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Re: I've seen some high end providers that don't properly wash down there, so, I can see where he
Draven4130 464 reads

He was replying to the OP's comment about a client asking her to bathe.

Seem's relative to me, but what do I know....

Ladies, have you ever gotten an appointment request that is beyond insulting? I mean, I know we all get some bollocksy requests and of course, we are ladies enough to ignore them (if not entertaining them, heh) but some, are just enough to push  us over the edge. I had a guy send me an appointment request today through my website with a "special" request that I BATHE. Yes, bathing is a novel concept. It is by only the grace of The Lord I have been reminded to commit such an act. I suppose my other 150+ positive reviews on this website alone are...a string of good fortune.

LOL I know we aren't supposed to mention other websites about escorts and blogs, but this one just might warrant an entry.

So, ladies, what twists your nips?

By the way, Happy Mother's Day to the mothers out there, and to the mother fuckers :)

Just a couple of weeks ago I had a gentleman ask if he could be my human toilet paper.  I thought that was a bit out of my comfort zone.  And then I have had a request for a fisting session.  Don't get me wrong, different strokes for different folks.  Just not in my comfort zone.  Hoppefully these gentlemen found an angel willing to accomodate their Scat and fisting fetish.

Happy day


Elle Vegas

I had a guy ask me if he could wear a diaper and be my "baby" and if I wouldn't mind changing his diapers.

I had a request to reduce my rate because he spent too much on his ED meds...


coming from. Yup, it does happen. When I'm dishing out $300-$500, even they are well reviewed, some well reviewed providers don't wash up down there properly. I wrote a thread about this, and some providers say that its there secret to make guys not DATY down there. I have no clue. I never mention those things in emails because I do not think its appropriate. However, I can see where the guy is coming from.

I will not insult a lady you have seen or a gentleman such as yourself. I will just say that I am a lady and high end ladies bathe, quite regularly, if not obsessively.

Posted By: McDonald000
coming from. Yup, it does happen. When I'm dishing out $300-$500, even they are well reviewed, some well reviewed providers don't wash up down there properly. I wrote a thread about this, and some providers say that its there secret to make guys not DATY down there. I have no clue. I never mention those things in emails because I do not think its appropriate. However, I can see where the guy is coming from.

serpius525 reads

Hello McDonald,

How does this response have anything to do with the topic in question?

She was NOT asking about offensive providers, she was asking about guys who contact the providers that REQUEST services that are deemed offensive to the provider.


Posted By: McDonald000
coming from. Yup, it does happen. When I'm dishing out $300-$500, even they are well reviewed, some well reviewed providers don't wash up down there properly. I wrote a thread about this, and some providers say that its there secret to make guys not DATY down there. I have no clue. I never mention those things in emails because I do not think its appropriate. However, I can see where the guy is coming from.

Draven4130465 reads

He was replying to the OP's comment about a client asking her to bathe.

Seem's relative to me, but what do I know....

I was elaborating the OP's comment as to why one of her client made that request. Like I stated before, in my experience, and this does not include all providers ranging from $300-$500 an hour, some do not do a good job washing down there for one reason or another. So, the client wants to make sure that she does before booking with her.

As I stated, I don't make those request because it's inappropriate. But, I do understand where he is coming from to make such a request.

as oppsed the as austin powers would say nit, a "whores bath" !!! hey we all know that nmeans a quick scrub of your koothcie then not full shower between appts, maybe he can tell or has visited with a provider that does that whole routine n wants to ensure the one he sees washes all over, n maybe he didnt mean anything personally but had a bad experience or something of somekind, maybe seen dried uop gizzmo on a gals breats or back but yes her crocth clean, maybe he just had bad experience one time n is all overly cautious now scared to kiss a nipple n find dried gizz on it,,,,,,,,,,,,oh god! who knows what the poor guy been thru out here in this concrete jungle, theres all kinds a stories ,

area , that should be used not reg body wash , in fact some women i knew dont use soap at all directly on it, i had more than one girl saybthat there doc told them wash around it dontwash it , its bself cleaning, so thats two women that has said that they dont waash the kitty directly ,friends of mine, ,,so whio know how many out there dont,or how many others gyno s told them not too thats just two ladies not providers i was friends of had told me that me eprsonally theres no way i anot soapin uo my kitty after havn a dude on me or just any time at all,  there is a soecific special clear wash they sell women are supposed to use not the reg soaps, its different than rest the body down there. and if they r workin girls its pribly there little oride n joy so i d addume they take tender lovin care of it, but those condoms the trojans reak! oh god they r nasty, the durex tropicals smell good but dam you get that juice from the trojan in there its freakn like sticks to u n reaks, i find certain condoms i doint wann use the msell them gets in your skin on hands n just every where n its the grossest smell to smell burnt rubber all over durin sex, i swear byt he durex tripicals they smell like either banana, or other fruit flavors, ,,,imagine the scent of the trojan bein lodged uo in a dark hole and sitiin there n rotting, if a long bath with water getn uo the pussy or else other wise doush, isnt used after fuckn just imagine that nasty ass trojan smell then it festerin in a girls hole, how rotten it smell thats why, i think, a douch or bath letn some water get up ther, n hey maybe i am bein gross her, but its reality mn its a body part we gott adeal with, which i personally think i love women, but pussies i think r kinda weird lookn, then zi nthink dicks are nice sleek n sexy, and inviting n pussies r kinda weird w all mindsa flaps n fold n whatve, i feel for guys bein expectn to eat poussy alot, i did it zillion times but still, i think suckn a dick is way more fun,

from a gentleman passing through Columbia and wanted to buy my HEAVILY POOPED PANTIES!!!!! I do have a line and that is definitely where I draw it. I replied back 'I'm potty trained' and left it at that! YUCK!!!

serpius492 reads

Hey Mocha,

If a hobbyist made that request to you, I am not sure how that can be considered offensive to you.

You'd be surprised how many times when I have met providers (of all spectrums) do NOT do a good job of cleaning their privates. It's amazing that it's one of those 'Duh' things that everyone (hobbyists and providers alike) should do before meeting each other.

I, for one, will always be fresh as I possibly can be before I meet a provider.

In short, if I guy mentions that to you, don't take it personally, maybe the previous provider didn't do a good job of hygiene and he doesn't want to go through the same thing again.


Posted By: TrulyMsMocha

...... I am an adult.

I'm aware some adults NASTY adults don't know how to properly wash their musty vaginas, penis&balls or butt cracks and all in-between OR they don't care and/or are lazy sleezebags.....but mom taught me how to wash myself carefully when I was little.

As another lady said some of us are downright obsessive about it. I'd be EMBARASSED if a man or woman came near me let alone to touch me, kiss me or LICK ME anywhere and I didn't taste or smell like I just showered.

I believe in do unto others as you'd have them do unto you  and I expect anything I put in my mouth to be clean because any part of me i'll put on you um yeah you'll know I cared enough to clean it first. I find it RIDICULOUS that we should have to tell another adult to clean themselves before intimacy.

No one has ever complained about my hygiene in my reviews before....if anything you'll see they could tell I just got out the shower. So unless that idiot missed that before contacting me that's his problem isn't it?

My ass and everything else will be washed already when you arrive I don't need you to tell me even in a joking manner to be fresh. I take my hygiene seriously.  You just worry about yours.

-- Modified on 5/13/2012 7:27:51 PM

serpius425 reads

Hey Mocha,

I think you misread my previous posting, but at this point, it's best that I leave it at that.


ClamsCasino584 reads

I like everything straight up.

I'm going to ask for a dual diaper wearing, fisting, scat session but I'll tell the lucky lady that I'm a clean freak and I want to make sure that she bathes for me before the session. Sounds good, right?

All I ask is that you be fresh from head to toe (especially the jewels) and that you're the sexy bitch that's in your photos :D

-- Modified on 5/13/2012 4:35:27 PM

For the life of me I do not understand how some guys muck it up with a hooker. We specialize in this area. We are fucking doctors. Get it? lolol

Zsa_Zsa_TaTas371 reads

I hate it when I get the "How are you going to be dressed?" question.  Like I don't know how to dress so as not to call attention to myself.  Risque clothing is for BCD time not public time.

And in it he stated he just wanted to buy my HEAVILY POOPED PANTIES!!!!! Ok I have a line and that's where I draw it. I simply replied 'I'm potty trained' and left it at that. Yuck!

The most offensive appointments that I get hands down is barebacking. Then some of these guys have the audacity to ask can they fill me with their creamy vanilla filling. WTF. I value my life more than anything I can't take that risk sorry if I offend anyone.

to now pee in the guys mouth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,,,,,why ? i have no idea what was his beef, but i figured it resally sint goin to hurt me any to so it, and well , he was after i ended up with 3 g noted s after all his outlandish kookiness i dealt with, and no sex ever went on, just alot kinda weird stuff, i thought it odd request but did it,

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