TER General Board

Re: fuck off
starstuff 16 Reviews 37 reads

Fuck right off with all this bullshit

Most people traditionally have one spouse, and if they do engage in extramarital affairs, they usually keep it outside the matrimonial home. But as more people continue to deviate from traditional norms and values, many have developed liberal feelings about having a polyamorous household. It's kind of like an open marriage, but not really, and no, it's not really swinging either. In this case, not only do the two wives know each other, live together, and are ok sharing the same husband, but they quite often also practice bisexual acts on each other much to the husband's encouragement. I'm all for it, and may one day have two concubines myself, as I think it solves the problem of adultery, jealousy and emotional attachment. But if you're going to go the polyamorous route, here are a few rules of engagement:

Don't get married:
Unless you live in the middle east, you probably live in a country where bigamy is illegal. I suppose you could always marry one of the women, but how would that make the other woman feel? The one who you chose to marry would get promoted up to wife status leaving the other woman to feel less important, and that is where the jealousy would begin. But then again, if you're deviating from traditional values, you're probably not thinking about marriage anyway. If marriage is a really big deal to you, then polyamory is not for you. Marriage and polygamory do not mix.

Don't get any of them pregnant:
Much like with marriage, the one who got pregnant will feel like she has the upper hand, and the one not with child will feel insignificant. If you understand female jealousy, you will know that your goal should be to make the two girls feel as equal to each other as possible. The only exception is if you get both of them pregnant at the same time, and although the two kids will be raised in the same house as siblings, they will see each other's mother as being more of an aunty figure.

Only men can be polyamorous:
I think that there are some things that men are able to do that women can't, and polyamory is one of them. If a female is polyamorous, she's a fucking slut, but if a man does it, he gets mad respect, and is hailed as being a boss. What happens if one of them gets her pregnant? How does she know who the father is? How would the other man feel who isn't the father? Men are morally opposed to raising another man's child, I doubt he'll want to help raise a child that's not his. I also think it's easier to convince a woman to cohabit with his other wife, than it is to convince a man to coexist, let alone cohabit with her other husband. In fact, I go further to say that any man who is ok having the same common wife with another man must be a latent homosexual who is using that as an excuse so he can get to perform homosexual acts with her other man. Either that, or he's a submissive little beta bitch who feel as though he can't do any better. Then again, how does one establish who is the head of household in that situation? Is it the wife, or one of her two husbands, and if so, which one? In the event that the wife is the head of household, that would be a matriarchal household, and no self respecting male chauvinist is going to settle for living in that kind of environment. A woman who does that sort of thing would have to be a feminist who doesn't mind wearing the trousers in the house. I know many of you ladies out there would like to think that not only can you do what a man can do, but also that you can do it better, but in this case you might wanna leave this one to the guys.

External Interference:
If you choose to go this route, you will soon find that there are meddlesome relatives, friends and neighbors who will feel uncomfortable about your lifestyle choice, and will seek to discourage you via shaming tactics. Things could get very awkward around the Thanksgiving dinner table, but before you give grandma a heart attack, you should probably let her down easy. If they are not a part of your relationship then they ought not be allowed to have an opinion about your lifestyle. It is what it is and they can take it, or leave it. Can't they just be glad that at least you're not gay? If they can't respect your space and your choices, then you need to go no contact. It's ok to give them another chance if they eventually come to accept your lifestyle, but if they don't, then it is imperative that you remain no contact. They don't get to shout orders if they're not paying any bills in your house. The good news is that they'll be more tolerant of their polyamorous son having two wives, than they would their daughter having two husbands, which brings me back to my earlier point of it being a men only club.

Religious Values:
Show me where it says in the bible that polyamory is a sin. No, seriously, show me where! I'll wait! "King Solomon had 300 wives and concubines" is the line you need to hit them with when religious zealots want to preach down to you about your lifestyle choices. You can also tell them that polyamory isn't nearly as bad as some of their past sins, and that they're not going to heal from their past by denigrating you over something like polyamory.

Polyamory by nationality:
Countries that are heavily steeped in patriarchal ideals are most likely to embrace male polyamory. Under Sharia law, countries in the middle east are the most tolerant of male polyamory to the point where bigamy is legal. Countries in Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America, and southeast Asia are less tolerant even though bigamy isn't legal in those countries, and even if they're not too tolerant of polyamorous cohabitation, men having extramarital affairs outside the home is not only tolerated, but encouraged. Instances of male polyamory would be shamed in gynocentric countries like the United States, Canada, Australia, and in Europe, but yet there are mixed feelings about female polyamory. Even in the most patriarchal segments of these countries, you would find that there are men who would stick to a single wife household, although not necessarily a one woman lifestyle. Under Sharia law, a polyamorous female in the middle east would be stoned to death, or publicly lashed for being a whore and for being a disgrace to her father's house. She will be largely ostracized in a Caribbean, or Latin American society, but not to the extreme as in the middle east, if anything, it's both her husbands who would be shamed because it's impossible for her to be polyamorous without having a second husband.

Finally, whereas most men are only able to handle two girls, there are some exceptional men who are able to handle several girls at once. One such instance is that of the late Hugh Hefner. If ever there was a modern day King Solomon, it would have to be Hugh Hefner. I suppose having several girls would be known as Multigamy. I take my hat off to Multigamous men, because I sure as hell know I can't do it. It's not even about the money, I just don't have the energy. Even if I had enough money to hire 500 permanent, live-in concubines for a lifetime, I think I'd probably just stick with two. How many girls do you think you will be able to handle if you were to choose that lifestyle?

This thread has been dedicated to the memory of Hugh Hefner (1926-2017)

I read the first line, scrolled down and saw how long it was and bolted. So I only wasted about ten seconds.

I know that curiosity got the better of you. You think I'm stupid?

I know you're stupid.
See how you left yourself open for that one?
Just like your mentor, GaGa.

and you think I'm the one who's stupid? Dude, it's not rocket science, it's so much of a no brainer that even a 3 yr old could do it. And then you and GaG Reflex are bickering back and forth like a couple of idiots in the presence of females. Yes, they're watching us just in case you forgot, and if you were smart, you would know that male stupidity is the world's number 1 pussy repellant, even more so than being broke. And furthermore, you don't KNOW that I'm stupid, or anything else about me unless you actually live inside my head space, so check yourself at the door.

First of all, the issue was NEVER about an inability "to navigate this website to find My Board Posts." Try going back and reading that thread again.  The issue was only that I was unaware I was on the home page while doing that because I never looked below that banner on the top of the page. I check my own board posts all the time, Turdo.
Second, what do you think this place is, a dating site where what you post can be a "pussy repellant?" If that were true you'd never get any dates at all.  So earth to ElTurdo: this is a site for mongers and hookers.  We pay for sex, we're not here to pick up chicks.  All they care about is whether we're safe and are carrying a full envelope. Not to mention, I'm posting under and alias that would never be used to book a date.
Third, as your post proves again, I KNOW you're stupid because of what you write.s And your last post is one of the dumbest yet. You really are TSTTT.
I will give you props for "GaG Reflex," but it only proves even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then.

Besides, everyone (except you, that is) knows that if you really want to find something, the first place to look is the drop down menu, "genius," but you gave yourself all that extra work by leaving the home page and going to God alone knows where, and all because you're too fucking lazy to click on the drop down menu that was already waiting for you on the same page. Also, all you did was prove my point about you and Reflex bickering back and forth like a couple of idiots. Your entire quoted text reinforces the idea that it's ok for both of you act like a couple of 8th graders because in the end, "All they care about is whether we're safe and are carrying a full envelope." You didn't even attempt to defend yourself, which means that deep down inside you know it must be true. Walked right into that one, didn't you? lol! Btw, the business of you posting under "AND" alias, instead of posting under "AN" alias is not exactly up to par with college level grammar, so who are you to judge me?

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm

 Second, what do you think this place is, a dating site where what you post can be a "pussy repellant?" We pay for sex, we're not here to pick up chicks. Not to mention, I'm posting under and alias that would never be used to book a date.

AGAIN. I never said I didn't use the drop down menus. I never said I left the home page. All I said was I didn't realize it was the home page I was on because I never looked at it, just went to the My TER drop down, you dope.  We know you can't write.  But now we know you can't read.  Whoever gave you your GED should revoke it.  Or you should ask for a refund.
Ooooh and you found a typo!!! How exciting for you!!! Big deal.  I make a typo that I own up to, but you are relentlessly stoopid and don't even know it.  FAIL.
BTW, I saw the typo and didn't even bother to fix it. Because who cares?  Oh, right. You do!
Could you be a bigger loser?  Seems not.  Stop wetting yourself and go to bed. Geesh.

derail my original point about curiosity getting the better of you? You'd rather waste time going off on a meaningless tangent than to own up to it, and you want to accuse me of not owning up to whatever impression it is that you have of me, but look who's running now, bitch. Why can't you just admit that you read my article? We all know that you read the damn thing, and it's not like it's a big deal anyway, so just admit it. I've allowed you to deviate from my topic long enough, and I did it for the entertainment value because I really needed a good laugh after the day I've had, but while so doing, I was able to ascertain some more details about the kind of person that you are. You love argument, you love to bend people to your will, you love to argue tit for tat like a little bitch (truth is, I don't even see the providers behaving in this way, only you) and you're not satisfied if you don't get the last word in (reminds me of one of my douchebag ex-coworkers). I don't know if you were raised by cold, unloving parents whose approval you could never gain, or if you were bullied in school by the same guy who fucked your girl on prom night, but you strike me as being a sad, lonely man who lives on the internet to gain the validation of strangers you've never met. But be that as it may, it's time to put on your big boy pants, grow the fuck up and accept that people are allowed to express their individuality and have differing views from yours, and just because they dare to exist outside the little box you put them in doesn't give you the right to undermine what they're saying. All you really accomplished by opening your big mouth was to reveal your true colors for all of TER to see. The jig is up Jerk, now back to my main point about polyamory, and if you can't engage in reasonable discourse like an intelligent human being, then I don't want you, or that douchebag GaG Reflex commenting on my thread anymore.

First point, yet another single block of text without a single paragraph break.

Second point, you call your OP an "article" basically admitting it wasn't written by you.

Thirdly a side point. You don't get to dictate who gets to comment on "your" thread. If you don't want to be called a moron, quit acting like one. lol

and PLEASE, learn to use paragraph breaks. If it wasn't so much fun ridiculing you, I could never get through any of your posts.

I didn't.  I opened it, took one look at that endless block of garbage and left.  I think ElTurdo should go to the P&R Board.  We need more stupid people there to ridicule.

but I did get far enough to see he referred to his OP as an "article" pretty much proving what we already knew, his OP was a copy and paste job, just like a couple of other idiots on P&R are known to do on a regular basis. Yeah, he'd fit right in on that board.

Who knows, maybe he could give fattie a run for his money?

That whole OP reads like a cross between his own words and those of someone more literate than him, which of course would be anybody else. lol

You find this kind of post all the time on the P&R board where some illiterate fool copies and pastes an entire article and then tries to pass it off as his own. This post looks like partial copy and paste and the rest the usual Mierda that we have become accustomed to from this troll.

I think it was all copy and paste. The problem is that he probably was indoctrinated as a child into that bullshit. But, some of us grow up, take responsibility for our beliefs and thinking, and recognize that treating humans like that is wrong.  

He's almost as bad as some trolls on another hooker board that is prevalent in DFW.

El Terrible managed to hit every single fucking misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic point possible. The religious right would be proud.

Posted By: vantheman666
Re: God fucking damn, I actually read all that.
The religious right would be proud.

I am too old to read this laborious shit..

I was so excited to read a post about polyamory but this is a bunch of rambling that has no point.  

A lot of folks in the US and other "western countries where it is illegal" practice polyamory. Some of have primary partners  and secondary partners and others practice solo polyamory. etc etc. Polyamory (other's or your own) is one hell of an adventurous way to learn about relationship styles and what not. Not for everyone definitely but its surprising to how many people it would suit if it wasn't so taboo.

. . . And since we are on this binge of random encyclopedia facts, women in Nepal have practiced polyamory for centuries.  Surprising, I know, but it is amazing what women can do without needing to incorporate harmful gendered ways of living.  

Polyamory has been done by all genders for a long time and continues to be done so. It is taboo (and harmful) only when you make it to be.

Posted By: JasmineisaRiot
Surprising, I know, but it is amazing what women can do without needing to incorporate harmful gendered ways of living.

souls_harbor37 reads

Polyamory isn't illegal in the USA.  But polygamy is.  

You're thinking of boring monogamous culture where being possessive is the norm.  

Intentional polyamory (with kids included!) surprisingly gets rid of a lot of these questions.

She said, "may the best sperm win."   I was poking fun at that.    

I agree with you.  Why do you think monogamous and monotonous sound so similar?  

...EVERYONE misses your jokes and you always have to explain them  -- because they're NOT funny.  Get a clue.

Fuck right off with all this bullshit

It's unbelievable that in 2017, there are still people around who are intolerant of differing views. If a man wants to be polyamorous, he should feel free to do so. If you disagree with someone else's views, the best thing to do is to ignore them, get off their thread, and keep it moving. You are burning up your energy in vain because no matter what you say, or do, you can't make people change. And for that matter, people are not going to change just because YOU disagree with them. What the fuck makes YOU so special? Maybe you should try working on yourself first, because ultimately, there's not one of us who isn't flawed. Get over yourselves! The fools couldn't even provide compelling counter arguments to rebut my argument, so all their little pea sized brains could think of was to respond with cheap insults hoping they could get me to deviate from my main point by appealing to my emotions. But I tell you what though, I'll give my concession speech if you can actually provide compelling evidence proving that polyamory is bad for me. Until then, all I have to say is that man fi have nuff gal and gal inna bundle gal from rema, gal from jungle.

and I don't see people coming out against polyamory. Most of the people here are "anti Turdo" not "anti polyamory".  

 I just think that no one believes you can get even one woman to sleep with you, much less several of them. I mean you are barely capable of getting a hooker to fuck you since they all have to be on the busline for you to even get to their incall for fucks sake.

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