TER General Board

Re: Drugs. Not marijuana or at least not just marijuana. (e)regular_smile
ToniLove See my TER Reviews 368 reads

I agree :) the hard stuff. Crack, coke, meth, x, heroine or even a pill head = "party girl"  
Potheads are just laid back lol they would be a "good time girl" lmao!!
Hugs and kisses

I'm curious to know what people think it means when a girl advertises herself as party girl.  Any input would be much appreciated.

I agree :) the hard stuff. Crack, coke, meth, x, heroine or even a pill head = "party girl"  
Potheads are just laid back lol they would be a "good time girl" lmao!!
Hugs and kisses

Stay Away!!!!!! Hey, do what you want of course but that's just playing with the Devils den imho. Just for clarification. I'm not trying to come down on anyone who wants to get their "party" on. Hell nah. Just imho. The two don't mix. ESPECIALLY when the trick has the nerve to advertise it on an ad. Yep, "trick". People like to throw that word around. Well, here is where it surely works. Lmao. And I know you were just asking what it meant but the rest is just my opinion on that. Phew.

With that said, Party On!!!! 😄

GaGambler385 reads

If she has been a regular for years, why don't you just ask HER?

or are you using this as a way to win a bet or settle an argument between the two of you?

So this is a young lady who you have seen many times before? And she just started advertising with the word "party" in her ads. Damn. That's trippy isn't it? Hmmmm man. You grown, lol. That would put my nerves on the floor. Hey a lot of times I'm sure it simply means Mary J is ok. Even though there are more direct words for that. Party has a big brush to it. Could mean more and that's surely scary. Hey, Mary J is still illegal in most States, so that too. But scary in terms of too far extreme drugs if you know what I mean. Check her arms man. For real. Her ankles, her stomach, her neck.......whoa. Hey, I'm just skeptical about that shit.

I have seen a few established providers advertise about the green (by established I mean structured). Explaining that they are friendly to it. If I had a guess, I'm pretty sure they have medical cards for it. Lol. They talked about it in such a sophisticated way sorta speak. Medical Not legal everywhere but I think that goes far in regards to safety in many more states for use.  

Phew. Just started advertising that huh? Trippy Trippy Trippy to me. Hey, maybe she just popped her party cherry and wants more fun FREE times you know or has always had the taste and has realized she could score free "partying" from some customers. Lol. Phew. She would lose me as a customer though. Like lightning. Road Runner fast. Zoooooom!

-- Modified on 7/9/2015 3:25:07 PM

That's what I've been contemplating.  I've always known she has and she's always lied about it.  But now she's advertising it and still lying.

she's escalating into a serious addict. I'm with others who say stay away. Humans don't make the best decisions in chemically altered states, but add to that an addiction (read: desperate need for money) and you're playing with fire.

A good time... It doesn't mean they're crackwhores just a good time!!!!  Why do peep put negative insinuations to simple things!!! UGH!!!

you go around and look at ads that have it in them what you see from their advertising. Then if you can tell me from that research that most don't seem to be a little off, then ok. Shit you may be right. I don't think the research would show that though. Lol. But ok. I'll play along with the sympathy and open-mindedness you're showing! 👏 Your point is valid. I for one hear you. The words party doesn't equal crack or heroine, no. But damn I would like to see the reality of just how many who would put that on an ad, that don't dabble in THAT. And if you're cool with being around that fine. I actually don't want to be around any narcotic with a stranger. Not one who would advertise such. Partying by itself or liking to party doesn't mean a thing as far as hard drugs. I agree at face value. But when you have the desire to actually put it in an escort ad.......Come On. There has to be a higher percentage of the not so stable in that pool of folks. Seriously. But ok!

If you're looking for providers off of a certain lower graded advertising site such as B% .. Of course ur gonna find crackwhores... Also $80 hookers & you may get ripped off, robbed, etc etc etc... But just cause someone says she's a party girl doesn't always mean she's into drugs... That's the point I'm making... I'm a party girl when I'm on breaks from school-my party girl label is cause I love to go dancing!!!!

so_over_it370 reads

most of the time it does not mean a good time girl.
Anyone who has been around for a little while knows what that means.
Usually it is not a reference to mary jane it is for the coco or other hard stuff.

-- Modified on 7/10/2015 12:58:31 AM

Everyone else has given you great info here!  If someone who advertises as being a "Party girl" may or may not have tattoos.  If they have them they could discreetly be covering up the needle marks.  She might be involved in other drugs as well.  If she's a regular if yours pay attention if her overall attitude changes or overall appearance as well, especially if she doesn't get any appointments in a while ( withdrawal symptoms).


That's why it's best to avoid those providers with full sleeve tattoos because they only get those (incredibly fucking hot) tattoos to cover up their tracks marks ... Besides, it means guys like me can have them (Tattooed girls) all.  

Posted By: Demcc3
Everyone else has given you great info here!  If someone who advertises as being a "Party girl" may or may not have tattoos.  If they have them they could discreetly be covering up the needle marks.  She might be involved in other drugs as well.  If she's a regular if yours pay attention if her overall attitude changes or overall appearance as well, especially if she doesn't get any appointments in a while ( withdrawal symptoms).  
-- Modified on 7/11/2015 1:20:37 AM

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