TER General Board

Re: Clouds in my coffee
ripmany 9 Reviews 1470 reads
1 / 40

I went to a plasma center and thay said because I never use IV drugs my vains I can`t give. giving plasma a good way to get a free std test as well as 30 to 50 for more hobby money.  I was think sewing pin might help.

JakeFromStateFarm 334 reads
2 / 40

Because I'm remarkably handsome.

GaGambler 282 reads
4 / 40
scoed 8 Reviews 286 reads
5 / 40

But if you can it is does come with a free aids and hep test.

GaGambler 381 reads
6 / 40

I am thinking that somewhere around 14 pints each time should be just about right. lol

FatVern 335 reads
7 / 40

Those 19-21yo bubble butts in khakis look amazing.

2648667 31 Reviews 297 reads
8 / 40


It's been a few years but I used to donate pretty regularly. The only free test I ever got was cholesterol numbers! If they were testing my blood for hiv or hep, they never told me about it. I got a free cookie though lol!

PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 255 reads
9 / 40

They test all the blood for diseases not just hep & HIV. Had you tested positive you'd have been notified. 😉

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 194 reads
10 / 40

Posted By: ripmany
I went to a plasma center and thay said because I never use IV drugs my vains I can`t give. giving plasma a good way to get a free std test as well as 30 to 50 for more hobby money.  I was think sewing pin might help.

scoed 8 Reviews 354 reads
11 / 40

And they are required to notify you on a positive. After a few weeks of no notifications your clean. Free screening for some STDs. Now many other STDS are not screened for so additional STD tests are still advised. For instance Chlamydia is not tested for and several others as they aren't carried in the blood. So the testing for donations is not an adequate STD screening but is a start.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 380 reads
12 / 40

...or drugs.  And you also can't donate blood if you've received money or drugs in exchange for sex.

GaGambler 258 reads
13 / 40

"I didn't pay for sex, I paid for "time and companionship""

Or how about this one? I have a SB/GF I've never paid her any money, but boy does she get horny the moment she gets a buzz on, so I always make sure to have pot on hand even though I don't smoke it myself. So, I wonder what they would say if I tried that one on for size?

I think these rules are completely bogus anyhow, I would feel perfectly safe getting a transfusion from a Haitian TS Provider who has never heard of a condom and has a "small" heroin problem. To think otherwise would make one very close minded and judgmental. Shouldn't being open minded and politically correct trump all other factors? lol

I also think RIP should be allowed to donate as much and as often as he chooses. I am willing to pass the hat to pay him $30 a pint for the first 14 pints as long as he promises to donate it all at once. Anyone else want to chip in?

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 240 reads
14 / 40

Then you must have been a really good boy!!

mrfisher 108 Reviews 287 reads
16 / 40

such as how often, and with how many, and where said partners are found?

What are their limits?   Are certain dating bars off-limits?

The one time I gave blood at a blood drive at a racquetball court where I was a member, I don't recall any such questions.  Do they have different procedures for blood drive and blood banks where they pay?

The answers could be revealing.

By the way, I'd give blood more often except that I passed out on the way to the table with the cookies.  The doctor said that I probably should not donate blood, especially as my blood is of use to only 5% of the population

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 341 reads
18 / 40

for sex. Of course most people lie, but if you told the truth most people on TER are not eligible to donate blood. A prostitute can never donate blood for life. A monger can't donate for one year since his last paid session.  

The rules are silly. Having protected sex with a prostitute makes your blood ineligible to donate, but having unprotected sex with multiple civvies does not.

2648667 31 Reviews 320 reads
19 / 40

It's been 8 or 10 years but as I recal, they asked about history of behaviors that are stereotypically thought of as high risk - military service, prison, tattoos, drug use, prostitution. I don't recall any general sex questions like are you active, last time you had sex, how many partners, etc.

That was at a blood bank but I always just deferred the twenty or thirty bucks to the bank to help them out.

I don't remember ever doing the blood mobile thing so can't help you there.

Passing out is not good. I've seen a few people go down in the bank. Scared me, I can't imagine what they thought. Well, when they woke up anyway. Did you smash your head on the cookie table?

2648667 31 Reviews 344 reads
20 / 40

LMAO! Was just reminded the first time I heard this song I thought she was saying clowns in my coffee. I remember thinking WTF?!?!

GaGambler 302 reads
21 / 40

by my doc said something more along the lines of waiting until my BAC dropped below 5% before donating blood and even then only people who used words like fucking fucker were compatible to receive my blood, such as it was. I suppose that would narrow my use of my blood to well less than 5% of the population. lol

2648667 31 Reviews 403 reads
22 / 40

And this was back when I thought P4P was out of the question. Lol.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 325 reads
23 / 40

It was pretty surreal as I have only a vague memory of seeing the room spin around and coming to on a stretcher just before they planned to cart me off to a hospital. Lord knows where my organs would have ended up had they done so.

2648667 31 Reviews 219 reads
24 / 40
sdottaylor 19 Reviews 348 reads
25 / 40

It's a totally stupid rule. I've been with 8 escorts and 5 civies, where one of my friend has been with 25+ civies and my blood is unacceptable?

PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 221 reads
26 / 40

The visual is just hysterical 😂

PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 309 reads
28 / 40

Ha ha me too  but I still sang it like that anyway

hotplants 287 reads
29 / 40

as long as he hasn't had sex in at least a year (yeah...as if). Thousands of gay male volunteers were turned away from donating blood after the mass shooting in Orlando.  

Of course, any heterosexual who gets more ass than a toilet seat can donate--hell, sh/e could show-up at the blood bank first thing in the morning after having just left an all night orgy as a long as no money was exchanged....and they verify that any penile/ass penetration only occurred with an XX anus.  




Posted By: perfectstorm
for sex. Of course most people lie, but if you told the truth most people on TER are not eligible to donate blood. A prostitute can never donate blood for life. A monger can't donate for one year since his last paid session.  
 The rules are silly. Having protected sex with a prostitute makes your blood ineligible to donate, but having unprotected sex with multiple civvies does not.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 511 reads
32 / 40

You could have had wild unprotected sex with 30 people in an orgy a couple weeks ago, and give blood today, but if you had protected sex 11 1/2 months ago and paid for it, your blood is no good.

2648667 31 Reviews 256 reads
33 / 40

Haha. Probably so, but I don't think it's up there with "oh Sherrie, our love clothes on, clothes on!" Or, from the same song, "but a cinnamon bun!!"

Okay, enough of this nonsense.

'Scuse me while I kiss this guy...

2648667 31 Reviews 238 reads
34 / 40


ripmany 9 Reviews 251 reads
36 / 40

If luckly enought to get sex It because she think it fastest way to past the 15 mins

Posted By: perfectstorm
You could have had wild unprotected sex with 30 people in an orgy a couple weeks ago, and give blood today, but if you had protected sex 11 1/2 months ago and paid for it, your blood is no good.

FatVern 266 reads
37 / 40

if he receives to much blood from a gay man.

The "gay" is in the DNA, Right?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 269 reads
39 / 40
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