TER General Board

Re: I wouldn't have taken the chance either.
SeraphinaLaRue See my TER Reviews 1713 reads

Yea his excuse was that he had it his whole life and he was fine . But again I'm
Not a doctor and the last thing I need are white bumps all over my mouth because of him
If it's something else lol.  

Looking at it makes me itch!!

Went to see someone who had little white bumps all around the head of his penis. :( Super grossed out I mentioned them and he explained they were Pearly penile papules and was not an STI or anything of concern. Still wanted BBBJ, so I left. Too disgusting to look at making it impossible to provide a stellar BBBJ. Maybe he was telling the truth, but did not want to take the chance!

and the guy is apparently right if this article is factual.

ATLDAWG1508 reads

This fellow should opt for the recommended treatment-I can see why a gal would have no interest in providing a BBBJ with this problem !!!  And....how would she know for sure that was what he had ?  I am on the gal's side on this for sure !

use a blowtorch and perform on-site PPP treatment right before the start of the session.  

In fact,  girls can put this offer on their website with a waiver/disclaimer.  

I'm pretty sure all guys with PPP will flock to get that free PPP blowtorch surgery from an unlicensed surgeon.  lolol  


Guarantee that's someone's fetish.  

Posted By: Drunken Asian
use a blowtorch and perform on-site PPP treatment right before the start of the session.    
 In fact,  girls can put this offer on their website with a waiver/disclaimer.    
 I'm pretty sure all guys with PPP will flock to get that free PPP blowtorch surgery from an unlicensed surgeon.  lolol  

Agreed!!! Especially with how do we know that's what it really really is.

Pimpathy2085 reads

it was a while back.

And if the guy refuses, the door will hit him in ass on the way out.  

Geezus tricks wig out over a couple of ass zits on a hooker and then they want a hooker to put her mouth on that

Back_In_Black1450 reads


Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
And if the guy refuses, the door will hit him in ass on the way out.  
 Geezus tricks wig out over a couple of ass zits on a hooker and then they want a hooker to put her mouth on that?  

Nah...h+t isn't TS.

h+t has sent me some emails now as well.  

She loves CPA...kind of in a bizarre sort of way  LOL

-- Modified on 4/22/2014 6:31:15 PM

Back_In_Black1587 reads

my lambchop  

Posted By: ChgoCPA
Nah...h+t isn't TS.  
 h+t has sent me some emails now as well.    
 She loves CPA...kind of in a bizarre sort of way  LOL

-- Modified on 4/22/2014 6:31:15 PM

0603450onThe1409 reads

dangerous if in the wrong hands and not even in the same category as roulette. I take this gesture very seriously as all ladies should for those gentlemen who do share...at least I hope they do. You have to. No different than ladies trusting to be with men from this hobby, alone, in the same room. You better hope that same trust comes full circle 'after' whatever info 'is' shared.  

Perhaps you should think about what 'we' endure when we meet someone, instead of worrying about a lil photo or information shared every now and then. I bet that'll change the tides for you a bit.

Back_In_Black1293 reads

not going into the thousand of reasons why ..  

Posted By: TaylorSteele
dangerous if in the wrong hands and not even in the same category as roulette. I take this gesture very seriously as all ladies should for those gentlemen who do share...at least I hope they do. You have to. No different than ladies trusting to be with men from this hobby, alone, in the same room. You better hope that same trust comes full circle 'after' whatever info 'is' shared.  
 Perhaps you should think about what 'we' endure when we meet someone, instead of worrying about a lil photo or information shared every now and then. I bet that'll change the tides for you a bit.

0603450onThe1614 reads


Women and men will always have differing opinions in this world, just how it is. But the real bottomline over anything...you better hope that when any woman is in a closed, locked room with a gentleman, he better be who he says he is because our lives are 'in his hands'. Nothing more 'real' about that I'm afraid.  

The grass is always greener on the other side.

And I have every right to decline to provide it and move on.  I've never provided my real name and address and I never will. I have lots of other info I'll happily provide and it seems to be adequate for the women I see (P411, D-C, handle, etc.).
Bottom line: I have never, ever been refused a date for this reason.

0603450onThe1332 reads

For this information...it is sent to me strictly voluntarily on the part of the gentleman. I do not use it to screen unless he is new. It states in my email what's required for screening to see me. The point is when and if they do, I would never jeopardize any info sent. Not my style and I usually tell them it's not necessary. I will say the ones who are comfortable...there is an unspoken word of trust need not be stated. Simple.

As far as 'posters' on here such as yourself...Ive made the decision to typically not see gentlemen for that reason alone.

-- Modified on 4/23/2014 8:29:30 AM

But here's some free advice: if I were you, if anyone voluntarily sent me personal info I would decline to see them for that reason alone.  Because it means they are too stupid or naive to be trusted with any information about me.
As for not seeing  posters here, you are deluded if you believe any of them can't see you if they want to.  In my case you need not worry, as I don't have the slightest interest.
Hope you had a wonderful Earth Day.

-- Modified on 4/23/2014 8:57:25 AM

Back_In_Black1642 reads

picture back .. taylor the more shit you got the more dangerous it is for you .. less is often better .. and less can be enough if its solid .. just sayin  

Posted By: TaylorSteele
dangerous if in the wrong hands and not even in the same category as roulette. I take this gesture very seriously as all ladies should for those gentlemen who do share...at least I hope they do. You have to. No different than ladies trusting to be with men from this hobby, alone, in the same room. You better hope that same trust comes full circle 'after' whatever info 'is' shared.  
 Perhaps you should think about what 'we' endure when we meet someone, instead of worrying about a lil photo or information shared every now and then. I bet that'll change the tides for you a bit.

JackDunphy1708 reads

She is the poster child for "dangerous if in the wrong hands." What nut would send this whack-a-doodle a pic of themselves???????????????

Back_In_Black1630 reads

blackmail some guy .. etc like I said thousands of reasons ... stupid shit . she saw it on tv I saw the same interview .. the girl had a laptop and went on and on about how info was in the computer .. stupid two people meeting for an hour of two , no you don't need tons of shit or photos ..  I would NEVER do it . ever for anyone  

Posted By: JackDunphy
She is the poster child for "dangerous if in the wrong hands." What nut would send this whack-a-doodle a pic of themselves???????????????

0603450onThe1818 reads

aren't reading what I'm saying as usual and missing the point completely. Reread my above post and understand what I'm really talking about here and perhaps a lightbulb will go off. There's nothing stupid about it and for you to think it's stupid, only shows you're part of 'that' bunch.  

Hey, if you choose to see ladies who don't have their shit together and are blackmail happy, that's your fault, not mine. Let's be real here, you and I aren't ever meeting, so no need to get yourself in a tizzy over it. My circle of friends is small for a reason and I will keep it that way for as long as 'I' choose. Not anyone else. And what works for 'me' is all I care about....not you.  

'Trust' is a two way street in this world. Use it wisely.  

Do not question what you don't understand or can't possibly comprehend. Pretty simple.

-- Modified on 4/23/2014 4:26:06 AM

GaGambler1616 reads

"That bunch" being the non stupid, non mangina, non death wish, non BSC bunch that most of us belong to.

JackDunphy1583 reads

Stop using an alias! I mean a handle. Errr...I mean all your many handles. And I STILL haven't received your photo and I REFUSE to go to CR with you w/o one!

JackDunphy1652 reads

who would NOT trust her to delete our info? The thought is laughable. Here's the real point. She could give a rodents ass about making her guys feel comfortable.  

And do you see any women rushing to her defense? Crickets...

She has zero clue that the name of this game is to reduce anxiety since its...its...wait for it...ILLEGAL....should I send my soc. sec. # along with the pic Ms. Taylor? LOL

Any idiot sending this BSC nut a photo or ANY personal info is just a BSC john looking for trouble.

0603450onThe1565 reads

I would NEVER know if you actually tried to contact me, now would I? That's dangerous in 'my' eyes. And as I've stated before, maybe TER will wake up and let you boys stop playing with alias' and multiple handles so the jack-in-the-boxes like yourselves can't keep ABUSING the system here. But I won't hold my breath, don't worry.  

You know nothing about me, thank god. And I could care less about you and 'your' type. Stay far, far, far, far away. You are nothing shy of creepy and thensome.

JackDunphy1720 reads

I just dont need to use my handle to do so. Maybe you need a refresher course on why TER allows aliases? Its mainly for anonymity reasons. You know, so we can tell the truth w/o the fear of BSC retribution.

When you get "stalked" and threatened by giving a gal a 7/7 when her average was 8, maybe you'll get it one day, but I doubt it. Everything is about "you", isn't it Taylor?

Not exactly sure how following TER rules to the letter is ABUSING the system but go right ahead with your skewed logic.  

Let TER worry about their rules as you should be concerned with your sanity. There's quite a lot there to keep you busy.

0603450onThe2034 reads

Whether you pass my screening or not it's not the point. If  there was a way to know it was YOU the real you...Mr. Jackass from TER and however many other handles you have w ho was the one contacting me vs the other character you create..I would sleep better at night. That's the whole point. Which makes my  issue with TER completely valid. You just don't like it cause it would force you to be who you really are and not hide like so many others here.  

I would never know. That's the point. Duh. Wasting my breath on yet another clueless tart. That's a shock.

-- Modified on 4/23/2014 8:43:31 AM

JackDunphy1456 reads

who aren't angry, petty and think too highly of themselves and dont get in pissing matches with dozens and deozens of guys here. Got it?

And you don't get this "handle vs. alias" thing, do you. Above your pay grade maybe?  

I am typing this slowly so you can even undertsand...I have one handle...ONE... that means it's LESS than two...it's also LESS than three and for that matter, less than four and all numbers higher than four.

And when you tell me who YOU really are, I'll tell you. Ok sweetie

0603450onThe1702 reads

to do whether you want to or not. Are you really this thick? Scary. I think you take the cake for biggest idiot award given out by a woman here. Completely moronic and I will leave it at that. I can't and won't speak to someone at your level. Sorry.

-- Modified on 4/23/2014 9:03:58 AM

0603450onThe1577 reads

Then id like to hear you call me these words...after exposing yourself. I got nothing to hide. What and who are you hiding is the question...you wouldn't happen to be one of the rejected ones...are you?

0603450onThe1905 reads

deleted immediately after I view it. Whatever is shared, if anything. It's for nothing more, don't make it out to be something it isn't.  

Wish I could say the same for your half. You guys hold onto EVERYTHING for years. It's ridiculous. You tell me who's the smarter being here? I constantly have to remind gentlemen to delete email threads, constantly.  

Don't ever question me and the 'safety' piece here. I'm not the least bit worried about me in this instance, I know what I'm doing......do you?

PSA...DELETE your emails gentlemen and delete them forever. It's not that complicated a task. You are doing yourself and the lady a HUGE favor. It is ok to 'let go' no matter how good your conversation is. And if you plan on 'not' seeing her again, there is no point in keeping anything on your phone or laptop at all. Be smart about it. Thank you.

I alway send a recent picture of myself whether it is asked for or not. I figure it puts us on common ground. I know what she looks lkke she ought to know what I look like. Also, like you just pointed out, it allows you to, at least temporarily, store my photo so you know that if I am crazy or at least there will be repercussions. It's no big deal. The photo is one that has been posted on facebook so I am not opening myself up to black mail or anything else. So really, what is the problem if it helps these ladies feel more at ease? Her comfort will reap benefits for you.  
Some of you ought to put yourself in other's shoes at times. You might see the world from a different perspective and decide that your antics are less than amusing. Take it easy on others. They are not harming or threatening you somthere is no need to attack them.

0603450onThe1589 reads

here who choose to hide and play being an alias or a handle with no references which is the same thing. They are hiding for a reason. I only have respect for men who post as their real handle with reviews to back them up.  Then it's equal playing ground like you said. Other than that we are all wasting our breath. This only gets real when everybody plays by the same rules. Hopefully they will wake up....TER that is. I doubt it but you never know. This site is used more predominantly than people think. They should take it with the same seriousness and get the kinks worked out for everyone involved in the hobby...not just the men.

GaGambler1590 reads

Somehow I don't see him as a expert on whether or not he really knows what she looks like.

and Inicky posts with his real fake name and has reviews to back them up, I suppose now he has "earned" your respect? I am sure he will take great comfort in that. lmao

But if you say her name three times..

0603450onThe1668 reads

waiting to see what I'm doing tomorrow. I'm tired, twas a long day, wanna snuggle?

For the record, I am not h+t. I believe she and I have posted in many threads together actually.

But only fungus wouldn't have been able to understand the message from the surrounding context.

Yes he was right, but I didn't research it until I left. And the sight was just unbearable! Lol. But I do understand that they're a thing.  

Posted By: mrfisher
and the guy is apparently right if this article is factual.

Urojet651956 reads

Usually seen uncircumcised men some more prominent than others. Can be confused with condyloma (genital warts). Pearly papules are found around corona of the penile gland. In some men they can become very prominent especially when they have an erection. They are not an STD but I imagine it is hard to convince someoone of this. I would have thought he would more self conscious and not put you in that position.

Yes letting me know in advanced would have been appreciated. I still would have only
Provided CBJ just because I don't know him and it was definitely a sight!

I noticed he was uncircumcised and I didn't notice them until he was hard.
So makes sense.

I'll be honest..
There are two parts of my body I take extra special care of.
My face.. And my junk..

If my dick had little whiteheads all over the tip....
I would sell my car, and hire the best people I could afford to take care of that...
I wouldn't care if they shot my dick with radiation..
Just sayin'

AxelF1506 reads

I have two that has been there since I was 14. No big deal, some just have it worst. A lady wouldnt go down on me because there crusty toilet paper bits...L O L

Posted By: SeraphinaLaRue
Went to see someone who had little white bumps all around the head of his penis. :( Super grossed out I mentioned them and he explained they were Pearly penile papules and was not an STI or anything of concern. Still wanted BBBJ, so I left. Too disgusting to look at making it impossible to provide a stellar BBBJ. Maybe he was telling the truth, but did not want to take the chance!

Yea he definitely had it pretty bad. It was not simply 2. And oh no lol!

Crusty toilet paper bits? Dude, that's fucking foul.  

Posted By: AxelF
I have two that has been there since I was 14. No big deal, some just have it worst. A lady wouldnt go down on me because there crusty toilet paper bits...L O L  
Posted By: SeraphinaLaRue
Went to see someone who had little white bumps all around the head of his penis. :( Super grossed out I mentioned them and he explained they were Pearly penile papules and was not an STI or anything of concern. Still wanted BBBJ, so I left. Too disgusting to look at making it impossible to provide a stellar BBBJ. Maybe he was telling the truth, but did not want to take the chance!

I would assume that very few of us would be qualified to confirm that diagnosis based on a visual exam so yeah...better safe than sorry. I don't know how he could expect you to just roll with it.  

P.S. Is anyone else super grossed out by the term "pearly penile papules?" I love alliteration (obviously) but that is one icky combination of words.

Yea his excuse was that he had it his whole life and he was fine . But again I'm
Not a doctor and the last thing I need are white bumps all over my mouth because of him
If it's something else lol.  

Looking at it makes me itch!!

I mean, I am pretty sure you guys would be nervous about DATY if you saw bumps all over right? I understand it's nothing serious but it does cause alarm and is a turn off. I would much rather leave than give a terrible BBBJ since that is supposed to be such a beautiful thing.

I would leave without hesitation .  I'm not putting my dick in pussy  I wouldn't lick .  

Posted By: SeraphinaLaRue
I mean, I am pretty sure you guys would be nervous about DATY if you saw bumps all over right? I understand it's nothing serious but it does cause alarm and is a turn off. I would much rather leave than give a terrible BBBJ since that is supposed to be such a beautiful thing.

Unless I've missed it, no one has mentioned that the gent may simply have an outbreak of Molluscum Contagiosum. (http://www.treat-molluscum.com/about.htm)  It is contagious and unsightly, but otherwise considered benign since it has no other symptoms.  Anyone suffering from this would be well advised to refrain from hobbying until the condition has subsided.

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