TER General Board

Re: If a providerconfused_smile
Larissa_Sweets See my TER Reviews 665 reads

Baby I was talking about people with poor hygiene. Am I missing something?

Why should I have to tell a grown person to shower? It's always so difficult to tell someone without sounding rude....I personally feel that if I look and smell great for you it should be the same? Then you have people that shower and it's like "wow you did not just shower right now, you smell worse than when you first went in" :(

Providers: how do you personally handle this?

Clients : Do you prep yourself for your dates? I mean prep as in shave? Shower? the whole 9?  

If you are a person that doesn't like to shower I would really value your input. WTF dude

SodaPop803 reads

babbles endlessly during a session, when can u say STFU?  At some point cute turned to annoying and you just wish she would go away for a while.   I mean I would drop my rating from a 8 or 9 down to a 6 if a lady doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut.    

Just my 2 cents on this very important topic.

-- Modified on 10/12/2015 1:44:05 AM

Baby I was talking about people with poor hygiene. Am I missing something?

SodaPop770 reads

I know this is not an act you are putting on and U really have these vapid thoughts in your head.  It's just most men don't want to hear about it.  Ladies, Men tune u out when u talk endlessly about what we consider dumb sh*t. I tune my SO out and she has grown to know when to leave it alone.

But I like her posts. So just skip that you don't want to read and leave it for those that do want to read it.

+100 I have a few people on ignore because they suck as human beings or they are boring. It makes TER more enjoyable.  

Posted By: scoed
But I like her posts. So just skip that you don't want to read and leave it for those that do want to read it.

Certain aliases of aliases would stop using their alter alter ego.
It's so easy to just ignore someone that adds nothing positive to your life, but it's hard to keep up with (most) aliases of aliases.

There are even a few who sway with how they feel depending on who is chiming in on the subject..

Talk about a real headache!

Internet drunks will never do such a thing though. It like trying to explain to a real drunk that if he stops drinking at noon he can still have fun. Good luck with that!

But do not whine like a baby who dropped his pacifier in a steaming pile of dog shit when "you" get refused certain service because certain body parts reek of old urine, fecal matter, body odor or rank breath.

So if hygiene is "dumbshit", don't be surprised.

bigguy30707 reads

Why are you on here?
You wanted to sound important for once in your life?
Also maybe you have this issue or else why would it upset you?

Roxanne has the right to post whatever she wants and also ask questions.
If you are annoyed it might be because you can't afford her services.
So is this the way you talk to your girlfriend or wife????

Just my two cents and why don't you STFU yourself.


Posted By: SodaPop
babbles endlessly during a session, when can u say STFU?  At some point cute turned to annoying and you just wish she would go away for a while.   I mean I would drop my rating from a 8 or 9 down to a 6 if a lady doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut.    
 Just my 2 cents on this very important topic.  

-- Modified on 10/12/2015 1:44:05 AM

SodaPop539 reads

Why the F am I here?
I haven't been here long and I don't think I will stay.

These kindergarten topics are enough for me.  What's next, passing gas stories?  My 6 yr old thinks that's SOO funny and interesting too.  You all have that in common.

You White Knights are Full of Shit.  If your SO droned on and on with stories about butterflies and rainbows and body odor you would find a polite way to say, "B**** please. The niners are playing."

NOW, ELITE PROVIDERS:  If I pay $600 or more for an hour, please have something more stimulating to talk about than who stinks.  I RUN out of the room when U talk about this type of crap.  So many one and done sessions because I can't connect mentally with you.

So that's it...   Mic Drop... OUT!!

bigguy30569 reads

It sounds like you are not getting enough pussy at home and back up.
So for you to be pissed at Roxanne comment about being clean might really be a personal issue for you?
Just go get some pussy and calm the fuck down.
Please make sure to shower first before you have sex. Lol


Posted By: SodaPop
Why the F am I here?  
 I haven't been here long and I don't think I will stay.  
 These kindergarten topics are enough for me.  What's next, passing gas stories?  My 6 yr old thinks that's SOO funny and interesting too.  You all have that in common.  
 You White Knights are Full of Shit.  If your SO droned on and on with stories about butterflies and rainbows and body odor you would find a polite way to say, "B**** please. The niners are playing."  
 NOW, ELITE PROVIDERS:  If I pay $600 or more for an hour, please have something more stimulating to talk about than who stinks.  I RUN out of the room when U talk about this type of crap.  So many one and done sessions because I can't connect mentally with you.  
 So that's it...   Mic Drop... OUT!!!  

bigguy30533 reads

So Roxanne might get a answer to help herself or someone else.
It's really not a big deal.

Posted By: BigPapasan

thank you sweetie, don't even pay attention to them. It's like okay and you sticking up for me and others make it all the much more sweeter when they are ignored.  

Thank you sweetie

bigguy30538 reads

Roxanne just keep doing your thing on here and your welcome.

Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
thank you sweetie, don't even pay attention to them. It's like okay and you sticking up for me and others make it all the much more sweeter when they are ignored.  
 Thank you sweetie

If you feel your time isn't being used that way you  like by all means speak up. The issue cant be fixed if don't say anything. I would suggest trying to be polite, STFU, probably wouldn't be the best option, but yea speak up.

I am the squeakiest clean and most closely shaved in my life whenever I'm going in to see a lady.  Breath mints, too.  Clean clothes, too (goes without saying!).  I cannot imagine being so rude as to see a lady in the condition you describe.

I imagine inviting him to take a shower before the session might work, esp. if you go in with him and take a mutual shower.

Just a thought....


OG I love that idea but I'll be honest I do not like taking showers with anyone. Done it maybe 2x I don't enjoy it. I always offer a back scrub or something of that nature but don't like the idea of it, you know....especially when my hair and makeup is flawless. It's a great idea I just don't like it :( in practice.  

I hope people learn from you and groom and take care of themselves before meeting. :)

Some guys work all day and have a SO at home who would notice that they took their weekly shower early so they skip it. Others just never learned "how" to wash properly and actually skip using soap because they think it will make them sick if they wash off their body oil. Throw in cultural differences of bathroom habits, such as their ass wiping WITHOUT toilet paper in India - yup, they wipe with just their left hand and toilet water, and you have a nasty mix brewing. No Shit! Pun intended.  

-- Modified on 10/12/2015 12:43:00 PM

OMG, that doesn't sound too good. Sounds morbid , if you can't afford toilet paper how can you afford a provider?  Yikes

by saving money on toilet paper ... just don't suck his fingers,

by how many people don't take hygiene seriously. I'm sure some women are that way too. It is a big deal in a close setting like a session.

Yes it is and even if you say it nicely it can easily be taken offensive. It's a sensetive subject for some.

I've seen it stated very clearly that if the client is unable to arrive smelling freshly-showered, then he must avail himself of her facilities before the fun stuff begins.  Just make sure he's aware of this when booking/confirming.

Many of my clients are coming to me from work and are unable to shower directly beforehand. About half will immediately shower without being asked.    

For those who do not shower at my place, and are maybe less than fresh?  As long as he's not wearing a scent that triggers my allergies, I suck it up.    

Why?  Because:

A) I've learned that no matter how sweetly or nicely I ask him to shower, or even offer to join in and give a helping hand, some men will be put off or even offended by this.  Or they just plain arrogantly refuse to shower.  Either of those responses can set a bad note for the date, which is not what I want.

B) I'm a professional in this situation, not a hookup he found on AFF, Match, Tinder, or anywhere else.  He sought me out to have the experience HE desires, and if that doesn't include a shower, then so be it. I will be professional and accommodate him squeaky-clean or otherwise.  ;-)

He's usually only going to be with me for a couple of hours at most, and I can thoroughly scrub any lingering odor off of myself the second he leaves.  Now if the boys reek like dirty socks then I'm not going to give them any attention unless requested to do so.  But, just like if he wants to cover me with his stale body for mish..... I may cringe inwardly but still comply and do my best to act happy about it.   ;-)

How you choose to handle these situations is entirely up to you and I honestly don't feel there is any wrong or right way.  This is a VERY intimate service, and I completely respect everyone's perspective on this subject.  That being said, no matter how vile someone smells, HE should still be treated with respect when being asked to freshen up.   :-)


PS~ I've noticed that those arriving from physical type labor where they are really sweaty or otherwise smelly do NOT need any prompting to shower.  They know they reek and often check with me in advance to be sure they can shower upon arrival.  It's just those with office jobs who don't realize that even though it's only lunchtime and they haven't done anything physical, they no longer smell as clean as they did when they left the house that morning.  ;-)

-- Modified on 10/12/2015 8:01:59 AM

It's true, I took your advice and stated that on my site, I hope they pay attention but you are right no one should ever be disrespected. I choke it up too as you can see being rude or mean isn't my forte but in my mind I'm like "Oh lord" had such a morbid experience once with someone whose breathe was just fouled that from that day on I didn't allow DFK or none of that. Somethings are learned the hard way. But you are right, we are professionals so we must suck it up sometimes.  

Posted By: DebbieNoonerGirl
I've seen it stated very clearly that if the client is unable to arrive smelling freshly-showered, then he must avail himself of her facilities before the fun stuff begins.  Just make sure he's aware of this when booking/confirming.  
 Many of my clients are coming to me from work and are unable to shower directly beforehand. About half will immediately shower without being asked.    
 For those who do not shower at my place, and are maybe less than fresh?  As long as he's not wearing a scent that triggers my allergies, I suck it up.    
 Why?  Because:  
 A) I've learned that no matter how sweetly or nicely I ask him to shower, or even offer to join in and give a helping hand, some men will be put off or even offended by this.  Or they just plain arrogantly refuse to shower.  Either of those responses can set a bad note for the date, which is not what I want.  
 B) I'm a professional in this situation, not a hookup he found on AFF, Match, Tinder, or anywhere else.  He sought me out to have the experience HE desires, and if that doesn't include a shower, then so be it. I will be professional and accommodate him squeaky-clean or otherwise.  ;-)  
 He's usually only going to be with me for a couple of hours at most, and I can thoroughly scrub any lingering odor off of myself the second he leaves.  Now if the boys reek like dirty socks then I'm not going to give them any attention unless requested to do so.  But, just like if he wants to cover me with his stale body for mish..... I may cringe inwardly but still comply and do my best to act happy about it.   ;-)  
 How you choose to handle these situations is entirely up to you and I honestly don't feel there is any wrong or right way.  This is a VERY intimate service, and I completely respect everyone's perspective on this subject.  That being said, no matter how vile someone smells, HE should still be treated with respect when being asked to freshen up.   :-)  
 PS~ I've noticed that those arriving from physical type labor where they are really sweaty or otherwise smelly do NOT need any prompting to shower.  They know they reek and often check with me in advance to be sure they can shower upon arrival.  It's just those with office jobs who don't realize that even though it's only lunchtime and they haven't done anything physical, they no longer smell as clean as they did when they left the house that morning.  ;-)  

-- Modified on 10/12/2015 8:01:59 AM

..."That being said, no matter how vile someone smells, HE should still be treated with respect when being asked to freshen up."...

Sometimes one can be very respectful and nice and the john still refuses to shower...you might suck it up and go through with it, but Debbie, some hookers have a bit more self respect and will not put themselves in a position where another person treats then disrespectfully either on purpose because they are paying and think they can or by ignorance...neither is acceptable.  

Hopefully not too many men arrive to see you foul smelling so you continually have to put up with that.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
but Debbie, some hookers have a bit more self respect and will not put themselves in a position where another person treats then disrespectfully either on purpose because they are paying and think they can or by ignorance...neither is acceptable.  
 Hopefully not too many men arrive to see you foul smelling so you continually have to put up with that.
Perhaps my sense of smell isn't as sensitive as some folks, or I just don't see BO as being a serious issue in the bigger picture.   Because to me, this has nothing to do with self-respect or lack thereof.  

Someone being less-than-fresh just doesn't really bother me.  If I asked him to shower, and he refused, then that could be taken as disrespect.  But I don't think it's disrespectful that someone doesn't take a shower of his own volition, when I don't even ask him to do so.  And I DON"T ask guys to shower because BO just doesn't really bother me.  

When someone does not follow my requests or rules, or pushes my boundaries then THAT is disrespectful and I don't stand for it.  

I would never tell anyone that she doesn't have as much self-respect as I, or anyone else.    

THAT is disrespectful.

-- Modified on 10/13/2015 12:38:26 PM

I guess I just cannot wrap my head around any person that is about to have sex with another NOT taking care of hygiene.  

Apologies if you found my comment disrespectful. Maybe I should have said each to her own and some ladies can deal with funk better than others.

Poor personal hygiene/different cultural norms happen outside of the hobby world.

It can be an uncomfortable conversation.  I have had to have it with an employee before.  It was a bit awkward to have to explain to someone 5-10 years older than yourself that showering and the use of deodorant are necessary.  I really wanted to say "look no one wants to work with or be around your stanky ass.  Go out purchase soap, deodorant, and learn how to use them.  Yes, you do need to use them every day."

Personally I shower and shave as close to my appointment time as possible.  Shaving includes manscapping.  If I am not able to shower close to the appointment time I will clean up when I arrive.

exactly, it's so hard to say that. LOL Imagine having to say it even after they shower. It's horrible having to tell an adult that seriously. It's like might as well offer an prize for being clean lol.

Who does not have proper hygiene I would have to be brutally honest & ask them to shower for a start. Simply, because cleanliness is apart of my “etiquette & expectations"!

TER ID: 27740

bigguy30564 reads

Posted By: MsLeilaLovely
Who does not have proper hygiene I would have to be brutally honest & ask them to shower for a start. Simply, because cleanliness is apart of my “etiquette & expectations"!  
 TER ID: 277407  
 P411 ID: P189134  
 Ms. Leila Lovely  
 [email protected]

....because I want to be fresh as a daisy for her.  
Any body shaving is done at home prior to arrival.

Just like in the general populace, there are plenty of clueless people who have no concept of personal hygiene or social expectations. All a provider can do is guide them to the restroom upon their arrival and hope for the best

I'm out of the shower within the hour of my date, which is why it's annoying when providers text at date time to say they are running 5 minutes late and show up an hour later. I take an extra long shower and use soap and a washcloth and wash head to toe with extra attention to my junk and my ass. I also shave below the belt in the shower. I dry off and use a hair dryer to dry off those hard to get areas. I shave my face twice to make sure there is no stubble and apply unscented face balm after. I put on a light touch of deodorant. Brush my teeth, floss and rebrush and use mouthwash (I like to kiss) brush my hair, dress and hopefully my doorbell is ringing about the same time as I'm putting on the last shoe.  

Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
Why should I have to tell a grown person to shower? It's always so difficult to tell someone without sounding rude....I personally feel that if I look and smell great for you it should be the same? Then you have people that shower and it's like "wow you did not just shower right now, you smell worse than when you first went in" :(  
 Providers: how do you personally handle this?  
 Clients : Do you prep yourself for your dates? I mean prep as in shave? Shower? the whole 9?    
 If you are a person that doesn't like to shower I would really value your input. WTF dude

Don't realize that if they can smell themselves a little,
Others can smell them a lot.  
Some cultures don't believe in daily showers
And they don't use deodorant. I've lived in Europe and Africa and on a hot day
My eyes would tear.

GaGambler662 reads

Most Asian women I know (and I know a lot) are meticulously, almost fanatically clean.

As for myself, I usually take a shower within an hour of showing up at her door, but over 90% of the time I still take another shower to not only "freshen up" but to alleviate any concerns she might have about whether I am clean enough to explore every nook and crevice with her mouth. Where it comes to P4P, cleanliness is it's own reward.

BTW guys, especially those guys writing the reviews about previously highly reviewed women, but who don't offer the full menu items to YOU, don't think all the ladies that read your reviews aren't thinking to themselves, "the guy probably stank, and that's why she wouldn't go there" so don't think it's the lady's rep that's going to suffer, it's yours.

bigguy30538 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
Most Asian women I know (and I know a lot) are meticulously, almost fanatically clean.  
 As for myself, I usually take a shower within an hour of showing up at her door, but over 90% of the time I still take another shower to not only "freshen up" but to alleviate any concerns she might have about whether I am clean enough to explore every nook and crevice with her mouth. Where it comes to P4P, cleanliness is it's own reward.  
 BTW guys, especially those guys writing the reviews about previously highly reviewed women, but who don't offer the full menu items to YOU, don't think all the ladies that read your reviews aren't thinking to themselves, "the guy probably stank, and that's why she wouldn't go there" so don't think it's the lady's rep that's going to suffer, it's yours.

I learned early the joys of playing with Asian Women. When I was in the Navy many years ago and I met my first "provider" She bathed me tenderly in the bath facility in her location. With attention to all my body including the naughty bits. It took a lot of self control to keep from the happy ending before the happy start.  

Posted By: GaGambler
Most Asian women I know (and I know a lot) are meticulously, almost fanatically clean.  
 As for myself, I usually take a shower within an hour of showing up at her door, but over 90% of the time I still take another shower to not only "freshen up" but to alleviate any concerns she might have about whether I am clean enough to explore every nook and crevice with her mouth. Where it comes to P4P, cleanliness is it's own reward.  
 BTW guys, especially those guys writing the reviews about previously highly reviewed women, but who don't offer the full menu items to YOU, don't think all the ladies that read your reviews aren't thinking to themselves, "the guy probably stank, and that's why she wouldn't go there" so don't think it's the lady's rep that's going to suffer, it's yours.

HA HA on the last part Gagambler you hit the nail on the head but what do I know right? ;)

Replying here but I also read GaG and swim and h'view.

Some cultures don't believe in daily showers  
 And they don't use deodorant. I've lived in Europe and Africa and on a hot day  
 My eyes would tear.
Even in the US, before the days of Municipal Water Works and indoor plumbing, Americans "didn't believe" in daily showers, either.  Water for bathing was hard to come by.  If you wanted to HOT water for bathing, you'd better be able to afford it.  Soap was lye soap (the kind that Granny used to make out by the See-ment Pond) and not our current cheap yet luxurious scented body washes.  Daily bathing was a luxury.

Fast forward to 2015.

In the US today, we don't even think about water ... until we start running out of it (West coast drought anyone?).  Elsewhere in the world, especially the third world - oops, not PC - underdeveloped world - oops, still not PC - developing nations - yeah, I think that's it - clean water is scarce so 3x daily showers (wake up; gym or hobby; before bed) is hardly a cultural norm. In some parts of Europe, indoor running water did not always include hot water, just cold water.  In India, I see National Geographics of people bathing in the holy Ganges River which, today, a giant cess pool of animal manure, human and industrial waste.  In less than 40 years, the Yamuna River in the north has gone from pristine "picture post card" quality to a cess pool. In those locations, I think that "good hygeine" means DO NOT BATHE! You're better off with the dirt and BO! Many parts of Africa are scorched and there's barely enough water for human survival let alone regular daily hygiene.  

Getting back to the local scene ... I agree that many newer immigrants from water-scarce backgrounds need some time to adjust to the idea of WASTING so much water on daily bathing.  Some of them are noticeably more pungent than those who do bathe regularly. I saw Silence of the Lambs recently: just put some Vicks Vapo-Rub under your nose and see if they get the hint.  (That they smell bad, NOT that you are going to cannibalize them!)

But the key thing here, in the room, is personal hygeine regardless of whether you shower once a year or once an hour.  I usually have to travel at least 30 minutes and usually much more than that to get to my hostesses and I pick up dirt and sweat along the way.  I don't care if I showered an hour earlier and was chauffeur driven in an air conditioned limo.  Unless she says otherwise, I head for the showers.  

Fast forward into the future ... when water in the US becomes even more scarce, this complaints in this thread might become "You must have showered or bathed, with soap, within one week of our appointment. Please bring validated proof from your local bath house. If you do not have proof, I will ask you to leave and use the bath house located 15 minutes away from my incall and that will count against your clock time."  

Water, water everywhere.
And all the TER boards did shrink;
Water, water, everwhere.

to reduce the frequency of bathing.  

Historically, daily bathing is fairly recent, a luxury spawned by the availibility of cheap and abundant water.   This luxury may be short lived.  

I recall a FBSM gal I'd see weekly at a MP, and we were very turned on by our natural body odors, so maybe there is something to this, but I agree that for now, cleaner is safer.

I don't shave face for a couple days before a date, that allows me to get a much better shave.  I manscape about once a week, whether I have a date or not.  It makes shaving easier than if I let it grow out too much.


I shave & shower immediately before departing...  so less than an hour of travel time.  I will ALWAYS wash hands when arriving (you have no control over who else touched buttons & door knobs before you).  I often bring a small container of my prefered "soft soap" to a meeting ($1 on sale).

make it a habit of showering with your clients first.
win win sitch!

That could be fun for longer appointments, but it's really not an option for an hour.  

Posted By: foguete69
make it a habit of showering with your clients first.  
 win win sitch!

That could be fun for longer appointments, but it's really not an option for an hour.  
Posted By: foguete69
make it a habit of showering with your clients first.  
  win win sitch!

GaGambler488 reads

The only reason I even shower before going to see a Korean or Thai woman is simply force of habit. I absolutely HATE going out in public without being freshly showered. but even if it's only been fifteen minutes since I last showered it's a given that the first 10 minutes or so with a Kgirl is going to be spent in the shower with her, and that is just fine with me. I find it quite enjoyable, it usually includes a BBBJ while in the shower and it assures me that there will be no remnants from her last date either. I have ZERO illusions that she most likely has been with someone else in the last hour or less before my arrival, but as long as we are both squeaky clean, who cares?

It certainly is! I do it a lot!

That could be fun for longer appointments, but it's really not an option for an hour.
Posted By: foguete69
make it a habit of showering with your clients first.

One whiff and I'm hightailing it out the door and going home (blocking him as well). A provider on another site told a story about a client who came to the brothel she was working at years ago. One of the girls let out a bloodcurdling scream...and when everyone came running in, there was unwanted visitors crawling all over. and through the man's private area. I would post more, but I'm getting nauseous just thinking about that story. Men shouldn't have to be told to take a shower. I take showers before I leave and then when I get to the clients location AND after the session is done. I've been unfortunate to have had clients with bad hygiene...and they're no longer my clients.

I don't understand what so hard, exactly with poor hygiene comes everything negative. It's tough.

Yes. I like to shower before dates either before leaving from home or at her incall if I am coming from work. I also shave upon arrival.  

However, men and women have different standards of cleanliness, but we are used to you enforcing your standards and are generally okay with it. (Note that lopaw - the only girl hobbyist on this thread -- showers both before leaving home and after arrival.) Send him into the shower on arrival when in doubt and - if you really want him to come back - go in yourself and help to clean him up to your standards. It is perfectly fine that you inform him that anyplace that he wants you to touch with any part of your body should be squeaky clean

I shower before and after appointments.Hobbyists and escorts should shower before and after .Play safe folks.

I always shower upon arrival at the incall and after as well.  But one time a provider who was otherwise good handed me a damp towel. Needless to say I didn't use it but rather attempted to dry off with a clean wash cloth. Not having fresh towels is a violation that will always prevent me from repeating.

Grown men who don't know how to wash, are asked to leave or services are flatly refused. There are consequences to being a filthy pig.

NumNumMan555 reads

Despite what Sodapop and others may say, you have the best topics. They are thought provoking and the questions most people have on their minds, but are too afraid to ask.  

Some threads are for entertainment and some for information. I see yours as very informational.  

As a person, who is very intrigued by the mind of a provider, please please please keep posting

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