TER General Board

Re: I'm not buying it. Try jerry Springer...
scjeepguy01 900 reads

Yes im not telling you all my personal shit, bottom line is she told me she was doing one thing I found out she was doing this instead. Now im trying to deal with it and decide what I want to do. For those of you trying to get a rise out out me just give up, its not going to happen. Especially when she's told me how many cant even make it to sex without blowing there load. For those of you that are actually part of the conversation I think shes is partially being truthful but still with holding stuff that she may feel will hurt me. Such as her enjoying the sex. Someone posted earlier that he and his wife have rules im curious what they are

scjeepguy012506 reads

So I just recently discovered my wife is a provider. Should I start having my own fun? Providers do you all have significant others and if so how do they handle or deal with it?

This sounds like a troll post.

If this is legit, you and her need to have a long heart to heart. Both of you must be completely honest about your feelings, expectations, and desires.  

Honesty and trust is key in such relationships. I know as I live it. Also if she was escorting behind your back, and you choose to stay, you must move past that or your marriage is doomed.  

As for you having your own fun, that is between the two of you. Again you two need to talk. My wife and I have rules we both abide by. Each hobby couple needs to find their own balance.

If this is real feel free to shoot me an email at [email protected] or for a short while PM me with specific questions or a non judgmental ear. I been where you are.

when the divorce papers showed up!


My second wife was also a provider previously, that's how I met her.  I'm so lucky to have her.  She thinks it's great I hobby.

scjeepguy011206 reads

Its not a troll post but lets just say I was suspicious and spent a good amount of time searching and finally found her ads. We have had a heart to heart and she says the its not about the sex and its business only. That she doesn't feel like I should go out and do anything becasue I would be doing it for the sex where as she's doing it to help support us. I guess ot would be different if I'd known coming into the relationship but I didn't so im struggling to accept it I guess.

Glad you knew so much about someone like this and then married her  LOL

You should help her out and post her TER number here.

Does she know you're also on TER?

FWIW hookers are just hookers.  Why in the fuck any of you morons would marry one is simply amazing  LOL

But I guess too many dudes here are lonely as fuck and this adds some drama to an otherwise pitiful life.

Posted By: scjeepguy01
Its not a troll post but lets just say I was suspicious and spent a good amount of time searching and finally found her ads. We have had a heart to heart and she says the its not about the sex and its business only. That she doesn't feel like I should go out and do anything becasue I would be doing it for the sex where as she's doing it to help support us. I guess ot would be different if I'd known coming into the relationship but I didn't so im struggling to accept it I guess.

That means they can be wives, daughters, mothers, coworkers, girl friends, friends, and any other thing a woman can be. They are human and have the same desire for and ability to love. You may be nothing but a trick, but hookers are always more than hookers and only a jaded asshat can't see that. As for me I am tge Luckiest lonely pitiful fool alive because my wife said yes.

-- Modified on 2/13/2015 3:20:02 PM

And I don't judge those who select this lifestyle.

But those that are drawn to this to make money are doing so for reasons that I find interesting.  Many times it's for the power that a hooker believes she has, other times it's to fill an emotional void.

In my experiences I haven't found a gal yet that wouldn't drop her shingle if some guy could fill that void.  

But I haven't met your wife either.  I guess she has her own reasons for fucking strange...for money!!  

Perhaps you and the OP have more in common than you think?

Posted By: scoed
That means they can be wives, daughters, mothers, coworkers, girl friends, friends, and any other thing a woman can be. They are human and have the same desire for and ability to love. You may be nothing but a trick, but hookers are always more than hookers and only a jaded asshat can't see that. As for me I am tge Luckiest lonely pitiful fool alive because my wife said yes.

-- Modified on 2/13/2015 3:20:02 PM

of "fact" and I have to wonder how many providers have you interviewed? I am GUESSING that there might be a wide range of reasons that providers go into the business, and a wide range of personality types, etc.  Maybe there is a significant subset of providers who do not do it for power or emotional void, but because it's good money, flexible hours, temporary to fund career studies or to save up to go into a legit business, or because they love sex with a variety of men, etc.  

Similarly I don't know what it's like to be a guy married to a provider, but I am GUESSING that there are a range of experiences for that, too.  I envy a guy like Fish who seems to be married to a woman who is very comfortable with sex and  comfortable with both spouses engaging in sex with others.  Sure beats my fucking marriage.

Who, I hate to say it, but it almost kind of sounds like maybe you are making the same harsh moral judgments that the puritanical world imposes on us in the hobby world.

Albeit in my experiences that's a whole lot of hookers.

I also can't account why fisher would marry a hooker....although he doesn't live with her either.

Not judging anyone here, but there are such bizarre interactions as well.  

I also don't get why people watch Maury.  

Posted By: dani987x
of "fact" and I have to wonder how many providers have you interviewed? I am GUESSING that there might be a wide range of reasons that providers go into the business, and a wide range of personality types, etc.  Maybe there is a significant subset of providers who do not do it for power or emotional void, but because it's good money, flexible hours, temporary to fund career studies or to save up to go into a legit business, or because they love sex with a variety of men, etc.  
 Similarly I don't know what it's like to be a guy married to a provider, but I am GUESSING that there are a range of experiences for that, too.  I envy a guy like Fish who seems to be married to a woman who is very comfortable with sex and  comfortable with both spouses engaging in sex with others.  Sure beats my fucking marriage.  
 Who, I hate to say it, but it almost kind of sounds like maybe you are making the same harsh moral judgments that the puritanical world imposes on us in the hobby world.

You know, I don't like that word "hooker."  It's derogatory, and it's like calling a black person the n** word.  Can you at least just say prostitute.  Sex worker, ideally, is the proper term.

What kind of power I think I have that I don't?

I'd also be curious to know why, if you don't "judge", as you claim above then why would anyone be an idiot for marrying a hooker? Because I'm an escort I'm forever incapable of loving or being loved?

For the record, I was engaged and broke it off because I didn't want to completely give up this lifestyle. He's a wildly successful man and I could've had a more than comfortable life. I loved him more than breathing air. But I knew I wouldn't be 100% happy if I couldn't continue and neither would he if I did continue.

I do this because it's fun, it's flexible and allows me an abundance of time with my children, it's hella good money, and I can't do anything else despite my education and background following 2 strokes and 2 rounds with cancer. But when you have 3 babies, an asshole of an ex that doesn't pay a dime of child support, a mortgage, car payments and you cannot work a full time regular job due to your medical conditions and medications, I'm not really afforded much of a "choice" even if I had one, am I?

On some level I read this and felt bad for you, but my overwhelming gut response was this was the worst marketing decision you have ever made posting this information.  

Hopefully, for the sake of your career, this is not a frequent landing spot for those considering seeing you. I don't think this will push too many into the 'yes' column.

My second reaction is that your last paragraph seems to completely contradict your third paragraph. You sound trapped and fairly miserable...and yet that's the life you chose because if you hadn't you wouldn't be 100% happy?  

Ugh. Better times ahead for you Ms. Kole. Good luck.

-- Modified on 2/14/2015 8:26:00 AM

I didn't share my backdrop for marketing. I decided to share it (and all of my clients know my background and there is more ugly to the story) to let DWR know that we don't all do this because we are uneducated, or whatever ridiculousness it is that he wants to regurgitate today. I don't feel like I have a choice in my profession, but that doesn't mean I'm looking for sympathy, or that I don't like what I do. It's two different things and my unique circumstances.

If someone doesn't want to see me because I have medical problems, so be it. I cannot, nor would I want to, twist anyone's arm to see me. I haven't needed to. And unless you're a brainless imbecile, it's just a road to recovery. You can't catch my strokes or my cancer. While my medical conditions and medications make it impossible for me to work a regular, full time job, my performance in this arena doesn't suffer.

I am trapped. That's just reality. I have no other choice. But again, that doesn't mean I'm miserable and I don't like this only option. Luckily, it works for me.

Well, the thing is...this website is quite a bit about marketing. It's your twitter. Everything you, as a provider, post shapes your image, your brand. If you choose to get personal and share personal information that you wouldn't normally share (in the "my personal life is none of your business" vein), then you are exposing your brand to all of the upside and downside affects of how that information is interpreted. If , as you said, you don't care that someone might decide not to see you because they read you had various health issues, then 'so be it'. I agree. But I don't think I have to tell you it has that potential impact.  

It's not about 'catching it', btw...your post was pretty rich in drama. You don't want a client's drama any more than we want yours. Am I wrong? How do I know I am not going to have yours affect our time together? I don't, but I'm not going to take the chance if I am in decision mode

No dear, my Twitter is my Twitter. This is a discussion forum for opinions, questions, and a lot of useless demeaning commentary. I use my website and ad boards for my marketing.

My post was void of "drama", as it's my real life. I explained to DWR why and how I got into what I do, and the circumstances surrounding my particular set of events. It wasn't to invoke pity. It wasn't about drama. It's to make him understand we aren't all uneducated, and we don't all have a choice in what we do. Sometimes it just is what it is. What's idiotic is to assert I'm incapable of loving or being loved because of what I do and/or my medical history.

Again, all of my "friends" know my history. I've yet to have one walk out because they are afraid of breaking me. It really has no impact at all. How do you know you've never seen a provider that hasn't had a stroke or cancer? You don't. My reviews don't indicate my performance is anything other than stellar.

You don't want to hear about real life, which you say is drama? Then you guys stop posting about how we are all imbeciles with endless opportunities to do other things and we're somehow subhuman because we escort. Sorry if reading true life, less than lackluster events makes you guys feel bad. ALL of us have pasts and histories. It's silly to assume anyone you see doesn't, meaning mine has no more potential impact on our time together than anyone else's. If it did, I would've been done in this biz long ago.

But, you see, this is what these boards are for me...not marketing. Gives me a better idea of who I will always to decline to see. The guys that just don't get it. Although I know some of you hate to admit it, we as providers have just as much choice with those we choose to keep company with as you do ; )

hotplants814 reads

that wouldn't drop her shingle if some guy could fill that emotional/power void?

You're obviously not looking.

Maybe she just wasn't into you?

Posted By: hotplants
that wouldn't drop her shingle if some guy could fill that emotional/power void?  
 You're obviously not looking.

Considering your continued Debbie Downer posts it makes the most sense.

Maybe she also told you she flipped and is now straight?

Posted By: hotplants
Spooned maybe?

hotplants859 reads

I do understand you find it a downer to even consider the possibility there are hookers who wouldn’t just drop everything they’re doing, take down their shingle and fold-up shop, at the first sign of some guy offering to rescue them from this terrible thing you believe they hate doing.  

But, if you’d ever like to meet one who can navigate her way out of a Louboutin shoe-box….all  by herself…without your help….just ask.  

I think there might be a few right here on this board.

Posted By: hotplants
I do understand you find it a downer to even consider the possibility there are hookers who wouldn’t just drop everything they’re doing, take down their shingle and fold-up shop, at the first sign of some guy offering to rescue them from this terrible thing you believe they hate doing.  
 But, if you’d ever like to meet one who can navigate her way out of a Louboutin shoe-box….all  by herself…without your help….just ask.  
 I think there might be a few right here on this board.

Scoed would you mind to elaborate on these rules you brought up? And to all of you that are talking about bank accounts are truly stupid. Depositing cash into a bank is a good way to get caught, and if you own everything outright you don't need one. Only bills are utilities and living expenses.

A fun one...but a troll thread nevertheless.

So let's see...now you own everything outright.  But you don't have any bank accounts.  So you use money orders to pay your utilities.  Where did the money come from to buy the money orders?

And just a newsflash for you....most hookers use bank accounts and deposit cash into them.  As do restaurants, landscapers and even some CPA's!

Posted By: scjeepguy01
Scoed would you mind to elaborate on these rules you brought up? And to all of you that are talking about bank accounts are truly stupid. Depositing cash into a bank is a good way to get caught, and if you own everything outright you don't need one. Only bills are utilities and living expenses.

Hmmmm.  If the only expenses you have are utilities and living expenses then that doesn't exactly scream out as requiring this sort of lifestyle change for extra money.  It's getting tougher to make these pieces fit into a credible scenario.  

Posted By: Dr Who revived
A fun one...but a troll thread nevertheless.  
 So let's see...now you own everything outright.  But you don't have any bank accounts.  So you use money orders to pay your utilities.  Where did the money come from to buy the money orders?  
 And just a newsflash for you....most hookers use bank accounts and deposit cash into them.  As do restaurants, landscapers and even some CPA's!  
Posted By: scjeepguy01
Scoed would you mind to elaborate on these rules you brought up? And to all of you that are talking about bank accounts are truly stupid. Depositing cash into a bank is a good way to get caught, and if you own everything outright you don't need one. Only bills are utilities and living expenses.

-- Modified on 2/13/2015 7:23:43 PM

I am in a happy but not very physically satisfying marriage.  I have, over the years, met a number of providers whom I found extremely attractive as people.  Quite a few actually.  At a number of points, had I been single, I could have easily seen myself falling in love with any one of a number of them.  
In my opinion an excellent provider is sexy in the most profound way combining grace, intelligence, sensitivity among many other things.  
I can not really imagine the feelings if I fell in love with a provider and we got married and she continued providing.  I think it would be all right --I have really never been jealous-- but I am not sure. I will never know, but I do absolutely understand how someone could fall in love with a provider and felt extremely lucky if she would marry him

JackDunphy856 reads

Some of us are not so sure but I think you are real.  

How much is she pulling in? Some of these gals can make six figs.

I'd proly think she has a few leads on some hotsy totsy's for threesomes.  

Is she "really bi" or just gay for pay?

No fucking way is she going to let this guy know.

Want to bet she hasn't even bought him a V-day card even?

How do you think he works the OTC out?  I sure as hell hope he's not paying her to sleep and eat  ;)

Posted By: JackDunphy
Some of us are not so sure but I think you are real.  
 How much is she pulling in? Some of these gals can make six figs.  
 I'd proly think she has a few leads on some hotsy totsy's for threesomes.  
 Is she "really bi" or just gay for pay?

JackDunphy667 reads

Tons of her johns will give her candy that she cant eat because of the eternal diet. She can just re-gift that stuff to this dude and he wont know anyway.  

She has been hooking behind his back all this time hasn't she?

I wonder what ad he saw of hers

bonordonor738 reads

Shitting money? Or did she claim to be working at WalMart but was never there when you were shopping there? Or were you suspicious when she didn't get a w2 or 1099 in the mail?

Did she know you were already out having fun? Obviously you were or you wouldn't be here spouting off terms that long-time mongers use.

Not even once but it doesn't take long to figure out what these terms mean.

When you find yourself in a hole...stop digging.

Posted By: scjeepguy01
Not even once but it doesn't take long to figure out what these terms mean.

bonordonor862 reads

I know your wife well. If you're not already having fun OTC, then I suggest you start paying her. She ROCKS!!! (and loves anal)

Most important thing is to be there to support her mentally emotionally, and physically. Don't resent her for stepping up and doing what she has to do to keep the finances up. Having your own fun would depend on your relationship and how open she will allow it to be. Most ladies I know, myself included, encourage our SO's to be open and enjoy sex with others because we do enjoy the sex we have for work. BUT a lot of other factors go into that level of trust and honesty and not everyone can handle an open relationship. First things first and always is communication.

You hit the nail on the head.  It's not easy being in a relationship and in love with someone in this occupation.  But I view it as just that, its an occupation.  But she knows I'm here to support her mentally emotionally, and physically.

GaGambler704 reads

but that has not been my experience. I have dated a few women who claimed to be ok with me seeing other women, but none of women I've dated in this line of work who I was in any kind of serious relationship actually encouraged me to go fuck other women, and a couple were every bit as jealous as any civvie woman I have ever dated.

Now I certainly am not claiming that all hookers are that way, just that my experience in this regard has been much different that yours.

Maybe you just haven't found the right one??? Lol!

A lot goes into having an open relationship and both parties would need to be on board with what can and cannot go on. For myself, I don't think I could have an open relationship with every guy I date, even  considering that I do/ have done sex work. Case by case basis. Overall, there is way more to a real relationship than just sex, and sometimes there is just too much emphasis on claiming another person or delegating an act that is natural and normal. If you really want to know, I would and do get BSC if my SO has an emotional relationship, but if it's just fucking someone else, well that isn't as insulting.

GaGambler695 reads

and I have dated many hookers/exhookers. Usually the more serious we get, the less they want me fucking anyone else. Tolerate? Yes, but actually encourage me to go elsewhere for gratification, no that usually only happens to me in the early stages of relationships.

Now, I am certainly not speaking for all guys, all women, or all relationships, I am just stating my personal experience in the matter. As you said, "case by case"

provided that what I need her to provide isn't sex...provisionally speaking

Just another BS post of someone hitting too much of the peace-pipe.  
Oh-please.....you're telling me you never noticed cash being deposited into your account? You never wondered...." Hmmm, we don't make a lot of money, but somehow our bills are being paid".
And who cares anyway, you're hobbying. Its ok for you to fuck around but you have a problem with her fucking around?  
Put down the hash pipe.

how horrible it would be for her to put herself through all she has to help financially support the relationship and then you start spending large amounts of money. If it truly is for more financial support, then you shouldn't really have the available funds to do this. Or, you should be giving more to your relationship so that she would be comfortable in a lower paying job.

Kiss me,


In response we dont use a bank account so.. The financial part is why I haven't done anything, yes I could go find it for free but at the same time im trying not to be revengeful. Ive already told her that full disclosure and honesty is the only way to make it still work. But she claims not to enjoy the sex whatsoever,  and I feel that its BS.

JackDunphy776 reads

If the reviews here are to be believed, p4p women LOVE the sex. Most of them have 5+ orgasms per hour in a hot session so I think your girl is lying to you.  

And I wont even get into how big some of the johns schlongs are! They are very eager to talk of their extra long and wide magnums with steel reinforced sides.  

Call her out on that nonsense. The only way to save this marriage is for her to cum clean on all the amazing sex she has had.  

This might be too soon but can you send me some pics and does she have any availability next week?

And it sounds like she isn't willing to be honest. That being the case, I don't like the chances of this marriage going well. My wife owned it and was brutally honest when the shit hit the fan and we worked it out. If ether of us had not been willing and able to be 100% upfont, willing to bend for the other, and willing to forgive our marriage would have died. Love is not enough, it takes honesty, and forgiveness to make it work. Sorry to hear your pain.

Actually.... it is possible she is not enjoying it at all emotionally or mentally but one cannot help physical responses.  

Even rape victims have involuntary orgasms.  That doesn't mean that they wanted it or enjoyed it.

So if she is not enjoying it at all on a mental/emotional level, then she would be experiencing severe guilt, conflict and confusion when her body does respond to stimulation.   And she could be hating herself for it.  
If this is the case, she needs help.  Seriously.

bonordonor735 reads

3-5 times a day and does anal for extra. And he only hobbies once a week, without the upcharge of anal, she only uses one of her appointments a week to support his mongering. If she really loves him, it's not a bad trade off. IMHO LMAO

How in the FUCK did you NOT know your wife was a provider? Come on, I mean really.  

Then again, maybe that's why she's here??? Perhaps if you learned to pay a lil more attn to detail to keep your wife's attn, oh the things you could learn about her and what she's up to LOL. It's really not all that difficult.  

Newsflash...Women are simple creatures, unfortunately it's NOT us who complicates 'us' if you catch my drift.  

Good lordie. Carry on then...I'll look forward to some fascinating reading as always to brighten up my day on here ;)

xx kisses

Posted By: scjeepguy01
So I just recently discovered my wife is a provider. Should I start having my own fun? Providers do you all have significant others and if so how do they handle or deal with it?

She wasnt one but something happened and I couldnt provide as much. She claimed to be doing something else and It didnt take long for me to figure it out. Im not blind or stupid. Im not here to get bashed on, im trying to talk to people who are living similar lives and get their perspective.

It's just a weird thing even if she is one that she didn't share with you what she was going to do to help you out as a family...I mean she's not selling insurance, ya know?

You could always sell your jeep...depending what jeep you have...I'm dying in mine if it's the last thing I own lol

I wish you luck but why don't you both sit down like two responsible married folks and figure it out together. Two is always better than one.  

Take care jeep guy...

xx kisses

Posted By: scjeepguy01
She wasnt one but something happened and I couldnt provide as much. She claimed to be doing something else and It didnt take long for me to figure it out. Im not blind or stupid. Im not here to get bashed on, im trying to talk to people who are living similar lives and get their perspective.

Since jeep has now claimed that they don't have any bank accounts...it's all clear as mud  LOL

At least it was a better than average troll thread  ;)

I think they file their taxes claiming on top "It's none of your fucking business" as well.  I'm sure that will hold up as well as his OP here.

Posted By: StevieStyles_TaylorSteele
It's just a weird thing even if she is one that she didn't share with you what she was going to do to help you out as a family...I mean she's not selling insurance, ya know?  
 You could always sell your jeep...depending what jeep you have...I'm dying in mine if it's the last thing I own lol  
 I wish you luck but why don't you both sit down like two responsible married folks and figure it out together. Two is always better than one.  
 Take care jeep guy...  
 xx kisses  
Posted By: scjeepguy01
She wasnt one but something happened and I couldnt provide as much. She claimed to be doing something else and It didnt take long for me to figure it out. Im not blind or stupid. Im not here to get bashed on, im trying to talk to people who are living similar lives and get their perspective.

Ok im not seeing the messages in any kind of order for some reason. I agree sex isnt love. Like I've said we've discussed it some but like I said she claims to not enjoy it and doesn't think I should go have sex with other people. The only reason ive thought about going this route is it is clearly just sex whereas a fwb situation is different and could cause jealousy or whatnot.

Just leave this alone now. Yowsers...

xx kisses

At least tell me what kind of jeeper you are...come on, jeep people stick together :)

Posted By: scjeepguy01
Ok im not seeing the messages in any kind of order for some reason. I agree sex isnt love. Like I've said we've discussed it some but like I said she claims to not enjoy it and doesn't think I should go have sex with other people. The only reason ive thought about going this route is it is clearly just sex whereas a fwb situation is different and could cause jealousy or whatnot.

JackDunphy804 reads

And btw, how do you know she doesn't sell insurance?

This is about her claiming to be a lady of the night...our day I suppose lol

xx kisses

JackDunphy723 reads

You might be surprised to know Stevie that many gals in this biz support their civie job with hooker money.  

I have seen real estate girls that work p4p, a chiropractor, a pharmaceutical sales rep, a small biz owner, etc etc etc.

Why cant this broad work for Geico or something? I'll bet that Flo from Progressive hooks in her free time.

Guys love redheads, so Im told

No surprise Jackie poo. I'm one of'em too ;)

Posted By: JackDunphy
You might be surprised to know Stevie that many gals in this biz support their civie job with hooker money.  
 I have seen real estate girls that work p4p, a chiropractor, a pharmaceutical sales rep, a small biz owner, etc etc etc.  
 Why cant this broad work for Geico or something? I'll bet that Flo from Progressive hooks in her free time.  
 Guys love redheads, so Im told.  

Maybe you can get airfare, airtime and few hundred for your story?

I'll admit, your story was titillating for a moment; but it has no depth. There is something(s) you're not telling us.....

Yes im not telling you all my personal shit, bottom line is she told me she was doing one thing I found out she was doing this instead. Now im trying to deal with it and decide what I want to do. For those of you trying to get a rise out out me just give up, its not going to happen. Especially when she's told me how many cant even make it to sex without blowing there load. For those of you that are actually part of the conversation I think shes is partially being truthful but still with holding stuff that she may feel will hurt me. Such as her enjoying the sex. Someone posted earlier that he and his wife have rules im curious what they are

So she's telling you that guys are blowing their loads prematurely  LOL

Are you still fucking her as well?

Does she go BBFS with all her johns too?  (hint....I'll bet she's lying that she uses condoms)

Posted By: scjeepguy01
Yes im not telling you all my personal shit, bottom line is she told me she was doing one thing I found out she was doing this instead. Now im trying to deal with it and decide what I want to do. For those of you trying to get a rise out out me just give up, its not going to happen. Especially when she's told me how many cant even make it to sex without blowing there load. For those of you that are actually part of the conversation I think shes is partially being truthful but still with holding stuff that she may feel will hurt me. Such as her enjoying the sex. Someone posted earlier that he and his wife have rules im curious what they are

give the guy a break. She wouldn't lie about things like that!  

I mean, she is so committed to him that she would turn to escorting to save their finances and lie about it,  and then lie to save his feelings...

And we all know that sex isn't ever fun or enjoyable without the L-word. Especially when EVERY client is a heinously ugly premature ejaculator.  

Fuck, I hate being so cynical. Unless JeepDude is really 'Tucky in disguise

Hey..it's V-day tomorrow and the OP is lonely.

Posted By: MasterZen
give the guy a break. She wouldn't lie about things like that!  
 I mean, she is so committed to him that she would turn to escorting to save their finances and lie about it,  and then lie to save his feelings...  
 And we all know that sex isn't ever fun or enjoyable without the L-word. Especially when EVERY client is a heinously ugly premature ejaculator.  
 Fuck, I hate being so cynical. Unless JeepDude is really 'Tucky in disguise.  

GaGambler764 reads

He is more the type to fart in public and then when people start to hold their nose and look around for the guilty party, he is the guy with the shit eating grin going "Yeah, that was me" lol

Obviously, I have no idea how the OP's wife's dates usually go.... but I can tell you that the majority of my sessions never get to FS.  French is usually all it takes.    
But that's just me; I don't know what the norm is.  

Now, if she's claiming that they get so excited they don't even make it to oral... well, then perhaps she's not being completely honest.   Or maybe she isn't a FS provider but more along the lines of massage and she usually only does manual endings.  
IF however, she claimed they're so overwhelmed they come in their pants..... Yeah, I don't think so.  Once in a blue moon, sure.  And back in my stripper lap-dancing days, it happened often.  But spontaneous premature ejaculation with no physical stimulation?
Highly unlikely.

And Dr Who:  I just have to say, that based on your username, I really WANTED to like you.  
Ah well.


"IF however, she claimed they're so overwhelmed they come in their pants..... Yeah, I don't think so.  Once in a blue moon, sure.  And back in my stripper lap-dancing days, it happened often."

LOL, I always wondered about this.  So, how do these guys walk out of the club and not be embarrassed by the wet spot in their pants?  ROTFLMAO  I always thought that they waited to get home and jacked off.

It only happened to me a few times, but at some full-contact clubs it happens to SOMEONE at least every weekend night.   Some guys even totally plan for it: they wear thin nylon or sweat-type pants or shorts with no underwear then immediately try to pull the dancer in as tight as possible for a good, hard grind.    
These types are never embarrassed by the evidence, and sometimes would even go back to their seat to finish a drink before leaving.  GROSS.

The more experienced ladies usually don't let these guys have their way or let it go too far though.   However, I personally had a few who not only startled me, but seemed genuinely surprised themselves when they came suddenly and without any of the above-mentioned hard grinding.   Those guys were always highly embarrassed, usually apologetic, and would attempt to un-tuck their shirts or hold their jacket in front of the "wet spot" as they quickly made their way to the exit.  LOL.

Whether intentional or not, when it happened with me I would always immediately leap off and start hopping around, yelling "Someone get me a wipey!!!", at which point any bouncers and dancers within bellowing distance would start cracking up as they all knew what had just happened.    

Some ladies got really mad, and even violent, when they were caught unawares.  I was never happy about it, but could usually manage to laugh it off later in the evening. People are FUNNY!

Yes we own everything outright but utilities, taxes and living expenses can add up to be more than you think. And no we simply pay it all in cash. I guess this is what I get for trying to have a real conversation

Everything in cash...of course.

And taxes...why would you pay any taxes since you don't make money.  Oh wait, you have cash LOL

Great OP...you fooled over 20% of the posters here.  For a while anyhow.

Posted By: scjeepguy01
Yes we own everything outright but utilities, taxes and living expenses can add up to be more than you think. And no we simply pay it all in cash. I guess this is what I get for trying to have a real conversation

Yes taxes for vehicles and the house. If a provider has a normal job on the side it makes since to use a bank. This profession is illegal so its best not to have a flurishing checking account. Do yourself a favor and dont get into illegal activities because you'll most likely get caught.

If you only had a clue!

Did you get that shovel I FedEx'd you?  It'll make your digging much easier!

Posted By: scjeepguy01
Yes taxes for vehicles and the house. If a provider has a normal job on the side it makes since to use a bank. This profession is illegal so its best not to have a flurishing checking account. Do yourself a favor and dont get into illegal activities because you'll most likely get caught.

You got opinions worth nothing and lot of useless back and forth. Here is the deal, you need to figure out whatever it is on your own. Why? Because, you are the one live with the decision long term.

From the sound of your post, you have some guilt lurking around. Would you be using the money she earns to hobby. If it is case, then I would say you are a fucking leach. If you are earning your own money and using it hobby then, I would say, get rid of the guilt first and then hobby.

nom_de_plume721 reads

It's about trust.  About your wife trusting you enough to tell you about her new job so you didn't have to find out about it by accident.  And about whether you can trust your wife with anything, ever again.

That's what the two of you need to work out, IMO.  Can you forgive her for the breach of trust?  Can she be honest with you going forward?

And FWIW, I don't think you should "start having your own fun", when your wife is against it... unless you want to give up on your marriage.  Instead, work this out with your wife... with professional help if needed.  At least give it a try.

And barter the sessions since this loving couple has no money.


Posted By: nom_de_plume
It's about trust.  About your wife trusting you enough to tell you about her new job so you didn't have to find out about it by accident.  And about whether you can trust your wife with anything, ever again.  
 That's what the two of you need to work out, IMO.  Can you forgive her for the breach of trust?  Can she be honest with you going forward?  
 And FWIW, I don't think you should "start having your own fun", when your wife is against it... unless you want to give up on your marriage.  Instead, work this out with your wife... with professional help if needed.  At least give it a try.

Thank you for a serious response. To be honest Idk if she can be 100% honest, I ask for it but I still feel like she's hiding stuff and I guess I need to trust my gut. Its always been right.

I would consider divorce. I am single now so it is all fun and games but if i do get married or be in a relationship the hobbying is definitely going to disappear. Did your wife come hard on you for your hobbying or it is you are more hard on her for her providing? Is it possible to both stop and have her find another job for finances?

GaGambler636 reads

and as someone else pointed out, that is how the law would see it.

Let's assume all is true.  You are pulling in less dough, wife goes out to trick to make up for it and she claims it is not for the sex.   If you go and have your own fun, your wife would be prostituting herself so that you can go out and pay other ladies, after all, it is one shared pool of resources.   Does that sound to you like an intelligent proposition?

If money coming in is going right out.  

Now if it were my husband and he had the 'proper' goods, I'd be like go sell your goods so we can make this a profitable venture. Then it's a win win lol. However the male side of this biz is very different than the female side I must say. But if both can pull it off independently, they can bring home the bacon, fuck other people, and come home at the end of the day and fuck each other for free ;) Offering a duo as a couple is another added marketing gig. Now that makes sense to me lol


xx kisses

Posted By: Pangloss
Let's assume all is true.  You are pulling in less dough, wife goes out to trick to make up for it and she claims it is not for the sex.   If you go and have your own fun, your wife would be prostituting herself so that you can go out and pay other ladies, after all, it is one shared pool of resources.   Does that sound to you like an intelligent proposition?

GaGambler674 reads

I was thinking the same thing, except I was thinking that having to fuck women he was not attracted to might put what his wife is doing into perspective, assuming of course that this is not simply a troll post.

but back to  what I was saying to begin with, i get a bit worried when we start agreeing on too many things, maybe I should rethink my position on this? lol

if you want to think so, that's fine by me. Let's just say the longer I stay here, perhaps the more it resonates. While for me it's always been a natural fit, I will say I recently attempted to give in and actually contemplated dating in the 'real' world again........BUTTTT, it's ironic, the minute that idea crossed my mind and one lil action was pursued, it took literally less than 24 hours for that to get shut down REAL quick. It does simply amaze me LOL and makes me giggle. This is by a landslide, most DEFF where I belong. OMG.  

So yes, I'm all good. But I think I may have to look into my own advice above if I ever consider dating again ;)  

xx kisses

-- Modified on 2/14/2015 8:35:20 AM

I thought he was asking if he should start having his own fun, with his own wife. You know, fucking his wife like a hooker, and not like she's his wife.

Posted By: Pangloss
Let's assume all is true.  You are pulling in less dough, wife goes out to trick to make up for it and she claims it is not for the sex.   If you go and have your own fun, your wife would be prostituting herself so that you can go out and pay other ladies, after all, it is one shared pool of resources.   Does that sound to you like an intelligent proposition?[/quote

did you come yet? God, been forever already Johny. Get on it.  

xx kisses

sea creature may lol.  

xx kisses to you Johny

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
... just kiss it!

Like what an electric eel?

'other' head. Not that hard to figure out.  

xx kisses

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Like what an electric eel?

Posted By: scjeepguy01
So I just recently discovered my wife is a provider. Should I start having my own fun? Providers do you all have significant others and if so how do they handle or deal with it?
if you're wife is ever busted and the police find out she's married, you could be busted for pimping.  Anytime a person lives off the proceeds of a prostitute, it is considered pimping.  With the trafficking laws these days, I wouldn't chance it.  I would tell her to stop or you are getting a divorce.  IMHO, I would never do this if I was married.  I would just get a regular job, and he BETTER have one of his own.  If anything, a man should support his wife not the other way around.  I know that may sound old-fashioned to a lot of you.  But, that's how I was raised.

you don't have the necessary discretionary income to be in the P4P world at this time.

Well, having married for 25+ years there is a level of trust between spouses. I would personally have a problem if I was not told or her choice was not discussed.   I feel that I would have not been supportive in the first 10 years .. but after the last 4 years of hobbying, I think that I would be supportive.  

The marriage trust when broken is hard to rebound regardless of the reason for her starting the profession.   What I have not read, is whether she was a provider before you two met?  

Good luck.. and make the best decision for you.  

PS:   It is easier for a man or woman that hobbies to hide their exploits from their SO then a provider

Someone with no reviews claims his wife is a provider, and he posts here?  Really?  I'm not buying this one...  

Note that if you are a hobbyist, and your post is for real, why not just have a conversation with her?

...that she never put out a LOT more for me over the years.  But, on the positive side, perhaps NOW she would swallow!?  ;)

I call BS on this post too!

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