TER General Board

Re: I dunno…
QueenBia See my TER Reviews 1240 reads
1 / 18

Do you prefer covered? Semi nude? Fully nude?

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 36 reads
2 / 18

Whatever those may be.That's  why am not a fan of 'no sex before  marriage ' ;  Only to live unhappily everafter.

justsauce16 4 Reviews 42 reads
3 / 18

Which is to say, your face. That's the #1 determination as to if an ad is going to entice me or not.

 Many, many providers don't show their face, and it significantly limits how engaging their photos, and therefore their ads, are. I get it's for 'anonymity', which is 100% theatre of course, being that any interested party would be able to deanonymize them without significant effort, but when you're competing with women that are showing their faces, well, really there's no choice in the matter, it's all downside with very little upside aside from being able to hide from the tech-boomers that browse their ads and happen to go to the same gym.

 Something I have noticed however, and not wanting to present a problem with no solution, is that most of the ads I see where a provider shows her face, she's not simultaneously showing her face and anything too scandalous. I think that, at very least, gives someone plausible deniability, because if you get recognized, you can always say "oh yeah, that's my asshole ex I have a restraining order on pretending to be  me on the internet" and for damn near everyone worth a damn that'll be case-closed.

swimtrekr 58 Reviews 37 reads
4 / 18

semi-nudes, tastefully done


RespectfulRobert 40 reads
5 / 18

I love bikinis, short skirts/dresses in heels and bra and panty shots. Covered and semi is fine. I dont need nude but wont complain either. lol.

brownjack 39 reads
6 / 18
georgebensen 101 Reviews 32 reads
7 / 18

Face.   For sure.  Not blurred.  Tits.  Spread eagle.  And my favorite bent over showing your asshole.  Bonus for pulling your cheeks apart to show some gape.  

I am a complete perv I know.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 40 reads
8 / 18

For me, the most important aspect of photos are their accuracy and relevance.  By relevance, I mean, are they photos of the girl I'm going to be seeing NOW, or are they from 5 or10 years ago and in no way resemble what she looks like now.  

It's a total turnoff for me when a provider uses photos from different time periods without identifying them as such.  In one photo, she displays some muscularity and has a trim body, and then in the next photo, she is Miss Thunder-Thighs with a huge ass to match.  These conflicting photos can't possibly both be reflective of the girl I'm going to see if I book.  It's going to be one or the other and its dishonest to not tell potential customers the truth.  

It's ironic that providers play misleading games with their photo galleries and then whine when they get bad reviews.   If the photos are current, it doesn't matter to me if they are covered, fully nude or somewhere in between.  She should use whatever photos that she thinks will entice me and other customers to book.  

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 39 reads
9 / 18

Definitely more sexual and romantic,  plus there is the freedom to roam without  any hindrance.  Good post.

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 39 reads
10 / 18

I’m sure you’re right about the techie stuff here.  

However, the providers I’ve talked to about it (tiny sample I admit) seem to to be more concerned about someone randomly scrolling through providers and saying “holy cow! That’s my coworker / neighbor / kid’s friend’s mom / aunt”, whatever. That person probably isn’t de-anonymizing every provider they scroll past. But a face is a face and could be recognized easily.  

If they pick up a stalker, sure; they can probably be de-anonymized. The ones I’ve talked to about it have been here in town all their lives, or at least a lot of years, and don’t want to be RECOGNIZED.  

A few gals have told me about guys who “found” them in their real lives, and they had to get restraining orders. This has even happened to parlor gals I know. Some guy suddenly texts them on their real phone or shows up at their house or says something inappropriate about their kids. Super creepy. Most of the providers who’ve told me about such experiences said they don’t know how he found their real lives. But it was always a regular. Not some stranger who just saw them on an ad mall.  

They mostly don’t post their face to stop the casual lurker from recognizing them and knowing their secret. Again, the casual shopper isn’t de-anonymizing every provider, even if they could.  

I’ve actually seen a couple providers admit this is why they require PII. They know, in most cases, they are SAFE based on monger reputation, references, etc. but they don’t want to open the door and see their kid’s little league coach or a neighbor or whatever. That’s why they demand real ID. Some of them. The fact that they now know that guy’s secret while theirs is still safe, and how unequal that all is seems to be lost on them.  

I do agree with you that seeing a face is more engaging. It makes me more likely to spend more time on the ad, look into it more seriously, it just gets my attention better. I used to never hit like on the photo only board unless she showed face, but lately I’ve been relaxing that rule a lot. I like when they show face, it makes me more likely to book; but it’s not a deal breaker and I do understand why those who don’t are shy about it.

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 36 reads
11 / 18

What matters more to me is whether I can “BELIEVE” the photos.  

So many photos I can see the editing, airbrushing, filtering, whatever. I’m not savvy enough to be able to extrapolate what she actually looks like. But I can tell it’s been messed with somehow, at least a lot of times, and that makes me suspicious.  

Nothing wrong with pro photos but show me selfies or whatever also. Especially if they’re dated somehow in a way I can believe.  

I think it sucks how so many women lie about their age or put “hidden” or “secret” or whatnot whenever possible. It sucks because it makes it more difficult to find what I’m looking for. However, once I’m on a specific ad/profile, if I feel confident I can believe in your photos; then I really don’t CARE how old you actually are. I like the look of you or I don’t. It’s just, do I trust the look?

Nudes are cool and attention getting and all, but shots with tight or somewhat revealing clothes is good enough, if I believe they’re accurate/current.

justsauce16 4 Reviews 35 reads
12 / 18

It's risk/reward, same as all business. The risks are, of course, more tangible, but, very much the same calculus. You can, of course, mitigate risk where you can, and, I'd assume that most ladies aren't terribly good at keeping their PII off the internet, which is a job to be sure.

 Personally, I used to own a business, which means, my information was very, very public, which was ok at the time, but became untenable. I wound up deciding to fix it years ago after having a security issue (got phished), and it took me probably 20 man-hours to be fully gone, over the course of a month. I was, granted, much more exposed than most, and the tools/regulations available for doing so were privative back then. Nowadays, I can do the same work in 3-4 hours, again spread out over a month or so, and I have done this for a number of people.

 The issue is, you don't stay gone, ever. You have to go through and re-purge every 3-6 months or so because in that time someone will have bought a database with your info and hosted it on their spammy website, and google will have found it. Not to say that's a huge deal, just that you have to stay on top of it.

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 32 reads
13 / 18

I always knew google was the real enemy!

Speaking of purging…

justsauce16 4 Reviews 28 reads
14 / 18

Unironically a better film than The Revenant

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 35 reads
15 / 18

Who never saw the revenant. But yes it was a surprisingly good  film. A great character study. Larry Miller was a perfect choice for the depth and warmth needed from the little brother.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 32 reads
16 / 18

Half right.  You decide which half.  Lol

Sorry, bro, when you tee it up like that, I have to swing.  Lol

AllTheTimeBaby 39 reads
17 / 18

Nailed it!  

An escort friend was walking near her current hotel in Florida, when a driver slowed down and yelled "Hey Tiffany"! (Not her real name.)

It happens!

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 27 reads
18 / 18

SOMEbody would take a swing at it. I mean with all the straight lines I feed into this place…

It’s just as well the swing came from a German. Gives me a chance to show there’s no hard feelings about the kerfuffle between our countries. You know the one I mean, at Carthage.

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