TER General Board

Re: Its not unprecedented (don't tell us SHOW US)
team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 19 reads

Show me a major hotel site where a booking online that cancellation fee is the price of the entire stay

Show me.

Lets talk about it here because some folks in the other thread want to cycle back to a specific case instead of general concept.  

I'm not talking about customers not honoring the (often purposefully in tiny print) cancellation fee amount.  

I'm talking about the business practice itself. It is predatory. It incentivizes service provider (any industry, which is why you never see this practice in trade or medicine or law fields) to provoke cancellations because they are compensated the same for NOT working as when they do work.

A percentage of a session fee is reasonable. A flat amount thatis set reasonably is also reasonable. Full session amount does not make any sense whatsoever.

A surgeon can charge 50K for a surgery and I cancel my appointment with him for 50 bucks. Why do you have to pay the full service fee when service was never provided and you never even met?  

-- Modified on 5/8/2024 5:28:51 PM

-- Modified on 5/8/2024 5:31:15 PM

Not answering yet ... just thinking, I mean typing, out loud.
If notice is given early enough, she does not need to take a hotel room or can cancel her reservation w/o penalty. If not, she is stuck with a hotel room charge or cancellation fee. If she can fill the appointment block, it's (almost) a wash.  Depending on her SOP, she might have to invest time and money in rapid verification.  
If early enough, she can leave freshly laundered or dry cleaned clothing in the plastic packaging. If it's too late and she is wearing / using stuff, she has the additional cost of re-laundering / dry-cleaning stuff even though there was no appointment or meeting.  
Hair and makeup: time and expense. Early cancellation, expense reduced to zero. Late cancellation, "all dolled up and no place to go" and time and money need to be recovered.
Oops. I gotta. I'll be back later.

Posted By: team_rocket_qwerty

Lets talk about it here because some folks in the other thread want to cycle back to a specific case instead of general concept.  
 I'm not talking about customers not honoring the (often purposefully in tiny print) cancellation fee amount.  
 I'm talking about the business practice itself. It is predatory. It incentivizes service provider (any industry, which is why you never see this practice in trade or medicine or law fields) to provoke cancellations because they are compensated the same for NOT working as when they do work.  
 A percentage of a session fee is reasonable. A flat amount thatis set reasonably is also reasonable. Full session amount does not make any sense whatsoever.  
 A surgeon can charge 50K for a surgery and I cancel my appointment with him for 50 bucks. Why do you have to pay the full service fee when service was never provided and you never even met?  
 -- Modified on 5/8/2024 5:28:51 PM

-- Modified on 5/8/2024 5:31:15 PM

Steve_Trevor27 reads

of a full-session-price cancellation fee for cancellations with short notice. To a point.

I understand it from the POV that it may be impossible to fill that time for the same compensation. Thus the provider is out that income, which she’d counted on.

I don’t understand it if the provider doesn’t make a reasonable effort to fill the time, or if she does and is successful, with no impact on revenue.  

I also don’t think it’s fair to have such a policy and not offer to reimburse clients in some way if the provider has to cancel on short notice.

And I think there’s better examples IRL than doctors. For example, my long-time massage therapist charges a 100% cancellation fee for cancellations without a reschedule less than 24 hours in advance. They did that because they had too many people make appointments and then cancel with little notice, without rescheduling. It was a major hit on their revenue.

420Smoka4Eva28 reads

There are plenty of IRL examples, especially in luxury markets and high end service industries.

I know a guy who owned a hotel in a beach town. As you would expect, 80% of the hotels revenue were weekend bookings between memorial day and labor day (30 days in the year). If the weather report for the weekend was bad and called for cloud and rain, people would try to cancel their booking last second. The hotel couldn't afford to lose this revenue. They charged a 50% deposit up front. If you tried to cancel last second, you paid for the entire weekend. It stopped people from cancelling last second.

The reality is guys got too flakey during COVID and cancelled on Providers too often. They got tired of our shit and changed their policies.

Show me a major hotel site where a booking online that cancellation fee is the price of the entire stay

Show me.

John_Laroche27 reads

Posted By: team_rocket_qwerty

 I'm talking about the business practice itself. It is predatory. It incentivizes service provider (any industry, which is why you never see this practice in trade or medicine or law fields) to provoke cancellations because they are compensated the same for NOT working as when they do work.  
Hotels do it. Rental car agencies do it. So do tour companies.
I'm trying to imagine how an established provider accepts a booking and then goes out of her way to get you to cancel just so she can collect a full fee for no work. Admittedly, I have heard of providers and mongers get into an email or text exchange and thing devolve until one pulls the plug, but this is rare, and as long as there is a review or social media platform, not a sustainable scamming practice.

That said, there's also a difference between a $500 SW and a $1,500 SW asking for a full fee for late cancellation.

As far as I'm aware, most hotels only charge one nights stay as a cancellation fee on any multi-night stay.

This means the more nights I originally booked, the less fee I pay percent-wise.

Rental cars - I just looked up cancellation police at four major companies.  

Avis - flat 150 fee
Budget - flat 150
Enterprise - no fees if you don't prepay, flat 100 if you do
Hertz - flat 100

So your statement seems flat out wrong?

John_Laroche23 reads

So if I booked a hotel or a car for a day, it's essentially a 100% cancelation penalty.  
Aside from these examples, you ignore my main point that these fees don't incentivize bad behavior by the provider, or hotel,  or tour company for that matter.

What car have you rented lately that cost you 100 dollars to rent?

There is a clear difference between the fee being an entire session, which can and often is multi-hours.... and fee being only one day of the stay.  

 You made a false statement and instead of admitting you made a statement that is blatantly false, are now trying to spin it. Shame.


"you ignore my main point that these fees don't incentivize bad behavior by the provider, or hotel,  or tour company for that matter."

What is your argument? How do they incentive bad behavior?

What stops a provider from "conveniently" changing her or his touring hotel incall a day before to another hotel at the other end of the city?  

If the provider had 10 clients lined up for that day, there's a good chance someone will have to cancel due to the hotel being in a totally different part of town.

You seem to not be able to comprehend that any fee that is only a % of the entire service fee, the seller has an incentive to provide service. Whereas if the fee is an entire session fee price, there is incentive to not provide a service. How is that not clear?

No provider is charging just to recoup costs. She is profiting. A percentage or flat amount to insure she doesn’t lose money fine. But the argument that because she could have booked another appointment and therefore you have to pay the whole amount is one sided and selfish. This is why I have no interest in a provider who would do this. No chemistry with selfish people.

Look, no man in his right mind wants to pony up $200-$300 for an appointment he cannot make. But he does because he feels bad he had to cancel. Meanwhile, he had some emergency that he has to deal with and he’s not getting laid. He’s lost a lot. An understanding woman will see this and be okay knowing she’s taking a bit of a loss too. This is what I call fair.

But to insist on the whole amount is pretty much saying fuck your problems. I don’t really care.

RespectfulRobert24 reads

If she clearly has a policy that 100% of the money is due for cancellations under 24 hours, then as a client you either book with her and abide by that policy or you don't book her and you seek out her competition.
But to cry and stamp your (plural) feet when you (again, plural) cancel late with a girl whose policy is clearly known and documented before booking, well that is just childish and entitled behavior.  
The guys I feel sorry for are the ones who book a provider with no mention of the penalty for late cancellations and then her strong arming him for payment in full with the fear of blacklisting or doxxing hanging over his head. That is just an unscrupulous woman and a provider that is everything wrong with this lifestyle.

I pretty much agree with this all. Whether I like it or not, if she is clear about her policy, any man who books her needs to live with it and follow it. In this case, it sounds like she was not clear about it, but insisted on the full amount any. Now that is just wrong.

This thread is discussing STRICTLY the policy of cancellation fee being equal service fee.

"In this case, it sounds like she was not clear about it, but insisted on the full amount any."

My post is not about this case at all!

Lmao, don't shout with explanation points. Your spinoff at the same time as the original post got me confused. That's the this case I was referencing. I did answer your post in my first response though.

No one said anything about transparency in this thread and here you are starting this shit up again.  

We are discussing a policy and are discussing whether or not it's predatory. A policy, technique or marketing stunt can be predatory even if it's completely transparent....dont believe me?  

Go ahead and make a quora a policy can be predatory even if it's transparent.  

People can dislike the policy and actively tell others to not use anyone who employs such policy. People can do viral posts and take a seller out of business by damaging their reputarjon if they think the policy is predatory.

That's their fucking right as consumers. To get mad about policies, to stomp their feet and call anyone who employs these policies a piece of shit.  

Many policies and techniques by various sellers are considered predatory and are outlawed by legislature.  

You, on other hand, think because something is transparent it cannot be wrong or predatory. Clients are like slaves according  to you. They either eat shit that they're given or not eat.  

No, customers have a right to complain about shitty policies that have zero rationale behind them.  

Something you cannot comprehend at all apparently.

RespectfulRobert19 reads

As you are now arguing with almost everyone. lol.
You were even given an iron clad, real world example that a hotel booking cancelled less than 24 hours would result in, sit down for this part, a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT cancellation fee where NO SERVICE was offered. Then YOU diverted to a multi-day stay, of course, as that is what a weasel does. lol.  
So there are real world examples, but you cant be honest enough to acknowledged they exist. Me? IDC if they exist or not. It isn't revenant to my spot on rebuttal of your silly argument. Your predatory comment is ridiculous. Transparency is everything here so of course you had a hissy when I mentioned it as it destroys your feeble attempt to take the buyer off the hook.
You are OBSESSED with this and it's your obsession that makes you lose these arguments, time and time again. You are all emotional, and it shows in your warped and faulty logic.  
I have no skin in the game emotionally, as most here don't. I could care less what a girl demands. I ONLY care if I am agreeable to it and comfortable with it.  
You were obviously never taught "buyer beware" at school. That's because you are a graduate of The CDL Middle School. lol.
Now, how about instead of you complaining morning, noon and night about what some provider has or doesnt have on her website, go find a women (with a zero cancellation penalty of course, lol) and get laid already! You are all backed up and grumpy.  
Being the Ralph Nader of sex work can be taxing and stressful for you. Sex can fix that, Ralph. Lol.

Ad hominems? Check
Callig me weird names from politics lke Ralph Nader? Check

Conan moments? "I could care less". It's I couldn't care less!  

Appeal to majority fallacy? Check.  

And you're now trying to derail my thread I have made on what I consider predatory policy.


As far as hotels go, I'm well aware that they charge one night of cancellation. That is not equal and never will be equal to a full stay. What is there to weasel out? A flat or percentage fee is not the same as entire session fee. It isn't.

If I book a two week stay I am still charged only for one night. If I book there hours with a provider and cancel I will be charged for all hours.  

I AM obsessed with consumer rights. Always have, always will be. Consumer rights in any business > sellers entire biz existence. Any industry.

And no, something being transparent doesn't mean it's not predatory. There is no warped logic of any kind here. You use warped logic to say if something is transparent, it's not predatory. That is a fallacious statement.

That's ironic because he's one guy who I've also argued this with for hours on here. Just mostly in the kgirl forum.

As far as ad hominems, I've never twisted anyone's name on here. I didn't use personal attacks. I didn't say any of people I argue with are "on the spectrum" or used any other garbage diction to try to besmirch my opponents.

I am far, far far more persistent than cdl. If I see a predatory tactic, I call it out.  
I have done this for the last four years I've been on here and plan on doing it more.  

While laughing at those who think because someone sells sexual services they should be given special privileges to fuck over clients.

No one is special because theyre slinging pussy or cock instead of bean pies. It doesn't magically give you a Carte Blanche to instill customer unfriendly anti-consumer predator tactics.

-- Modified on 5/9/2024 6:41:47 PM

That’s not happening in my lifetime! As I stated before, no deposit ever…ever…ever! Next on list?

A surgeon can charge 50K for a surgery and I cancel my appointment with him for 50 bucks
If Rocket turns out to be a repeat canceller, then the surgeon will drop him. And when a surgeon gets a cancellation, they move up the following surgeries, allowing them an earlier tee time later that day.


I had to cancel my doctor appointments several times and nothing has happened.

As usual, cks is wrong, and he wants to talk about my doctor who he has never seen or talked to. Or maybe you have, just like with that cgla booker? Lol.

Rocket moves the goalposts (again). Repeated cancellations for $50K surgeries? Inside 24 hours. You’re full of shit.

This guy is struggling for his life lol.

I made several cancellations with my doctor, yes inside of 24 hours, and yes all of them were honored and no one dropped me.

As a provider, I generally stay *far away* from areas of conflict, but I'm not seeing a lot of interjection here from 'our side' of things, so I'm feeling compelled to offer a contrasting viewpoint, if not only for perspective.

Listen -- We (speaking for normal, everyday women and providers here) don't want you to cancel... In fact, most providers I know (myself included!) that have these steep cancellation fees in place are there to also deter folks from cancelling. Additionally, from a business perspective, it doesn't make sense for us to incentivize cancellations, when what we actually want are regulars, good clients, and your continued business. It would be significantly more work to 'try' to get you to cancel and force a cancellation fee on you, than it would be to just....do my job, and enjoy our session, haha.

In my case, I only charge a 100% cancellation fee if it's a same day cancel -- but 50% of that fee is allowed to be put towards a future booking, and also acts as your future deposit. I typically ask for a 20% deposit, so between your initial cancelled booking and the future one, it's an extremely minor difference. And I truly, genuinely, only put this policy in effect because when I didn't have a policy, I was facing cancellations left and right with little to no compensation. I also list it in the footer of every single one of my emails, so it's not a surprise or a 'gotcha'.

This is also anecdotal, but I personally don't do same day appointments, so when a date is cancelled, I'm not able to easily fill the missed time for that day, and often have to cancel or turn down other dates to accommodate the ones I have in my calendar. This also does not account for hotel fees, outfit requests, travel expenses, etc.

And lastly, I say it all the time, but: Providers are people. We want to work with you, but we also want you to recognize that we have families, personal relationships, and our own lives that we plan around to cater to you. While I'm sure there are a small, strange handful out there who are doing these elaborate cancellation schemes, the majority of us are not like this. We just request baseline respect for our time, just like any other service provider would 🩷

"Providers are people. We want to work with you, but we also want you to recognize that we have families, personal relationships, and our own lives that we plan around to cater to you."

Sure. And clients are people too and also have the same families personal relationships and we also work full time jobs.

(That's why I don't like discussing things in this kind of stream. Bernie madoff was a person too but to most clients he was a ascamer who took their money. So to buyers he's a POS, just like a rowdy client is a POS to providers regardless of hi being a person having family etc)

Sometimes I binge three or four girls a day. It's tough to construct such a schedule. And can you imagine what happens when there are cancellations?

I would be more sympathetic if I got even a penny for each cancellation from a provider side, especially last minute ones. But I've gotten nada for it. Not a single penny. In some cases I didn't even receive a "sorry", and talk is cheap. I've had around 20 cancelations over last two years and twelve and counting over last year.  

That's the baseline respect I got when providers canceled on me, many times last minute.  

I got a donut hole instead of pussyhole to penetrare.
That was the respect that I got.  

Yet,on the other hand, I am expected to dish out the same price as session for cancellation from my side.  
Which is, again, unprecedented in other industries.

What does this teach me? That this baseline respect only applies to provider money, not client money. And that respect for your time is fully guaranteed and yet I get zero respect.

Tell me, how do you think this is fair and why should a client be content with this?  I have to respect your time to the tune of giving you full money when I cannot make it...yet respect for my time/money is zero when you cannot make it.

-- Modified on 5/10/2024 2:39:13 PM

She explained her steep cancellation fee and you got the rationale for it straight from the source. You claim it’s not fair, but you personally have never paid a provider a cancellation fee. Why make an issue when in reality for you the issue doesn’t exist.

First of all, why not let the lady answer? She put together a good post, and I replied back with as much courtesy as possible. I didn't attack her, didn't bombard her with snarkiness or unrelated gifs like some people.  

I'm all for having a dialogue in the same manner as her.  

I believe it was a very simple question. If someone asks for respect for time and money, shouldnt they also honor the other party's time and money? How can one ask for it if they don't honor it themselves?  


And Chloe also mentioned that she refunds 50% towards future booking. While 50% is still too high, especially if someone booked several hours or overnight, it's still strictly better than the full price.

Any issue for any monger is also my issue. Eye for an eye. Their problem is my problem. They're brothers to me as is any consumer who shares my consumer habits.  

Now go ahead and say I'm on the spectrum and other degrading things. That's what you do.

Her cancellation policy might be too steep for you, but clients who can afford her rates and know her policies seem to be fine with it.

PS, I never said you were on the spectrum. Try another diversion.

I say this with full sincerity, I think I may be a bit lost at what the intention of this post is; It feels like you’re meeting a lot of folks here with combativeness, when this very easily could be an earnest conversation about why a provider would have these fees in place. I am also a bit lost about what this has to do with a provider cancelling? (To my knowledge, it seems to be fairly standard for providers to return deposits if they cancel, so I’m not really understanding how that would happen to you multiple times, unless there are extenuating circumstances or some critical context that I’m missing here.)

Full transparency: 12 cancellations in a year is a major red flag. If this is a repeated pattern, some introspective reflection may benefit you greatly, as it could very well be something (even minor) on your end that is contributing to that. And I don’t mean that to blame you, at *all*.  I mean that with the utmost respect and honesty, and as someone who does not know you; I would say this to anyone who told me that they were experiencing the same thing.  

While I don’t agree that you should lose your deposit due to a providers cancellation, it seems a little strange to me that it would be a regular occurrence for you. I can only imagine that there’s something afoot on your end or theirs…But nevertheless, something to think about.

Lastly, I think you may not recognize how your tone can come across via text - you have said you met me with respect, but I can’t help but feel like you’re speaking to me more than a bit defensively. Whether or not that is your intention, using this kind of tone in an email or other correspondence may be attributing to your negative experiences with providers.  

This is not criticism, just an observation, and an earnest attempt to be straightforward about some critical insight that you may have been missing. 🩷

I wish you well, and hope your experiences with companions improve down the line!

"am also a bit lost about what this has to do with a provider cancelling?"

Well, you said  that providers money and time should be respected. I agreed but also asked whether you have this same respect for a clients time and money.

I think that anyone who preaches one side fo respect for time, should probably exhibit some respect for the other side. No?  

Many clients spend time preparing for the appointment. Many may spend up to 2 hours driving to the appointment. Our time  is valuable just as much as yours, no?  

I wasn't talking about the deposit being returned when I was talking about the respect for clients money and time. A deposit being returned is just the bare minimum that is expected to be returned. Like, you're supposed to do that. Lol.  

No, I was talking about compensation for a clients time when they were told they were going to get a service but they didn't.  
If you cancel last minute and I got dressed for the occasion, maybe took pills if I'm an older gent, drove a couple hours, maybe had to take hours off work, all that for nothing. This is what I talk about when I ask for respect for clients time and money. Just like you ask for respect for providers time and money.  

Sure, my tone is probably defensive, but I don't get why it can't coexist with respect. I don't know you, you came in peace and told me your point of view, which I appreciate and cherish. And did so without calling me names and other stuff.

I did the same with you. Arguing one point or another does not diminish my respect for you.  


Saw a related story completely separate from this discussion the other day, link below.

I think people need to spearate are they saying they don't like the costs when it hits them or that under no cercumstances is it acceptable?  

Is this about the level of cancelation fee to create incentives for customers that book to make every and all efforts to make the appointment rather than assuming they can just blow it off any time they want?

Is this about big businesses or services where the provider will clearly have large cash flow where any given customer/appointment (that marginal business) pretty much does not move the needle for their business model?

I do think these types of things, whatever the cancelation fee might be, have to be clearly disclosed to the customer and not something that gets mentioned only if someone has an emergency and needs to cancel/reschedule. If not disclosed previously then I do think attempting to shift those costs is not really legitimate/approapreate. It's a lesson learned by the business that sometimes people will not be able to make the appointment and if that results in a significant impact to the business a policy should have been developed -- in other words, it was initially poor business planning but the business/provider. After that, once published it's on the customer to make commitments they fully expect to keep and accept that their emergency (whatever it might be) is imposing a cost on the other party so should be willing to pay the clearly stated fee.

As the linked article suggest, it seems that a growing number of customers are getting sloppy in their dealing with service providers, or are just naturally unorganized, which is part of the driver resulting in the good cusotmers that face a truely unavoidable and unanticipateable event now getting treated like the less courteous customers. I will also say, I've found that a number of busnesses do apply their policies with some discretion and often waive the fee for a good customer that very rarely cancels on them. That is a good business practice and a business I will generally prefer doing business with over competitors.

Begrudgingly because like I said, I think giving an incentive to seller to not do service and get the same money as if he or she has done a service, is bad with no upside to the client. If the seller is honest and hard worker, great. If the seller is the kind of person who tries his or her best to work the least and get the most profit, there could be a problem.

I think everyone agrees that if the policy isnt stated clearly, then it's a problem. So I don't think we need to debate that  

The point of contention then comes when the policy is stated. Somehow, suddenly the seller has the power to do anything he or she desires, no matter how it registers on the scales of ethics morality or even legality. As long as they mention it.  

That I don't agree with. There are many situations in which a practice is a bad practice regardless of whether or not customer is warned. Lооt boxes in video games are bаnned in EU because they're predatory. It doesn't matter if devs explicitly write odds and give gаmbling warnings. They are predatory, says the law. Gtfo.  

Take cigarette packs In EU. They have very grаphic imagery on them and it's by law. You would think that writing that tobacco causes cancer would be enough, but no - the product is considered so bad they deliberately make the seller bend over and put these gruesоme images on their product. Good.  

Take contracts some porn stars did with some extrеme porn sites for shooting scenes. They were explicitly told and signed off waivers. Then they were taken advantage of and аbused all within the context of the contract. The guys who took advantage of them are pieces of shit and I hope their dicks would fall off. But according to this transparency theory they knew what they were getting into and got what they got coming to them, right? So they could've just taken or left it, right? Sigh.  


There are couple of points from this article that are interesting.  

First the barber who basically says he's not corporate and bad reviews will not hurt him. I sincerely hope he goes out of biz due to bad reviews, that would be poetic. But the point is, he recognizes that people don't like cancellation fees being the same as service fee.  

Second, the woman who said that she doesn't get any money when the seller cancels. We of course had that discussion about assymetry in biz. Well let's compare. In my last two years seeing almost exclusively kgirls, I've been canceled on around twenty times or so. Many of these cancellation were last moment. I didn't get a penny for it and I either had to leave with blue balls, reschedule with another org elsewhere (not too often since I'm a nighttime vulturе) or go to a motel cmilf/cgilf just to release.  

In my now over a decade long mongering career I've had to cancel once. Once. In a true emergency. The result? I lost access to a girl I really liked. The irony? I even offered to pay full price for the session because I liked her so much. On my own accord. And it didn't help.

-- Modified on 5/9/2024 9:50:55 PM

420Smoka4Eva26 reads

The point people have been repeatedly trying to make is that this pretty much IS a standard industry practice for the independent GFE provider. That's pretty much it.

Nobody here cares about your feelings on ethics, morals or legality. What do you think this board is for btw? This is not legal in most US jurisdictions. If you really cared about ethics, morals or legality would you be on this site talking about paying for sex? Or do you only selectively care about ethics, morals and legality when it suits you?  

Nobody here cares for your rant about loot boxes. Nobody here cares about cigarettes in Europe. Nobody here thinks cancellation fees are comparable to sexual exploitation in the porn industry. Nobody cares if you hope some random barber goes out of business.  

Nobody here cares if you got poor customer service from a bunch of K-Girls either. Nobody goes to Chipotle and expects a Michelin star fine dining experience.

I dont see how it's an industry standard. In kgirl world this was never the standard, and now that it's rearing it's ugly head recently a lot of customers are upset at this. And I'm here to add to this.  

And seeing people upset at this here, I would say you're lying about it being a full session fee for everyone as a standard. Sorry.  

My response was to Jensen, but I like how 420smoke4eva speaks on behalf on everyone. You're posting behind an alias and you got here a few months ago. Lol

"If you really cared about ethics, morals or legality would you be on this site talking about paying for sex?"  

Another idiotic logical feint. First you claimed that sellers in this biz should be special snowflakes because they suck our dick. Now you're attempting to equate consumer rights with fucking for money?  

I have no problem with people paying for sex. I have no problem with providers not paying uncle Sam money. What I have a problem with is consumer rights. Legal or illegal, consumer rights remain.  

Consumer rights >>> the existence of sellers business. That's not a hypervole. Sellers cannot exist without consumers. So honor their fucking rights.

Anyway, you have failed at rational discussion. You think sellers can do whatever the fuck they want in this biz and infringe on consumer rights. All because they suck dick. I should tell the ob/gyn doctors that. Cuz they go inside the pussy they should also fuck over their clients rights.

At the risk of getting flamed, kgirls and agencies are a different business model than most independents. Kgirls have no problems with filling cancelled spots because they are usually same day bookings. Independents, especially touring girls, are less likely to do same day bookings. While the industry is still sex work, the category is different. To use the hotel analogy, it's the lodging industry but you can get a motel, hotel, Airbnb, etc. Motels are same day, rarely booked in advance. Hotels are booked in advance and usually have sliding cancellation policies and terms. Airbnb is usually pay up front but still able to cancel for decreasing scale of refund amounts.

This doesn't mean I agree with 100% cancellation for a provider, but I can understand why a provider would ask for it based on loss of income, especially if she had to decline other interested suitors.

RespectfulRobert20 reads

You have gone wrong in several areas re: this topic but none more obvious than this:
"Somehow, suddenly the seller has the power to do anything he or she desires, no matter how it registers on the scales of ethics morality or even legality."
WRONG. With regards to escorting in the U.S., the seller can NOT "do anything." They can only "request" that the BUYER "does something." It is the buyer who contacts and engages with the seller, at his/her free will and volition, fully knowing (again with the proviso that her policies are clear and obviously listed) the potential downside BEFORE the transaction.  
The second half of your sentence is equally problematic, as we know SW is illegal, and many in society find it "unethical" and "immoral." That's one of the things that makes sex work vastly different than all the real world examples of other businesses, among several other things.  Those are ALL legal and do not have the stigma of being unethical or immoral on their face by the public at large. You have allies in your fight against those legal entities, and any of their unjust business practices, with not JUST the government, be it local, state or federal, but the PUBLIC as well, as they with be with you in many cases as well.  
You want to be the "champion of consumer rights" in an industry that is totally not regulated by any legal entity. It is one thing to "go against City Hall," as that is hard enough, but to do battle with thousands of sex workers, with no governing or regulating body to complain to in case of "predatory" business practices, with VERY few people on the buyer side who back you or even agree with you, than you are just begging to bang your head against that proverbial wall.  
In your own headline you write this:
"If this eventually becomes interindustry practice, I will begrudgingly accept it."  
I think you should get a jump start on that acceptance now, as virtually all the rest of us already have.

I dont get why I have to repeat this so many times so you'd understand.

 A predatory practice remains predatory no matter whether the client agrees to it or not.

Marketing ploys - many of which are legal... are.... wait for it.... PREDATORY
Appealing to people's emotions in advertisements are... PREDATORY

Fake or old pictures of providers are..... PREDATORY

All of these are predatory practices that exist to fuck over the clients and to extract as much money as possible even if the product is subpar or in many cases close to its expiration date.

Let's try this the last time: a predatory practice doesn't cease to be less predatory if the client agrees to it. Never has, never will. Stop this complete nonsense.  

2. Ah the ol' "it's illegal so it can be combatted". Of course it can, if you concede that is a problem and predatory practice.  

Just recently a customer base for a video game review bombed a game after Sony made anti-consumer changes, and made entire SONY Corp fall back. Interesting what 250k extra negative reviews in a week hace done so Sony had to backtrack and bens over to consumers.  

Reviews, board posts, social media. It can be fought.  
I've seen myself how agencies change shit based on constant an persistent criticism that is public.

Are we done now?
Anyone change anyone else's mind?
Can we get back to getting laid by hot chicas?

claimed to have been a TER member since BEFORE TER was even started does not mean that you should be impatient with the rest of us who did not get here until AFTER TER was officially started.   There have been many topics here that have been repeated from time to time for the benefit of newer members that were not even here during the previous discussions.  Chill, bro.  

RespectfulRobert22 reads

A guy that needs to beat a topic to death, get the last word in and has to defend himself constantly with 8 paragraphs of verbal nothingness, diversion and twisted logic but you do you I guess. lol
Really funny claiming Helix is basically a liar when you have said YOU are the biggest liar on TER. Or did you forget TER keeps your posts on file?  
Damn...those pesky facts got in the way of your point again. :)

I don't read CDL's posts because I have him on ignore, but I'm amused by the fact that he responds to virtually all my posts.  

Hey CDL, I'll be posting about the fact that right now it's sunny and 63 degrees in LA. I will be very disappointed if you don't dispute that.

As for the original topic of this thread, I acknowledge everyone is entitled to voice their opinions. Heaven knows i voice mine often enough. Rock on folks. And while you're doing that, I'll be gleefully burying my face in the lap of a sweet young woman.

-- Modified on 5/11/2024 7:57:32 AM

That he has this hard on for you? I'll see your post, and like clockwork he'll chime in with something, anything...just to zing you...I never seen this kinda behavior before...so what did you do?

This board is (and has been even more so in the past) full of people with hard ons for one another who can't let certain people post without jumping on them. I've had quite a few of my own stalkers like this.

I've seen a few back and forth but nothing to this extends. Seems like he's waiting in the bushes to pounce. So No,I haven't and I have to say, It...and I've seen alot.
But there is that ONE guy on the PR board who stalked everyone. But that was the PR board so it really doesn't count because we know that boards is full of the looney tunes

-- Modified on 5/11/2024 4:34:12 PM

What I "did to him" was to have the chutzpah to not be cowed by him, to fail to acknowledge his unfailingly superior intellect (sorry Kahn--you've been deposed), and basically to enjoy fucking hot women while he stews in a great big vat of bitterness, hurt and self-pity.

Anyway, that's my best guess.

Nope we're not done. I, for once, am expecting a reply from Chloe. She made it a point how there should be respect for her time and money, so I want to know what she thinks about respect for the customers time and money.  

Or maybe it's another different thing for her altogether.  

But I was waiting for someone to come in and say how they're not interested in the thread, while contributing nothing to the thread and also attracting cdl to the thread... good job!

As far as whether getting back to getting laid, who said we go away from that? I write many posts on here right after getting laid. Or before getting laid.  

Satisfaction from customers rights being upheld and defended, satisfaction from entities who lie an deceive in order to make a buck, getting what they deserve feels better than all the pussy in the world combined.

I'll be the one in the corner wearing the Dunce cap.

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