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Re: I like big boobs and a sexy ass!teeth_smile
The_Thickness See my TER Reviews 131 reads

This guy is AWESOME!

Posted By: wanderer48
Re: I like big boobs and a sexy ass!
Don’t care about your eyes

FPL5461 reads

I was wondering how much you fellas actually care about our fake eyelashes? I currently spend $200-250/month getting them done at the salon. I think I'm being a bit obsessive. I get them done every two or so weeks for $100. I love that they are long and full and can stand showers and even the gym. But the maintenance is getting ridiculous...I think. This means I've spent over 2k on my eyelashes just last year... Even worth the investment? Am I overthinking the importance? I don't want to go bare, but a few coats of extra snazzy mascara should do the trick, right? I get it if I were a 500+/hr it would be more expected to have the high maintenance doll look, but I have average rates in my area and it ranges from 250-350/hr.  

*Is this something you guys expect? Or can even tell the difference? Does the GND look vs PSE factor make a difference?*

For any ladies who may want to chime in, this is just my opinion. The strips are fun for once in a while but in my personal experience it's hard to get any to withstand a whole day rather than just a night out. It has to do with my specific eye shape. That's why I get the mink extensions. Strips don't work full time with me. I think a good primer and better than sex mascara will be fine. It just looks so diff when I haven't seen them bare in soooo long.  

Unless they make you happy, don’t spend the money

I don’t care about makeup in general; though I can appreciate it when it’s applied with skill.

Come as you are, my dear.

But like the other poster said, if it makes you happy, go for it.  

After all, when you're happy, we're happy.

souls_harbor120 reads

... there are some guys who might actually notice and care about fake eyelashes vs mascara ... gay guys.

Escort.Monger132 reads

...I like the variety of women I can have.  When I want a Barbie type, I like fake everything.

I notice the eyes generally, not the lashes specifically.

I have never noticed a provider's eyelashes ever. I'll notice her eyes (especially while she's giving me a blow job), but typically my attention is geared towards her tits, her ass, her pussy, her asshole, her face, you know, the parts that I want to put my dick in and/or cum on.

Feels like a waste of money to me honestly.  

wrps07144 reads

Best to stay natural.

Yes some clients would care but many won't. I'd say of those who would notice many still wouldn't care one way or the other.

Lair1121 reads

On hair extensions and wigs too.

I adore long thick fake eyelashes. I really like the variations in the styles lately. I am an eye guy, so any kind of makeup which enhances a woman’s eyes I’m all for.

I’d pay more to see a lady if she were to get all dolled up with eye makeup.

It is your obsession! I don't remember ever looking at eyelashes, unless it obtrusively standing out. In that case, I think, they are auditioning for a clown show.

Thankful, I have not come across a provider so obsessed with fairness!

It's expensive, and it's also very time consuming. . You have to spend a lot of time to go there, get it done, come back. And to make sure that you schedule the time you need with the person that you want, so with me I had to work around somebody else's schedule.

It's the same with waxing too. You have to time it just right, so you're constantly chasing that Perfection to keep it up. Drove me nuts. I have other things that I do, but I just could not manage the eyelashes. I had to go in every week because they'd fall off every week. The only lady that could get them to stay on for more than a week would use this really heavy glue that made my eyes itch so bad.

I finally gave up and started using that lash extending stuff underneath my mascara. It's that white stuff, I don't know what it's called. But you can build your eyelashes with it. It's really cool. But man, those eyelash extensions look good don't they? They definitely make a huge difference.

To make up for it, there's actually this trick that people use when all their hair falls out from chemo. They put on their eyeliner, and where the eyelashes would grow out, they put a bunch of dots. So they. The eyeliner on the eyelash line. I've tried it, and it actually kind of makes your eyelashes pop. Eyeliner is amazing, I'm sure you know this already, but it helps when you don't have those extensions or if you have eyelashes like me.

I personally couldn't keep up with them. But nobody has complained 😆.

Now I use that $$ for botox lmao

Eyelashes are something women notice more than men.  But I love a woman's long lashes.  I think they make her eyes look more riveting, and they spark an erotic response in me, for sure.  But you may be able to get the same effect for less money.  Fake eyelashes are way outside my area of expertise.  Nonetheless, I do have my own little beauty secret for making my lashes grow.  I sweat the details.

Slap on some mascara and call it a day. No customer (me included) could probably tell the difference anyway.

Your an honorary guy on this site, since you play on our team.  

On questions of makeup and other cosmetics, you are probably the most authoritative poster of all.

One qualification that I would make to my earlier comment is that a woman with really lush hair will have me melting in minutes. I hope it is natural, but if it isn't but looks natural I don't care.

who is shaved smooth rather than having the lush hair.  If its not natural, its called a Merkin.  

Can't really say I notice a woman's eyelashes in my day to day live or during appointments.

Now brows, that's a different story

Fake eyelashes are okay if they are subtle and look nice. In general, I prefer the all-natural look, and would prefer minimal or no lipstick or perfume, given the need to clean up to avoid awkward looks at work or home.

I’m not like many of my friends. I like fashion and all the ways women make themselves look beautiful. Most of my guy friends don’t like any make up on a woman, so is it a surprise their wives wear none, they always wear jeans and hoodies all the time and their hair is always in a pony tail? On the other and, I know other guys who paid for breast augmentation and who pay for their wives hair appointments every 6 weeks to help them pay for the expense of her beauty regimen.  

I do notice when a woman’s eyes have eyeliner or not, I do notice full, thick long eyelashes and thin whispy eyelashes or eye lashes caked up and clumpy with too much. I do notice the curls in their hair, the color of their hair, how they dress. The only paid dates I remember and fantasize about were based on the woman’s appearance first. How she was dressed. I am only likely to repeat with a woman that is doing more to look beautiful, dress sexy and be glamorous than the average girl next-door. It’s my draw to the hobby.

To me, p4p is about the experience. How she makes me feel. If it was all about the personality, I wouldn’t be spending $400 for a single hour. So yes, there are men who like those things, who appreciate it and spend lots of $$$ to have access to women who take the time and spend the money to look their best. Asking a question like that is only going to prove is that men are all different and we are all attracted to different things.

“their wives wear none, they always wear jeans and hoodies all the time and their hair is always in a pony tail”

Honestly, that’s just my speed - sexy and sporty.  Add sneakers and shorts in warm weather and we’re /really/ talkin’!

FPL163 reads

Thanks for the reassurance everyone. While there may be times when throwing on a quick strip at home may be right for the specific occasion, in general my mascara'd eyes will still be just as starry. I'm going to  get rid of this unnecessary expense!  

You guys are awesome for taking the time to reply, thanks!

Libertine_Proust161 reads

Unless you're natural beauty game is lackluster.

it's amazing how our own feelings about our self worth can affect how others perceive us. when we feel good about ourselves, other people can sense that, so as long as they make you happy and help you to feel more beautiful, sexy and confident, then they are worth it!  


I hate the strips. The individual lashes are the only ones I get, but I only get them occasionally. I love how they make me look and all, but I'm fine without them.

Personally I think it is a waste. HOWEVER, if you enjoy it for yourself, then do it.

If it is for everyone else, I would guess that over 90% wouldn't notice or care,

Do whatever makes you happy.

Tippecanoe136 reads

Eyebrows, yes.

Eye lashes, no.

But that doesn't require $100 fake lashes.  Plus, I probably wouldn't know the diff between natural, store brand mascara, deluxe mascara, cheap fakes, and deluxe fakes.  Here is a before / after of bare and fakes. The before is a very pretty eye. I hope she has a matching pair. The after is also a pretty eye.  
No complaints either way. A nice look, but not a deal breaker if natural.
(I guess there are some diseases or skin conditions that cause natural lashes to fall out or look weird. That might be nicer with a cosmetic fix.)
"The eyes are the windows to the soul."

This guy is AWESOME!

Posted By: wanderer48
Re: I like big boobs and a sexy ass!
Don’t care about your eyes

I don't.  Save your money.

They are nothing more than collateral damage after a date that includes a good throat fuck.  My ATF's don't even bother with make-up.  It would just end up on the towel with the slurp.

a smiling attractive woman when the door opens. I will look at her smile, her eyes, and her overall beauty (clothes, how the cloths fit, etc.) but not her eye lashes. Please me, please jr., and let's play.

boobs, butt, a beautiful face and a great personality.  

About make up... unless is requested... I only wear very little. I don't think guys really care about big fake eye lashes and they don't even notice that stuff.  
Yeah a little lipstick here and there, make sure you have good eyebrows.

Hahah yes! Make sure the eyebrows are on point hehe xx

They make you look like someone I fantasize about.

I notice a woman's eyes regardless of her eyelashes. Too much make up detracts from the natural appeal. Better off saving your money and investing in clothing or something you enjoy, and might be noticed more by a client.

I got mine done for my last photo shoot and they were nice, but were already coming off in places after a few days.

My nails, on the other hand, I spend about $150-200 per month on.  I have pretty good, long lashes anyway, a couple coats of volumizing mascara is enough for me, I think, in the future.  And it took so long!  I'm not a spa girl.  My natural nails are thin and weak, never look good, so the nails are a necessary hassle for me to feel glamorous or even well-groomed... but I honestly hate salon and spa time.  Sitting still, with people trying to make small talk with you so you can't even listen to a podcast or something... I don't find it relaxing or indulgent, it's a PITA but for my nails it's worth it, and I get my hair cut and highlighted, but aside from that...  I'd rather save my money for lasers and injectables and dental work (just got my first botox injections last month, and have had various laser treatments) and save my time for going to the gym or actually having fun!

souls_harbor131 reads

I don't get the attraction of super long nails either.  

This fashion sh*t is for gay guys and impressing other women.   Tats, pierciings ... it's all crap.

Now it's true that makeup can bring some faces into the more normal range ... but that's the point.  Too much of this crap takes you OUT of normal range and into something weird.  

........ are at the end of a cat-o-nine tails or flogger.  
Yes Mistress, may I have another?

I recall dates where the gal was stunning...  when she answered the door...  wearing a fine wrap dress.   But perfomance is what really counts.     You're going to be taking showers & such, often.  It would seem easy care in clothing & makeup is preferable.    

FPL104 reads

It's good to hear all the various answers. Of course I wouldn't spend the money or time on my lashes if my brows, nails, and skin weren't already on point. Skin, nails, and hair definitely hold more importance. I guess my reason for asking was pointed out earlier, and that is that we all have them on in our pictures. I was wondering if there was any concerns about the difference it makes when you looked dolled up as hell in the pics but more natural in person. Glad it's not as big of a deal to most. I usually ask if there is a preference between a girl next door and heavy makeup looks if I get a vibe that the fantasy look is a priority for them. Sounds like my need for over the top dick sucking stares is over-rated (for the majority at least)! As long as I'm looking, and throat fuckin it good, who cares about the length of the lashes right!

Woodlawn126 reads

It's nice to answer the door looking hot-  but as for eyelashes I would say not that important-  Like the others said-  it's the value of how it makes you feel-  you feel good-we feel good :).    

But chiming in 😀

Too much money, could damage, short or long term.
Maybe for a photoshoot.

Go Natural.....line the lash line, not eyelid.  
Get a good quality curler and use it before masacara and again after applying and starting to dry... Dramatic lashes au natural 😎

 Apologies to the guys for boring makeup tips...
If I talk about lining my lips before I ....
😎 garner favor ? 😂

Hi Dear,  

I'm not sure if you've tried it yet, but I've found that Latisse works exceptionally well.  It was originally used to treat pressure in the eye caused by ocular hypertension and glaucoma. Then it was discovered that patients using Latisse experienced eyelash growth and darkening. The generic form (Bimatoprost) is usually around $125 for a one month supply. It is supposed to be used 1x daily, but I use mine every other day to make it last longer. I first noticed results around 3-4 weeks, but I'm sure everyone is different.  

Oh and if you decide to try Latisse, don't use the applicators provided by the pharmacy because they waste too much product. My doc recommended purchasing a very tiny eyeliner brush. After applying the product, clean the brush and store for the next use. This will also help cut down on cost which is still less than what you are paying at the salon.

I'm sure you are beautiful with or without enhanced lashes. Do whatever makes you feel best.

If it makes you feel sexier and more confident, go for it.  But I've been in plenty of locker rooms, and women's eyelashes are one of the only features I *haven't* heard crassly discussed, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Eyelashes are just about the last thing I'd look for.  As others have said - if it pleases you go for it but I
don't think most guys care.  As for the photos, in my experience the actual person only occasionally looks like the photo.
But, hey, they are ads for a business so of course the provider wants to look great.   IMHO most guys judge by the photo anyway and they are not looking at eyelashes.

Tippecanoe100 reads

Clean shaven, silky smooth all over is more important than adding hair.

I happen to love false eyelashes, makeup, etc. The whole glamour look of the 40s and 50s drives me batshitwe nuts, so when I meet a provider who goes the whole 9 yards, and is done up to the hilt for a session? BIG big tip...

For years I rocked the eyelashes, the shadow, etc. No fake nails but I always make sure to be in nice lingerie and heels but I was called glamorous when I was wearing them. I was so devoted to them that a long time regular wanted to see me and I said no because they were off that day lol. There is a lash place that opened near me. I want to try out the way that they do them. I hope it will work out. If not I will go back to my former salon. I really miss that look!

How do they apply them? I get the individuals, and sometimes the woman will put tape on one of my eyelids to keep them separated. Then, other days, she'll just put them on like it's nothing. I guess her technique depends on what mood she's in that day or whatever. Anyways, I got mine done two weeks ago, and they're still going strong.

I am going to see how this new place does it. I really love that sexy look. Eye liners, shadow and beautifully arched eyebrown that I get waxed. I put on some dark lipstick and gloss. Ooh!! So sexy! lol

I had actually taken a picture of my eyes and put it on my website. A guy booked me and said it was the eye picture that really really did it for him lol. Wow! He said he liked how it looked. I think I will do that again. :)

Thank you for posting LOL. I was beginning to feel all alone! There is definitely a market for it

Posted By: SensualShai
Re: Another thing
I had actually taken a picture of my eyes and put it on my website. A guy booked me and said it was the eye picture that really really did it for him lol. Wow! He said he liked how it looked. I think I will do that again. :)

I prefer a lot of natural things about women, eyelashes and eyebrows are chief among them. If I can look at a woman and know immediately that she has false eyelashes on, it's a turn-off, especially if she wears them because she thinks I find them attractive or impressive. I don't like the way they look nor what they say about a woman who thinks she aabsolutely needs them.

When it comes to the expense, I think it's completely wasted money. Whether she gets the cheapest ones available, or gets the most expensive available, every cent is wasted on something that is unnecessary.

For more than a century, the cosmetics industry has worked extremely hard to convince women that something is wrong with them unless they slap on this goop or spackle on that sludge or shave this off of here or apply that there. The money bags of Big Cosmo grow fatter and fatter by brainwashing women into self-shame and denying their own natural beauty.

I saw that I already posted on this thread THREE YEARS AGO.  As General Patton once said, "I don't like to pay  for the same real estate twice."  This was an exhumation of a corpse thread.  LOL

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