TER General Board

Re: I love lists...not...teeth_smile
mrhuck 15 Reviews 433 reads

...From high school girlfriends to wives to many so's, from the sauna day's all the way through Craig's list & b.p. & now to T.E.R. it's been a nearly a 50 year ride, & I remember all that was really important to me. To me making lists of all those experiences would cheapen my memories, so no lists for this old monger.

kept a list of every gal I fucked over the years. I believe if I had, I'd remember every one of them vividly.  

Have any of you gents done this? It's just that over the years, when reflecting on the hobby, a name or face pops up or is mentioned and you say to yourself, "whoa, I forgot about her, she was fun" ...

newbies... think about it ... in 5 or 10 years, you might be surprised, or horrified (lol) with how many gals you were with.

-- Modified on 2/1/2017 8:15:06 AM

How much have I spent over the many years doing this? Don't stop to figure it out, it will amaze and horrify you, LOL

I'm not at all interested in knowing that ...lol.  
Then again, horrified my be to subtle a word

JakeFromStateFarm669 reads

That seems more than a little obsessive to me.  If I want to remember a specific girl I just look up my reviews here (and on one other site). I rarely do it, because I'm far more interested in who I'm going to fuck today than who I fucked a few years ago. I don't review every girl I've seen, but the ones I haven't reviewed are ones I don't want to remember anyway.

Whambulance488 reads

if that's not bad enough, babbles about it to other ladies! SMH.

-- Modified on 2/1/2017 9:31:27 AM

cuppajoe571 reads

I keep a password protected journal of every new encounter going back to my first 20 years ago.  Repeat visits, not so much.  In addition I have unblurred pics of many when they have been provided. Never sharing anything with anyone, just for my memory.

Posted By: nothrofboston
kept a list of every gal I fucked over the years. I believe if I had, I'd remember every one of them vividly.  
 Have any of you gents done this? It's just that over the years, when reflecting on the hobby, a name or face pops up or is mentioned and you say to yourself, "whoa, I forgot about her, she was fun" ...  
 newbies... think about it ... in 5 or 10 years, you might be surprised, or horrified (lol) with how many gals you were with.

-- Modified on 2/1/2017 8:15:06 AM

GaGambler554 reads

My whoremongering predates the internet by many, many years and there have to be at least a couple of thousand women I have seen who have/had no internet presence, either because it was before the internet, I didn't meet them through the internet, or they weren't even pros to begin with.

GaGambler582 reads

The ones that are memorable I remember, the rest become just kind of a blur. I have had drunken weekends where I couldn't tell you on Monday how many women I was with, much less name them. OTOH there are women where years or even decades later I can remember them quite vividly. It is kind of funny that I can remember a couple of street walkers I fucked only once back in the 80's, but I can barely remember women I fucked only a few days ago.

I guess it might be interesting to know my exact number, but would it really be THAT helpful to know that the next woman you bed will be number 3,567?

I wouldn't have the time ...  
except for the 10/10s    LOL

GaGambler385 reads

yes, I have been with some women that I would have to personally rate 10's in performance as the sex was so off the charts I can remember it years later and I can't possibly imagine the sex being any better, regardless of "menu items" I probably have about a hundred women in my "contacts" and I have made a few notes to myself including my own personal rating of them on the GaGa scale. I think I have two women who knocked my socks off enough to warrant tens in performance.

The problem I have is rating ANY woman a 10 in appearance. To me 10 is perfection and I just don't think perfection is possible, I always hate to think I would rate a woman a 10 only to meet a woman the next day even hotter. Then what do you do? Rate her an 11? I think the rating system should be 1-100 and not 1-10. This would allow you to differentiate a bit at the top of the scale and when a girl is hotter than a nine, you could give her a 97 or 98, still allowing for the possibility for another women that could come along even hotter. For the record I have ZERO tens in my contact list for appearance, the very highest I have is a couple of 9's. but to put my scores in perspective, my 8s either would, or already have gotten almost solid 10's on TER, My 7's would be a mix of 9's and 10's here and even my 6's would get at least some blind fucker here to get her a 10. lol In all fairness, I consider a GaGa "6" very fuckable and one likely to get at least 8's on TER.

there are thousands of 10s. Thousands of perfect women looks wise. And of course what's beautiful to each of us is totally subjective.  

But using the "distorted" Hollywood scale of what is beautiful, or a 10, is not IMHO a 10. Just because I see another woman equally or more beautiful, doesn't take away from the other woman's perfection (?)  

I teasingly told my favorite flame the other day that she had big ears. Not BIG BIG, but to me it's the only thing about her that isn't stunning. But they're hardly unattractive, but rather cute ... and tasty. Just not as beautiful as every other inch of her body lol But her pussy is an 11

btw old buddy, have you thought about funding others guy's hobby interests to see if they can keep up with you. I'd promise not to use it to buy a new car .... lmao

-- Modified on 2/1/2017 10:26:16 AM

GaGambler517 reads

Traveling to Colombia back when the only gringos "in country" were drug/gun runners and CIA is towards the top of the list, but I have NEVER considered picking up some other monger's hooker bills.

BTW, I never mentioned anything about a "Hollywood scale" of beauty. Like you, "I like what I like" , but I find your one sentence

 "Just because I see another woman equally or more beautiful, doesn't take away from the other woman's perfection (?)"  

I find that statement VERY contradictory. If you find another woman "more" beautiful, the other woman could not possibly be "perfect"

forgot how literally mongers take words on the board.  

I think you understand the context of what I meant ...  
get fucked ... you're soooo testy when you need to get laid  

and I'm very horny right now so don't test MY patience LMAO

A student can get an A+ in a class, the highest grade possible, and still not be "perfect."

GaGambler370 reads

If I were to write reviews, in fairness to the ladies I would amend the GaGa scale to more accurately reflect the standards of the site and not necessarily my own.

I will admit I do applaud any changes to the review system which makes it harder to get perfect tens. That said, I do NOT agree that "menu items" especially ones of so little importance to most of us, like doing "two guys" or being "really bi" should be the criteria in awarding scores over 7. Actually, to be blunt about it (like I know any other way) I think that part of the review system is pretty fucking dumb.

Posted By: GaGambler
If I were to write reviews, in fairness to the ladies I would amend the GaGa scale to more accurately reflect the standards of the site and not necessarily my own.  
 I will admit I do applaud any changes to the review system which makes it harder to get perfect tens. That said, I do NOT agree that "menu items" especially ones of so little importance to most of us, like doing "two guys" or being "really bi" should be the criteria in awarding scores over 7. Actually, to be blunt about it (like I know any other way) I think that part of the review system is pretty fucking dumb.
So in terms of the "pretty" in "pretty fucking dumb" is that a 7 Pretty or.... ? ;-)

I don't live in a world of absolutes or a world where I say NEVER or ALWAYS... ... but if I do slip and use one of those words, I find it interesting, albeit BORING, yet mildly amusing to see so many offer their opinion on the matter. But no harm no foul, no offense taken.  

hmmmm .... maybe I'll start using it more often, professor. Perfect!

called reviews.  Unfortunately, I lost nearly 300 of them when another site closed down in 2015.

Most girls I have repeated with, I can remember vividly, but the ones that were average or below, and I never saw them again, are not memorable enough to take up space in my brain.  

GaGambler498 reads

I have a few dozen okays, but I doubt I ask more than one out of ten women I see through P 411 for an okay. Truthfully, I don't want hundreds of okays, just enough so the ladies I book with know I am safe to see.

review indies, but since I only see about a half dozen a year its not that hard to remember the good ones.  No need to remember the bad ones.  So yes, my list is not complete, but probably 85-90% covered by my reviews.  And its easy to remember the civvie Viet girls I have picked up in nail salons, and the gym MILFs, because its a different hunting ground.  

John_Laroche447 reads

so no need for a list.
I could probably remember every gal, since the total is less than 100, but a few names have faded. I gave up "counting" repeat visits long ago. Trying to keep track of how much I spent is pointless to me. How much do I spend on restaurants, golf, gambling, travel? It's all discretionary entertainment and I live and play within my means.

stucaboy443 reads

I can't remember 10 but I can remember those I cheated with.

complete with photos and audio transcript if you want.

But seriously, I do keep a journal of my "visits", and like to recall them from time to time.

ATLDAWG317 reads

I did that for a LONG TIME and had to shred the list along with my calendars about 20 years ago when I was "Caught" and shred everything in an effort to get rid of the evidence !   I had to do it...didn't want to....I only regret that I couldn't comfortably stash everything somewhere....but the risk was much too great........

Posted By: nothrofboston
kept a list of every gal I fucked over the years. I believe if I had, I'd remember every one of them vividly.  
 Have any of you gents done this? It's just that over the years, when reflecting on the hobby, a name or face pops up or is mentioned and you say to yourself, "whoa, I forgot about her, she was fun" ...  
 newbies... think about it ... in 5 or 10 years, you might be surprised, or horrified (lol) with how many gals you were with.

-- Modified on 2/1/2017 8:15:06 AM

Well, I'm 70 & had my first last week so it is very easy to keep track of. Can't wait for #2.

In my 30 years of seeing providers, some of them are nothing more than a face or impression in my memory, some just a name...  about half I'd say were forgettable.

And a few duds where I was "made up to for it".  Did not write a few bad reviews which i don't enjoy writing anyways.

At one time I tried making a list after I had before in this for 4 years. I Kept It in An Old hobby email inbox. I left the hobby for 5 years or so, and deleted that list when I left. I figured why keep a long list of ladies?  I do think of a top ten list from time to time.

Posted By: nothrofboston
kept a list of every gal I fucked over the years. I believe if I had, I'd remember every one of them vividly.  
 Have any of you gents done this? It's just that over the years, when reflecting on the hobby, a name or face pops up or is mentioned and you say to yourself, "whoa, I forgot about her, she was fun" ...  
 newbies... think about it ... in 5 or 10 years, you might be surprised, or horrified (lol) with how many gals you were with.

-- Modified on 2/1/2017 8:15:06 AM

Being an athlete, and sports fan, I grew up with lists. From the old baseball/football cards to the current sports reference websites, I'm always looking at numbers. It crosses over to music, and other hobbies as well. I love reading Rolling Stone's top whatever list of all time songs or bands.  

After about my fifth session, and it looked like this might turn into a lifetime adventure, I started keeping a list of my sessions. This included names, expenses, and my rating for several separate sexy categories that totaled up to an overall rating number. Over the years the names kept piling on. For repeats, I started putting little tally marks above their names. With the advent of the internet, reviews, sexy websites, and the atf factor, my repeats started adding up, one of them into the 100s. The tally marks became impossible, thus a new list was started. Then along came the forums, and everyone was talking about favorite ladies, favorite sessions, otc, worst sessions etc. Out of all that came newer lists. I have a top ten session of all time list. I have a worst ten of all time (those are hilarious to think about). I can take those statistics and compare eras, websites, cities, and whatnot. Often times when I'm sitting bored at work, it's a fun activity to do such things. It helps pass the time.  

Just like my sports and music heroes, the ladies are not mere numbers. I love them all for enriching my life in so many different ways. The numbers are mere talking points, especially for threads like this one.

...From high school girlfriends to wives to many so's, from the sauna day's all the way through Craig's list & b.p. & now to T.E.R. it's been a nearly a 50 year ride, & I remember all that was really important to me. To me making lists of all those experiences would cheapen my memories, so no lists for this old monger.

Over a dozen years of hobbying, there have been about a dozen ladies whom touched my soul.  I don't need a list with them...the memories and ongoing relationships with them with them move forward, and will last a lifetime.   Three are especially special, but the others also are as well...

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