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Interesting Read....do you have blue eyes?
WildwestKelly See my TER Reviews 2812 reads

Found this on the Phoenix Board and thought I would share it here.

I have green eyes...so we would not be related ;)

Have a Wonderful Weekend,



be very interested in who else responds.  Who am I related to on TER?

I have been told by numerous people over the years that my eyes change color.  Sometimes light brown, sometimes green, sometimes kind of hazel-gray.

I have always listed my eye color as brown for ID purposes, but I still get the occasional, "your eyes are a lovely green" comment.

If the eyes are really the mirror of the soul, I worry a bit.  Sybil anyone??

Born with platinum blonde hair and blue eyes. Aged and the blonde hair has gone to brown, but the blue eyes have stayed.


glad to have them.  Maybe I'm prejudiced, but I think blue eyes are the prettiest, especially when they adorn a female face.


In Minnesota most of us are descendents of Scandinavia and Germany/Poland.  Lots of very blue eyes.  My ATF, with beautiful dark eyes, says when I pop my eyes go from blue to very bright blue and she loves it!  Never heard that from the wife . . . . .

But I think he's too young to be my Dad.

Kelly, hello cousin, I too have blue eyes.  Got 'em from my mother, just like you, I think, if I read the article correctly.
I think we should have a family reunion!!!  If I'm ever out your way (or if you're ever in NYC) we should get together!!!
Actually, given you're delight in your first O, we should definitely meet.  I simply love Dining at the Y, the menu is so fabulous!!

it's fascinating that they attribute it all to a genetic mutation. It's funny because I'm thinking that if people like Hitler, who actively sought to create a race of blue eyed blondes knew that it was not the norm, but rather a result of a genetic mutation, I wonder if he would have felt the same?


Does that mean you\'ve \"got\" some history or you want to \"make\" some history.....I could make history with you, LOL!

Katie, I'm afraid he would take it as proof of Aryan Genetic Superiority, and would somehow try to make a connection between that mutation and the genetic development of a race of Supermen.  Logic had very little to do with his belief system.  He conveniently either ignored the facts that didn't fit into his world view, or he would twist the facts so they would fit.

This is much like our current gov't.'s belief in the existence of WMDs in Iraq (Cheney still insists that they will be found) or that tax cuts for the wealthy will promote economic equality.

For true believers, no set of facts can change their minds.  It's the basic difference between a belief in magic (religion) and the reliance on logic (science).

Or is this because I have blue eyes?

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