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Re: Curious - have you ever discovered it's a small world?
impposter 49 Reviews 168 reads

I'm not sure how to link it, but there was a discussion called "My high school crush is now an escort..." that was started by somthingood on 7/13/2009.

achagall1082 reads

Guys and Dolls:

Have you ever discovered someone you know from the past while searching ads or in screening?

If so, did you go though with it?  

I am new to this and while searching the reviews I came across some photo's which at first I thought was an old classmate.  Turned out not to be true. But had me thinking if it was - would I make an appointment?

Thanks for your stories...

He called me by my real name through WhoIsAlly.Moore on Y! at a time when I didn't show my entire face, just nose down.

He was a former classmate and lived on my hall in school.  He said he recognized my smile and there was no mistaking when he saw my advertisement.

I would say leave anyone you suspect that you've known in real life alone - you will make her unnecessarily self-conscious though, it could be the dose of reality that she needs if she believes that she is operating "anonymously" or unrecognized.

I have had a neighbor call.  During the screening is when I realized that he was a neighbor - but at least a block away and not on my street.  

Plus there have been names that I thought I knew the guy, asked him some different questions I don't normally ask and found out they were not who I thought they were.

But trust me, it's the girl who is more nervous of being "found" out than you guys.

Steelwool174 reads

while browsing thru pics on a local agency site I saw an animated *.gif image showing 2 different girls pics under one name... one of them is un-mistakenly an ex GF of mine from late 05-early 06.

An ex-GF of mine from overseas came over here on tour and was advertising on one of the regional boards. Back when I knew her, she wasn't an escort -- she was a teacher. But I guess when you have summers off ... LOL

Back before the days of the Internet I answered an ad in the local alternative newspaper. I arrived at the young lady's place and spent a lovely hour with her. She asked me if I wanted her roommate to join us for a second round. I said, "Sure!" My companion went to get her roomie. When they walked in I almost fainted. The roommate was a friend of my sister. Growing up she spent as much time at our house as her own.

She didn't recognize me - it had been years - so I relaxed and enjoyed the experience. It was as if I was finally satisfying a teenage fantasy.

Pat J

I'm not sure how to link it, but there was a discussion called "My high school crush is now an escort..." that was started by somthingood on 7/13/2009.

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