TER General Board

Re: Makes perfect sense to me . . . .
souls_harbor 1643 reads
1 / 20

It's the lastest thing ...

micktoz 41 Reviews 50 reads
2 / 20

-- Modified on 1/4/2018 7:36:35 AM

theoldcavalier 2 Reviews 28 reads
3 / 20

that civilization is near its end.

Then something like this comes along.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 32 reads
4 / 20

A fat girl in a white dress always looks even fatter.  Maybe the illusion will make some guys with small dicks more confident.  

micktoz 41 Reviews 31 reads
5 / 20

But it does make it easier to find when it falls off.

Jersey_Girl See my TER Reviews 31 reads
7 / 20

Made me laugh out loud.  Thank you.

trex44 9 Reviews 41 reads
8 / 20

...until I read the article, I was envisioning a dude dipping his wick in a jug of Clorox! (shudder)

So someone (maybe they're trained?) zaps your unit with a laser -- what could possibly go wrong?

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 27 reads
10 / 20

These people need to start learning  to love themselves.None but yourself can free you mind- Bob Marley.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 37 reads
11 / 20

you can't see close up, or distances?  Or is it that your eyes are just fine?  Somebody might need an extra bucket of brainwash.  Lol


Modified to correct typo

-- Modified on 1/4/2018 9:38:03 PM

Portia 39 reads
12 / 20

Ok so yes there is so many different fads, things, experimental items, procedures and so on but really this isn't necessary are are most of these things.  I think that if something is going to make you feel better weigh the options, the reasons and truly think is this going to make you truly feel better, look better or accomplish what it is that your looking for.  If at the end of it all whilst it may not be for everyone then do what makes you happy be it bleaching, whitening or otherwise.  I can say that if someone comes to see me and they've had it done (penis whitening) then it's no big deal as would I really know that you did it or even want to know.  This is more about the person doing it for themselves and in experiences I always wish you the very best possible in whatever it is that you may want.

micktoz 41 Reviews 28 reads
13 / 20

.... their  partners would enema first.

Edited for spelling.

-- Modified on 1/5/2018 6:38:59 AM

JakeFromStateFarm 33 reads
14 / 20

stigmata. Maybe he should apply for sainthood?

impposter 49 Reviews 50 reads
15 / 20

Posted By: trex44
Re: Well, at least they're using a laser...
So someone (maybe they're trained?) zaps your unit with a laser -- what could possibly go wrong?

-- Modified on 1/5/2018 3:46:56 PM

micktoz 41 Reviews 33 reads
16 / 20
theoldcavalier 2 Reviews 33 reads
17 / 20

Ah, but with trends like this, who needs enemas?

ilarasantos See my TER Reviews 30 reads
18 / 20

If it makes a man feel good about himself, more power to him.

impposter 49 Reviews 33 reads
19 / 20

Or were asking about Auric Goldfinger?  
Same answer!

souls_harbor 26 reads
20 / 20

There are two directions in body modifications ... toward "normal" and away from "normal."

Somebody who is disfigured and has surgery to make them toward normal is easy to understand and sympathize with.  This could include a woman with smaller than normal breasts who wants them enhanced.   Or someone with too big a nose, etc.

On the other hand some people are normal and get enhancements away from normal -- like abnormally large breasts, or lip injections.  Things like skin color bleaching if you had normal color for your ethnicity.  These sorts of things are hard to understand and hard to sympathize with.  Just for the record, I include body piercings and tattoos as modifications away from normal into the unattractive and bizarre.

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