TER General Board

Re: I have cancelled, but never within 48 hours
AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 261 reads

To the OP:

Never got why some gals NCNS. Perhaps some of the guys who claim this happened are by non reviewed gals or ...?

I could understand if the guy acts weird just prior to meeting (after being screened and getting a bad feeling about it) but otherwise you would think they want to make money and keep their Back Channel name in good standing. I get we all have emergencies. There is a difference between emergencies and being a flake/NCNS. Some gals are stupid in how they handle priorities, time, respect etc. Be thankful she flaked and you didn't have to see what else might be wrong with her.  

Not hard to communicate. Not hard to care about your reputation. Some just don't think of the big picture.

As far as a gal getting too many NCNS, she should screen better. The times that I have an appt canceled was because something legit came up and I understand that. Done by regulars and new guys alike but they were sincere and booked at a later time the same day or a few days later. I can count on both hands how many NCNS I have ever had done to me.  

Just because a guy passes screening doesn't mean he won't pull a NCNS. I have weeded out several just by simply talking to them on the phone.  

Ah, Russ don't take it to heart. She was a flake and doesn't know how to show common courtesy/respect. Find others who do care about what they do and care about wasting your time. Plenty of us out there.

Posted By: russbbj
I've been stood up before, talk about frustrating. A NCNS is the worst thing either of us can do to the other. Life happens, and if someone needs to cancel on the other then comunticate that with the other person, still sucks but at least they aren't sitting there wondering what is going on.  
 Respect, what a concept.

I see alot of comments on TER regarding NCNS, and some providers even comment that up to 50% of her clients NCNS.
I cant understand why a client would go thru the trouble of searching TER, communicate with provider, send reference, set a date, etc. etc.. then not show up.  

I'm not referring to the "shit happens" and either the provider or client has to cancel ( we all have been there .. it's called life ).  But question for providers is.. are these "no shows" regular (or semi-regular) clients and/or clients with a good review history.  OR just newbie who chicken out at the last minute. OR just total time wasters

She is clearly doing something wrong, going after the wrong clientele, not verifying properly, whatever.

The bigger mystery to me is why the girls NCNS. They have a financial interest in making the appointment and keeping a good rep.

Guys just have less skin in the game and a NCNS by them is much less damaging, in most cases.

It could be what she is not doing properly.

I have had that happen and sent an email that said something to the effect that "I do not have a good feeling about this appointment so I am backing out". Happened after something was either said on the phone and I thought about it, or the last email.  

Sometimes the money s not enough if the creep out factor literally makes my skin crawl. I listen to that.

Whether you want to say it comes from God or Mother Nature, we are all given instincts to some degree or another and I think we should listen to them.  

Why anyone would go through with something in this game with a bad feeling is beyond me. I guess sometimes it is a cash crunch, other times it is an effort to overcome what they may believe is an irrational fear.

If a guy feels there is something amiss, contact the lady and back out. Great advice BTW, listen to that gut!

LasVegan268 reads

you are a lady in every sense of the word........AND.........when you exercise your choice to pull out of an appointment, you at least communicate as such.

LasVegan314 reads

And sorry Jack, am not a provider...........100% pure/male/chuck choice........through and through.

But on a different note...........in this post the hobbyist explains he had an appointment and even spoke with the provider while she was in his hotel.  He could see her from the bar and another male intercepted her and struck up a conversation.  She not only stood him up.........but from that point on would not longer answer his calls/texts.  Oh and she could not see him or that he observed her.

The bottom line was.........she was given a better offer and the chance to make more money, "bought" her away from her initial appointment.

I wonder how often THIS happens.

I've been stood up before, talk about frustrating. A NCNS is the worst thing either of us can do to the other. Life happens, and if someone needs to cancel on the other then comunticate that with the other person, still sucks but at least they aren't sitting there wondering what is going on.

Respect, what a concept.

To the OP:

Never got why some gals NCNS. Perhaps some of the guys who claim this happened are by non reviewed gals or ...?

I could understand if the guy acts weird just prior to meeting (after being screened and getting a bad feeling about it) but otherwise you would think they want to make money and keep their Back Channel name in good standing. I get we all have emergencies. There is a difference between emergencies and being a flake/NCNS. Some gals are stupid in how they handle priorities, time, respect etc. Be thankful she flaked and you didn't have to see what else might be wrong with her.  

Not hard to communicate. Not hard to care about your reputation. Some just don't think of the big picture.

As far as a gal getting too many NCNS, she should screen better. The times that I have an appt canceled was because something legit came up and I understand that. Done by regulars and new guys alike but they were sincere and booked at a later time the same day or a few days later. I can count on both hands how many NCNS I have ever had done to me.  

Just because a guy passes screening doesn't mean he won't pull a NCNS. I have weeded out several just by simply talking to them on the phone.  

Ah, Russ don't take it to heart. She was a flake and doesn't know how to show common courtesy/respect. Find others who do care about what they do and care about wasting your time. Plenty of us out there.


Posted By: russbbj
I've been stood up before, talk about frustrating. A NCNS is the worst thing either of us can do to the other. Life happens, and if someone needs to cancel on the other then comunticate that with the other person, still sucks but at least they aren't sitting there wondering what is going on.  
 Respect, what a concept.

ragnar27325 reads

That was it so far.  I hope to not ever have another one.

The girl had a chronic history of these as I found out later.  Thank heavens for TER now.

My assumption would be for first timers it could be daunting to sum up enough courage, for regulars as you said, life happens.  

I don't think it happens on a regular basis or to majority of providers, just an assumption.


I've never NCNS on a provider.  The guys that do are jack asses.  At least send the girl a text or email.

shwj54214 reads

With the very first provider I saw when I showed up to her incall appt. she was just hanging out on her computer in a t-shirt and shorts with zero makeup. I was quite happy with it of course having seen pro and selfie pics from her website. One of the first things she said was that she thought I was going to be a NCNS. I didn't really push the subject from there at all and the date went superb. I believe I gave her no red-flags leading up to appt. time--prebooked a week in advance, prompt phone call back from her after leaving a message, she texted me the morning of giving me the neighborhood to head to and as soon as I got up in the area I let her know via text I was there etc. In the end it a worked out fine and I will definitely hope to see her again. It was just sort of funny how she thought and acted until I opened the door that the meeting wasn't going to happen.

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