TER General Board

Re: One more way to screen you
Oldtimemonger 330 reads

Posted By: vipvivian
Men don't seem to realize that every encounter with a new client is riddled with all kinds of stress. We have to make sure you're not LE, insane, bat shit crazy, an asshole, etc. All you have to worry about is whether or not we will blow you without a condom.  
 Try putting yourselves in our shoes and you would see that we need ALL the information we can gather to make a decision about our safety.
And men have to worry about BSC hookers with pimps,boyfriends and even husbands that will out them to their wives. There was the cases in Florida and Georgia where a girl and her husband came back to the guys house and bludgeoned him to death because they thought he had cash in the house.

Silicon Valley execs have been blackmailed. An Apple exec was shot up with heroin on his boat. The girl made no attempt to save him and was released from jail after only two years.  

Many hookers are on probation for offenses far worse than prostitution raps.

The idea that we only have to worry about being blown without a condom is bullshit. We never know what's really in store for us.

Im curious why some providers ask for my TER handle for screening? I rarely if ever am asked for it, but some girls want it. Just curious is all. The lady I am planning on seeing next week when she comes to town asked for it in a previous exchange and I wondered why when I have so many references?

JakeFromStateFarm519 reads

Both to see what kind of a grader you are and to see if you're a real client and less likely to be LE.  It also lets them network with the girls you've reviewed to see if you're not a weirdo and if you're listed on BL sites.

GaGambler451 reads

Or if you are perhaps a BBFS seeker, or any of a thousand other reason that you might be a good or bad fit for any particular lady.

I mean can you imagine any uptight, PC, Ubersensitive  woman wanting to book a session with the likes of me? or you for that matter. lol

DatyRookie429 reads

Once on a while your posts prove valuable. Cheers.

1.  Its another way to verify you.  If you're a TER member with reviews, she can cross-reference your provider references with your reviews to help here reach her screening goal.

2.  Providers do not want to see guys that give out 5's and 6's for review scores.  No faster way to knock yourself out of the running.  The indie business is driven by reviews, and its hard to come back from the low scores.  

-- Modified on 4/17/2017 11:04:18 AM

Number 2 is the real reason. They are trying to "game" the system!

Countermeasure if asking for handles becomes pervasive: Open up another handle. Use it to write a few reviews that you know are going to be very positive.  

Write less than stellar reviews using an alias. Obviously you give them the "positive review handle" if they absolutely insist on a handle.

If you have P411 and references there is no way in hell they need a TER handle for verification.

Lol why are y'all so dead set on being so intolerably sneaky instead of owning up to who you are???  

If you feel the need to create an entirely new alias to write bad reviews on providers, you have issues. Stand by your word.  

On another note, everyone is not trying to game the system. I do not look at reviews that a client has left when I ask for his TER handle. All I want to see is if he has a handle with reviews and/or whitelists for or from established providers (and not providers who offer BBFS). It's basically another way to have references.

GaGambler300 reads

but just because he has next to no respect for the hookers he fucks doesn't make him all wrong on this.

A lot of hookers will refuse to see any guy who has the balls to write a bad review, a lot of other hookers will refuse to see a guy just because he doesn't hand out nines and tens to any fat broad who will get naked with him.  

A lot of hookers are every bit as sneaky as any monger on this board, some of you seem to forget this is a two way street. Hookers game the system every day, and so do the mongers.

from a practical standpoint, once a hobbyist has turned the corner and made a conscious decision to see a particular provider,  there is usually no hoop too small for him to jump through to make it happen.  I have done what you said, where I bailed in the middle of setting an appointment because of something she said that put me off, but I think most guys don't do that.  The decision-making and common sense has transferred from the head on top to the head below.  

TER rules to have more than one account, so isn't trying to have two handles trying to game the system as well?  I think if you're caught, that is a banishment offense, so do you really want to be on record here recommending that to the new guys?  Seems a bit reckless and irresponsible to me, especially coming from a guy that purportedly has your kind of experience here.    

Gambler made the other point.  Why does everyone have to hide from what they say.  I have been here since '08 and have only used an alias once.  For me, the same thing applies to reviews that applies to my posts, if I'm not man enough to say it to someone's face so they know who I am, then I will STFU.  I will not review a provider that I must score lower than 7/7 unless it is a B&S, rob or scam.  If a girl is trying to make it, and just doesn't have enough experience yet to get a good score from me, I don't want to hurt her business.  She might get better with practice, and if she doesn't, she will figure it out on her own and get out of the biz without me pushing her out the door.  I do my homework, so no B&S, robs or scams on me in many years.    

I'm not sure what TER rules on that are but suppose you have a second handle that does not post reviews  or make board posts.? That's not hurting TER.

Why are we using handles instead of real names here? Many controversial things are written under "pen names" so that the writer is protected from backlash. If you feel there can be no backlash from your reviews or posts then continue doing what you are doing.

acerbic quite often in my posting, I can't imagine any provider wanting to have CDL as a customer (although there have been a few who have reached out to me, perhaps because they want to reform me into being less than the asshole persona I have here), so that is why I NEVER use my handle to make an appointment.  If I can't pass their screening with my substantial references, then I just move on to the next one.  No P411 and no whitelist, just refs.  Guys get caught up in using their handle to make appointments, because it is a hell of a lot easier, but then you are saddled with the dilemma or whether or not to write an "honest" review, or else put up with the blowback.  

One of the great joys of being completely anonymous is that I have been in a few flamers with providers on the boards who told me to fuck off, but I still had a nice session with them because they didn't know I was CDL.  One in particular that complained to TER about me a few times on the boards would be appalled to find she had been impaled by CDL.  I get to have my cake and eat it, too.  

I've seen a few hookers who probably would be shocked and appalled that the nice older "gentleman"  they saw posts the types of things I do on Fuck boards.

The thread was about giving up a "handle." I never have given a handle either but.............if it got to the point that the majority of girls were requiring it, well, I just posted some possible solutions.

JakeFromStateFarm331 reads

the bullshit's on you regarding reviews here being good to use when screening.  First of all, not every girl is a member of P411. And some who are also like to use other means, including TER reviews.

I am a tall, mature, blonde GFE. If I look up your ID and see your reviews are typically porn star reviews with younger brunettes, I'm going to wonder if we are a good match. I might press for some details on your attraction to my ad.  If we are a strong match, I have a better idea of what you are into and can go into our rendezvous knowing what turns you on.  You may have seen one of my lady friends. A text to her might garner a response like "He's a doll, you're going to love him!"

When you write reviews,  
you are detailing the type of session/experience you want.

A girl will want to make sure she can provide the necessary elements
 for your wants, needs, and desires to be met.

who have your handle and don't read at least some of your reviews to see what you may like?

See your reviews,whitelists and will serach prvs posts. If you're offensive or rude sounding, super picky or ocd or some weird nuance...probably won't see you. On the other hand your handle could prove that you sound fun and like a great date. Personally a reference usually only tells me yes you check out. No details or info like your handle can give. Your ter handle says ALOT and so does everything attached to it.

To see what you like, to make sure we are right match. And yes, for safety verification.

In my case, I have gone from pursuer to pursued...because of my posts on the boards.  The local ladies have taken notice, and every time I get VIP, my inbox is full of messages from providers who think I would be a good fit for them.

I can see where other providers would use all of the above reasons for requesting the handel. I do not normally request individuals handel, with certain exceptions. The main one being, putting in a white list approval.

don't you check out her website, reviews, board posts, twitter, etc?  You want to know as much as you can about her to ensure the best time and connection.

Well. the women choose us too. Our reviews, board posts, references... all provide clues about who we are, what we like and how well we'll connect (or not) when we meet.  

I have the same identity/handle on all the sites I visit, and I don't mind offering my handle in an initial email. I am who I am, I'll own it and simply accept if a woman decides not to see me because of something I've written in a review or posted on a board or forum somewhere. I'd much rather we BOTH choose to get together than one of us have reservations going into a date.

Misogynists can exit stage left...

May as well just let you post for me Zen. lol... We are so similar to answers and thoughts.

A while back there was a thread asking what we like the ladies to be wearing for a date. I posted a photo of a beautiful woman in a schoolgirl outfit.
A few days later, I turned up to an appointment and the provider was in that exact outfit. It was sexy as hell in two ways. One, she looked amazing. And two, I found it so exciting that she would go to the trouble to make me so happy for that 90 minutes. She told me that she had driven half way across town to get the outfit.

We had an amazing session and I will definitely be going back to her again.

are more open-minded to experiencing the joys of an older man, fine wine and seasoned wood.

... I voluntarily give it to them when I make requests through P411, which is how I reach out to most providers I wish to meet for the first time. I encourage them to read my posts and reviews, and my p411 profile, to get a good idea what to expect when we meet.

And if a provider I wish to meet asked whether I have a TER alias, I'd give it to her.  No one has ever asked for my alias, however.

Posted By: surlyboy

Im curious why some providers ask for my TER handle for screening? I rarely if ever am asked for it, but some girls want it. Just curious is all. The lady I am planning on seeing next week when she comes to town asked for it in a previous exchange and I wondered why when I have so many references?
I espouse with no particular direction to anyone nor to offend any personal beliefs,
but here goes the perspective of most Providers;

"Why would one not desire to offer up simple referencing information such as a TER Handle, or other oft-queried prerequisites such as a phone number, email, and name?"
  {regarding said info;  
    even if it is a "hobby phone number", and an email attached to the fake name you've just given, which perhaps is  
    "Mydicis Golden", is still acceptable as long as it's consistent verbiage with each Provider you have previously seen.}

It's not rocket science!   It's simply following the basic procedures of which most independent, upstanding  
Providers institute.

Why would one purposefully try to play the "cat & mouse" game, by appearing uncooperative, unforthcoming,
and defiant?

I do not desire a complete stranger in my lair, for any amount of "gifts", whom I
cannot feel immediately comfortable with.  

I, and other Providers, have bypassed more inquires than one can imagine, simply due to lack of common courtesy.    
Then throw in those whom attempt to be difficult?  

Poof!  There's an app for that...it's called an "I-Phone or email Block",
then there's the BL, and the resulting text message to our entire network of Provider
friends, which is vast.    

It states:  "Joe Blow of such and such and so and so with this and that,
was uncooperative."   "Use your own judgement and do your own research ladies, but I suggest
to put the person on your "DNS list"!.... {That's a "Do Not See List"}

The provisions set forth of basic information, are simply the tools of "the game".
Play, don't play...
This isn't a realm of recess for under eighteens, or a playground for an ultracrepidarian.
....it's real adult ish,  which requires real adult behavior.  {save the "control" or the "Master/Prisoner"
game for the roleplay hour behind closed doors}
This need for some modicum of comfort commences from the
initial contact for both Seekers and Providers.

Now Gentlemen and Ladies....may the real adult games of "playtime" begin! ;)

I want to see how many reviews you written,whether you are whitelisted or not.I also want to see how you are when you are on the discussion boards.So I search all of your conversations.And if you sound like a nice person,that puts me at ease before meeting you.I like to get a feel for a person when I meet them.Or if a guy posting on this board is rude and just a complete asshole in all of his postings...And he made an appointment with me...and I searched all of his posts....I would be a bit repulsed and turned off.So moral of story,some of us ladies determine if we see you or not just by how you present yourself on the boards

1. I check out the types of women he reviews...If he seems to have a strong preference for spinners and athletic women I will make sure he knows I'm tall and curvy.  You'd be surprised how many exclamations of "you're so tall!" I've heard as if they didn't know I was going to be tall.

2.  I take note of his likes and dislikes...if he seems to prefer a certain type of lingerie and I have it I'll wear it during the appointment.  If he loves it when a provider comes in and showers and bathes him then I will do that too.

Aside from all that...there are some reviewers out there that are just nasty human beings and you can tell if their reviews.  I won't turn someone down because their reviews aren't all positively scored...but I sure will turn someone down if the highest rating they've given is a 6 and they have nothing good to say about anything in their reviews.

Nothing wrong with you mentioning them again, but just pointing out they were mentioned by more than one provider before you.

Yeah I didn't read all the posts before posting that...my bad lol

Posted By: perfectstorm
Nothing wrong with you mentioning them again, but just pointing out they were mentioned by more than one provider before you.

Some ladies like to read reviews to see what a client is like behind closed doors and what she might expect.  As hobbyist; we do the same thing when we read about a lady to see what she is about.  We want to know what type of services she provides (or does not provide).  

She may also want to verify that it's you and not someone else. This prevents someone from just randomly picking a TER handle and then trying to us it as if it's their own.  

This provides an extra safe guard for the lady to verify you by other means.

This is one of the more interesting threads.  There seem to be a vast number of reasons why a lady would request a TER Handle such as the following (Proposed Top 10):
1) ease of verification (vs. sending e-mails and waiting for responses);
2) ensure safety;
3) determine if a guy is a harsh reviewer;
4) assess compatibility;
5) validate that he has a certain number of reviews/white lists (maybe at least 10 reviews and/or white lists);
6) better understand his personality, likes/dislikes, and/or turn ons/turn offs;
7) do something special for him (outfit, room setup, approach);  
8) obtain some insights into what he values and/or expects;  
9) see what types of ladies he seems to have a preference for visiting;
10) PM a few of the providers that he as seen before (white lists);
Obviously, some of these could be combined.  I think that #7 is what separates the good from the great.

I like what one guy said about his review policy.  He indicated that if he wouldn't review a girl at least a 7/7, then he wouldn't write a review on her.  Moving forward, I may adopt that policy.  For the reasons that he stated, that seems to make sense.  

I can think of some reasons why that's NOT a good policy.

One is, what if the provider ripped you off?  Wouldn't you want to warn others about her?

Another is, what if lower than 7/7 is a fair score?  Example: I gave a provider a 6/6, and I had a great time. A sweetheart of a lady, delivered a really good experience within her very limited menu, and I made all that clear in my review.  But I thought 6/6 was fair and was in the typical range for her reviews.

Posted By: ANiceGuyToHookUp
I like what one guy said about his review policy.  He indicated that if he wouldn't review a girl at least a 7/7, then he wouldn't write a review on her.  Moving forward, I may adopt that policy.  For the reasons that he stated, that seems to make sense.  

If lower than 7/7 is a fair score, then she wouldn't be reviewed.  No harm, no foul.  I've been ripped off several times in the past, but not since I started performing more due diligence.  And I don't expect to be ripped off anytime soon.

client_number_9224 reads

Why would you give it to them?

I book a lot of dates through P411 and my handle is listed there. I don't know how many girls bother looking me up on TER. A couple have mentioned in session that they've read my posts. I don't remember anyone saying they've read my reviews or contacted girls I've seen for screening purposes. But that's possible.

dipstick50282 reads

I think they want to see who you are sleeping with.  I think they want to make sure you are not sleeping with what they may see as undesirables.Lol    

Men don't seem to realize that every encounter with a new client is riddled with all kinds of stress. We have to make sure you're not LE, insane, bat shit crazy, an asshole, etc. All you have to worry about is whether or not we will blow you without a condom.
Try putting yourselves in our shoes and you would see that we need ALL the information we can gather to make a decision about our safety.

Posted By: vipvivian
Men don't seem to realize that every encounter with a new client is riddled with all kinds of stress. We have to make sure you're not LE, insane, bat shit crazy, an asshole, etc. All you have to worry about is whether or not we will blow you without a condom.  
 Try putting yourselves in our shoes and you would see that we need ALL the information we can gather to make a decision about our safety.
And men have to worry about BSC hookers with pimps,boyfriends and even husbands that will out them to their wives. There was the cases in Florida and Georgia where a girl and her husband came back to the guys house and bludgeoned him to death because they thought he had cash in the house.

Silicon Valley execs have been blackmailed. An Apple exec was shot up with heroin on his boat. The girl made no attempt to save him and was released from jail after only two years.  

Many hookers are on probation for offenses far worse than prostitution raps.

The idea that we only have to worry about being blown without a condom is bullshit. We never know what's really in store for us.

If you see "reputable" providers with good reviews and the client is not a fucking psycho then there  
most likely will be no problems..just saying..

GaGambler305 reads

The hookers act like they are the only ones with something to lose and that ALL hookers are beyond reproach, and that approach is simply BULLSHIT.

Once again we have an "us against them" mentality going on here because a few people think all the risk is on their side when in truth even Fancy gets the concept, "in illegal business, both parties take risks"

The Hookers I mentioned were high end ones. Just because a girl is well reviewed or in a mid to high price range mean that she is an angel. Some high priced hookers are screaming drug addicts. Other go BSC over relatively minor things such as walk-outs or less than stellar reviews.

The danger to us is not confined to the low end.

I don't claim that the ladies are all angels nor do I claim to be one.I have not had such experiences with the ladies that I have seen..I would like to think that the reason for this is that I diligently do my homework on a lady before I reach out to her.. or otherwise I have been extremely lucky so far.

dipstick50274 reads

Not to mention identity theft.

Mainly providers ask for this to see if you have reviewed other providers in the past and it is a form of verification to. Even if you have references it is always nice to know if the client is part of TER and if he has reviewed any of the ladies.

If people will give these to 411, etc..., what's really the big issue?

P411 requires a TER handle? News to me. I was referred by two girls and never gave up a handle from here. Many guys don't post or review on TER but have P411. Your P411 name does not have to be a board handle.

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
Re: Why does P411 ask for this?  
P411 requires a TER handle? News to me. I was referred by two girls and never gave up a handle from here. Many guys don't post or review on TER but have P411. Your P411 name does not have to be a board handle.
No it is optional to add your review board handle and websites in your p411 profile.

Posted By: Allstar

Im curious why some providers ask for my TER handle for screening? I rarely if ever am asked for it, but some girls want it. Just curious is all. The lady I am planning on seeing next week when she comes to town asked for it in a previous exchange and I wondered why when I have so many references?
and she doubled my rate.

GaGambler177 reads

I am surprised she saw you at all. lol

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