TER General Board

Re: Have a feeling that link will disappear.
Jensen36363 58 Reviews 453 reads

I'll take the others' word on that and not too surprising. However, the rationale about outting anyone seems a bit questionable once their names have been in national and international news for over a year -- or at least the near 6 months since the linked article was published.

In a sense it's too bad as the article provided a lot of good information about the possible legal events one might be confronted with; a very good reality check for everyone here.

stucaboy2835 reads

by Tim Shelby on 2/18/17 @12:57.  If you think your safe; think again!

AnonymousHo929 reads

Posted By: stucaboy
by Tim Shelby on 2/18/17 @12:57.  If you think your safe; think again!
Would you please add the link to the post?

Yes stucaboy should have just posted the link, but it really wasn't hard to find a post on the legal board by a poster named "Shelby," which included a link. (And was posted at xx:57)

-- Modified on 2/18/2017 6:17:23 PM

I am completely, absolutely, positively safe, because I have never given my CDL handle to secure an appointment. There are no bookers, providers, or fellow hobbyists that can connect CDL to my real persona.  

Those guys got busted because did not remain anonymous. Instead, they met in groups in public so that each member of the group knew both the username for reviews AND the corresponding real name of each other. In a three year operation, UC LE infiltrated the group. It's unlikely there would be another group of hobbyists this stupid in another city, so it's likely that it won't happen again.  

With that said I will be donating anonymously to the legal defense fund as a gesture if support the for the greater good for the hobby community in general.  

I read the lengthy article "The Truth About the Biggest U.S. Sex Trafficking Story of the Year".  It takes quite some time to read.

They can still find who you are even there are no bookers, providers, or fellow hobbyists that can connect CDL to your real persona.  If you submit the review using your personal computer or cell phone, I don't think it's technically difficult to find your real personal information by looking at the IP address.  

I't very sad to know that the 62-year-old retired accountant who was running the free escort-advertising and review site, had choose to end his life by suicide.  

Here are sentences that I cite from the article, some of the members were identified even they tired to keep anonymous.  

"Hillman's reports also indicate that many League members shunned in-person meetups because they prized anonymity. The five happy hours he went to were attended by less than a dozen men each, and even they only shared their TRB handles with one another. Police determined their real identities by surveilling the meetups and running members' license plates.

Members who didn't attend physical meetings were identified via "personal email accounts seized pursuant to search warrants," Hillman reported in Certifications for Determination of Probable Cause against them. Some members were also identified by subpoenaing records associated with their IP addresses. Google, Microsoft, Comcast, and other entities were all forced to hand over private user data."

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
I am completely, absolutely, positively safe, because I have never given my CDL handle to secure an appointment. There are no bookers, providers, or fellow hobbyists that can connect CDL to my real persona.  
 Those guys got busted because did not remain anonymous. Instead, they met in groups in public so that each member of the group knew both the username for reviews AND the corresponding real name of each other. In a three year operation, UC LE infiltrated the group. It's unlikely there would be another group of hobbyists this stupid in another city, so it's likely that it won't happen again.  
 With that said I will be donating anonymously to the legal defense fund as a gesture if support the for the greater good for the hobby community in general.  

TER does not allow links that name names, and out people.

I'll take the others' word on that and not too surprising. However, the rationale about outting anyone seems a bit questionable once their names have been in national and international news for over a year -- or at least the near 6 months since the linked article was published.

In a sense it's too bad as the article provided a lot of good information about the possible legal events one might be confronted with; a very good reality check for everyone here.

starquarterback638 reads

For those of us who missed it before it disappeared what was the link?

stucaboy1033 reads

for writing reviews on K-girls.   LE spent a few years on the site these guys were using, posing as your average member.  

You can probably find it with Google just looking for something like "Cook County, K-Girls, Prostitution, Sex Trafficking" and look for something that was published in September 2016. You'll probably find a lot of other links and a comparison of what is in them could be interesting. As most of this should be in the public domain as well, you might check the court records for Cook County as well -- that seems to be what the author of the article in the now removed link had done.

The bottom line is that it showed the politicalization of prostitution into only being the same as sex slavery and human trafficking; the willingness of the police and DA offices to escalate the claims and in the name of stopping really bad things actually putting largely harmless people in prison and removing some effective tools that allow a safer environment for providers, and doing so and simply not caring that they are making people less safe in the name of getting headlines.

Posted By: Jensen36363
The bottom line is that it showed the politicalization of prostitution into only being the same as sex slavery and human trafficking; the willingness of the police and DA offices to escalate the claims and in the name of stopping really bad things actually putting largely harmless people in prison and removing some effective tools that allow a safer environment for providers, and doing so and simply not caring that they are making people less safe in the name of getting headlines.
This nails it.

I think ter took off the link cause I believe it had real names in the report.

I agree and it's probably a good thing to do. Just saying that the reality is that train left the station a long time back so I don't think there is much harm to be done to these people -- for most of use here those names mean absolutely nothing.

And lets face it, if this were the only place they were ever disclosed I suspect the risk of any public shaming would be pretty small. But, TER should be consistent with the rule and that way everyone know what they are, how to behave and what to expect.

GaGambler535 reads

The rule here is that no personal information of ANY member will be disclosed here, and if there is even the slightest possibility that an arrestee is a TER member, the default position is to pull the post.

seanyoungwontlive686 reads

for the first time on a provider. It was all set up through texts and she didn't ask for references....just my TER handle. I am new to this but I think this is more common among those that are considered under the new definition (that a lot of people don't like) as non-gfe. However, I got spooked so I cancelled. I got her number from the photo section of TER. I followed my gut, but was I wrong? I'm sure there is no way to know for sure, but I am interested in you opinion.

GaGambler665 reads

It's really impossible to give you an definitive answer.

Personally, I am much more likely to see a hooker without a lot of reviews that I find on TER or P 411 than I am some unknown ho I see on BP or Eros. A lot of guys and gals are going to argue that ANY woman who doesn't screen is too cavalier to see, but there is a lot she could have learned about you just from your TER handle, depending on how much of a presence, both reviews and board posts, that you have here.

It's really impossible for anyone to answer your question without more info considering you are hiding behind an alias and you haven't named the lady in question.

seanyoungwontlive649 reads

Yeah. I know, but I'm not going to reveal that info yet because I don't want to give her a bad name if it was all in my head.
I am 50/50 thinking I needed to be scared.
Mostly it's just newbie nerves.
Setting up the date was all done via text.
I have since sent an apology email through her web site.
We'll see if I get a response to that.

Posted By: seanyoungwontlive
for the first time on a provider. It was all set up through texts and she didn't ask for references....just my TER handle. I am new to this but I think this is more common among those that are considered under the new definition (that a lot of people don't like) as non-gfe. However, I got spooked so I cancelled. I got her number from the photo section of TER. I followed my gut, but was I wrong? I'm sure there is no way to know for sure, but I am interested in you opinion.
There are plenty of legit providers that do not ask for references.  I am one of them.  Although I gladly provide references for those who seek same; I have never, personally, seen the logic in asking a stranger to vouch for another stranger so I don't ask for them.  
There are many different ways to screen and common sense goes a long way in this business.  xoxo

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