TER General Board

Re: I started for the sex, but stay for the relationships....
deadeye65 8 Reviews 381 reads

I'll third this one. I have one I see regularly now because of the connection. Sex is somewhat secondary now.

Lol, seriously. Other than coin & shooting stars what do you aim to get out of your sessions/ meetings?  

In my humble opinion, there is much more to the hobby than just getting things  
over with on both sides. I do understand that some people seek quick experiences,  
so this question isn't for them

the ability to connect with someone, fall in love, at least a little, then walk away when you want with very little drama or consequences.  Its a very liberating way to be shallow and self-absorbed, and not give a rat's ass about anyone but yourself.  In short, its the best situation a man could ask for.

First I need to qualify my answer with the fact that I have become very selective with whom I'm in interesting in meeting and don't see many ladies.   I will often repeat with the same ones who provide who provide an experience rather than an encounter.

For me personally, what I'm looking for is that elusive physical and sexual chemistry.  Someone who has the ability to match that energy level and can make me forget about everything else during that time.

nobody305300 reads

I am the same way when it comes to the encounter with a lady. I am lucky to found one lady that is a nympho when it comes to sex. I have a hard time keeping up with her. Good times with her every time we are together.

For me, it's a combination of different things.  I don't get much sex in civie life, so yes, sex is the main reason for my hobbying.  Other reasons?  It's harder irl to get a date with an African American, Asian, or Latina woman.  Which sucks for me, because I'm a white man who prefers women of color.  In the hobby I can make connections with the kinds of women who really turn me on.  Also, I noticed years ago that sex workers of any kind make better friends and lovers.  So, in a sense, I'm with "my kind" when I'm engaged in the hobby.  Last but not least, I have developed some tastes that are a little outside the boundaries of our society, namely my attraction to transsexuals.  Once again, it's easier to pursue those kinds of relationships within the hobby, as civie dating is a jungle even without my off-the-beaten-path tastes.  But ask a million different people why they do this, and you will get a million different answers.  The only common thread is that it serves a purpose in our society, something that the government hasn't figured out yet.

I really enjoy the connection and the ability to honestly explore sexual areas (that I haven't before) with ladies that are really great at doing those wonderful things.
I do get attached, and repeat with regular ladies. But the luxury of not having to progress the relationship to SO status or even think of living with someone again is what works so great for me.  

It also has made it so, as a single man that does not want any new major relationships, able to be friends with women in the rest of the world and leave my sexual desires out of the picture.

Before each session, I think about how the client's time with me is often part of a weekly or monthly ritual to help them deal with or forget the stresses and anxieties of their daily life. I think about their saving up, squirreling away, their sneaking off, their putting in overtime, all for some warmth and fun away from everything else. I aim to take them away from their stress and provide memories they can take with them. It's based on ego, I know, but I do enjoy the smiles and sexual reactions that tell me I'm succeeding

As long as the provider I meet looks like her pics and lives up to her ads/reviews, the excitement of something new keeps me in the game.  

Connections are great, sure; but a real connection comes along maybe 5% of the time. I have a couple of regulars that I see every month, but it's been a long time since any one has completely taken away my desire for a new treat.

Hobby people are very nice people.

You can relate and open up to someone where there is no reason to have to hide your true self.  It's very therapeutic in that sense.

Well I'd edit that for me a bit if I'm going to be honest (started for the money & sex) but I definitely have enjoyed the relationships that I've formed with a few awesome people; fellow providers and clients included.

There's definitely times I find something interesting happen and let a client know (ie. there was a specific part of GoT this season that nearly killed me and I emailed a client who also loved the show to gab nerdily about it as my RL friends don't watch it)

Agreed! I also start with the sex, but will stay and repeat for the relationship.

What kind of relationship? The one where you can text one in a while OTC about life, some TV show, etc. the kind where when you walk through the door, the session becomes an escape for both - almost an affair, without the pressure of taking it further.

I'll third this one. I have one I see regularly now because of the connection. Sex is somewhat secondary now.

the main reason is to have sex with a variety of hot women that would not be possible IRL. I love the anticipation of meeting someone new and wondering what she will be like and what the sex will be like. Sometimes of course it is not good. Sometimes it is ok but not great. And every once in a while I find a woman that just rocked my world and those are the ones I repeat with naturally. A woman who is friendly, talkative, and easy going, ie not a clock watcher will add points to any session. I am always looking for those diamonds in the rough.

There a rip off group in my area that clames to to bbfs for 20 exter making it even more unsafe for everyone. Most are on the pill but you never know when one is not and you can reproduce you self.

souls_harbor307 reads

I'm a product of evolution.  There is an insatiable urge to look at, feel, and engulf yourself into the female form.

Of course I have nothing against long term close friendships.  But some of us aren't scintillating conversationalists or Cary Grant. So we don't tend to get a lot of offers from either the civie or professional world to hang out and chat.

So I stick with what I can get and am not disappointed in what I can't get.

....but ultimately I want the sexual connection and rarely do I repeat when the session is extra special. I'm always afraid that a followup will never live up to the awesomeness of the initial encounter. So it's on to the next gal.

When I first started in 2004, it took three weeks from the discovery of TER to meeting my first provider.  During those three weeks, I signed up for VIP, did my homework, and met a highly regarded indie visiting NYC.  Fast forward twelve years, I am still friends with that lady I originally saw, a relationship that has lasted far longer than any in civvie life.  And she's not the only one...there are are dozens of others who I've known during that time span, some just once or a few times, others for years, some of whom I also have ongoing relationships with.  It's been an amazing journey, and it just keeps getting better!

WICardinalfan454 reads

This may sound pathetic, but at my age and location the opportunity really does not exist for a the kind of interaction I am looking for in the real world.   The town I live in is relatively small and I'm not 30 anymore.

It has been said that humans need to be physically touched by another human.  I cherish touching, all over my partners body and the same from her.

Kissing is the second sensation I enjoy.  All the other aspects on the menu are key but if my partner will not touch me or kiss me sensually, well let's just say I repeat visit most likely not be in the future.  

To me it is not just about the destination....it is also about the journey.

longer appointments over the quicker visit or even Hhr. I really enjoy getting to know people. I have made some great friends and developed some amazing relationships the past couple of years I have been apart of the hobby.

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