TER General Board

Re: flowers are so indiscreet to carry thru a public hobby (EOM)
impposter 49 Reviews 37 reads

And to leave several wilted bouquets behind in the room ... as gifts for the housekeeping staff?

Posted By: TurbayVeronica
Re: flowers are so indiscreet to carry thru a public hobby (EOM)

I’m sure this discussion has been had before, but I haven’t seen it and I’m hoping that some might appreciate the advice. What is protocol on tipping an Indy provider, especially one that is upscale?  With an agency girl, you know that she forks over a chunk to the agency, so I feel that I really should tip. For an Indy, they don’t have the “management fee”, but all of their expenses are their own, from hotels to advertising. Yet, as a provider moves up the ladder, the price of entry increases, so tipping on that can get cost prohibitive.  Now, I don’t want to come across as “cheap”, but as you get closer to $$$$ for 90 minutes, it makes one pause. While I’m not poor by any stretch, I’m also not one of the Whales that swim in these waters. I would love to hear what the ladies really think. Use an alias.

Most gals will say that it does not matter (excepting Smartie), but you'd have to think it does - however to what degree is debatable.

So here's my philosophy:   A tip is a gift.   It it makes you feel good to tip, then by all means do so.   If it does not, then don't.

...but I do bring gifts. I usually have some conversation (email or phone) with a potential playmate before we meet, as I'm a few hours away from a decent selection pool, i.e., the Big City. So it takes a while for me to arrange time away to play and it gives me the opportunity to research, plan and communicate with a provider.

Once we've set the appointment, I've already gotten some info from them about their likes and dislikes regarding food, wine and other topics of conversation. So I'll bring a few bottles of something I think she will like, a special "foodie" treat (if that's her thing), a special toy or outfit -- you get the idea, a customized gift that I think will be special for her.

Most of the providers I've seen truly appreciate the thought and preparation it takes to bring them something special. Makes it a bit more personal than an extra $50 in cash.

I also rarely tip the indy upscale type of providers who are the focus of the OP.  But like you I usually bring some kind of gift, such as a libation or flowers (only if I'm certain she likes flowers) or toy etc.  And I typically "round up" on fees, eg if her rate for our session is 375 I'll round up to 400.  I guess that could be considered a tip, but it's really just laziness on my part about getting correct change. 😎  And, good thinking on her part to set the rate at 375--sounds a lot less than 400 and I bet a lot of clients round up.

For an independent lady, I too prefer to bring a gift.  I peruse her site and likes and may bring something she likes.  For "regular" ladies, I bring items that she enjoys.  Organic, specialty coffee for one lady; scotch/whiskey for my ATF; pineapple juice (for me) for a special kinky, naughty lady...
Cash is good, but I believe that a special gift is more appreciated.

Specially high end once.  They set their prices, so do not worry about their expenses.

As for agency girls, it's up to you.  But you will not come out as cheap, if you don't.

give generous tips to a waitress/waiter, church or local charity.  That said, a repeat visit is one of the best tips. So they've told me.

A repeat visit is THE best tip! I get tips and gifts pretty often but it's definitely not expected. I'd rather the gentlemen come back to see me. Actually, tipping those less fortunate is the way to go!  
I DO however, expect him to fuck my brains out! Lol  

Now that you are back from retirement...you better believe it!

If they do not accomplish that is a tip needed?   LOL

souls_harbor28 reads

I've tipped the few touring agency girls and one touring independent who I thought was undercharging for the service she rendered -- compared to the local average.  I haven't tipped locals because they're usually operating out of long term rental properties and are spending less of a hourly percentage on that major outlay -- or so I theorize.

some locals only see one person a day (like me)... so cost of location is way higher than a girl on tour that have couple appts a day.  

By the way, Tips are not necessary but always appreciated. (In my case they all go to an specific college fund). As far as drinks, unless the client is drinking it (I enjoy a glass or half of red)... I don't really care much for a expensive bottle of wine as a gift (I have about 20 unopened at home) that Im waiting for Christmas office parties to re-gift hehe..  

I had received jewelry, books, gift cards (gas, whole foods, weggmans, ETC) these are awesome bc I would always use with with a day or two. Amazon gift cards are great too!  

The appreciation for your favorite provider may give you 15-20 min extra on future appts and of course the reference "he is awesome and tips!!" every girl likes to meet a gentleman that  has that reference.  



Or those that are generoud as hell.

A client that pays my deposit without question, offers me an uber both ways, buys me dinner, and pays my donation is JUST AS GOOD and a client who pay deposit, pays donation, and tips a little extra.. Oh wait.  Maybe food and uber is better... Or is that the baby talking ?

Me, I don't tip.  I don't pay your Uber, I don't buy you dinner and I NEVER pay a deposit.  And I would never book anyone who wrote a post like this.  Way to get yourself on numerous DNS lists.

I'm an honest a silly young individual. I'm only working for the next two months, so those who have me on the DNS list are missing out on a wonderfully humorous experience.  

Every girl loves a man who spoils them, but I'm not EXPECTING anybody to. The only thing that is Required is my deposit ans donation, the rest is at client discretion.

I have have clients do all of the above, one even bought me a purse and wallet set for more than half my rate.. I didn't even ask, but it was Valentine's day- and I've never felt more special.

Clients that treat me well, may still see me when i disappear ;)  its all in the potion ;)

I never care about those that choose not to see me, only those that do :-*

HappyChanges23 reads

on the new baby!!!

I'm like Jake and don't go beyond the donation and I never deposit. However, I do recognize that guys who tip and buy gifts probably get a little extra attention.

Ive had too many waste my time. Deposit is mandatory, if nothing else.

Your deposit policy might have something to do with that.

I don't "dislike" deposit policies from hookers, I just find them laughable. Almost as laughable as having to "fill out an application" for an appointment. It kind of goes back to that whole "not begging to pay for pussy" policy that I (and many other guys) adhere to.

Not whining, curiously questioning. My personality clearly is being miscomprehended through text.  

The deposit is to protect me. Period. Its 20% of a session its not 100 or 200$ unless, of course you want a few extra hours.  

If i dont get the deposit, at least offer to pay an uber, which is wherr the deposit goes 100% of the time. So i didnt spend 2 hours on a train just to be stood up.  

I hate that guys who are good clients cant understand how many times i spend money getting hair, nails, etc done, travel for 2 hours, and nobody is there. Even my new Doggy, "Snaccs" has a small issue.  

Also, if someone says "i dont want to deposit because you can flake on me" i say, okay so call my uber for me then, they allow u to select a contact that they are picking up. That's it. It isn't rovket science and it clearly isnt to cover room rates or etc. But im pregnant, its winter, id rather NOT get sick for absolutely NO reason.

She was honest , lets not beat her up for that.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Re: Of course you do!
Me, I don't tip.  I don't pay your Uber, I don't buy you dinner and I NEVER pay a deposit.  And I would never book anyone who wrote a post like this.  Way to get yourself on numerous DNS lists.

Especially since there are so many legitimate things to beat her up about.

I have to say, it's rare, but I agree with EVERYTHING Jake just said about her. Even if I thought she was hot, (which I don't) I wouldn't book with a woman who wrote a post like that at gunpoint.  I don't care if she has a BF, what I do care about is wanting to be treated like a princess, but saving all the "good stuff" for her pimp, err Baby Daddy, err Boyfriend. lol

There goes the "pimp" word again. Maybe you don't realize how absolutley broke my man is 😂  

I love him to death but his lifestyle choices aren't making him any money. Mind you, what pimp has a girl getting screening and referencing done? I'll tell ya- none of them 😂😂😂😂  

Believe me I've been dragged through the mud by pimps. Forced into the lifestyle at 12, it is very very hard to get away from this WHOLE hobby, as you always think back on ALL that money.  

And yea, I'm my baby father's GIRLFRIEND so I'm not about to sit here and be anybody else's GIRLFRIEND because we arent getting tested together. After a few condoms breaking and hours in to ER for "suspected STD exposure" I think i have a right to that decision.  

I don't want herpes or syphillis or any other diseases, which no you cant "just tell" someonr has. And yes, 9 diseases can be pread through kissing- none of which I am a fan of.  

Clearly, clients will continue to think that they are entitled, but that's not the case. When i was single i provided GFE and still didnt enjoy it. It made me feel DIRTY- Im sorry to say, not that any of my clients are dirty, even though one or two were (hence the bad review from ravakman) lol.  

This is why i dislike TER 85% of the time. A person can't be honest and respected for it. They get judged, demeaned. And my man who also provides with me gets deemed a pimp. What, because he's half black? Stop it.  

I wake up to foolery here every day, & this is exactly why i stopped posting on the boards-  because apparently my personality gets missed in my explanations.

This coming from a provider who was recently busted, even admitting so on social media, and hates this place with a passion. BEWARE!

Doesn't mean i dont have to utilize it. I dislike this site, yes. However, i feel obligated to use it for these last 2 months.

Also, i can admit to being arrested, i dont understand how thats a problem? New phone, new life, blah blah. What r they gonna really do? They arent "watching me" 😂😂😂😂

Dude...do you... because we are not ones tipping.

Tipping is cool and everything and I am always surprised when I get one...the whole time I'm thinking....he doesn't like me, he hates his session.

The best tip is good review or a repeat visit if you enjoy her.

Tipping is sticky business period. People barely tip the waitress who gives good service. I don't expect much in the hobby land.

Anyway, go see your lady. Don't over think it....have fun.

What Lisa said.
I make return visits and good reviews.  
I'm a serial repeater. My favorite providers don't seem to be unhappy with my donation and my repetitive nature.

Even  the best provider deserves a Tip for Satisfaction Guaranteed and Proves it!! For a job well done.  So there.. 👅💃💋💋

how much is a good tip?? let's say I saw her for two hours for $1200 roses..

Why would you think that someone who just made 1200 in 2 hours would deserve a tip on top of that? 🤦‍♂️

-- Modified on 11/12/2017 4:54:35 PM

The experienced mongers I've hung out with there have never mentioned it either.

First, to say it's "Customary to tip" I wouldn't go that far. I've been going steady for years and I have never tip'd. Clients and friends that I have gone with have never tip. And up to now it hasn't hurt me..( well maybe now it will). But I'm sure, the high rollers that spend 4k for an overnighter, or that spending 1k per hour, I can see them tipping.
But the average schmuck, probably doesn't tip.
But like someone said, return visits are very much appreciated and maybe work as well as a tip.

And I don’t tip. Besides yourself, who says it’s customary to tip in Vegas.

Always feels good to get a cash tip but I do think there is something quite special in the thoughtfulness and preparation or little bit of chit chat to figure out a nice gift to bring.  Sessions that start with a surprise gift whether that be some champagne, some lingerie, a toy, or whatever else is always a good start - thoughtful people & happy moods = sexier sessions!

repeat visit. Also, I good honest review helps their biz.

About 75% of my sessions are with ladies I have seen previously. Sometimes I will bring a small gift other times not. However I rarely tip $ because the ladies I see are in the mid-upper tier of the donation spectrum.  

Tipping, gifts, flowers, repeat visits, sharing a bottle of veuve clicquot can show a bit of your personality as well as make a girl smile. Nothing wrong with being thoughtful and letting her know you enjoyed your time. It’s not expected. Always nice to get.

but OTOH, can you imagine if EVERY guy brought flowers to a girl "on tour" who is seeing several guys a day?  Try explaining to housekeeping why you have a dozen floral arrangements in your room after a three day stay, not to mention the reaction of the clients who enter her hotel room bringing flowers only to find a dozen different arrangements all bigger and better than the one he brought. lol

Yes, I completely agree, bringing flowers to a paid date is a VERY bad idea.

This is las Vegas,  anything goes, where people  celebrate Birthdays anniversarys Weddings. .you name it...So yes Bring Flowers, candy,  perfume..its ok..Be Brave heart 👄👄

No one is going to blink an eye if a provider is carrying flowers.I had a gent once give me a beautiful huge bouquet of roses.I carried it right through the hotel to valet.lol
But I can see that being an issue if a provider is in a city where the hotel is not crowded like the vegas hotels are.

After checking in, walking through the casino with flowers and balloons (it's an outcall for that night) I do get "cute" comment from the receptionist, and from lady visitors who I just happen to pass by.
And when I pass a couple the woman will ALWAYS smile at me while her partners gives me a nasty stare down, like "You mother fucker"....lol
Wow, I just thought of this...Flowers, balloons, Lingerie that she models for me...dam I do tip!

For one thing, every paid date does not take place in a hotel. Only two of my paid dates have taken place in a hotel.

And here's a revelation for you:  did you know there's an invention that can allow someone to bring flowers to a provider without anyone else knowing about it?  This invention, which apparently you've never heard of, is called a "bag". They come in many shapes and sizes.  I have one that is like a soft-sided attaché case, very roomy, and holds a variety of things that I may want to bring discreetly to a paid date... for example, bottled beverages, toys, and... bouquets.  And it helps in other ways too.  For all anyone knows, I'm an attorney or accountant or some other professional visiting the lady.  

Is bringing flowers to a paid date a bad idea sometimes?  Sure.  But not always.  Just be smart about it.  

Posted By: GaGambler

 Yes, I completely agree, bringing flowers to a paid date is a VERY bad idea.

And to leave several wilted bouquets behind in the room ... as gifts for the housekeeping staff?

Posted By: TurbayVeronica
Re: flowers are so indiscreet to carry thru a public hobby (EOM)

IMO.Tip whatever you are comfortable with.I receive tips often and I am very much appreciative whether it is an extra 20 or 100+.As others have said tips are not required but it is great whenever it happens.
Whether it is cash,gift card,or something that she likes off of her website or wishlist I am sure she will appreciate it.

I haven't been seeing escorts long enough to develop a regular. Sometimes I end up paying a little more because the girl has an odd number donation rate when I typically just pay in 20 dollar bills, so she might end up with an extra $10 because I don't feel like breaking a 20.  

Other than that though I haven't been tipping, but again, I guess I might if I find a girl I want to meet on a consistent basis.

I am always on the hunt for special and unique gift items. Often the lady will unknowingly give you a lead on something she needs that is inexpensive. I only select items that will likely be kept forever. Often the items are not available in her area.

....... is by being a demanding and poor tipping dick on a dinner date with your heaux of choice.  Nothing turns any woman off more than a self righteous prick , treating wait staff like shit and embarrassing his date by being a cheap bastard before BCD fun.

Saw that happening while I was having dinner in a Las Vegas restaurant, with a really cool lady. Across the other side of the room was a heaux that we both recognized. Of course, we did not acknowledge her at all. But, the client was being loud, obnoxious and treating the wait staff in a really demeaning manner. And it was obvious that he was going to stiff the staff.
The poor woman with him was sitting there, looking shocked and disgusted, rolling her eyes.

We finished our dinner and headed back to where I was staying for some fun. After about an hour, the embarrassed heaux texted my lady  and told her that he did indeed stiff the staff. That he was an obnoxious arsehole and  that she had returned the envelope minus her time for dinner and left.  

So, to me that's where tipping and behavior are important for an evening of fun.

If it takes me a whole day to earn what I end up paying a hooker for 1 hour of her time, why would I tip her on top of that? She is not a waitress making minimum wage or less.  

That said, I almost always repeat with providers I like, and it is said that the best tip is a repeat visit. I have also given monetary tips to providers who have gone above and beyond what I expected.

and one that could be heavily debated on who deserves a tip more. I totally understand why clients tip agencies girls but clients that don't tip independents on the assumption that they make more money have no idea on overhead costs and how much time is spent dealing with time wasters. But to go back to the original question, by far any client that tips and the more you tip is usually going to take priority with bookings but i take a lot into consideration with what i consider a tip. For me a tip isn't just an extra donation, it can be that or it can be you bringing me gifts as small as chocolates to much more than that. But also just because you're a great tipper that doesn't automatically make you an ATF, I had one client who was a great tipper but wasn't someone I would bend over backwards for to accommodate. I like to to keep things simple and whoever books me first is who gets the date regardless of who tips and who does not tip, although if both tipper and non tipper happen to send a date request at the same time then tipper is obviously getting the date. But with all that being said i only have about 5 steady clients that tip me in donations, the rest usually just bring something extra so for me it's all about who i enjoy spending time with the most.

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