TER General Board

Re: Lead the way...
Paydirt123456 9 Reviews 3802 reads
1 / 25

Guilty, I've been one of those guys who've cancelled many appointments, some at the last minute.  Fellow hobbyists, this is not right.  I'm posting to hopefully effect change in our hobby.  We need to be considerate and act like gentleman.  Think about it from the providers perspective: she agrees to see you, schedules date & time, gets in the shower, puts all her make-up on, gets nice & sexy to satisfy your desires, anticipation is building up and then...you cancel (even worse don't even have the frigging courtesy to call and let her know you're not coming, smh...)

Come on guys, let's be better than that, be gentleman, to an extent anyway.  It's the right thing to do.  We should have a general rule for the hobby, if canceling within 24 hours of a date, mandatory fee applies

GaGambler 145 reads
2 / 25

But please don't pretend to speak for us guys who NEVER flake out at the last minute.

I am all for being nice, and being as helpful as I can to the newbies who ask questions, but that "niceness" doesn't necessarily extend to preachy, BSU posts, stemming from your own guilty conscience.  

If we are going to be fair here, lets make a plea to BOTH hookers and johns alike to be respectful of each others time.

Now if you REALLY feel that badly about your own bad behavior, I have an idea for you. Rather than preach to the community, why don't you reach out to every provider you have flaked on, apologize for your bad behavior and send HER that mandatory cancellation fee you are talking about. ACTIONS speak much louder than words. Man up, do what's right and THEN come back here and preach to the rest of us.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 94 reads
3 / 25

Yes we are usually nice on the newbie board, but we also don't need to sit back and get lectured for something we have never done, by some "born-again" who feels guilty for HIS sins!  

Yes, you fucked up! Glad you finally realized it and straightened yourself out. It doesn't mean everyone else here does the same thing! Some of us have never cancelled an appointment. As GaGambler said, rather than preaching to us, if you feel so guilty, why don't you make reparations to those ladies you have wronged?

-- Modified on 6/19/2017 9:00:17 AM

Paydirt123456 9 Reviews 78 reads
4 / 25

Sensitive much, lol...what are we talking about here?  

Thank you, you are both correct, I should have & did submit unsolicited cancellation fees as I felt it was the right thing to do, despite not being asked for it.

Rather than fussing over a few bucks, I was discussing how cancellations may affect a provider, physically & emotionally.

It's good that you both have not made this a habit, good for you.   I suppose it's entirely possible that I was the lone hobbyist in the world, or in Boston, who committed this mistake.  Pretty sure I wasn't though.

Look, it's all fun & games to have a cute little snarky back & forth on message boards, but seriously, as we are clearly in agreement that cancellations as I described are not a good thing, we can just let it go...

Paydirt123456 9 Reviews 83 reads
5 / 25

...and yes, you are correct in that the post does stem initially from my own guilty conscious

Paydirt123456 9 Reviews 72 reads
6 / 25

...lol, you realize this is a message forum right?  I can't lecture you, I don't even know anyone.
Good, I'm glad you've never cancelled, awesome, good for you.
I've heard cancellations are problematic, I'm not the only one...

TurbayVeronica See my TER Reviews 87 reads
7 / 25

That we make a reservation to meet YOU and what about the money spent in that location.  
In my case, I make reservations to meet with THAT person only, since I don't see more than one person a day and in different locations. IF I get a cancelation, I EXPECT to get the cancelation fee paid to cover travel and hotel.

GaGambler 130 reads
8 / 25

How many of the girls that you flaked on do you plan on "making it right" with?

Yes, cancellations are a big problem, on both ends. I hope you have more to offer than platitudes to all the women you have admittedly inconvenienced.

ChristineGFE See my TER Reviews 82 reads
9 / 25

You admit you have done this many times. You ask that guys should quit this and be respectful. Why don't you be respectful, go back to each you have cancelled on, and pay them. Otherwise simply shut up, if you have a problem take off panties, put on big boy pants, fix problem.

Paydirt123456 9 Reviews 77 reads
10 / 25

GaGambler: you've completely missed the point of the post.  Why, cause you felt insulted?  Relax man, I don't know you, or anyone, just a computer screen talking to you.

We obviously agree on the fundamental point I brought up: we shouldn't be cancelling appointments at last minute without a damn good reason, we should treat these ladies with care and respect.  Boom, there it is.

Why do you want me to tell you what reparations I made/plan on making?  You have no idea if I really did or if I'm talking #!?$.  All I''m trying to do is raise my voice in favor of treating these ladies with the respect they deserve

GaGambler 127 reads
12 / 25

This is not a place for people to lecture others because of their own guilty conscience, Nor is it a place to run up your BSU points. Feel free to do that on your regional board. This is a place for newbies to ask questions about how things work, both here on TER and the hobby in general. Your post did neither, it was much more of a rant than anything else and a rant spawned by your own bad behavior. If you want to "confess your sins" go to church. this is not the board to find redemption or to give lectures.

No if you have any actual questions, I am sure we are still more than happy to help.

Paydirt123456 9 Reviews 81 reads
13 / 25
lopaw 29 Reviews 42 reads
14 / 25
ChristineGFE See my TER Reviews 119 reads
15 / 25

Given your responses, I have reservations. After all it hard to believe anyone who cancels at the last minute. However if you did, good for you.

Paydirt123456 9 Reviews 89 reads
16 / 25

listen, I started this thread by taking responsibility for my actions, by admitting I had made this mistake, and that I was wrong for making it, and encouraging others Not to make the same mistake.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, not 1 single individual has also stepped up and admitted to doing the same thing.  I started this over 12 hours ago.  I would literally bet every dollar I own that several people, not just one but several men who read this thread today and went on their way quietly have also committed this mistake.

ChristineGFE See my TER Reviews 80 reads
17 / 25

I can appreciate your position. I don't want a word war as its no benefit for anyone. But in truthfulness look at what you said.

" I've been one of those guys who've cancelled many appointments, some at the last minute." The part of "many" and last minute are going to get a vile response from almost every Companion. In your original post you make no mention of the fact that you did give compensation to each and every person you have cancelled on. Since the statement comes at what seems after thought its difficult to believe.

Many companions see only one client a day and not every day. I am sure many clients think we just run them through as fast as we can, but not all of us do. A few hours to get ready, cost of incall, transportation and other expenses add up.  

I am glad you say you made the loss of the appointment up to them. That is usually not the case. I am sure many guys who read the thread have cancelled with short or no notice, but criticize them does no good. And you did not address the many companions who have cancelled last minute on client. He has time and perhaps a hotel room that he may have invested in.  

My english is not good for a well written quick response, but you bring this on yourself.

Paydirt123456 9 Reviews 99 reads
18 / 25

...Christine, your English is outstanding, being married to Nepali girl who barely spoke a word when I met her 12 years ago, I have special respect for the challenge you face.

Yes, I was expecting my words would draw such a vile response from companions: my objective, in addition to inspiring open dialogue concerning etiquette and respect for newbies to learn do's and don't's, was to serve my penance, for I was wrong.

If this is a war of words, it's the sexiest war I've ever been in because not a single vile, lewd, violent thought towards you has entered my brain, truth.

But you know what you go through, I don't.  Am I wrong?  Are cancellations not a problem companions deal with on a regular basis?

EuroModelsShown 82 reads
19 / 25

Hooker and John, both criminal, you expect criminal to give shit about courtesy?

Silly dumb dumb.

micktoz 41 Reviews 115 reads
20 / 25

The only cancelations I've ever made were due to illness with a fever.  
And I've only been cancelled on,  for grandmother illnesses or deaths, a couple of times  
OP, as you've found out, a lot of us don't take kindly to someone starting a thread with an admission of being an inconsiderate arsehole and then telling us that we shouldn't do it.  
 You found it necessary to publicly brag about causing time and financial inconvenience,  and then brag that you are not doing it now. Then tell us that we should all straighten up  
"Look at me! I'm now not doing what I shouldn't have be doing in the first place! "  Never goes down well in a group setting.  
You could have started a better thought out thread, Though this topic has been a regular one, it is a challenge for both clients and providers.  

Now back to some fun with women.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 104 reads
21 / 25

When you started to call providers "companions."  Hooker is accurate, while "provider" is the sanitized PC version, so WTF does a "companion" do that a hooker/provider doesn't?  I have never NCNS with a hooker/provider, but I might feel the urge to try it with someone telling me I have booked with a "companion."  Do you offer sex services, or are you one of the "cuddle" people?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 76 reads
22 / 25

I can no longer call you my "hobby bro?"  We've probably eaten some of the same pussy, just not at the same time.  That makes a hobby bro in my book.  Please advise.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 134 reads
23 / 25

You're preaching to the choir here.  Actually, make that "OVER-preaching."  The vast majority here have treated providers with respect from day one of our hobby careers, so the disrespect you are copping to here is about as foreign to us as it gets.  Besides you, we could probably count the guys here on one hand that have NCNS'd a provider.  More often, its flakey providers that do that to us, but that's not the side you are speaking of.  The guys that are habitual NCNS like you are not active on this board, and so even though you want to help them, they will remain clueless, and continue to have crappy sessions because of their reputations for no-show that will keep the savvy providers from booking them (and you) in the first place.

lopaw 29 Reviews 80 reads
24 / 25
Duplicitouslust 24 Reviews 71 reads
25 / 25

Julia baby how have you been.  Just wondering what would you define as ample time to cancel an appointment? I ask this question because how long would you need to give ample notice to other suitors whom are inquiring about your time.  Also would you say that it gives you another crack gaining revenue to satisfy all of your financial goals.  Please respond at your earliest convenience.

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