.  Want to impress your Russian lady?  Boil up some tiny potatoes,peel them,cut them in half, scoop out a little potato and fill with caviar. Serve while warm with a bottle of Vodka you pull out of the freezer. Panties will come off with the second mouth full.  Just don't buy the cheap stuff..Vodka or Caviar!

...You ever heard of the Russian Tea Room?  Nah, it's out of your league.  Oh, BTW, it's been around since 1927.  They must be doing something right.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...You ever heard of the Russian Tea Room?  Nah, it's out of your league.  Oh, BTW, it's been around since 1927.  They must be doing something right.
Things were right until 1996 or so and it has been stumbling and bumbling along ever since. Recent reviews aren't flattering

GaGambler669 reads

and from what I hear, if anything you OVERPAID.  

I am glad to hear you had a great time, but you don't have to travel anywhere near that far to find those same kind of prices. In the DR for example you can most likely find a chica to spend a week with you for around $500, in Costa Rica it's more like $1500 to $2,000 in Colombia around $1,000

I completely agree about agencies. One of my earliest experiences in Colombia was with an agency, back when you could go to any one of dozens of bars and find yourself a hottie for $20-30 hr, this dumb gringo paid $200 for an hour with a rather average looking Colombiana because I used the fucking internet like I was taught to here in the US.

Don't feel too sorry for the women though, Do you have any idea just how much $23 for an hour is in Russia of all places? At $23 hr she is most definitely part of their 1%

You might be right about the 1% membership but I have to wonder if the lower part of the Russian 1% are living as well as the lower part of the USA 1%.

That said, probably not hurting by anyone  normal standard.

starquarterback712 reads

Russia has beautiful women. That's the good part. The part that would give me pause is how shady the sex industry can be in Eastern Europe. Men from Ukraine and other eastern european nations have been infiltrating the western european sex trade. The places that they take over become clip joints. I inadvertently went into one in Paris thinking it was just a strip bar. I literally had to run out of there before they started cleaning out my bank account. You pay X number of Euros to get in. Then you sit down and they open a bottle of champagne for you without asking you and they expect 600 euros for that. If you protest they act like they are going to kill you. So I guess I am just saying to be careful since you see that kind of behavior from Russians sometimes too. Your description though is pretty tempting!  I was curious - did you ever ask the girl whose family you had dinner with if they knew? Also when you were with 2 girls did they have sex with each other or no? I ask because its taboo there.

I have to admit I would never set foot in the places in the DR, Mexico, etc. either. Yeah it's cheap but I would question the safety of it.

GaGambler551 reads

I will confess I went to a "casa" in Cartagena Colombia that scared the shit out of me one night, After seeing the guy in the parking lot openly carrying a machine gun my buddy didn't even want to get out of the cab, but I looked at it this way, If we were going to die that night, we were already dead whether we got out of the cab or not. Speaking strictly for myself, I have ZERO intention of going out cowering and sniveling in the back of a Colombian cab.

He finally agreed, and after slipping my Rolex into my pocket where it could no longer be seen, we proceeded to have the time of our lives, AND lived to tell about it. lol

...is stellar for mongering. Affordability, awesome women, and safety given the legality and regulation of prostitution there. Granted it helps that I speak Spanish but still, I've definitely toned down my hobbying in my immediate area for frequently and extended trips down there, which is only a few hours from Los Angeles and/or San Diego.

While my initial first trip down there was a little pricey ($1500, mainly because of securing a master/penthouse suite and the volume of providers I saw [threesomes, etc]), my subsequent trips to TJ for the same time frame (4 days/3 nights) have all been in the $500-$600 range, which includes EVERYTHING (food, housing, supplies like ED meds/souvenirs, transportation, 5-6+ session with ladies, cover charges/drinks at the clubs, plenty of OTC time with ladies I befriend).

Posted By: starquarterback
Russia has beautiful women. That's the good part. The part that would give me pause is how shady the sex industry can be in Eastern Europe. Men from Ukraine and other eastern european nations have been infiltrating the western european sex trade. The places that they take over become clip joints. I inadvertently went into one in Paris thinking it was just a strip bar. I literally had to run out of there before they started cleaning out my bank account. You pay X number of Euros to get in. Then you sit down and they open a bottle of champagne for you without asking you and they expect 600 euros for that. If you protest they act like they are going to kill you. So I guess I am just saying to be careful since you see that kind of behavior from Russians sometimes too. Your description though is pretty tempting!  I was curious - did you ever ask the girl whose family you had dinner with if they knew? Also when you were with 2 girls did they have sex with each other or no? I ask because its taboo there.  
 I have to admit I would never set foot in the places in the DR, Mexico, etc. either. Yeah it's cheap but I would question the safety of it.

their game seems to be the upsell.  Services that are normal menu items for GFE service here, like DFK and CIM, are upsell items from Russian and Eastern Euro women that are working in SoCal.  After having some $300/hr dates turn into $450 I just stopped going to them.  

It sounds from your description that over there, its flat rate and everything is on the regular menu?

I completely avoid Russian women.  I don't think they're that good-looking, and they always seem to be stuck-up gold diggers.  And I'm talking both civie and professional.  The only women that I avoid more than Russians would be the French.

You forgot German, Dutch, Austrian, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish, English, Irish, Scottish, and...well, I think you get my drift.

GaGambler370 reads

This board is proof there are some quite unattractive, BSC Russian women out there, but that doesn't mean ALL Russian women fit the stereotype. I have been with some absolutely DDG Russian women that were fabulous lovers and not at all greedy or BSC.

Quite frankly, I can't think of a single nationality of women that I would dismiss with "I don't like them" I do kind of doubt I would be attracted to most Eskimo women as they tend to be rather squat, plump and with large, non delicate facial feature, but even then I only said "most" not "all'  I completely reserve the right to change my mind if I find myself looking for company on a long, cold arctic night.

Posted By: mrfisher
Do any of them do Russian?

Onlyalurker640 reads

Is in Odessa, Ukraine in the spring and summer. I go there almost every year. You don't have to use agencies there at all. It's super easy to pick up beautiful girls just about anywhere. At the beach, clubs, cafe's, streets etc. If a girl in Odessa smiles at you, she is yours, and they smile alot at foreign tourists lol. It truly is a hobbying paradise. If anyone ever wanted to experience being Hugh Hefner (on a budget) this is a place to go.

Onlyalurker668 reads

Also, I avoid professional hookers and just focus on regular girls who are desperate to meet foreigners who might fall in love and take them out of the country. So often times they will be very happy with just a gift like perfume or shoes

I have heard Odessa is great, but I never made it there. Long ago I found Prague to be similarly fun. I did make it to Moscow about 15 years ago, and I remember one night at the (then) famous club Nightflight where I over-payed for an AMAZING ON. My memory is not at all impacted by having overpaid.  ;)

 I visited China and all over Asia and the Middle East many times over 20 years, and I had some great times there also.

-- Modified on 9/26/2016 3:15:23 PM

stucaboy671 reads

Illegal activity in Russia is a way of life, you can't get anything done without paying someone off.  A hooker working out of a club gives a substantial cut to the owner; true in many other countries. Yes, the mob probably owns the club.  I do not agree that in Russia $23 per hour will put you in the 1%.

One word of advice to all when in that part of the world;  be careful of what you drink and I am not talking about the water.  A favorite trick is to slip you some that will put you to sleep, waking up with nothing more than your shorts.  It was actually safer in Communist times because the crooks would have to skirt around the KGB to get to you.  

Just for the record.  I do not find Russian girls attractive.  The few that are model types are VERY expensive (fucking the mob) or out of the country.  Just my opinion

starquarterback512 reads

I agree with what you said up until the end. Russia is full of hotties. You saying otherwise makes me think you have never been there. It was a common misconception during the Cold War that Russian women were fat manly pigs and that just is not the case. But I do agree with you about the corruption and the danger there. I think you are putting yourself at great risk in MANY countries when you hobby there. I was surprised to see how carefree guys are about it from the comments on here.

GaGambler479 reads

Billions of people live long healthy lives in these "dangerous" countries of which you speak. To be perfectly honest about it, the "hobby" in many of these third world countries that you are so afraid of is actually quite safer than the US in many ways for both the provider and the client alike. In much of the world, "what we do" is perfectly legal which gives BOTH parties protection under the law in case of a "misunderstanding" or if an actual crime is committed against hooker or john alike.

What do you do in this country if you get ripped off? Wouldn't you rather be able to call a cop rather than just suck it up and write a bad review?

I have been to and enjoyed "working women" in at least a couple of dozen different countries, I always pay attention to my surroundings and I hope to add at least another couple of dozen countries to my list before it's all said and done.

I hate to tell you this, but you sound a LOT more like a bench warmer than a star quarterback, get in the fucking game dude, don't let fear keep you on the sidelines. Unless of course you ENJOY being a pussy instead of exploring the huge world of pussy that is out there???

Zzbottom2719 reads

Posted By: WillOckham
 I just returned from Russia where I had a very interesting trip.  I will tell you about it, but you may get bored by the story or disbelieve it.  If you wish, you can skip to the end where I have some information about traveling overseas that may interest you.  
 Six months ago I was in Saint Petersburg and asked a friend to come over and bring a friend if she could.  I ended up spending about a week and a half with two women for a very reasonable rate.  Now, I just returned from a second trip.  
 I had made plans to return and see Yana and Svetlana.  But the two women had a falling out, and I chose to see Yana.  I asked Yana to stay with me for the 15 days I would be in Saint Petersburg and bring a friend.    
 I arrived and Yana came over the first day slightly after noon.  Her friend Christine was to come over later, but Christine’s child was sick and we were not sure if she would come.  So Yana and I spend the first six hours in bed waiting for Christine.  Christine was a no show.  Yana suggested another friend, but we ended up spending the 15 days alone.  
 Most of the days were spent sleeping until noon followed by noontime sex, later afternoon sex, and evening sex.  On the fifth day I asked Yana her favorite position, and she replied cowgirl.  So I lay on the bed erect expecting to be mounted, and instead she gave me an hour-long BBBJ.  We would go out for dinner and window shop and see a movie.  I had planned to attend the operas and ballets, but for the first five days they were all sold out.  
 We then hopped the train to Moscow, and when Yana decided she wanted to visit home, we flew to Rostov.  Sitting at dinner with her mother, sister and nephew made me wonder what these people knew or suspected.  It was weird, but it worked out OK.  
 Actually it gets really weird here, but you would never believe me.  
 That’s about how the whole 15 days went.  I had planned to attend some of the culture available in Saint Petersburg, but since most shows were sold-out, we retreated to the bedroom in the evening.  The days were spent doing minor errands.  
 So how much did this 15 days of 3-times-a-day sex, and public hand holding cost?  Yana requested 13,000 rubles per day.  That’s $200 at the exchange rate.  $200!!!!  The 15 days was to cost $3100.  I gave her $3500.  What?  How?  
 Here’s the inside information!  Russian agencies don’t pay the women well.  
 I once asked a woman working at the massage parlor I used what she received.  Russian massage parlors are very nice.  The one I used had tile-lined rooms, heated floors, a fresh bathrobe, a fresh towel, new slippers, and a shower in the corner for both of us.  The parlors are very nice.  The management spends a lot of money of the infrastructure, but not on the women.  The woman told me that she gets 30% of the fee.  So for one hour of EVERYTHING except sex and a BJ she gets 1500 rubles ($23).  Whether she allows you to touch her clitoris or give her oral is up to her.  
 A night with a woman costs 15,000 rubles.  So she will get maybe $80 - $120 for a night.  You can obviously pay more than that.  Many of these women are NOT full-time escorts.  They appear to be part-timers.  Maybe students.  They float from one agency to another.  They sometimes have private clients.  They do not care who pays them.  They just want to get paid.  
 Here’s my suggestion:  
 1. Call an agency and ask for a woman for an hour or two to your hotel.  
 2. If you like her, if her English is adequate, give her your phone and email.  Ask for hers.  Ask her to join you for a night and offer $200-$300  
 3. If that works, ask her to spend the day or a week with you.  If interested, ask her if she has a girlfriend who can join you.  They always have friends who work in the business.  An agency that sends you two women may send you two women show do not know each other.   It’s much better if the women already know each other.  
 So, 1 night with two women may cost you $500-$600.  A week with two for $4000 or less.  Not bad!  

All your reviews are from DC and you spend lots of time in Russia. Are you a spy? Infiltrating pussy problems across the globe and collecting intelligence? I'm jealous.

icebear419 reads

but didn't you get sick of each other (being together for 15 days)? The rate seems pretty decent and I assume you paid for all the travel, food and hotel stays.

Setting aside 200 a day for sex, can get you a lot more diversity if you want. In some places in Germany, czech republic and Holland, anything between 7 quickies a day to a single 2 or 3 hour session. I had sex with 12 girls the last few days (18-27) and paid a total of 630 euros for the sex (all with DFK and BBBJ, some with CIM or other extras).

Whatever your preferences, sex can be pretty cheap in Europe.

GaGambler454 reads

I think a lot of Americans are so enamored by the low prices in other countries, they don't realize when they are paying "above market" rates as even the rip off joints seem cheap by American standards.

I remember going to a "rip off" joint in Quito Ecuador. It was a strip club with several VIP rooms and staffed with 30-40 HOTTT Colombianas, For the "rip off" price of $125, you get an hour with the chica of your choice in a VIP room that had a Jacuzzi that could hold 4-6 people and a bed that looked to be about a half an acre in size. lol  Yes, by Ecuadorian standards it was most definitely a "rip off" as the next highest price I have ever paid there was $25 for about 30 minutes, but it was so much fun I really didn't mind being "ripped off" price wise.

I suppose the OP feels the same way, because if money were really a concern, I am sure he could have gotten much more bang for his buck, but HE had a great time and I am sure at least most of us would agree, that's the important thing.

Does no one ever consider the cost of living compared to here when they look at how "cheap" life is somewhere else?  

Russia, as an example, is so freaking poor that paved sidewalks outside of Moscow are an anomaly not a normal part of life. Only the affluent even OWN cars and the cars they drive?! Cars on par with VW Jettas and Audis NOT the luxury vehicles folks with money drive around here. The public transportation system is pretty much composed of small passenger vans that are privately owned and the walk to any of the "bus stops" from the communist block apartments is typically a mile or more on unpaved road. This is the NORMAL life for the majority. Of course you can have someone stay with you for multiple days for $200 USD. The unemployment rate over there is sky high and the average daily salary is below our own poverty level wages. This also means that the rates of STD and HIV transmission are significantly higher because life there (like in poor areas of Mexico and Asia) is cheap and insignificant if you weren't born into an upper class. Tourists are especially loved because if you realize you got something, its not like you are going to (a) come back to protest your new medical condition and (b) even if you did, good luck finding the person and getting anything done about it. There's a reason that bareback anything is so easy to get when you are traveling outside your own country. Think for a minute!

Having a good time is one thing but appreciating how that good time came into existence is pretty important too and can make a huge difference in your experience during AND after the fact.

Play safe. Be smart. Don't be another Ugly American overseas. If you can afford to travel, you should be better than that.

icebear624 reads

The end of your post is amusing, calling out ugly Americans and all.  

Audi's are "non luxurious" vehicles, that's a really funny comment. Russia has plenty of rich people driving impressive cars. although in general people have far lower living standards than in the US or Western Europe. It is no secret that this difference in average income is the reason for sex being cheaper.

Many of your comments about Russia make it clear you've never been there. Russia has a relatively high HIV rate, but I don't believe they have specifically high rates of STDs in general. I also don't understand how life being cheap infects you with STDs.  

For what it's worth, few if any clients will go back and try to find a girl they got an STD from. Maybe some would to warn her; what else are you going to do, ask her to pay your medical bills?

I honestly don't understand what you tried to do in this post, it was amusing though.

GaGambler512 reads

I find it odd that someone at the lower end of this business, in the price point department that is, would herself be such an elitist in thinking that women who face a harder existence than her somehow value their lives less. I bet you she looks down her nose at BP providers who charge ten dollars an hour less than her too.

Actually, I WAS there.

Traveling with a girlfriend who is FROM there.  

As much as we love google and the world wide web of information, there are some details that you aren't going to get from the internet or Lonely Planet travel books.  

If you are going to accuse someone of being a liar, it would reflect better on you if they actually were lying

JakeFromStateFarm442 reads

I would love to hear her try to explain how classy it is to hike through mud to see a client for $200 a week.

and American and Russian men..

That all depends on your status and level.

Hey Farm.. a lot of mad on your farm? I bet you are talking from own experience?
Any way I even not read all that nonsense till I noticed that Jake from Farm trying overcome his own problems at Russian expense..

I am cosmopolitan ad am patriotic to all Earth and love all nice people.
 Sorry 99% of you are not loved by me so would not have a chance to taste my sweet love

JakeFromStateFarm394 reads

Thanks!  I was worried you wanted to force me to taste 60-year-old sweet love.

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