TER General Board

Re: I'm happy to spend time . . . .
Boobsman100 20 Reviews 1701 reads
1 / 22

By both men and women particularly at low end motels with low end provider and cheap clients looking  to bust a cheap nut.

I heard providers dash by  pretending they left condoms in the car etc...
 So credit to the Ladies of higher standard and professionalism, who don't have to engage in such debauchery.  
Do you think the people who get burned deserve it ?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 41 reads
3 / 22

with a woman intent on some debauchery in the traditional sense, but I'm NOT okay with being the victim of a scam, which is what you described.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 35 reads
4 / 22

You seems like a guy who dined and dashed before. Only difference is that you blame the provider for something to justify it. Very subtle....

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 29 reads
5 / 22

with providers are two hours or longer, so please enlighten me on how you arrived at the conclusion that I have EVER had a quickie with anyone?  Do you have a link to a post where I said I left early and blamed it on the provider.  I have only done that a few times, when a provider was drunk, high on something or BSC, but I don't remember ever posting about it before.  

You seem like a guy who likes to post about stuff you really don't know much about, am I right?  

36363jensen 4 Reviews 36 reads
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No, stealling from others, particularly in this sitution, is not justifiable. However, everyone should also take into account some people are not good, honst people so trust should not just be given.  

In your example, it would not be wrong for the guy to say. Sure, go grab the condoms but leave the donation on the table until you come back. Or, sure, I'll walk you to your car.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 36 reads
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You don't have to post it ,but  you hate paying deposits and never seem to cut providers a break no matter issues they have.

PistolPetey 35 reads
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And his writing is horrendous yet I don't think I've ever seen you break his balls about it.

Angel4Life 43 reads
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But it happens at the low end of the spectrum….which is why I don’t go there anymore!  Scammer in VA got me3 years ago….I posted this on another forum, reported her as a Rip-off, and monitored the local ads for several months and outed her every opportunity I had in several cities in VA…she would change her phone #, but I recognized it was her bc she was advertising $600 for overnights.  Tried changing her pic as well but I remembered the phone #.  I did not get mad at her….i got even; NO I GOT MORE THAN EVEN.  Several months after I was scammed, I scheduled a bogus outcall from a burner app….she took an Uber across town toa Nice Hotel.   When she texted me from the lobby I gave her room # 613 knowing the hotel did not have rooms ending in 13.   Well you can imagine my burner phone was exploding….Tough luck babe!  Karma works both ways!

-- Modified on 3/3/2024 11:41:32 PM

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 33 reads
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anything you said about me with links, so you change the topic.  I don't think I have EVER said I HATE paying deposits.  I HAVE said on many occasions that I don't pay deposits, but I don't love or hate them.  You made that up.  It's not an emotional decision with me.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 24 reads
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his writing is horrendous, but until I know for sure that English is his first Language and not his second, I will tread lightly.  I try to wait for some kind of "tell" with anyone when their English is THIS bad.  Lol

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 43 reads
12 / 22

If she did that to you,then she deserve every bit of that. She probably get the hell outer there as fast as she could.

Anthony4 2 Reviews 38 reads
13 / 22

This made me think... I was just reading the "who brings the condoms" thread.  Has anyone been in a situation where you get there, she says "Whoops, gotta run out for some condoms" and you say "No problem babe, I brought my own!"  How did that go down?

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 35 reads
14 / 22

So , for a guy who seems to have done some travelling, you want to tell me you only speak one language. Do you know how dangerous that is.
With  regard to some  erros in my writings at times - most times I am on my tablet which tend to do it's own thing by ` word promp ' ( inserting it's own words ). I will try to proof read more before I post ,because most times I dont.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 37 reads
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Horrendous  or maybe I don't care to proof read.I should though,  because I use a tablet that's acting too smart  for its own good `because am thinking of upgrading soon.  

By the way ,are you a one language gigalo as well ?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 32 reads
16 / 22

more than one language.  That wasn't my point, it was whether or not English is YOUR first language.  Did you go through school in the U.S. where teaching is done in English, or did English come later in life for you?  

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 39 reads
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I would assume you speak Korean fluently.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 35 reads
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My username should give you a hint.   Since English is required of all South Korean students from grades one through twelve, most that come here to work speak English well.  Only the North Korean girls who have escaped have trouble, because it is not taught there.  

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 30 reads
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She would probably tell you she is allergic to that brand,  or some other excuse, and you thinking with the smaller  head might just fall for it.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 29 reads
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American English ( more like slang) is not the the best. They brainwashed you to think " made in America  is always best  
, yet they abandon America for cheap foreign labor and technology  in Asia - Just an example .
If you can write and speak a few  languages fluently, it makes no difference,where you were born and  or went to school.  
You would probably  be better  off sticking to your Irish English.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 43 reads
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Irish is just a bunch of sheep manure.    

You are making things up again.  No one has brainwashed me to think anything.  That should be apparent form my posts.  I will never buy something inferior just because it's made in America.  If I want the best of something, I will buy it where the best is produced.  It doesn't matter if that is Germany, UK, Japan, France, Switzerland, Italy or anyplace else that is known for excellence in specific industries.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 26 reads
22 / 22

" The North Korean  girls who have  escaped ".Escaped from what ? Their leader had to do  what he had to do because the racist who runs America doesn't  like countries who leader refuse
Tto sell out , not to mention the sanctions put on them the imperialist bully.

My advice to them is than any day they abandon  their nuclear program, they are no longer  a sovereign nation and will  be the next victims of the next genocide, ethnic cleansing and downright in your face racism while  the rest of the world look on in silence and complicity .

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