TER General Board

Re: I see you like to call people names
Alexandra Kole See my TER Reviews 366 reads

If you don't like her plight and don't agree with it, it's pretty simple, move the fuck on. But you made wild assumptions about her situation that are grossly inaccurate and stupid. Period.

Posted By: genital_hospital
I saw that yesterday as well.  I'm so sorry that life has dealt you lemons, but many find a way to make lemonade.  Change you attitude about life and maybe, just maybe you won't find yourself "begging for money" on a public forum too.  
 What any of this has to do with insurance is not germane to my topic.    
 Begging on a public forum is!  
 You still need to take that reading comprehension class that was suggested to you yesterday.  
Posted By: Alexandra Kole
The only one bitching here is you with your boo hiss thread about hookers daring to get ill.  
  Let me break this down for your dumb ass...  
  What part of EVEN IF SHE HAS BENEFITS THE DEDUCTIBLES are high don't you understand? Anyone can buy health insurance. We don't have to have a job that provides benefits. I won't go into why, but I'm educated, was a lucrative broker for over 15 years, but I can no longer work a full time "regular" job.  
  Poor decisions? How is getting cancer or having a stroke and having a high deductible a conscious, poor decision? The more you talk, the more ignorant you sound.  
  No one ever played the victim card. Nobody said poor her, but the reality is nothing at all as your high & mighty ass portrays it. Since you apparently have $10k to throw around for an unplanned surgery, I'm sure you'll be the first to donate there Mr. High Roller.  
  Flop? I never claimed to be down & out or be banking. It's none of your fucking business.  
  BTW, if we all did what you are suggesting and the whole gross "like" of us went out and got regular jobs, who would you fuck??? Waaaaaaaaaahhhhh! STFU.

I was perusing a few local boards and saw on a board an older escort asking for help due to some medical issues.

I can't imagine why someone asking for hundreds of dollars for an hour of sex didn't put at least a few dollars aside for a rainy day...and it rains a lot in Florida apparently.

When I see panhandlers begging, I offer to send a social worker out to them to try and help them out.  Most just tell me to fuck off.

Why would anyone give an escort a dime?  She should sell all those shoes on Ebay first.  

Remember ladies...you only have yourselves to depend on.  Be smart and put money towards the day you have to leave here.

what is the medical issue ?

Hospital bills alone can wipe you out or low.

Maybe she isnt destitute but needs help still.

do you know the requirements for food stamps ?

Shit Happens  ... Careful the question you seek may be your question ask to why you.

and was only able to work a little as an escort?  Maybe she was the single mom of a special needs kid (actually pretty common) and had big expenses plus little time to work?  Some ladies are making bank and blowing it on shoes, most are saving as much as possible.

Plus seriously, you wouldn't say that if a woman didn't have the money for medical issues and asked her husband to pay for it.  A lot of us don't have a partner. Maybe at a certain point her clients almost collectively become her partner.  If someone feels affection for her, they can help her out, if not it's pretty easy just to pass.  Especially since she's making a general appeal instead of hitting them up directly.

Am I the only person who thinks it's super dickish to hate on sick people?  These threads are tiresome.

I bet you're one of those who suck the system for every nickel too!  And I'm a bit surprised since you claim to be a professional in the financial service field.

I feel that everyone has choices in life.  If someone deems shoes, restaurants and vacations are more important than planning for a Florida hurricane, then that's their decision.

I see panhandlers often.  Many times at strategic corners.  I would be more apt to call police to usher them away due to licensure requirements than hand them a bloody nickel.

There are plenty of organizations that are out there to assist people who have put themselves in this predicament.  Panhandling on TER is simply pathetic.

I do agree that "those" threads are extremely tiresome.

Posted By: MissMarieM
and was only able to work a little as an escort?  Maybe she was the single mom of a special needs kid (actually pretty common) and had big expenses plus little time to work?  Some ladies are making bank and blowing it on shoes, most are saving as much as possible.  
 Plus seriously, you wouldn't say that if a woman didn't have the money for medical issues and asked her husband to pay for it.  A lot of us don't have a partner. Maybe at a certain point her clients almost collectively become her partner.  If someone feels affection for her, they can help her out, if not it's pretty easy just to pass.  Especially since she's making a general appeal instead of hitting them up directly.  
 Am I the only person who thinks it's super dickish to hate on sick people?  These threads are tiresome.

I've never claimed to be anything.  I've told a very few people my former profession.  

But since you brought it up, we would thoroughly roll our eyes at the middle class "How can I get another break?  And another?  And can you get me out of paying this one?" over micro-sums, while the people with huge bills would just sign it and say "Wow, I had a really good year then, didn't I?"

Same with going on and on about public "mooches."  The people chipping in the least to cover them complain the most.  No sir, I don't sap the system, I'm just a Democrat.  Separately (or possibly not), I also have the ability to feel sympathy

I'm the voice of reason on TER.  You have seen my type many times here.

Perhaps you can then explain how you would roll your eyes at the middle class.  Sounds like you were one of the 1% and now here you are.  Odd.

I have no issues with social programs.  Frankly I'm a substantial contributor to many that you probably know.  What I have is no tolerance for begging on a public forum.  Check out the Florida board for further clarification.

There are all kinds of assistance for the less fortunate.  Begging openly for money on a public forum like this is simply the lowest of the low.

Posted By: MissMarieM
I've never claimed to be anything.  I've told a very few people my former profession.    
 But since you brought it up, we would thoroughly roll our eyes at the middle class "How can I get another break?  And another?  And can you get me out of paying this one?" over micro-sums, while the people with huge bills would just sign it and say "Wow, I had a really good year then, didn't I?"  
 Same with going on and on about public "mooches."  The people chipping in the least to cover them complain the most.  No sir, I don't sap the system, I'm just a Democrat.  Separately (or possibly not), I also have the ability to feel sympathy.  

Posted By: MissMarieM
and was only able to work a little as an escort?  Maybe she was the single mom of a special needs kid (actually pretty common) and had big expenses plus little time to work?  Some ladies are making bank and blowing it on shoes, most are saving as much as possible.  
 Plus seriously, you wouldn't say that if a woman didn't have the money for medical issues and asked her husband to pay for it.  A lot of us don't have a partner. Maybe at a certain point her clients almost collectively become her partner.  If someone feels affection for her, they can help her out, if not it's pretty easy just to pass.  Especially since she's making a general appeal instead of hitting them up directly.  
 Am I the only person who thinks it's super dickish to hate on sick people?  These threads are tiresome.
You are not alone!!! And I am vindictive enough to hope that people  with the OP's attitude experience what some needy people do.

I dont see why let it bother you or irk you or become irrated enough with it to even bother to post.

   It is a yes or no question, and trust me , alot of guys ARE generous and do enjoy helping people if they know you and know you legitimately need it.  

I know for me if i am in any kinda trouble or having issues I communicate that to my frends, and many clients are friends of mine and they will help if i am in a jam of some kind.

            They are free to also keep it moving and just ignore us at any time, To post a thread acting all upset or stating "geeze you just dont grasp how in gods name an escort could evr be anything BUT rich."

now thats just silly and mean spirited pretty  much.   In fact rich people end up in jams all the time, Things can come up. Either be helpful if thats the type you are or simply keep it moving, Becoming accusational and or judgemental is only hurting yourself... Its no fun having your panties in a bunch over things that dont matter you need not concern yourself with,  

and we all know strippers and escorts and even porn stars. The "crying poor mouth " bit is has and will continue to be played out. Its not ALWAYS sncere. I am not stating the guy is gullible but just saying for him to like definetly believ it, and then get all angry like, geesh why dont these ladies save for a 401 k? I mean the guy is a atad gullible in first place to even assume it is the truth.


after working in strip clubs for ten years plus, The amount of ladies that play you guys with thier stories of crying and hating thier job and wanting to get a real job and go to school. This one dancer ran that game on so many customers at the club, One guy was bringing her in job applications. She would cry to him.

she would go home and smoke crack with this poor fat ugly old fucks money.




 how can men be such little whiny catty bitches ? oh good lord.  


seriously, so the lady is hittin people up , um hun thats the name the game she is a prostitute not your honest june cleaver wifie at home you keep. get a life and a clue .

and if the lady does legitimately have a crisis at hand , her regulars that know her will know if its a lies or not!

your one those guys thats reads this ladies web sites with pics of wine and roses and no imperfections and you actuaLLY BELIVE THAT THATS REALITY DUDE,  

 come back down to planet earth and realize a pretty hooker in a pink dress holding a bottle of chamoagne is NOT immune to cancer lou gerigs breast cancer, tragedy, real life shit , that can zap a persons bank account in two seconds,  


you think we are like super human? we can suffer a hardship just as easily as any other human.

this guy is fuckin joke.

LtNeilBriggs623 reads

And instead of taking ladies shopping, maybe I'll open an IRA for them? What do you think of that idea?

LtNeilBriggs535 reads

I have several ladies I take shopping for their birthdays. Or I just send them some 'walking around money.' I think this year I'll try the "hey sweetie no more shoes, sunglasses or iphones, lets go to the bank so daddy can open you an IRA." You really think that would go over well? I don't want them mad at me. They really are special ladies.

Only if with the Roth you pay the taxes on the money & the penalty too when withdrawn before age 59 & 1/2, since I'm not hooking until then ; )

Ask someone who knows what a Roth is...how it is taxed...when it is taxed.

Best to keep your mouth shut lest you let the rest of the world know you know nothing.

And just think, you can take the accelerated deposit now.  Starts at age 50.

Why not just deposit this into an existing account?  You do have one set up and fully funded, don't you?

You're such a moron, I know exactly what a Roth IRA is, I sold insurance, IRAs and annuities for 15 years.  DERP!

Unless, they don't allow our "kind" to get edumacated...

A Roth IRA is essentially the opposite of a traditional IRA. You won’t get the immediate tax break when you contribute (you can’t deduct contributions), but when you reach retirement, withdrawals are tax-free. Funds also grow on a tax-free basis while in the account (no capital gains). You can withdraw your contributions to a Roth IRA at any time without paying a tax penalty. However, you generally will have to pay tax and a 10% penalty on earnings withdrawn before you turn 59 1/2.

Best you keep your Holier Than Thou mouth shut

That you needed to come here to supplement your income?

Or is this your sole source of income now.  Yeah, that's the ticket.

Glad you found Google.  Now do some research on defined benefit plans.  At your age you need to play some serious catch-up lest you post a "please give me money" on the boards.

Posted By: Alexandra Kole
You're such a moron, I know exactly what a Roth IRA is, I sold insurance, IRAs and annuities for 15 years.  DERP!  
 Unless, they don't allow our "kind" to get edumacated...  
 A Roth IRA is essentially the opposite of a traditional IRA. You won’t get the immediate tax break when you contribute (you can’t deduct contributions), but when you reach retirement, withdrawals are tax-free. Funds also grow on a tax-free basis while in the account (no capital gains). You can withdraw your contributions to a Roth IRA at any time without paying a tax penalty. However, you generally will have to pay tax and a 10% penalty on earnings withdrawn before you turn 59 1/2.  
 Best you keep your Holier Than Thou mouth shut.  

I don't need to explain or defend to a john how I ended up here, but yes, it was a lucrative job, and I was very successful, as I am here, so what's the fucking difference?!

You need to worry about fucking more for some stress relief with that attitude of yours than judgment.

And who uses the word 'lest' so much you fucking dork!!!

Without being an absolute ass for no reason.

Which kind of refers back to the original post.

I thought from your handle you were in daytime television or the medical profession.  Or porn. But now you're dispensing financial advice?  My head hurts.

I guess you've been away from the books for a while?  Heck, google works just as well too.

I don't believe the Lt was suggesting a gift.  Paying for sex is not a gift.  It's income.  

Do you work for the IRS too?  I doubt the Lt would sign a gifts statement should the recipient need to document why she didn't report the income.

I'm not a Democrat, nor a Republican.  I just like to know the rules of a game if I'm going to play.  You might try that too.

Posted By: MissMarieM
Although that makes it less of a benefit, in that respect.

LtNeilBriggs343 reads

Why would one need to surrender it early? Isn't it meant for retirement?

Because a hooker's retirement is far earlier than mainstream retirement age. I'm not waiting to retire at 59 and 1/2, which is what the Roth dictates in order to take earnings without penalty...

Posted By: LtNeilBriggs
Why would one need to surrender it early? Isn't it meant for retirement?

LtNeilBriggs666 reads

you'd have no other savings of your own? Somehow I think a sharp cookie like you would.

Well of course I do, but I'm sure I'd want some more Louboutins as the OP suggested before I'm too old to still look good in them, lol. I'm kidding!

Most girls would probably, actually, love the idea of an IRA, whether traditional or Roth, but may not understand the implications, both tax or withdrawal wise, and may make the bad decision of solely relying on it...

LtNeilBriggs839 reads

Had a closet full of LB's. She's now retired in the 'real world.' She's all of 30. All those shoes and I wondered why none of them had my initials on them? When I buy you some will you model them for me?

The shoes and then some ; )

Posted By: LtNeilBriggs
Had a closet full of LB's. She's now retired in the 'real world.' She's all of 30. All those shoes and I wondered why none of them had my initials on them? When I buy you some will you model them for me?

And considering this provider has been in the business for a very long time, I'm sure she has a regular clientele that she should reach out to. Instead of reaching out on a board that has seen this provider go from nice to Really mean when a conversation doesn't go her way.  
Either way, I think support from family and friends might be the first place to start and not on an escort board. This isn't the place to kill people's sexual energy with depressing plea for money and disturbing photos.

Just my opinion  

And I know from experience that there are a lot of women in the same situation with health issues and surgeries and they don't bring that here asking for handouts. Maybe try the local churches, or look up resources that are available for people going through the same issues.  

Best of luck to her on her recovery.


Elle Vega

You might want to speak with someone who you trust, but, using the Substantially Equal Periodic Payments (SEPP) option, a Roth owner can begin to take tax-free withdrawals from their retirement account at age 50.  There are a couple of potential landmines with this to be aware of, but it's possible.  Please see:


Dmbs1327 reads

You can not open one they have to show earned income for tax purposes.

I do file taxes and show earned income as a sole proprietor of a legal entity. Most of us do. Tax evasion is no joke...

While I agree with the premise of your statement, there is one exception to needing "earned income" to open a retirement account.  A spousal IRA can be opened by a person whose spouse has earned income but they do not.  The only limit is that the total IRA contributions of both partners must be equal to or less than the earned income of the spouse.

All of that said, I am quite certain that the vast majority of working escorts claim income and pay income taxes.  This is actually important as it allows them to pay FICA taxes... and receive Social Security in the future.

I despise posts like this...not at all thought through. SMH.

First of all, we don't NET hundreds of dollars an hour unless we turn into a house mattress seeing 10-12 guys 7 days a week and have no hotel expenses, no travel expenses, no nanny expenses, etc. I guess all of my lingerie, those shoes you talk about, and manicures/pedicures are all free too. But listen to a guy bitch louder if I don't show up all glammed up. You can't have it both ways.

Many of us see only 1-2 guys a day, and don't work everyday of the whole week. Many of us are single mothers with no child support. Dollars only stretch so far.

Secondly, many health insurance plans today have very high deductibles that need to be met BEFORE the plan kicks in and pays any portion of the bill. If you had a typical plan today of $5,000/$10,000 deductible non-embedded plan (can you tell I used to be a broker), and you have more than one person on the plan, you must pay that family deductible, in this example, $10,000, in the plan year prior to the plan ever paying a dime, prescription drugs included. Do you have an extra $10,000 lying around "just in case" you suddenly get slapped with a tough diagnosis that needs surgery now? Some of us can't predict getting cancer, having a stroke or getting in an accident & needing surgery.

What if she just doesn't have insurance and the cost far exceeds that whopper of a deductible? She should just let her ailment eat her alive?! Because, well, who would help out an escort as you put it.

This has nothing to do with saving a little money here and there, or plans upon exit, or fucking shoes. I had a huge medical catastrophe 2 years ago, in which I had a $6,000 deductible to pay first. That's a huge chunk of "rainy day" money to come up with at the snap of some fingers. Do all girls save or spend wisely? No. But you don't know all of the circumstances, nor have you thought your comments through.

Why would anyone give an escort a dime? Well, apparently you do when you fuck us, but I suppose other than being your cum dumpster we're sub-standard?

Insert foot in mouth, dude. Your post is disgustingly degrading and judgemental. If you speak to the panhandlers in a similar condescending manner, wow, wonder why you got a F/O...

Then get a job that has benefits and quit your bitching about your poor decisions in your life.

Maybe if you read the begging thread on the Florida board you wouldn't just babble your nonsense.

Oh..and please send this poor misguided soul some money.  I'm sure you'll be the first to pony up  LOL

Why so many of you have to play the victim card and blame the world for your lot in life is amazing.  Try and take some modicum amount of responsibility.  Maybe then you and others of your ilk can actually make a decent living here.

Or do you want to flop and proclaim you are making bank?

Posted By: Alexandra Kole
I despise posts like this...not at all thought through. SMH.  
 First of all, we don't NET hundreds of dollars an hour unless we turn into a house mattress seeing 10-12 guys 7 days a week and have no hotel expenses, no travel expenses, no nanny expenses, etc. I guess all of my lingerie, those shoes you talk about, and manicures/pedicures are all free too. But listen to a guy bitch louder if I don't show up all glammed up. You can't have it both ways.  
 Many of us see only 1-2 guys a day, and don't work everyday of the whole week. Many of us are single mothers with no child support. Dollars only stretch so far.  
 Secondly, many health insurance plans today have very high deductibles that need to be met BEFORE the plan kicks in and pays any portion of the bill. If you had a typical plan today of $5,000/$10,000 deductible non-embedded plan (can you tell I used to be a broker), and you have more than one person on the plan, you must pay that family deductible, in this example, $10,000, in the plan year prior to the plan ever paying a dime, prescription drugs included. Do you have an extra $10,000 lying around "just in case" you suddenly get slapped with a tough diagnosis that needs surgery now? Some of us can't predict getting cancer, having a stroke or getting in an accident & needing surgery.  
 What if she just doesn't have insurance and the cost far exceeds that whopper of a deductible? She should just let her ailment eat her alive?! Because, well, who would help out an escort as you put it.  
 This has nothing to do with saving a little money here and there, or plans upon exit, or fucking shoes. I had a huge medical catastrophe 2 years ago, in which I had a $6,000 deductible to pay first. That's a huge chunk of "rainy day" money to come up with at the snap of some fingers. Do all girls save or spend wisely? No. But you don't know all of the circumstances, nor have you thought your comments through.  
 Why would anyone give an escort a dime? Well, apparently you do when you fuck us, but I suppose other than being your cum dumpster we're sub-standard?  
 Insert foot in mouth, dude. Your post is disgustingly degrading and judgemental. If you speak to the panhandlers in a similar condescending manner, wow, wonder why you got a F/O...

The only one bitching here is you with your boo hiss thread about hookers daring to get ill.

Let me break this down for your dumb ass...

What part of EVEN IF SHE HAS BENEFITS THE DEDUCTIBLES are high don't you understand? Anyone can buy health insurance. We don't have to have a job that provides benefits. I won't go into why, but I'm educated, was a lucrative broker for over 15 years, but I can no longer work a full time "regular" job.

Poor decisions? How is getting cancer or having a stroke and having a high deductible a conscious, poor decision? The more you talk, the more ignorant you sound.

No one ever played the victim card. Nobody said poor her, but the reality is nothing at all as your high & mighty ass portrays it. Since you apparently have $10k to throw around for an unplanned surgery, I'm sure you'll be the first to donate there Mr. High Roller.

Flop? I never claimed to be down & out or be banking. It's none of your fucking business.

BTW, if we all did what you are suggesting and the whole gross "like" of us went out and got regular jobs, who would you fuck??? Waaaaaaaaaahhhhh! STFU.

LtNeilBriggs502 reads

You have rocketed to the top of my list! Can we go shopping?

Briggs, you had my heart last night when you commented on Robbin's 7 year old reviews, lol ; )

Posted By: LtNeilBriggs
You have rocketed to the top of my list! Can we go shopping?

LtNeilBriggs364 reads

Why thank you. We have been in touch recently.......................

I saw that yesterday as well.  I'm so sorry that life has dealt you lemons, but many find a way to make lemonade.  Change you attitude about life and maybe, just maybe you won't find yourself "begging for money" on a public forum too.

What any of this has to do with insurance is not germane to my topic.  

Begging on a public forum is!

You still need to take that reading comprehension class that was suggested to you yesterday.

Posted By: Alexandra Kole
The only one bitching here is you with your boo hiss thread about hookers daring to get ill.  
 Let me break this down for your dumb ass...  
 What part of EVEN IF SHE HAS BENEFITS THE DEDUCTIBLES are high don't you understand? Anyone can buy health insurance. We don't have to have a job that provides benefits. I won't go into why, but I'm educated, was a lucrative broker for over 15 years, but I can no longer work a full time "regular" job.  
 Poor decisions? How is getting cancer or having a stroke and having a high deductible a conscious, poor decision? The more you talk, the more ignorant you sound.  
 No one ever played the victim card. Nobody said poor her, but the reality is nothing at all as your high & mighty ass portrays it. Since you apparently have $10k to throw around for an unplanned surgery, I'm sure you'll be the first to donate there Mr. High Roller.  
 Flop? I never claimed to be down & out or be banking. It's none of your fucking business.  
 BTW, if we all did what you are suggesting and the whole gross "like" of us went out and got regular jobs, who would you fuck??? Waaaaaaaaaahhhhh! STFU.

If you don't like her plight and don't agree with it, it's pretty simple, move the fuck on. But you made wild assumptions about her situation that are grossly inaccurate and stupid. Period.

Posted By: genital_hospital
I saw that yesterday as well.  I'm so sorry that life has dealt you lemons, but many find a way to make lemonade.  Change you attitude about life and maybe, just maybe you won't find yourself "begging for money" on a public forum too.  
 What any of this has to do with insurance is not germane to my topic.    
 Begging on a public forum is!  
 You still need to take that reading comprehension class that was suggested to you yesterday.  
Posted By: Alexandra Kole
The only one bitching here is you with your boo hiss thread about hookers daring to get ill.  
  Let me break this down for your dumb ass...  
  What part of EVEN IF SHE HAS BENEFITS THE DEDUCTIBLES are high don't you understand? Anyone can buy health insurance. We don't have to have a job that provides benefits. I won't go into why, but I'm educated, was a lucrative broker for over 15 years, but I can no longer work a full time "regular" job.  
  Poor decisions? How is getting cancer or having a stroke and having a high deductible a conscious, poor decision? The more you talk, the more ignorant you sound.  
  No one ever played the victim card. Nobody said poor her, but the reality is nothing at all as your high & mighty ass portrays it. Since you apparently have $10k to throw around for an unplanned surgery, I'm sure you'll be the first to donate there Mr. High Roller.  
  Flop? I never claimed to be down & out or be banking. It's none of your fucking business.  
  BTW, if we all did what you are suggesting and the whole gross "like" of us went out and got regular jobs, who would you fuck??? Waaaaaaaaaahhhhh! STFU.

Posted By: genital_hospital
Then get a job that has benefits and quit your bitching about your poor decisions in your life.  
 Maybe if you read the begging thread on the Florida board you wouldn't just babble your nonsense.  
 Oh..and please send this poor misguided soul some money.  I'm sure you'll be the first to pony up  LOL  
 Why so many of you have to play the victim card and blame the world for your lot in life is amazing.  Try and take some modicum amount of responsibility.  Maybe then you and others of your ilk can actually make a decent living here.  
 Or do you want to flop and proclaim you are making bank?  
Posted By: Alexandra Kole
I despise posts like this...not at all thought through. SMH.  
  First of all, we don't NET hundreds of dollars an hour unless we turn into a house mattress seeing 10-12 guys 7 days a week and have no hotel expenses, no travel expenses, no nanny expenses, etc. I guess all of my lingerie, those shoes you talk about, and manicures/pedicures are all free too. But listen to a guy bitch louder if I don't show up all glammed up. You can't have it both ways.  
  Many of us see only 1-2 guys a day, and don't work everyday of the whole week. Many of us are single mothers with no child support. Dollars only stretch so far.  
  Secondly, many health insurance plans today have very high deductibles that need to be met BEFORE the plan kicks in and pays any portion of the bill. If you had a typical plan today of $5,000/$10,000 deductible non-embedded plan (can you tell I used to be a broker), and you have more than one person on the plan, you must pay that family deductible, in this example, $10,000, in the plan year prior to the plan ever paying a dime, prescription drugs included. Do you have an extra $10,000 lying around "just in case" you suddenly get slapped with a tough diagnosis that needs surgery now? Some of us can't predict getting cancer, having a stroke or getting in an accident & needing surgery.  
  What if she just doesn't have insurance and the cost far exceeds that whopper of a deductible? She should just let her ailment eat her alive?! Because, well, who would help out an escort as you put it.  
  This has nothing to do with saving a little money here and there, or plans upon exit, or fucking shoes. I had a huge medical catastrophe 2 years ago, in which I had a $6,000 deductible to pay first. That's a huge chunk of "rainy day" money to come up with at the snap of some fingers. Do all girls save or spend wisely? No. But you don't know all of the circumstances, nor have you thought your comments through.  
  Why would anyone give an escort a dime? Well, apparently you do when you fuck us, but I suppose other than being your cum dumpster we're sub-standard?  
  Insert foot in mouth, dude. Your post is disgustingly degrading and judgemental. If you speak to the panhandlers in a similar condescending manner, wow, wonder why you got a F/O...

Let him keep poking sweetie. Nah, not that way, that way costs money, lol ; ) His idiocracy is embarrassing for him, yet slightly entertaining for me.

Posted By: Alexandra Kole
Let him keep poking sweetie. Nah, not that way, that way costs money, lol ; ) His idiocracy is embarrassing for him, yet slightly entertaining for me.

Wait, he's capable of thought?! Say it isn't so!!! Lmao : ) He messed with the little bull and got some big horns.

Hopefully he goes back to sticking his head in the sand and helping out his local area panhandlers...

Posted By: HectorBlack
Posted By: Alexandra Kole
Let him keep poking sweetie. Nah, not that way, that way costs money, lol ; ) His idiocracy is embarrassing for him, yet slightly entertaining for me.

76% of all Americans live paycheck to paycheck per CNN Money June 2013, per Bankrate 1/3 of all Americans have no savings for retirement and many of those who do have very little.  From what I've seen, escorts have been some of the best business people I have known (and I will say only for this purpose that I have a lot of experience in the field).  I've gotten to know women who are fiercely independent risk takers and do what they have to do to make it.  Like anywhere else some do and some don't.  And when you add up the $300 hourly appts or even $400 that's a lot of work for an annual income that can often be a challenge I bet, and often there are other little mouths to feed too.  

The type of women I know will do for their kids and let their own health go.   Guess what, when an exec who fails and in the process has a big medical expense and goes bankrupt and gets say $1,000,000 debt wiped clean, they got a pretty nice gift from uncle sam and our system.  If someone here needs some money for medical expenses then they probably need it really bad.  No one has to give, but there is and should be no shame in turning to the community that shares our outside the lines lifestyle for a little help.  Because I bet you for every John who helps a provider there would be 10 providers who would help a John if they could.  

I know this sounds horribly white knightish and maybe it is but it's not meant to be - it's simply meant to be factual in view of my experiences and nothing more

ROGM729 reads

You think most people let alone providers save for tomorrow? The way things are now in the economy nobody has enough to save for retirement. Everyone is worried about the here and now. Most Providers are not making a billion dollars a day despite what most peope think. They're lucky just to see one or two clients a day. They're just trying to pay rent, bills, and food. Let's not bash the Providers for just trying to survive now let alone save money when they retire.

You have only capitalized the word "Provider" incorrectly, twice. Kudos on the Progress you Have made.

nd here we have TER's master troll...

Hey Gambler, instead of SPOTY, how about y'all come award a TOTY ? Who knows who might be the all time winner...

There are many reasons why an escort may need help. One reason is people like you who think that all escorts make hundreds of dollars per hour but her illness, accidents, child illness, auto accidents, child schooling, dead beat ex husbands who pay no child support and on and on, may leave little to put away for a rainy day.

With the infinite twists and turns of life; too stand in judgment of escorts(or anyone) is IMO far above your's or anyone's pay scale.  

  Go check the number of professional athletes, entertainers, celebrities, musicians etc who made bank for a year or five and then were blindsided and found themselves soon broke.

Do you think we make millions of dollars just because we sell our soul?  Do you think my incall is a revolving door?

I am not greedy and only work to cover my bills.

Before you open up your stupid ass mouth again, try getting all the facts.

There are thousands of providers in South Florida where I live.  I am not able to travel (traveling is the only way to make money these days).

I can't stand on a corner in the sun and beg for money.  I have malignant melanoma.  Want to trade and be me for a day or two?  Yeah, I thought you'd say no.

The only thing you got right is selling my stuff, which I have already done.  I have even sold my couch. Are you happy now?




So until you've got a pussy, a mouth and an ass to please men with PLEASE JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GO AWAY.  YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.

-- Modified on 5/7/2015 8:57:01 AM

some must change handles regularly.  

You have every ability to express your condescension, disdain and derision towards the women here. I'll bet you can even hide it well for an hour or two while resenting spending your children's college fund to get laid. But internet disinhibition does tend to expose (albeit exaggeratedly) the true man (?) behind the mask.  

Life is a lonely and bitter place when every interaction you have with others is a zero-sum game, and every relationship is a sell-out for small gain at the expense of others rather than to be preserved for greater gain over time.  

As you say "most just tell..[you].. to fuck off". I'm guessing you've never looked in the mirror long enough to understand why.

Yes, there are sadder things than women asking for help in an emergency here on the boards.

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