TER General Board

Re: Intermittent Problem
OldRanger 62 Reviews 284 reads

They  Old me he Problem did not exist so I guess that is a way to not give free days for someone finding  one and telling them

Just spent more time than I wanted to, writing a review. Only to be stopped. I try to click on the stars for Chemistry and Incall Location and instead of the stars being marked, a red comment pops up below saying "Please select chemistry star rating".
But, nothing happens.
So i hit submit and it moves the cursor back to those stars.  
I've saved my golden prose as a draft and copied to a word file until TER gets back to me.

Now that I've vented.............. everyone get back to fucking. Or talking about fucking.

I've done a handful of reviews on the new system and had no such problem. I know you can't submit the review if you left the chemistry one blank. But I just clicked on the star level I wanted to use and it filled it in. No problem.

What exactly does it do if you click on one of the stars?

red comment pops up saying.

Please mark chemistry star rating.

still nothing.

Maybe, it's a Chrome problem. What browser are you using?

Just went and tried it and it's doing just what you are saying. Wasn't doing that a few days ago. IOW, it was fine until they fixed it.

Safari. But that seems to not matter.

That just happened to me --- I believe that my review was saved as a draft.  

I am having the same problem.  In my opinion BETA sucks.  I wouldn't be surprised if soon you will not be able to get to classic format and it will be forced on us.

I have had problems with the scrole down menues for the add boards and the regional boards starting to scope and then disappear . Did report on it and they said they could not duplicate the issue  
I tried then and was good but intermittently have had it happen since  
I am using an IPhone

Yup, I been having that problem on the iPhone as well. When I reported they said they were trying to fix it. It only happens in portrait mode. That's the only time it's been a problem for me, but it's not always. Sometimes the drop downs work fine in portrait.

They  Old me he Problem did not exist so I guess that is a way to not give free days for someone finding  one and telling them

Wigstrom278 reads

Same problem here.  Can't post because i can's select a fucking star.  I sent a feedback, and got the standard "We'll get back to you."

Tried Safari, Chrome, and my mobile devices.


I wonder how many reviews are being held up because of this stupid shit.

and had no problem at all with it..
The chemistry and location stars behaved as I wanted them to.
I wrote the review on BETA site..much better for writing reviews.

Had the same problem as other posters,  went back to Classic TER, submitted my review and it went through.  Dealing with the bullshit is frustrating and a time consuming pain in the ass,

and downgraded because the guy didn't  know about the new policy using the terms in the review.

TER should explain that to them when they fill one out. A guy who has done many reviews doesn't go lookup the new policy. He didn't use a single term and I am even surprised that review got approved (the end result).

Had he known, I would have qualified for the 9.

Posted By: micktoz
Just spent more time than I wanted to, writing a review. Only to be stopped. I try to click on the stars for Chemistry and Incall Location and instead of the stars being marked, a red comment pops up below saying "Please select chemistry star rating".  
 But, nothing happens.  
 So i hit submit and it moves the cursor back to those stars.  
 I've saved my golden prose as a draft and copied to a word file until TER gets back to me.  
 Now that I've vented.............. everyone get back to fucking. Or talking about fucking.

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