TER General Board

Re: I enjoy it...
ponyman49 15 Reviews 503 reads

Thank you again to everyone for your advice and input

Ladies, what do you consider an ideal client?

Im always on time, never bring flowers, always shower before and after I get there, im still new to this so I do cum fairly quickly with these fine women but do have to get my time in.

Don't leave early; leave on time, because when you leave early, I think you didn't like me lol!

I am very conscious of the time, I'm the clock watcher, but it will be difficult for me to leave your presence on time. It's going to take some discipline on my part, I mean even if I'm completely spent, just to look at, and touch, that amazing body of yours, yummy.  

You are one sexy lady, I'm not sucking up, well maybe just a little

Aw that is so sweet Russ, I like a man who can perv on me and cum in his pants for me cuz he is so super horny for me but also is such a sweetie! It's ok to suck up, it just makes me want TO suck! Lol. I love to suck!. :-P

nah....i like mine to cum as many times as possible during our time together...do not leave early but do not over extend your stay too much :)

BlondeRoots923 reads

Meet regularly (I like anywhere from once a week max, to 2X a year at the least.) Less than twice a year makes the client too infrequent to really be excited about

Do not haggle.  Posted rates are the rates.  Tipping is smiled upon but not required.

Gifts are a +

Trips are a +

Great in bed is a +.  Cumming quickly is a negative unless he has a few more rounds.

No greek required is a +

Overnights " " "

Attractive " " "

Brilliant " " "

Any other bonuses like specialized expertise (ex: mentoring in business, finance) or networking/connections for her  
real life pursuits are a bonus.

Funny, kind, sweet, stable emotionally are also all traits of a great client.

-- Modified on 10/4/2015 8:47:17 PM

I fit the last line you wrote,those are traits of mine. I do not haggle over a providers rates. Im still adjusting to this hobby so my stamina will come in time as I get more used to seeing the ladies. My funds don't allow for weekly visits. Im not one of the wealthy clients, im a working man. I do keep myself up, not a slob,get told im handsome and don't look my age.

SodaPop537 reads

Would you accommodate a regular client that meets most of your requirements for a great time if he asks for a quickie?  I mean normally he rolls out the red carpet and treats you to a great time, but on occasion, he only has 30 minutes and would like to see you.  Is this something you would consider? Would it offend you if he brought it up?

BlondeRoots516 reads

Would you accommodate a regular client that meets most of your requirements for a gr8 time if he asks for a quickie?


Would it offend you if he brought it up?


If someone treats me really freakin well, I'll bend over backwards to accommodate them.  For ex:  I have a client, my best client, who prepays for about 6 sessions at a time.  The amount is enough that if I don't see any other client that month, I'm ok since that amount more than covers my living expenses.  He is VALUABLE to me.  So if he calls at 11am and says "come to my office at noon and I'm going to **** you on my desk and you need to leave by 12:20."  Guess what my answer would be?! :-

VOO-doo652 reads

Assuming that the bare minimum is taken care of...he's clean, easily screened, reliable, respectful, etc.  

What he does/is:
Good company, interesting conversation. Intelligent. An enjoyable person to be with. Or at least, tolerable company with a good heart.

A generally good person. Gives to charity, is kind to others. Is polite and considerate, in general.

In bed, knows how to touch and handle a woman's body. Desires her pleasure. Enjoys the journey as much as the destination. Is sensual. Is gentle, and seeks variation in play (rest) if playtime is lengthy.

Books often enough for us to get to know one another, so that there is some increasing level of comfort/familiarity.

Books as much time as he needs (unless we specifically agree otherwise). Sometimes might plan activities in public or private that he knows we both enjoy.

If it's a longer arrangement, he will initiate the money chat, so he's sure that we are on the same page (that doesn't mean he wants to haggle...he wants to be sure I am happy w/the arrangement, so that it is truly mutually beneficial).  

Keeps in touch. Emails once in a while, usually with interesting tidbits.  

Makes it feel like a 'date'...just two people spending time together. Natural, fun.  

BUT...none of that matters if the client does not have a HUGE bulge in his pants otherwise known as....



A WALLET. Haha :-

I see you say keeps in touch, I brought that up in another post,asking about communication before and or after a date. Especially one where I haven't met the lady yet for the first time. im asking these questions to help me learn more about the hobby and what the ladies themselves like and are looking for other than the obvious. I want everyone that gives me advice to know that I really do appreciate it. To me no question is to dumb when you are not sure, everyone was a newbie at one time. I started with a couple of indies then saw several agency ladies and I have a date next Saturday with a well know indy and it will be my first time meeting her. I still get nervous meeting these ladies for the first time

VOO-doo550 reads

It can backfire, though.  

I have some clients with whom I've had very interesting and long-standing correspondence...they write about, say, a concert they heard that they know I'd like. Or send a photo of their trip abroad (as opposed to, say, a photo of their dinner that night). Usually every few weeks, usually a brief email w/no need for an immediate or lengthy reply.

I have another client who lives 10 hours away...I see him 2x per year, at most, usually for 2 hours. He's really nice, but sends me emails every few DAYS...usually about something sorta inane. Like, what he ate for dinner, or that he thinks one of the US women soccer players is HOT HOT HOT. I reply (briefly and selectively), as long as there are no boundary issues...but it's kind of annoying.

Her replies should tell you what you need to know...if you write a 10-page novel, and she responds a few days later with 'Oh, cool...so, when do you want to schedule?' Then she's trying to give you a hint.

thank you. I wouldn't try to invade on anyones personal time but was just curious as to correctly contact them to make a request for an outfit or something that I would enjoy doing during our time to find out if they like something, that's all.

Thank you again to everyone for your advice and input

Be on time and as discrete as possible in the lobby :)
Be honest! As far as how you found me and why you chose me cause that helps me figure out what you look forward to the most in our date :)
Don't overthink or stress it! It will only make you feel like you have to impress. Trust me, us girls have that same problem when we start cause we feel like we HAVE to impress, but in reality both parties are supposed to ENJOY the experience more than anything.

Those are 3 easy basics that I think can make a whole lot of difference in your experience with anyone. Good luck !

writing to me to tell me about himself, and mentions something about me too, to show that he's read my website and taken an interest in me individually (rather than just a one or two sentence email he may be sending to 25 other ladies besides myself). He tells me the date and time he'd like to meet, and requests a dinner engagement, a 6 hour, or an overnight. After I confirm I am available on the date he requested, he happily sends me all the information I need for screening.  

When we meet, he's friendly, kind, smells nice, and is dressed nicely. He brings a tasteful little gift of some sort, and compliments me. He opens doors and pulls out chairs. Bonus points if he stands when I stand. He's attentive throughout the evening, and very attentive in bed. He loves to make me happy, and is not afraid to let me know what makes him happy too. He's responsive to my actions and attentions, letting me know when something is working (or not). He's expressive. He loves to cuddle and touch in between romps. He lets me sleep when it's time to sleep, but is happy to wake up and begin where we left off. ;)

Afterward, he sends a nice thank you note and stays in touch from time to time between engagements. Engagements range from once a month to a couple times a year. And he absolutely, positively adores women!!!!

Icing on the cake: well-traveled, intelligent, and pays in advance. ;

doesn't have to be perfect. It's not important to me in the least whether or not he's good at sex, hot in looks, or has the game of James Bond, lol. He just needs to be respectful, a gentleman, genuine, and treat me like a lady.  
     He does need to listen to me and to not assume things about me based on other providers he's seen. Not all women are the same and he knows that and treats me special. He doesn't ask personal questions and doesn't linger to talk after the appointment. He respects my work- oh, and he doesn't see me as a freak because of what I do.  
     My "ideal client" can come in all shapes and sizes and can be either shy or outgoing.  Basically,  he has only to be himself. It's really quite simple! :)

-- Modified on 10/5/2015 12:06:58 AM

-- Modified on 10/5/2015 12:40:41 AM

Don't gossip with me about other girls.  
Be on time (reasonable tardiness is excusable).  
Converse with me please; I prefer not to stare off in the distance while you work on brewing that second cup. Let's chat about SOMETHING - books, music, your favorite television show, comic book, etc.  
Be sincere.  
Tell me what you want, what you're expecting and if there's anything I can do to meet those needs the way you prefer.  
Bonus points for back rubs.

I am always on time, since I drive a good ways to see the lady I always get to the area early so I know I wont be late, also gossip on any level is just not my thing, my focus is on the sexy lady im with and I am always mindful of the time even asking if my time is close so she knows im not trying to take advantage of time..

he's from such and such upscale town that you're supposed to drop everything and run and kiss the ground he walks on.  One that doesn't think, because he has a little of bit of money that he can treat me like shit or that he somehow buys the "rights" to my body.  Mostly, I like down to earth guys who have respect for women along with a healthy respect for themselves.  

Sorry, I just got off the phone with a guy that acted like a total entitled deuchebag from one of these upper class towns.

Clean, Respectful of me and my time, doesn't give me a hard time about verifying him, & doesn't negotiate my rates.

10Mins early and willing to wait.
Dressed nicely and smells great.
Brings something nice vanilla candle, mall gift card, flowers, or alcohol......
Greats me as pleasantly as I great them.....
Doesn't go roaming around my private incall, I do live where I play and prefer to have my own space too....
Places the appreciation out in a unsealed envelope or card.
Freshens up for me thoroughly. since I've done the same.
Is as passionate as I am.
Finishes with a massage.
Is aware of his time.
Comes by often......  

And if he's really perfect he just might turn into my SD.

He is a gentleman in every sense of the word (at least before we actually meet).  

He takes the time to read and follow what I've written on my website; it's all there for a reason!  

He tells me about himself as openly as he can.    

He is punctual (both coming and going), and if he can't be, lets me know ASAP.

He laughs at my silly tendencies, and makes me laugh because of his.

He is someone I can learn from, whatever that may mean.  

He understands that a girl has to eat.  

He comes back to see me

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