TER General Board

Re: I vastly prefer quality over quanity
little phil 37 Reviews 369 reads

I'm not going to put a number to it, but I'd agree that quality is important.  I find that I'm happiest when I get the "feel like a king" treatment.

If you could get it as often as you liked, how often would that be?

I am curious after reading the posts below. It seems to me that most of you fellas feel that your needs need to be met at any given time or place.
I understand about NEEDS  WANTS and DESIRES

I recently put a stop to my WANTS and try more to just address my NEEDS

Yes as providers we are here to satisfy your needs wants and desires.
I kinda think there is NO difference with men when it comes to needs and wants. Otherwise why would you suggest leaving a SEXY provider who is your SO so you can go get your WANTon?

I have heard tons of reasons why the "married man" desired to spend time with me.

All of this just makes me wonder if Man CAN ever be sexually satisfied?

Is there no end to your hunger?

-- Modified on 11/5/2008 9:16:33 AM

So, if anything, I am trying to slow down. I am also not a spring chicken anymore. I find that twice a week is good for me. But these beautiful ladies just won't let me be ';-)

Think about it everyday.....but almost never get it!....I don't have a women and my finances limit my hobbying!

I don't sit around thinking about sex. I may be unusual, but I very rarely touch myself. I don't view erotic materials, I don't do things to arouse myself between times with a lady. I don't become aroused by reading the TER boards. I only think about sex when I'm stimulated by something. And after 30 years in the lifestyle, it takes a lot of stimulation to really affect me. Sure, I love to flirt with the ladies. Sometimes I get in the mood to chase amateur tail. But I don't get hard thinking about a date I'm going to have with a lady. I don't "imagine" sex or fantasize. I save my energies for those times. That's why I'm planning on rationing myself a little more. Between my SO, and the ladies I see regularly, it's at least 4 times a week, and that's a bit too much for me anymore. So, for this and a few other reasons, I am altering my strategy in favor of LTRs with fewer ladies, and to pace myself a bit better...

Cheers -   Gregory

-- Modified on 11/5/2008 11:58:22 AM

-- Modified on 11/5/2008 11:59:17 AM

-- Modified on 11/6/2008 6:16:06 AM

A MD I know said that studies have shown that the average male has sexual thoughts about every 18 seconds.

seefil288 reads

Everyday I think about sex at least 5-10 times a day.  I realistically would want it once or twice a day.  I don't have to have it everyday, but when I do get it, more than once would be nice.  

Why a provider?  No nagging, no lectures, no "I won't do that you pig!", and knowing you are definitely getting what you want from a beautiful woman who just wants to please you.  There is no better feeling than that of feeling like a desired King...

Just my opinion...

I'm not going to put a number to it, but I'd agree that quality is important.  I find that I'm happiest when I get the "feel like a king" treatment.

I absolutely value the quality of the sex (whether hobby life or real life) most of all. For me, great sex depends on my mood and my SO mood. Sometimes, it needs to be quick and raunchy, sometimes sensual and lengthy, sometimes semi-public to be exciting. All of it works at times.

I do, however, want sex a lot. My utopia would be daily sex at a minimum, but I am "satisfied" with 3-4 times a week, which is a little more realistic in my real life. Of course, reading the TER boards and reviews, etc., in no way reduces the amount of time sex is on my mind. Damn these women are HOT!


I have no control over when I want sex and the only time that I need sex is when I want it. I can think about sex without wanting to have sex.
All of this is true if there are no women in the room with me. If a woman is present things change. Then I want sex and need sex but maybe not with the woman in the room with me.

Look at my handle! Just kidding. I think about sex a lot more than I participate. I'm having a pretty good run lately, but it's not uncommon for me to go 3-4 months between visits. That includes nothing at home.

Since I started seeing escorts, I've found that my wants and needs aren't really that far apart. I enjoy my time with the ladies that I see so much that the long periods of time in between doesn't seem to affect me very much. Of course I'd like to have more dates, but I guess I've been very lucky. The ladies that I've seen have almost all been well worth the wait.

Things have slowed somewhat as I have aged, I am 66, but I am still pretty obsessed. I have sexual thoughts very frequently, many many times a day.  I still masturbate once or twice every morning unless I am going to have sex with a real live person that day. I use on line pornography for this.  

Actual real live sex with an actual real live person depends upon opportunity.  When I am spending a few days or a week with my current obsession, we have sex once or more often twice, twice a day. If we haven't been together for a while, we will have sex three or even four times. This happens when we are together at least one afternoon a week.

Before I had my current regular obsession, I would like to see either a provider or a friend with benefits at least twice a month.  

When I was working in New York, near one of my ATFs and a number of others I  liked and living alone in my own apartment and with essentially unlimited funds, I saw a provider at least once a week for three hour dates,

So the answer is, it varies according to opportunity

-- Modified on 11/5/2008 3:30:47 PM

I think about sex numerous times a day.

I've never really been in a position to test what would satisfy me. While I savor time with providers, economics put a cap on that at a level below what I'd like. Outside of the hobby, nearly zero.

I can envision a frequency and quality that I would acknowledge as meeting my needs, but probably still be wanting more. Right now, I'm not at either.

I think you're asking an specific subset of guys. For myself, when I hobby, I spend more than 70 or 80 minutes involved in the deed. I like a physical workout. And it leaves me with an intense afterglow. It's certainly not like any civilian sex I ever had.

I do not routinely get off at home, even though I am married.

So for me, two-three  times a month is generally my pace, determined mostly by cost and opportunity. But I could imagine a different lifestyle where I was having less intense sex more regularly.

As I've aged, masturbation has gone way down. It used to be a pretty much constant preoccupation.

2on1putt178 reads

I'm 48 years old and I can be sexually satisfied for 2-3 days if its marathon sex, its outstanding and I get at least two pops in one encounter. Hypothetically, I could go for a blowjob daily and that would keep me satisfied.(What man wouldn't be) If its just sex with the wife which is semi-quarterly it's not very satisfying, mundane to be honest. If I'm in a dry spell I need to masturbate at least daily to keep things in check. I hope I answered your question SC.

This message has been approved by me, 2on1putt.

Sexual satiation is a temporary condition at best for the healthy individual.  Hence, the illusion that men aren't ever satisfied.  20 minutes after busting a big one, our minds are on the next one.

Me? Quality over quantity for sure although I might think about sex every time I see a sexy woman or every time my johnson shifts positions in my trousers or whatever else that is stimulating.  

I know there are some ladies out there that believe my brain is in my dick.  What these ladies probably don't know is that they are the quality ladies that don't have to do much to turn me on because I know ecstasy is in store with them. So, if you're a provider I've seen more than twice, now you know why.  And, it's not necessarily all about sex with them.  Most likely it's something about their mind or persona or that we can have a real conversation about whatever that does it to me rather than their sexual skill and/or whether they bbbjcimnqns, travel to foreign lands, or whatever.  

Some women know I think with the big head because I wouldn't touch them with some other fella's johnson.  Or, it's obvious that I have to be in the mood to go to work, because that's just what it feels like with them, work.

-- Modified on 11/5/2008 12:24:46 PM

Berticus574 reads

I don't think I've ever in my life been truly satisfied sexually. The few times that I've gotten enough sex, there were other things lacking that left me feeling slightly frustrated.

As to how often... The urge to actually have the act itself is an easy 3 times a day. (I'm not counting times I think about it, or think about women etc. I mean the desire for sex itself.)

The most I've ever had sex was 5 times in a day. I could have gone for a sixth or possibly seventh.

How often do I actually get it? I ended a 4 year relationship recently. On average during that period, I would say I had sex once a week, maybe twice a week if I were having a good month. Considering I am 29 now and it was over 4 years, with periods where I went without for a month or longer, this was frustrating. My girlfriend at the time was just not very sexual, for a variety of reasons. She once told me that she felt 90% of the women out there would probably have sex once to twice a week or less if they felt no pressure to please a man. I've always wondered if this were true.

I still am hoping to go to sleep someday and feel that my appetite was honestly and truly sated in every sense. I think that if I were happy and content physically, emotionally and intellectually with the woman I were with, I could easily get by with once a day or even every other day and still feel sated, aside from the occasional wild period.

Please note though, that while I have a desire for sex quite often, this does not mean I want it no matter how the lady I'm with feels. This seems to be a common misconception about younger gentlemen, that we just want physical satisfaction and don't care a whit about the lady we're with. I have as much of a desire for her satisfaction as my own, whether that be a slow, sensual drawn out affair, or a more frenetic pace. Knowing the lady I'm with is enjoying herself is a huge part of my enjoyment.

see a provider about once every 3 days.  Work schedules get in the way of wanting to see some of my favorite ladies.  Disposable income is also limited in these current economic times.

Thinking about sex or women?  Almost always.  When I am out at lunch, at the gym, at the grocery store or whereever, I let my eyes & mind wander.

A colleague and I were having a related discussion just the other day. We addressed the question from a general perspective instead of from a micro/anecdotal one (we didn’t want to get bogged down in minutia.)

We were trying to figure out if, in general, men need a variety of women for sexual intimacy, or if men rather, need a variety of sexual experiences with one woman, to feel a general sense of sexual well-being. He, being more well-versed in some of the peer-reviewed studies on sex and intimacy, brought up some corroborating information to support the latter premise. Bottom line (and seen by what many have shared here on the boards in prior threads), most men would not stray if they had a variety of experiences with their significant other, instead of falling into a rut. I’m sure many here can relate to the adrenaline rush of anticipating a meeting with a lady, and how that can be almost as much fun as the actual deeds, especially if you arrange a date a week or more in advance.

An interesting side topic we ran with had to do with the idea of men in the delivery room when their child is being born and how, on one level, that is a very enriching experience, but on the other hand, it can also remove what little ‘mystery’ of a woman’s body is left. I’m a firm believer that most men need to be able to eroticize (not objectify) their S.O. and if that doesn’t happen, and they don’t find new ‘adventures’ in the bedroom, a wandering eye can develop.

Having said all that, to get back to your specific question, “If you could get it as often as you like, how often would that be?”, if you mean “How often do I desire to ejaculate with a woman?”  I would answer 2-3 times a week max. (I’m able to have non-ejaculatory orgasms so if I couldn’t, maybe 4 times a week.)

I do like anticipation. I don’t like feeling totally ‘drained/empty’ if I have too many ejaculations in a week. I rather like the feeling of going a week with just dry orgasms before letting loose. I find myself feeling more erotic throughout the days, and having more sexual ‘energy’ around me.

Now, this doesn’t mean I avoid sexual moments on the other days. I love sexual intimacy, and if I just spend an evening pleasuring a lady, or sharing a nude massage, or visiting a nude beach together (love the sun all over!), or just having a good old-fashioned make-out session, I’m can be content. As long as there is a mix of sexual experiences, I don’t need a parade of partners.

Finally, I think about sex in all its forms probably 50-100 times a day. Sounds like a lot but really isn’t when you figure in the times you see a sexy image and it cause you to dwell on a past experience or future hope, or you hear a sexy voice, or feel the warm breeze on your skin.

Don’t know if I am the norm or not. I’m guessing not. All the studying of sexual physiology has probably corrupted me!  ;-)

I think about it all the time.  If I could, I would go 3-4 times a day.  The last girl I was seeing, we would lay in bed for 4-5 hrs at a time and go at it as much as we could handle.

I'm of course thinking about hobbying and in civilian life.  I couldnt afford it if I just hobbied, but you just asked how much we think about it and how much we want it.  Theres my answer.


GaGambler1144 reads

but that's before I had the opportunity to have as much sex as I wanted with as many different women as I wanted.

I travel to Latin America quite frequently and have access to as many women as I could ever possibly want. After many trips thinking I was a kid in a candy store and one trip in particular where I saw 40 different women in ten days, I can tell you without a doubt a man CAN be sexually satisfied.

I am still a horn dog for a man of fifty, but once a day suits me fine. I think about it 50 times a day, but once a day with an occasional twofer is just fine with me. I also like to take an occasional day with no sex, but I get a little grumpy if I go more than two or three days without sex.

I still go to Latin America quite often, but I have little desire to fuck five times a day anymore. Must be getting old. lol

I once had an near ideal situation sexually.  I was deeply involved with a woman who I found very attractive physically, who was wildly multi orgasmic, and who was wonderfully perverted.  Her perversions fit perfectly with mine and included the fact that she was bisexual and had one or two girl friends who would join us from time to time for usually long and complex sexual psycho dramas.  This would have been perfect and kept me satisfied EXCEPT for the fact that she was genuinely clinically crazy.  When her meds got out of synch, life became near impossible.  My point is: my ideal situation would be a woman as attractive as she was, as perverted, as sexual, and intelligent (she was extremely bright, a great aphrodisiac for me), but normal.  In this case I would stay faithful.  
It was 25 years ago, we lived together for a year and had sex two or three times twice a day on the week days and countless times on the week ends. I was constantly "chafed."

Men are programmed in our DNA to spread the love.  I can't speak for anyone but myself but I think about it daily....several times a day in fact.  

I check out just about every hot woman I see and while I don't leer or act like a pig, I definitely wonder in my mind, what it would be like to be with her or what she looks like naked or even what she looks like in her underwear.

I love underwear.  Sexy little boy shorts and a frilly bra are the damn deal!

As for getting it....not enough.  Being married for 10 years has put a dent into that, which is probably why I am exploring the hobby.  I don't know if it's for me but I am going to satisfy my curiousity.

and the last thing I think about when I'm going to bed. And the night is filled with dreams of sex as well.
It would be nice if I had a woman to just roll over and take care of my morning boner but most people don't wake up as early as I do...5 am.
Some one else said it that I think about it every waking minute until I shoot my load. Then I am complacent for about 20 minutes and I start thinking about the next one again.
I don't think it's ever possible to be sexually satisfied for any extended period of time.
It's just not in our genes.

Every time I see a woman the first thing that runs through my head is "would I fuck her"? If the answer is no, then I move on to other things. If the answer is yes, then I start wondering how she looks naked.

All kinds of scenarios start forming around lots of women I see every day. Sometimes they stick with me later and I start daydreaming, but most times it is just a quick thing and is forgotten minutes later.

So to the part of the question as to how often I think of sex, it would be pretty much constantly. As to the part of the question as to how often I would engage in sex if allowed to do so unlimited by anyone, that would totally depend on my body and how many times I can force it to respond to my mind.

I don't think of sex as any kind of need whatsoever, it is a total want. I have gone 7 years without sex completely before, so it isn't "needed" to keep me sane, happy, or fulfilled. It is a "want" in order to live out those daydreams.


I think about sex every time I see an attractive female and a significant amount of the time that I don't. The thinking ranges from just a generic, "Man, I'd like to screw her!" to detailed daydreams about specific acts to imagining her as an SO. There's no way my body could ever keep up with my mind! LOL

As to how often I get it, that's very different. My wife is still having physical and emotional  symptoms from a hysterectomy a little over a year ago and she's never been much of a fan of oral so my sex life at home is pretty moribund these days. I enjoy a casual romp with a pretty stranger as much as the next guy but what I REALLY enjoy is spending time being intimate with someone with whom I can share some degree of caring relationship, if only for a few hours. I very much prefer multi-hour or overnight appointments and consequently don't hobby very frequently.

Over the past several months I guess I've had sexual encounters an average of about once every 2-3 weeks. I would obviously prefer more frequency but, like others, quality matters to me more than quantity. I'm very lucky to have a found a few ladies who are secure enough to enter into friendships with me as well as the business relationship. They rock!

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