while i would say that most do not take quite the cold-hearted approach that you do to the hobby, i agree with you to a minor extent in that this is not the ideal venue to find meaningful friendships or deep emotional connections. it is important to me to always have some GENUINE warm feeling and concern for the men i see, while being careful not to cross that line into true emotional intimacy.
with that said, sometimes things just happen, beyond our control. recently (about 2 months ago) i started seeing this particular gentleman, and from the very start, even before meeting in person, we had an instant connection. not a romantic connection mind you, but that sort of connection you feel the very first time you speak to the person who ends up becoming your best friend. it made me nervous but at the same time it fed something within me, that normal human need for friendship, so i continued against my better judgement. He ended up visiting me twice in one week, for multi-hours each time (but still somewhat under 1,000, Hardy). the friendship we were developing continued...we spoke on the phone everyday, sometimes for 1 or 2 hours at a time. we began revealing our true selves to one another...he confessed to a 20-yr drug addiction, bipolar disorder, and other demons. i shared many of my past experiences and struggles with him.
then an unexpected tragedy occured in his life, triggering a relapse and his life began to spiral rapidly downhill. for obvious reasons, he could not afford to "see" me. well one day he calls me up, obviously very sick and depressed, sounding almost suicidal. i tricked him into giving me his address, and within a couple of hours was at his place. He was curled up in a dark room, hadn't bathed or eaten in days, was ashamed i was there. i cleaned up his place, bathed him, dressed him, got him to drink some juice and eat a little soup, called his employer to make sure he wouldn't lose his job, gave him lots of hugs and was just a shoulder to cry on. i was there til nightfall, about 5 hours.
that was a week ago. He's a little better now, still coming out of the hole. but i told him, he is no longer a "client." He is a friend, a true friend, and he can count on me to be there for him whenever he needs it. i would never accept another dime from him, to me that would make a mockery of the friendship. now that he's getting on his feet again, he keeps trying to pay me...i won't hear of it.
so no, you cannot buy a friendship. but i think that sometimes fate places certain people in our lives for a reason, and friendships can develop under the most inappropriate of circumstances.