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Does the hobby inspire self improvement?
transcend2007 9 Reviews 1823 reads

I have found myself making more consistent trips to the gym and making an effort to eat better since returning to the hobby 4 months ago.  Like anyone over 40 I have found that it takes an effort to just maintain an average fitness level.

So, here is my question:  Guys, does the hobby inspire you to eat better or workout more (or do you just not care about that)?  Ladies, does your clients fitness level make any difference to you (I know this is business but what are your personal preferences)?

on the treadmill...reminds me why I'm running my ass off. lol

I try to eat right and stay in good shape but the hobby does not inspire me to improve myself, reasons in the real world do.
Improving a session with a provider  is purely a bonus.

I think hobbying has made me much more conscious of my overall fitness. Being well ove 50, it takes a lot more effort to stay in good shape, but I've found myself wanting to look my best for any upcoming date. I've always eaten right, but I do pay more attention to my exercise program now. Not only is it good for my own ego, (And we all have them, gentlemen) but I truly believe that it goes a long way in the performance department also.

Pretty blond GFE456 reads

In my personal experience, most hobbyists are at an acceptable fitness level.  This means they may not be perfect, but they're not in imminent danger of keeling over with a heart attack, if I get them too excited.  I think that is perfectly acceptable, and I have learned to appreciate their demeanor and they way they treat me as the biggest turn on, regardless of whether they're the next top male model.  

But I must admit that when I meet with a man who truly is out of shape or extremely overweight to the point of his health being in serious danger, I find it to be an undeniable turn off.  I always keep in mind I'm dealing with a human being with feelings, and he's probably self conscious enough already.  So I would try my best to make the first session as nice as possible.  But I doubt I would ever see him again.

Then there are those few guys who fall into the category of "Damn, I should be paying him!"  lol  I'd be lying if I said it didn't make the experience that much better, on top of him being a passionate and sensual guy.  But without the passion and sensuality, I'd much prefer the everyday Joe who knows how to treat a lady.  I'm guessing that the fact you think about these things, probably means you think about other ways to make your time with the ladies special, and that's all I can ask :)

I think most of us are pretty much "Average Joe", and probably a large percentage are in my age group. Being average, yes, we probably do think more about what we can do to make it a nice, memorable experience for the ladies too. From what I've read during my short time here, it appears that most of the gentlemen try to be just that, gentlemen.

PBgfe, You sound like someone I'd like to get to know better.  Send me a PM so I can see if it might work.

Yes, some contact information would be great.

Oh boy do I agree with you on all points.  Me personally, I am one of the average women. However, I want my biz to really pick up, so I have decided to get back on the healthy foods and start working out.  I am lucky where I live they have a fitness room which I just started going to this am.  I felt sooo much better even though I only stayed 30 mins, but I am working on it and will build everything up.  I personally don't care to be a barbie doll (men like some extra padding), but I want to feel better about myself and what determination this has all given me.

As far as the men-one I saw came through the lobby to see me and he was quite out of shape.  I knew I had to "suck it up" and make this as enjoyable as possible.  Oddly, he had a blast and when I left his number is stored in my phone as a "no".

blah, this post is unevitably depressing. Fascinating, and of course the honesty is appreciated...

My problem is I always sort of have what you described in the back of my mind (I'm not seeing this dude again!!), I think that's why I alawys get a severe anxiety before appointments. .

If you'd never see them again, likely they are going to feel this disdain during the appointment in some fashion, I know you try to make them happy, which I respect, but I can say that I'm sensitive to a woman being turned off.

I wish ladies would say if they felt this negatively about someone who was overweight. (as in - during the screening process..I only see guys between 5'8-6 whatever, that weigh between 150 and 220 (or whatever)'

Because, you never know if they are closing their eyes and cringing, and I think I can speak for many when I say that's not what any of us want.

Usually I'll bring it up in correspondance, and it's never effected anything in the past, posts like this make me wonder though ;/ .. As I've gotten that vibe before.

Makes me want to lose the rest of this weight (well more than I already have...lost 75 pounds that I kept off two years ago) and put my provider funds in a money market, or cap off my roth ira...

In addition, if I lost the rest of this weight (I've lost quite a bit that I've kept off..) I'm not sure that I'd need a provider, but then again I'm not married like most of these fine folks...

The thought of spending money on a woman, to be so repulsed by me she wouldn't see me again, makes me want to take a life sized prozac. I guess us bigger dudes just gotta hang it up huh? Have to be in normal shape to pay to have sex? I'm just fucking lost. lost , lost, lost.



-- Modified on 1/21/2008 10:45:39 PM

-- Modified on 1/21/2008 10:48:01 PM

Pretty blond GFE447 reads

You think you're in the minority being overweight??  Think again!  I never meant to imply that overweight is - to play on the term I used - unacceptable.  Geez, if that were the case, I'd be turning down a lot of people.  I congratulate you on your progress, as I'm well aware its not easy to either lose weight or to actually stay in shape.  Sexy and passion comes in a lot of different shapes and sizes, and I love them all.  I just prefer that a guy isn't wheezing, reaching for his inhaler and holding his chest, because I suggested he get off his back side and participate in some of the action, you know?  My definition of acceptable covers a lot of possibilities.  

Forget about what you look like for a minute.  How do you feel?  Can you get up and keep up with me in the bedroom?  I'm not necessarily talking about 3 hours of "balls to the wall" sex - and if you want that, let me know in advance, so I can get plenty of rest ahead of time, lol.  But can you stand next to me, grab my hair, kiss me deeply, push me down on the bed, slowly strip me naked, talk dirty to me and make me squirm?  Can we have sex in 2 or 3 different positions?  Can you do without an inhaler, when I go down on you?!?...well, scratch that...most men do need oxygen after I finish going down on them, lol.  

But do you get what I'm saying?  Merely being overweight or having a belly - or 'gut', as most call it - doesn't disqualify a guy in my book.  Not even close.  Just show me the love :)  

Thanks for the reply ;)

No, I don't think I'm in the minority being overweight. I've heard providers, and you mentioned, that 'most' hobbyists are in 'good shape', I just can't wrap my head around it but perhaps that is my issue. I'd feel that not 'alot' but there would be a small percentage at least of overweight guys looking for companionship....In your own words ' You wouldn't see them again' ..

I am of course sexy and passionate, by my own definition. I would like to think I can last longer than the average 'skinny' dude, last provider I saw left exhausted (as was I) after 2.5 hours.

Not bragging, but it was a passionate marathon session (I consider myself good in bed -- in no small part thanks to providers..), and I don't need an enhaler or a cardiologist. I've never been skinny, but I certainly treat sex as a sport, and I'm not going to come to the table empty-handed. I don't have a lot of sex in the civvie world (only ex gf's or the occasional lucky hookup) so I'm usually pretty ready to go, and bring everything I can.

So what your describing (kiss you deeply, push you down on the bed, etc...) just comes naturally to me.. naturally after 100's of opportunities, most of them from this side of the world. A side that I respect and cherish!

I definitely understand your logic, but my point was you said, you 'probably wouldn't see them again' and you weren't specific, I've heard other providers make similar claims. . I've never been sent home because of my belly, or had my envelope returned, the point is I don't want to think I'm making someone uncomofortable due to physical apperance, and that's the part that was depressing.


I have had to learn to limit expenditures quite a bit since becoming divorced and suffering  simultaneous business reversals; so in order to keep some funds availiable for the hobby, I now spend several hours a week doing my own household chores and I also make my own lunches rather than eat out.  I also buy and eat less food, especially of the fattening variety.

The combination of these changes has had the affect of making me healthier, trimmer and more athletic.

"Ill blows the wind that profits nobody."

feel better, allows my clothes to fit better, and above all give me a better feeling of self-worth.  Which, enables me to become a more considerate and better lover.

Indeed.. I am the last one that wants to be embarassed by a gut and some flab.  So the goal is 30lbs.. once shed the REWARD will be marvelous!  


I agree that I preform better when in shape and as mentioned already the ladies seem to appreciate it.

Perhaps this is not controversial enough for some of them (damn - I'm staying positive).

If you want negativity Tran, just read up a post.

I brought it good. Got to do my job as #1 poster. go me.

I still need that life sized prozac...

I think it's great when clients are in shape but.....I find I'm really sensitive to the feelings of someone who's out of shape for whatever reason.
It makes it a whole different ballgame, so to speak. And, guys who are possibly down on themselves are SOOO very appreciative & that goes a  long way with me. Btw, I'm new here & this is my first post :)

I began this chapter in my journey looking for more than just what one sees in adult movies. Couldn't put my finger on it (no pun intended) for a while. Started with FBSM a few times, and then made the aquiantance of a lovely Muse in Seattle. Something opened or awakened in me, and what I was seeking became more clear. This has led me to a new area of research and discovery, learning more about my sexuality, and also the various aspects of female sexuality. I've discovered a new level of openness and it has propelled me to more self-improvement.

Aside from the knowledge learned, I also am eating better and enjoying exercising, especially the ones which allow me to perform as I desire.

And I've also improved in terms of learning about natural foods which increase the bodies immune system against bacteria and viruses.

Finally, it's given me an avenue for sharing beneficial information with some of the wonderful ladies here. Which has propelled me further in research and study too.

I know this might sound corny but I really focus on finding the angel inside everyone I meet.  Sometimes, but not often, I have to look a little harder than other times but 99.99% of the time I'm successful and we both have a great time.

Personal preference is that someone not be obese but anything short of that works for me.  So far the vast majority of people I have seen are in okay shape.

Of course it is nice when I meet someone for the first time and they look good but what really counts for me is how do they treat me and what comes out of there mouth after we initially set eyes on each other.

Something I have noticed, is a couple of regular visitors who were first timers to the hobby when we initially met and how months later they'll be in better shape then when I first saw them.


lilli778 reads

if i had to state a preference, naturally i prefer that a gentleman be physically fit, simply because it allows the opportunity to do more together. i appreciate those clients who give me a good work out from time to time...tossing and flipping me about, placing me in unique, acrobatic positions, and who have the stamina to make every minute of our time together very physically active. while i wouldn't want this from every client, a decathalon-type session every now and again certainly does the body good. :)

I like the way you think lilli. I enjoy a decathalon from time to time as well. The trick is figuring out which lady is in the mood for what. Until you get to know them, I supose that too is part of the fun!


And not only in terms of physical fitness and appearance. I've learned a great deal about myself from my hobbying experiences that would have been difficult to learn any other way. It's also helped me become much more responsible about my spending habits. Strange, huh?

I think there is always that male instinct to make oneself look as best he can for a lady. The better you look,the more appealing you will feel to your lady, and the better you feel about that the better you feel about yourself. After all isn't feeling good kinda what it's about?..


I know that this doesn't exactly correlate to your question, but I for one have been more conscious of my OWN health and fitness since I started providing.  

Not only is it a goal to be a particular size and build, but working out on a regular basis also keeps me fit for some of the various positions you gents like us girls to do - cowgirl, for instance.

I used to exercise frequently (kind of like a gym addict) when I was in college...but RL work took time away from the gym once I graduated.  It's nice that I now have the time and energy to attend to my personal health - and hopefully the gents will see the results!

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