TER General Board

Re: Does tend to be feast or famine...
donbecker54 19 Reviews 419 reads

That's pretty much any business.  

The business I ran in the 1990's had a gross profit margin of 64% to 70%. But with my overhead, I had to make a lot before I even got paid. Everybody thinks the self-employed are rich.

bbfs4ever1958 reads

Now that my hooker GF is opening up to me about her finances, I was really surprised when she told me that last year she made almost $ 1 million dollars.  I guess I shouldn't really be surprised as she is gorgeous and was very expensive to rent.  She usually charged about $ 5000 for her time and companionship.

I guess that most of the women here make a lot more than most ordinary women.  I guess that's why so many of them buy expensive stuff.  My new GF told me she's thinking of taking me on a shopping spree.  I told her that I'd like to look at cars or electronic stuff.  

Why do some guys feel compelled to tip their hooker then?  I'll bet that the hooker he's seeing makes a lot more than the trick she is charging.

GaGambler552 reads

Lets see if this one does any better. It has been a rather slow day on the boards.

Maybe people can't watch football and post at the same time, nothing like that has ever stopped me though.

What will be his next forum post?

- My guess: burning sensation at the tip of his penis

an explanation for this guy's behavior.
"An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older or about one in four adults suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. When applied to the 2004 U.S. Census residential population estimate for ages 18 and older, this figure translates to 57.7 million people."

Posted By: GaGambler
Lets see if this one does any better. It has been a rather slow day on the boards.  
 Maybe people can't watch football and post at the same time, nothing like that has ever stopped me though.

followme593 reads

Anyone believes a word you post?

I've never read them but I bet Harlequin Novels are more believable than the nonsense you write. You do know they are fiction....right?

Again, you need to stop eavesdropping in on conversations between the imaginary you and the pretend you.

Get professional help.

You're Very Welcom

bbfs4ever490 reads

Making negative comments on my posts is not nice nor appreciated.

You're just another jealous old man who wishes that a gorgeous young woman would find him attractive and want to settle down with him.  You should look in the mirror and you will find your answers there.

What type of professional help  are you suggesting?  What are your qualifications for making that kind of referral?  I can only presume that you've been seeing therapists for a long time now and think that everyone else needs that type of hand holding.  I can assure you Sir, I am quite the catch.

Perhaps you will find some solace in the future.

are broke since massage or escorting is their only income. The ones doing well have a professional career and hook on
the side.

I've had some local ladies approach me and ask what they can do to make more money and I'm happy to tell them.

I think professional photos are a must and advertising is also a must.

Then they tell me they can't afford to do either one of those things.  

And I say I don't think they can afford not to do those things.

They continue to not make money and have to work another job and I continue to Do just fine providing only.

If a lady is charging 250/H she only needs to work four hours per week to make what I made as a new RN.  That's not bad.  Many people are making half that much working 40 hours a week.

But, tipping is something that in my opinion should be done if you appreciate the fact that someone is doing their best to provide you with a service. It doesn't have anything to do with how much money they make or don't make. I tip everybody and I tip them well. It doesn't hurt me to part with the money and make somebody else's day. That's the kind of person I want to be.

Although I'm not sure about that $5K per trick figure (I know this is basically a bullshit post, but let's at least pretend), it doesn't sound like a bad gig at all, if you can swing it. Although I think when all is said and done, I wouldn't change places. Once the useful years are up, you would be faced with having to enter a "real" job market with no years of experience. :-)

But humoring you for a minute here, if you can pull in even $250K / year which sounds very do-able for a lot of the ladies you'll find on TER, that's more than enough to build up a comfortable safety nest for yourself during your useful working years -- should the second career not go as planned.

-- Modified on 11/1/2015 4:37:46 PM

I've been concerned about my age since I started doing this as I'm sure most ladies have been. They probably begin to worry as they approach thirty and continue to worry after that.

However, as an older provider, I know for a fact that there are a lot of men who want older women.

My business has only improved over time. I work hard (probably harder than many younger women) to keep myself looking my best.  

I have met two providers in their mid-60s who are supporting themselves with providing only.  They look damn good for their ages.

I don't really want to be doing this when I'm 60 because I fear that I will be approaching the top of the bell curve soon.  But this is been my fear since day one and it hasn't happened yet.

If a provider can earn a living until she is 60 or 65 and she's done it right and paid taxes, then there's no reason why this cannot be a lifelong career.

GaGambler483 reads

but using TER as a metric, your point is undeniable.  

Providers can and do make a very comfortable living even when they get past what the conventional wisdom would claim is "too old" and I think this is a trend that is not going to change any time soon.  

It actually amazes me that some women with what I would call "Questionable looks" (the nicest term I can think of) still manage to do quite well for themselves, so "somebody" must be seeing them. A LOT of guys just are not interested in the younger ladies and feel "comfortable" with someone their own age, as the population of the country gets older, I see providers staying in this business for much longer than we did in the past. It's even been suggested that we create a new age category for providers "60 and older" it may just be time for that.

Getting back to my football player analogy ... there will always be guys like Peyton Manning or Darryl Green who manage to play football in to their late 30's and even early 40's. But these guys are not the norm.  

I hop on facebook and look at the ladies I graduated from high school with, many of whom aren't much older than yourself FF, and sadly I must report that most ladies do not age as gracefully as yourself. I don't know if you've discovered the Fountain of Youth, some diet secret or what. But you don't look like most ladies your age. You are what is known as an "exception to the rule." otherwise referred to as "an outlier."

I personally wouldn't reach out to a lady like yourself for a session -- not because you're not smoking hot, which you are. But more because I can get sex with ladies in their late 30's on up without paying for it. Not to brag, but I can't fight them off. :-) I got in to the hobby about the time I stopped being able to get hot girls in their 20's to sleep with me ... just with my looks and charm alone.

-- Modified on 11/3/2015 7:29:46 AM

GaGambler344 reads

women that won't want a thing even from an old fuck (56) like myself, I don't even have to buy the typical 45 year old a drink to get in her pants if that was the kind of woman I wanted.

Like you, I can't do the same with the 20 somethings that I covet. I've slept with hookers since the age of 15, but there was a bigger mix of civvies thrown in, a mix that probably started out 90/10 civvies but has dropped to 90/10 hookers.  

I am not saying I find all 40-50 year old women unattractive, but it's a very rare woman over the age of 40 that can get my motor running and 90% of them are Asian and still look 25. My last pseudo GF was a Thai girl who's profile and ads state she is 26, but I know for a fact she is almost 40. I  consider myself a pretty good judge of age where it comes to Asian women, but she had me fooled as well. but by and large even mid thirties tends to be a bit too old for my sexual tastes.

Back on topic though, I think I am the exception for mongers, not the rule. Most guys over fifty tend to prefer women over 30 and most guys over 60 seem to prefer women over 40. The number of hookers over forty prove that it's no longer a career than necessarily is only for the young.

What will you do or say next? Do you have a job or are you a pimp?

Charging more than $500, she's a courtesan and not a hooker.

Let's get your terminology correct.

VOO-doo678 reads

Meaning, into the future.  

Last week was an OK week. I had a 3-hour, and a 2-hour. A few last-minute requests I was not able to accommodate, due to the fact that I live 60+ min from each place I advertise and the dude wanted me to be there in like, 15 min.  

The 3-hour was into SHOES. I have a few pairs of really nice shoes, but to be honest, only one of them was anywhere near mint condition...and even those were 3 years old.  

So I got a new pair of shoes for said guy. $400, for fancy patent-leather Chanel stiletto pumps...it was a GREAT price for those shoes. Well, guess what? He hated them. I don't particularly like them, either. So I place them on ebay. No buyers yet.

Well, shoe dude wants to see me again..and wants me to by TWO pairs of f***ing shoes for our next date. He will pay me for them when he sees me...along with the hotel (yes, he is trustworthy).  

So, that's 2K I have to FRONT for this f***ing two-hour date.  

OK, so I basically am in the negative so far.

The 2-hour date was great. Easy, super-nice guy. Fun.  

However, I have a class to pay for...equipment for said class...$300 quatri-annual hair cut/color....

Oh, and I forgot...car needs repair work.  

Right now, I'm in the RED, okay??

Add to that, the fact that I can only work 'till I'm, like, 36 or something (so they say).  

Yea, I'm sooooooooooooo rich (lol).

The shoes should all be on the guy who's into shoes. If he wants something special, he should pay for it.

As for you getting rich, you're getting $2K+ for five hours of actual work time. I know there's driving and all that, but people who live outside Chicago and other big cities spend 3+ hours a day commuting.  

You will make more in those five hours than many working people make in a month. I know you have expenses and you have "maintenance" of your body, hair, etc. Still, no matter how you slice it, you do better per hour than most.

As for the car and things like that, those are every day expenses.

VOO-doo535 reads

Because, I already have nice shoes (a previous investment, also incurring periodic repair costs...probably $200/year to have them polished, resoled etc.). But he wants a different style/brand. That's on him.

Still, I'm fronting more than I'm making. And even when I'm paid back, I save nothing (that extends into this week, when I'm paid to see him again).  

Oh, and I forgot the snacks and bottle of wine I will provide and did provide for him at the incall I booked SOLELY for our date ($400+ each time).  

That happens more than you guys would like to think.  

We're supposed to be putting X per week toward savings - the equivalent of a 401k, I guess. Not so much happening here, and trust me, I do not live extravagantly.

I'd love to save more, but there's not much I can do about it...other than see guys who are deservedly blacklisted. Well, actually, 2 clients who contacted me for last-minute appointments last week were deservedly blacklisted...but, lots of girls see them. Now understand why?

I could also not take classes...but, I'm not saving enough...so, I have to invest in my 'future' so that I can supplement the savings I am NOT willing to make, hooking.

I could make more, but then I'd either have to do things I don't want to do, or see people I don't want to see, or do things I don't want to do with people I don't want to see, or offer discounts I don't want to offer to do things I don't want to do with people I don't want to see...

Or else, invest in my future. Which costs...$$$$$$$

It's not so much /hr when you break it down.

And especially, when you take into account what we potentially have to put up with

Epsilon_Eridani439 reads

... NO??

If you're losing so much money as you claim... then... stop doing it!!

Are you too dense to figure that out?

Posted By: VOO-doo
Re: He is paying for the shoes... Because, I already have nice shoes (a previous investment, also incurring periodic repair costs...probably $200/year to have them polished, resoled etc.). But he wants a different style/brand. That's on him.  
 Still, I'm fronting more than I'm making. And even when I'm paid back, I save nothing (that extends into this week, when I'm paid to see him again).  
 Oh, and I forgot the snacks and bottle of wine I will provide and did provide for him at the incall I booked SOLELY for our date ($400+ each time).  
 That happens more than you guys would like to think.  
 We're supposed to be putting X per week toward savings - the equivalent of a 401k, I guess. Not so much happening here, and trust me, I do not live extravagantly.  
 I'd love to save more, but there's not much I can do about it...other than see guys who are deservedly blacklisted. Well, actually, 2 clients who contacted me for last-minute appointments last week were deservedly blacklisted...but, lots of girls see them. Now understand why?  
 I could also not take classes...but, I'm not saving enough...so, I have to invest in my 'future' so that I can supplement the savings I am NOT willing to make, hooking.  
 I could make more, but then I'd either have to do things I don't want to do, or see people I don't want to see, or do things I don't want to do with people I don't want to see, or offer discounts I don't want to offer to do things I don't want to do with people I don't want to see...  
 Or else, invest in my future. Which costs...$$$$$$$  
 It's not so much /hr when you break it down.  
 And especially, when you take into account what we potentially have to put up with.  

And they have their bad days like everyone else.  Also, like one posted said she cannot work past age 36.  Really a woman might do okay, but their is a price to pay as well.  I know of a few women who drank heavy and used their shares of prescription drugs.  Don't forget the young ones who use  MDMA.  

I think a lot of women spend heavily too, thinking they can make a nice buck tomorrow never realizing that there are good times and bad times in this business.  They are not on the general discussion boards because the phone is ringing off the hook.

Posted By: argaiv
And they have their bad days like everyone else.  Also, like one posted said she cannot work past age 36.  Really a woman might do okay, but their is a price to pay as well.  I know of a few women who drank heavy and used their shares of prescription drugs.  Don't forget the young ones who use  MDMA.    
 I think a lot of women spend heavily too, thinking they can make a nice buck tomorrow never realizing that there are good times and bad times in this business.  They are not on the general discussion boards because the phone is ringing off the hook.
I know that providers have costs, and that there's a "shelf life" for most of them. It's that way with models, too. The models who want to stay in the business get into doing hair and makeup styling, or open their own talent agencies. I suppose providers who wanted to stay in the business but not have to deal with "johhs" have options.

My reply to VOO-Doo wasn't meant as a put-down. Providers get paid the rates they do because they perform a service most people would not want to do (and have rates according to how well they do it) and look better than most women (again, rates commensurate with the looks).  

As for the spending habits of some, it can be funny in  a sad way. I had one provider meet me so I could lend her some money. I was in a rental car, a Volkswagen (I'm cheap). She pulled up in a new 700-series BMW wearing an expensive dress and very expensive shoes, to borrow $1000 from me

By anyone on here, but if the first guy is telling the truth about his gal making $5000 then more power to her.  She must look like Abigail Bradford the most popular girl on Instagram.  Excuse me if I have the name wrong.

Spending is what kills them.  They buy so much stuff and then they have to keep hustling to make ends meet.  I used to see a dancer and she would just dress in jeans and a white t-shirt all of the time.  She never bought too many fancy clothes.  She stashed her cash, but her family would ride her for money.  She had a sister who could not hold a job, and then her cousin lost her job as a bartender and she sounded as if she was responsible for having to help her keep up her cousin's coke habit.

There are a lot of women who do not make it to the big time and they have some worthless guy riding on their coattails because they cannot make a decent living.  A lot of the women on sugardaddy are supporting their boyfriends, and asking their sugardaddy to pay the bills.

The most popular girl on Instagram is supposed to be Abigail Ratchford.  There is some chick on the SugarDaddy web site using her photos claiming she is available for high end dates here in Las Vegas, but her ad says her name is KIRA.

VOO-doo444 reads

Sometimes, I feel that I have so much money I barely know where to hide it. Other times, like now, it's all flying away from me...shoe time, tuition time, car fixing time, etc. And, my Eros ad is due soon (~400/month just for NYC, about two times that for other areas), my p411 ads (~100/month), my screening site account, the money I set aside for the NEXT time I have to get a new car, savings, and whatever else I'm forgetting.

When I was younger I was much worse about the spending. I made more money then, because I was fearless. However, I was foolish, too...in both my working habits, and my spending/savings habits.  

As for the BMW/spending portion...please refer to my post below. Not all working girls are like that. It's not as easy as you guys think, for a girl to make a life-long career out of this. Just because you think you're paying her so much money, doesn't mean she's keeping it all...or, is able to translate that into lifelong or even temporary wealth. And that doesn't always have as much to do with extravagant spending habits, as just the cost of living, working, and (hopefully) progressing in life.

-- Modified on 11/1/2015 7:14:36 PM

That's pretty much any business.  

The business I ran in the 1990's had a gross profit margin of 64% to 70%. But with my overhead, I had to make a lot before I even got paid. Everybody thinks the self-employed are rich.

VOO-doo380 reads

Everybody thinks the self-employed are rich. Especially if they make cash, or what some people consider a high hourly fee.  

But with costs of business and living, limited working time, investment in the future - either savings or investment in education/business - it's really not all that much.

VOO-doo412 reads

I work in NYC, so when a guy says he's really into high-end shoes...he doesn't mean the top shelf at Payless, or even the top floor at Macy's.  

Potentially, it could've been an investment in my wardrobe (important in NYC)...however, it didn't work out that way. I know I can do better with more time to allow for mail delivery etc., so I'm going to sell them on ebay and buy something better/cheaper.

I actually got a great price on the shoes I picked out.

There was a certain type of dress I wanted to see a provider in. I didn't think it would be right to request she get it, so I bought one for her.  

Why can't this retifist buy his own?

VOO-doo445 reads

He IS paying for the shoes. He will pay me back when he sees me. But to cough up that amount of money, upfront, is stressful.

For the record, I am not in any financial trouble and have NEVER borrowed money from a client nor have I ever asked a client to front me money. EVER. I have zero debt. I take classes, and pay tuition in full. I have SOME savings. Just not what I would like to/should have.

My car is used, paid for with cash. Not a BMW (my dream car is a Prius...practical, good on gas). I have expensive clothing (purchased largely from ebay), but I'm in NYC...I'm walking into 5-star hotels on Central Park South, and in Midtown...I'm going out to eat at places that set the client back $3-500 for a meal.  

In my personal life, I live out of the city, and parade around in hoodies (latest hoodie was free from the army/navy with the purchase of one pair of matching sweatpants) and flip-flops (the Rite-Aid variety). I don't party or take extravagant trips (more like a road trip to Nowhereville, PA, if I do go anyplace at all). I don't really wear jewelry, I don't have tattoos. No plastic surgery. What else do people my age spend money on? I don't do it. My most extravagant purchase is organic produce.

Edited to say: I paid for the initial pair of shoes because they were a potential investment in my WORKING wardrobe. He didn't specify a brand or type, the first time (only the second, because he didn't like what I picked out). I literally haven't bought a new pair of WORKING shoes since 2012. Mine are a bit worn. A hooker does need good shoes...and mani/pedi...nice hair...all of that is important (yes, really). So I spent my own $$ on pair #1, to meet his (reasonable) expectation that a NYC escort would have a new-ass snazzy-ass pair of f-in shoes. Got it?

-- Modified on 11/1/2015 7:03:10 PM

I'm brain dead tonight. I don't drink, but maybe I should take it up again.

Congrats on living frugally.

Epsilon_Eridani435 reads

... try one of three things...

1. become a better financial planner or hire one!!  

2. become a fashion designer or hire one!

3. take your talents elsewhere! Maybe, NYC isn't right for you.  
Maybe you can try South Miami Beach. It worked for LeBron James, it might work for you.

please, for the love of everyone in TER, stop posting your sad stories on here. Most of us aren't interested.

Posted By: VOO-doo
Re: For the last bleepin' time... He IS paying for the shoes. He will pay me back when he sees me. But to cough up that amount of money, upfront, is stressful.  
 For the record, I am not in any financial trouble and have NEVER borrowed money from a client nor have I ever asked a client to front me money. EVER. I have zero debt. I take classes, and pay tuition in full. I have SOME savings. Just not what I would like to/should have.  
 My car is used, paid for with cash. Not a BMW (my dream car is a Prius...practical, good on gas). I have expensive clothing (purchased largely from ebay), but I'm in NYC...I'm walking into 5-star hotels on Central Park South, and in Midtown...I'm going out to eat at places that set the client back $3-500 for a meal.  
 In my personal life, I live out of the city, and parade around in hoodies (latest hoodie was free from the army/navy with the purchase of one pair of matching sweatpants) and flip-flops (the Rite-Aid variety). I don't party or take extravagant trips (more like a road trip to Nowhereville, PA, if I do go anyplace at all). I don't really wear jewelry, I don't have tattoos. No plastic surgery. What else do people my age spend money on? I don't do it. My most extravagant purchase is organic produce.  
 Edited to say: I paid for the initial pair of shoes because they were a potential investment in my WORKING wardrobe. He didn't specify a brand or type, the first time (only the second, because he didn't like what I picked out). I literally haven't bought a new pair of WORKING shoes since 2012. Mine are a bit worn. A hooker does need good shoes...and mani/pedi...nice hair...all of that is important (yes, really). So I spent my own $$ on pair #1, to meet his (reasonable) expectation that a NYC escort would have a new-ass snazzy-ass pair of f-in shoes. Got it?

-- Modified on 11/1/2015 7:03:10 PM

GaGambler479 reads

Obviously "someone is interested" because you jumped right into the middle of her talking to someone, and having even one person interested in what she has to say is one more than the number of people interested in what you have to say.

Question for the class, if a tree fell in the woods, falling right on top of Herpius, killing him instantly, would he make a sound? For extra credit, would anyone even care?

Epsilon_Eridani357 reads

you do know that this is a public discussion forum...

anyone can jump in the middle of the conversation at anytime and it often happens in General Discussion.  

Who in the fuck is Herpius? Is it one of your perverted friends?  

Posted By: GaGambler
Obviously "someone is interested" because you jumped right into the middle of her talking to someone, and having even one person interested in what she has to say is one more than the number of people interested in what you have to say.  
 Question for the class, if a tree fell in the woods, falling right on top of Herpius, killing him instantly, would he make a sound? For extra credit, would anyone even care?

Posts about the negative parts of being a sex worker are useful to keep in mind. It answers the why of costs and increasesunderstanding of their pointment of view. No one is forcing you to read her posts. Skip them if your not interested. I for one do enjoy the majority of her posts.

bbfs4ever525 reads

My hooker GF used a really smart web designer to create her site.  But she is gorgeous and young so her pictures and representation of herself made it easy to sell her time and companionship for $ 5,000.  She has those red shoes too and lots of them.  I don't really care all that much for them, but she likes them.

She now wants to take care of me.  Who am I to say no?

Posted By: VOO-doo
Meaning, into the future.  
 Last week was an OK week. I had a 3-hour, and a 2-hour. A few last-minute requests I was not able to accommodate, due to the fact that I live 60+ min from each place I advertise and the dude wanted me to be there in like, 15 min.  
 The 3-hour was into SHOES. I have a few pairs of really nice shoes, but to be honest, only one of them was anywhere near mint condition...and even those were 3 years old.  
 So I got a new pair of shoes for said guy. $400, for fancy patent-leather Chanel stiletto pumps...it was a GREAT price for those shoes. Well, guess what? He hated them. I don't particularly like them, either. So I place them on ebay. No buyers yet.  
 Well, shoe dude wants to see me again..and wants me to by TWO pairs of f***ing shoes for our next date. He will pay me for them when he sees me...along with the hotel (yes, he is trustworthy).  
 So, that's 2K I have to FRONT for this f***ing two-hour date.  
 OK, so I basically am in the negative so far.  
 The 2-hour date was great. Easy, super-nice guy. Fun.  
 However, I have a class to pay for...equipment for said class...$300 quatri-annual hair cut/color....  
 Oh, and I forgot...car needs repair work.  
 Right now, I'm in the RED, okay??  
 Add to that, the fact that I can only work 'till I'm, like, 36 or something (so they say).  
 Yea, I'm sooooooooooooo rich (lol).

Dfusethesituation400 reads

For 5K everything and I do mean everything better be on the table! It's possible I suppose, i recently got in contact with a provider who charged similar rates, but hers was you fly her to you and and you get 12 hours plus she is drop fucking dead gorgeous.  

Posted By: bbfs4ever
My hooker GF used a really smart web designer to create her site.  But she is gorgeous and young so her pictures and representation of herself made it easy to sell her time and companionship for $ 5,000.  She has those red shoes too and lots of them.  I don't really care all that much for them, but she likes them.  
 She now wants to take care of me.  Who am I to say no?  
Posted By: VOO-doo
Meaning, into the future.    
  Last week was an OK week. I had a 3-hour, and a 2-hour. A few last-minute requests I was not able to accommodate, due to the fact that I live 60+ min from each place I advertise and the dude wanted me to be there in like, 15 min.    
  The 3-hour was into SHOES. I have a few pairs of really nice shoes, but to be honest, only one of them was anywhere near mint condition...and even those were 3 years old.    
  So I got a new pair of shoes for said guy. $400, for fancy patent-leather Chanel stiletto pumps...it was a GREAT price for those shoes. Well, guess what? He hated them. I don't particularly like them, either. So I place them on ebay. No buyers yet.  
  Well, shoe dude wants to see me again..and wants me to by TWO pairs of f***ing shoes for our next date. He will pay me for them when he sees me...along with the hotel (yes, he is trustworthy).    
  So, that's 2K I have to FRONT for this f***ing two-hour date.    
  OK, so I basically am in the negative so far.  
  The 2-hour date was great. Easy, super-nice guy. Fun.    
  However, I have a class to pay for...equipment for said class...$300 quatri-annual hair cut/color....  
  Oh, and I forgot...car needs repair work.    
  Right now, I'm in the RED, okay??  
  Add to that, the fact that I can only work 'till I'm, like, 36 or something (so they say).    
  Yea, I'm sooooooooooooo rich (lol).

Epsilon_Eridani425 reads

... spout a story... try to make it more believable.

This shoe story that you have given us is a 'shoe-in' for one of the worst bullshit stories that I have wasted my time reading.

I have no idea how you came up with this $2,000 figure. You bought this $400 pair of shoes that you didn't like... why did you buy them in the first place? Duh!!!

For the same guy, you run out buy another 2 pairs of shoes... he may not even like either pair.  

How is that the guy's fault since you have poor taste in fashion?

Trust me... I have zero sympathy for you wasting money on shoes. It's YOUR fault and accept it.

Moving on...

Posted By: VOO-doo
Re: How much do I make? Or how much do I take away?  Meaning, into the future.  
 Last week was an OK week. I had a 3-hour, and a 2-hour. A few last-minute requests I was not able to accommodate, due to the fact that I live 60+ min from each place I advertise and the dude wanted me to be there in like, 15 min.  
 The 3-hour was into SHOES. I have a few pairs of really nice shoes, but to be honest, only one of them was anywhere near mint condition...and even those were 3 years old.  
 So I got a new pair of shoes for said guy. $400, for fancy patent-leather Chanel stiletto pumps...it was a GREAT price for those shoes. Well, guess what? He hated them. I don't particularly like them, either. So I place them on ebay. No buyers yet.  
 Well, shoe dude wants to see me again..and wants me to by TWO pairs of f***ing shoes for our next date. He will pay me for them when he sees me...along with the hotel (yes, he is trustworthy).  
 So, that's 2K I have to FRONT for this f***ing two-hour date.  
 OK, so I basically am in the negative so far.  
 The 2-hour date was great. Easy, super-nice guy. Fun.  
 However, I have a class to pay for...equipment for said class...$300 quatri-annual hair cut/color....  
 Oh, and I forgot...car needs repair work.  
 Right now, I'm in the RED, okay??  
 Add to that, the fact that I can only work 'till I'm, like, 36 or something (so they say).  
 Yea, I'm sooooooooooooo rich (lol).

GaGambler502 reads

Yet you find fault with every minor detail of her post, please go back to the forest and talk to the trees, or are they sick of you too. TTT is TSTTT anyone

Epsilon_Eridani329 reads

... are doing a lot of trolling yourself, dumbass.

you seem to have an infinity for trees... are you getting some wood up your ass?

what in the fuck is TTT is TSTTT?  

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: So you have no criticism for the obvious trolling by the OP. Yet you find fault with every minor detail of her post, please go back to the forest and talk to the trees, or are they sick of you too. TTT is TSTTT anyone

Wondering_minds437 reads

How is any of this different than everyone else here?  I have to maintain a professional wardrobe, purchase new suits, new shoes, ties, etc for my job.  No one is paying me back for these items.  I have to maintain my car, pay mortgages, save for retirement, etc.

One suggestion when it comes to your dream car.  There are much better choices than the prius.  Outside of my first car it is the worst car I ever owned.  I quickly got rid of it.  Sure it is reliable and gets good gas mileage.  But there are much better choices out there for the same or less money.

Posted By: VOO-doo
Meaning, into the future.  
 Last week was an OK week. I had a 3-hour, and a 2-hour. A few last-minute requests I was not able to accommodate, due to the fact that I live 60+ min from each place I advertise and the dude wanted me to be there in like, 15 min.  
 The 3-hour was into SHOES. I have a few pairs of really nice shoes, but to be honest, only one of them was anywhere near mint condition...and even those were 3 years old.  
 So I got a new pair of shoes for said guy. $400, for fancy patent-leather Chanel stiletto pumps...it was a GREAT price for those shoes. Well, guess what? He hated them. I don't particularly like them, either. So I place them on ebay. No buyers yet.  
 Well, shoe dude wants to see me again..and wants me to by TWO pairs of f***ing shoes for our next date. He will pay me for them when he sees me...along with the hotel (yes, he is trustworthy).  
 So, that's 2K I have to FRONT for this f***ing two-hour date.  
 OK, so I basically am in the negative so far.  
 The 2-hour date was great. Easy, super-nice guy. Fun.  
 However, I have a class to pay for...equipment for said class...$300 quatri-annual hair cut/color....  
 Oh, and I forgot...car needs repair work.  
 Right now, I'm in the RED, okay??  
 Add to that, the fact that I can only work 'till I'm, like, 36 or something (so they say).  
 Yea, I'm sooooooooooooo rich (lol).

VOO-doo470 reads

providing is the same as any other job. We have costs, maintenance, expenses to front, etc. And we sometimes find it hard to save as much as we need to, just like so many others.

Some people think we drip money.

Alan_Nimm498 reads

... if they should decide to become the SO of a guy who can't handle their continuing in their old job.  

Why do some guys feel compelled to even THINK about asking a woman who's making almost $1M a year to give up her job just to be with him, when he obviously can't support her in a comparable standard of living?

My life is not changed in any way, shape or form if a lady makes 10K or 10million.

The only thing that is my business is that services rendered are as advertised and my envelope is correct.

I mean even the average mid-level provider can make some dough if she has the right business mind.  And by mid-level I mean $300-400 per hour range.  Hypothetically if a lady were to only see one client per day at $400 per hour then that comes out to $146,000 for the year.  Bump that up to 3 clients per day, and thats $438, 000 per year.  Obviously there are travel expenses i.e. plane tickets during touring, hotels, cabs, rental cars, condoms, testing fees, grooming maintenance etc..  But suppose a provider didn't tour and only saw clients in their respective city?  Minus rent, and daily living expenses the sky is the limit.  Obviously $5K per session comes out to 1.8 mil and most girls don't work every day but even taking 2 months off thats still 1.5 mil tax free.  It's a lucrative industry!

You are delusional. Sex work is feast or famine. A lady could get six calls one day and only be able to see two do to schedule issues and not get another one for the next eight days. Second issue is the failure to acount for the costs of an apointment. Let's say travel costs $10, the room $100, snacks and toiletries  $15, lube and condoms  $5. That's $130 out of that $400. So we now have $270 gross for that hour about. Let's say the average $400 an hour sex worker works a much more realistic 25 billable hours so your looking about $6750 a month. Yes some hours she will get the whole $400 bur there will be times she will put out the expences  But now you got to pay for advertising, screening tools, wardrobe, cosmetic treatments,  incidentals and toys. Let's say $400 for advertising, incidentals and screening and $350 for toys, wardrobe and cosmetics. That leaves a gross income after legit  business related expenses around $6000. Good money sure, but not halve of what your projecting. Do some ladies make a lot more? Sure, but plenty make a lot less. Please get real with your numbers.

Also, some of us really do attend college and have careers outside the hobby.  
A lot of ladies hobby as a career and I applaud them because its hard work just doing this part time

RroseSelavy538 reads

That's NET, not gross.  

I also have two Maybachs even though driving is for plebs, own 17 Birkin bags that I use to store my oodles of cash, only wear my Louboutins once before throwing them out, and wipe my ass with Cartier stationary.  

And of course I don't pay taxes!!! In my universe, John Gotti et al never got pinched for tax evasion in lieu of the vice crimes the Feds actually wanted him for.

But really, I'm just waiting for my prince to come, the one who will promise me BBFS 4 ever. I especially hope he writes the most depressing hooker fan fiction the Internet has ever seen.

I'm liking your post big time!

Steph xoxo

GaGambler409 reads

Well at least she got over it long enough to make a funny.

I liked her post too.

Maybe her and Bob Sugar should hang out?

RroseSelavy455 reads

Why are you so offended by my honest response to a previous thread? I admit I had a moment of vulnerability, which I suppose is...threatening somehow? Certainly a miscalculation on this board. My mistake, but also you come off as a bully here, and not witty or clever, which I know you are often capable of being.

As far as Bob Sugar is concerned, INFINITE PASS.

GaGambler414 reads

One extra day still falls in the "witty" category.

and remember you did quote a study done in the 1980's about the dangers of being a hooker then and tried to compare it  with how the business works today. THAT bit of foolishness deserves at least two days of getting picked on before we move on.

I did say your post was funny though, and yes, somehow I doubt you and Bob Sugar are going to find much in common. He thinks he is rich, powerful, smart and irresistible to woman, you seem to agree with the other 99.99999% of us that don't.

and before you feel like you got unfairly picked on for a moment of vulnerability, keep in mind that I admitted that I had a period of time where I couldn't "get it up" I took my lumps like a man.

RroseSelavy472 reads

Although, I hate to be pedantic (no I don't): the study was published in 2004, based on data collected from 1967 to 1999. The statistic the study cited about liquor store staff mortality was based on data collected in the 1980's.  

In any case, whether any of those statistics are reflective of the current state of the industry is debatable and ultimately unprovable without more recent research, which doesn't seem to exist. So, I guess, moot point? If the fear itself makes me "foolish", so be it.

I also don't think your bout of ED is deserving of mockery, but I accept my sensibilities are different than others' on this board. Dispensing lumps because someone can't get a hard on is about as sensible as ridiculing someone for their bad eyesight or chronic anemia, in my estimation.

GaGambler440 reads

here, even a bad reason seems to work as well as a good one.

and no, most other posters would never get any flak for suffering even debilitating ED, but I am judged on a different standard. Just think "those who dish it out" where it comes to me. I dish out a lot of crap, I don't mind taking a little in return, after all this is all just fun and games for the most part. Unless of course someone really does get robbed, raped or killed, then it is no longer a  laughing matter.

As far as any stats relating to prostitution, any studies done pre internet are not worth the virtual paper they are written on as the business today that any TER hooker is involved with has no resemblance to how things used to be back before the internet.

You might be in luck......LOL

Posted By: RroseSelavy
That's NET, not gross.  
 I also have two Maybachs even though driving is for plebs, own 17 Birkin bags that I use to store my oodles of cash, only wear my Louboutins once before throwing them out, and wipe my ass with Cartier stationary.  
 And of course I don't pay taxes!!! In my universe, John Gotti et al never got pinched for tax evasion in lieu of the vice crimes the Feds actually wanted him for.  
 But really, I'm just waiting for my prince to come, the one who will promise me BBFS 4 ever. I especially hope he writes the most depressing hooker fan fiction the Internet has ever seen.

there's a whole lot more to the story that's being told.  Not even the best of the best cock suckers make a million dollars per year. This overall is a really stupid post.  I make a fair amount of money and I don't take my fwb on shopping sprees. That is a LIE!  I think the OP just really likes to live in fantasy land.

Why do some guys feel the need to ponce of  woman lying on her back.

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