TER General Board

Re: How about a beer bottle opener? That was me lol.
kimosabe 5 Reviews 2349 reads
1 / 34

I've been around for years but I still have one question not satisfactorily answered at least for me.

   How does one distinguish between real independent ladies and agency ladies,
   including those who say they are independent but are really from agencies.

I would appreciate serious responses from all sincere people.
Thank you

Yes, I know this has been discussed before. Consider me a slow learner.
Your anticipated assistance is appreciated

bonordonor 760 reads
2 / 34

Agency-book through a 3rd party.  

Pimp-book through the lady, but you usually see the lurker pimp. You want to extend you're visit, probably can't without her making a phone call.

Independent-book through the lady. Her terms, her gig. You want to extend your visit while you're there, no problem if she is available.

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 790 reads
3 / 34

Independent Providers usually advertise as independent Providers and they give their own phone number. And they give you their own price and provide their own in-call or they do outcalls.

Agencies never advertise an independent provider. If they do then they are either a pimp or a madam. And not an Agency.  

I've been doing this for 19 years (Almost 20 years). I've worked for Agencies & I've done it independently.

Dr Who revived 650 reads
4 / 34
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 816 reads
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I've come across the "not an agency" phrase in several ads on the same mall. Problem is, the wording on rest of the ad was also pretty much as the others. That sounds like agency trying to sound like it's not an agency. The idea seems to be that johns assume that non-agency providers are preferable. There are plenty of guys on this board alone who like agency girls.

So how you tell prior to the appointment can be difficult. There are a couple of providers I know whose ads and blogs are so unique that it is hard to imagine them working for or through an agency.

Once you get to the incall the signs are more obvious. If they work out of hotels, of course, you're still in the dark.

If I show up with a bottle of Chianti to an apartment, and the provider doesn't have a corkscrew, I figure she's renting the place on an hourly basis through some kind of agency. And there are other similar signs.

Why does it matter?

I admit that I prefer to not see agency women for specific reasons, but others might have different reasons. If you think she's non-agency, then for your experience she isn't.

GaGambler 825 reads
6 / 34

Many agencies will advertise on a contract basis for independents. It's not the standard procedure for most agencies, but it happens none the less.

How can people who have been doing this for so long be so wrong about how things work?

Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 763 reads
7 / 34

Approximately 9 times of out 10 if you have to go thru a booker then that is an agency trying to pass as an independent.  

Some legit indys have bookers but from what I am hearing from true independents is that they are not necessary.  Screening and booking appointments is generally not rocket science or hard work.  So why pay someone if you can do it yourself?  That's what indy's have told me.

Second (I have personally witnessed this BS).  If the gal has to call/text in on the start of the appointment or do the same shit at the end.  You got an agency!!!!!  Why the fuck would an indy do that?

For safety reasons I do not see agency gals.  Not matter how hot or how good the reviews.  I fear getting caught in a LE sting.  LE goes after agencies first because the busts are the biggest.  Human trafficking, money laundering, organized crime connections etc. can all be tied to agencies.  Cops like the big busts that's how you get promoted.  Bring in an indy for prostitution and you get no kudos it's like issuing a speeding ticket.  No credit really for the officer(s)

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 538 reads
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What GaG said.. He says best. I can't say much after few beers

GaGambler 564 reads
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but dead fucking drunk, I still make a lot more sense than her.

I will confess, I rely on spellcheck a lot more after a couple of dozen shots though. lol

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 550 reads
10 / 34

Me not so much.....lol

Sitting at Irish pub, drinking local stuff. Watching O's play KC, and flirting with hot b-tenders.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 504 reads
11 / 34

Otherwise epsius the tree talker would be calling you out for your typos! :D

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 418 reads
12 / 34

He can go teach Wendy's employees some English. :D

hbyist+truth=;( 649 reads
13 / 34

Some ladies do this with a first time trick, and they make sure he hears and sees them do it. If she does not report back in (to a trusted friend) then someone shows up.

Why the fuck would an indie do that....as a safety precaution (whether the trick agrees or not).

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 589 reads
14 / 34

If before, are you trying to avoid a third party answering instead of the lady?

A lot of ladies who are indy's use an assistant for screening/booking/marketing on a flat pay, and/or commission basis.

Agencies are around, but even in my last year or so, agency's have gone underground and become 'booking services', but still work the similar to an agency.

Whatever you want to call it, trying to avoid someone else answering the email besides her will be tough, as some don't let you know they have an assistant.

If you're more worried about human trafficking agencies, (which are pimps lying to you AND the girl,) you have a lot more risk for that on BP. There are a lot of great girls on BP, and it's more affordable, however, in the mix you'll have to work a little harder to weed through possibly trafficked ladies.

Did you know there are ladies out there who don't even realize they're being trafficked and are simply waiting for their cut while giving the entire amount to their 'pimp'? (Who, by the way, can be a nice little young sweet white girl that 'keeps the money until the end of the week or two so the girl doesn't get robbed.)

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 641 reads
15 / 34

I locked the beer bottle opener in my closet, and for safety sake, I moved the couch in front of the closet. So I had to ask him to get up and help me move the couch lmao.

I'm definitely not agency material lol!

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 484 reads
16 / 34
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 464 reads
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There are so many ways to open a bottle without one.

Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 475 reads
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SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 440 reads
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SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 616 reads
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And women got a really good innate intuition than us guys...

That's what I'm feeling right now.. !!!

GaGambler 416 reads
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any beer drinker worth his salt can open any beer bottle made with either a key, a lighter, and angular surface, or even with his teeth in a pinch, And I won't even begin to tell you all the tricks a wino learns in how to get to that nectar of the Gods hidden just behind that pesky cork barrier. Where there is a will (or a thirst) there is a way. lol

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 507 reads
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One time I tried, I hurt myself by breaking the bottle...  

In my defense, I said, Its tough. Not impossible. Heck you can break into a safe with wire.. I am sure you can open a damn bottle with lot of shit out there.. Know what I'm sayin'...

-- Modified on 10/11/2014 9:44:38 PM

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 636 reads
24 / 34

A cell phone, another beer bottle, a bottle cap, a coin, a counter top or table top, (you actually covered that with "any angular surface), a spoon, a fork, a knife (or just about any kitchen utensil handy), a screwdriver, a wrench, a pliers, (or just about any tool in a tool box). The list just goes on and on. The three most common I have seen and done myself are the first two you mentioned (the lighter and key) and another bottle. I have seen guys use their teeth too. I have never and would never do that, but I was once accused by my dentist of doing it because of a chipped tooth. lol. I don't rember how I chipped the tooth, but I guess he had seen it enough times to know what it looks like. (which tooth and the type of chip) First thing he asked, "Do you open beer bottles with your teeth?" :)

-- Modified on 10/11/2014 3:54:30 PM

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 588 reads
25 / 34

But you gotta understand state of mind I am in right now. :

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 581 reads
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I hope whenever you get him to move furniture it's OTC.

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
I locked the beer bottle opener in my closet, and for safety sake, I moved the couch in front of the closet. So I had to ask him to get up and help me move the couch lmao.  
 I'm definitely not agency material lol!

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 474 reads
27 / 34

Practice this, and let me know when you get it done. I'll have GaG send you back your man card. :D

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 551 reads
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Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 602 reads
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So to me that assistant works like an agency. If the booker gets paid commission, and the guy extends, the escort may not tell the booker that he extends. The text/call system is the accountability, the agency or commission based booker who is making sure they get their cut. I can understand that, especially If the assistant/booker is the one drawing in the clients through doing all the marketing, etc. And not just screening/scheduling.

I've had assistants, and/or just friends, that I've asked to call me after say ten minutes after the appointment if I didn't text that he left. It's more for safety and someone knowing what's up. It feels better for some. I do it if I don't feel 100 percent safe.

What I hate is when a booker calls right on the time, or even early. Drives me insane and ruins the mood, so I would always ask for a cushion so the guy can come and go with no reminder that he's on a clock. That's one of the big reasons I like being Indy. I can manage my own flow and way of doing things.

Also LE busts with agencies as they seem to be a bigger target.

-- Modified on 10/11/2014 11:44:21 PM

GaGambler 461 reads
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after this post, I am not so sure. I think maybe we need to send you to "remedial drunk school" lol

Once you learn how to open a beer bottle with virtually anything, we will move on to the intermediate course on "how to open a wine bottle without a corkscrew"

kimosabe 5 Reviews 528 reads
34 / 34
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