TER General Board

Re: Blessing or a curse?
ptfun61 37 Reviews 405 reads

Of course it's a Blessing! Not all special, passionate, soul connected relationships are meant to be forever...some are and some are not.  

When a gift like that comes your way... do not waste it...pour yourself into it....experience and invest in the moment...for as long as it is meant to be.  

When the time comes to let it go, do so with beautiful memories and appreciation.

Ladies and gents, we all know there is a favorite provider or providers you know theres'a favorite client.  

I personally have an all time favorite client, there's just something about him. It's crazy and honestly dangerous to like someone to the point you get butterflies.....Oh boy. He says my name and I melt, he messes with mind and of course I mess with his but it's crazy.  

As a provider and even a client there's a line you don't cross and of course we are all trained not to catch any kind of emotions in the business world but..... then there was that one that just got away.  

Don't be coy it's your turn......

GaGambler617 reads

I don't mind blurring or even outright crossing of the lines here. Besides, they are NOT my lines. Someone else drew them and I don't feel obligated to live by other peoples rules.

When I meet a woman who is "all that and more" to me, I usually just go for it. It's led to some great relationships over the years. Full disclosure here, I am very happily divorced and not "cheating" on anyone, so I am free to pursue any relationship I care to, married men and women obviously have to play by a different set of rules.

I agree. We all build walls as we see fit. But if we meet great people, why abide to those walls who would prevent a great friendship perhaps, or an confidant, or a lover, or... Etc.

I know Sasha you are so right about that....I don't know it's a weird place to be in lol.

G is sooooo right.

The older I get, the more I resist any lines that weren't drawn by me.  And I always carry an eraser in case I want to eliminate my own lines.

I have met so many wonderful ladies.  While I do practice wisdom, I refuse to allow what someone else might think prevent me from developing a new friendship...or more.


That pesky little Cupid can strike anyone anywhere. Enjoy it.

Ha I try to enjoy it but feelings like that can lead to someone taking advantage and I think as a provider we've all been pushed a little by someone, somewhere.

At the very least, I'm going to get good sex.  And if something clicks...well, GaG, Fishbro, and scoed can tell you how far it can be taken.  Maybe I'll follow in their footsteps one day.

GaGambler385 reads

as the hundreds of "I've fallen for a hooker and can't get up" posts will attest.

but creating a bunch of rules and lines you won't cross is just as foolish IMO.

I think you have the right attitude, go into a session with no more expectations than to have good/great sex, and anything else you happen to find along the way is just icing on the cake.

I keep getting the same answers lol you guys are suppose to say No Roxanne ignore it lol you are right too Gagambler

I knew her for close to a year before we even had sex. I never payed my wife directly for sex. (Sex is never free.) We were friends first and in time we became lovers and after two years we married. While a relationship can happen here it is rare. Best not to seek it here. Yes the ladies here are worthy of love and can make great life partners but that is not what this is and for the most part the ladies aren't wanting hobbyist boyfriends. It isn't us hobbyists aren't worthy ether. This is fantasy and fantasy isn't how to start something real. While it does happen never look for it.

have me really head fucked actually.

Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
Ladies and gents, we all know there is a favorite provider or providers you know theres'a favorite client.  
 I personally have an all time favorite client, there's just something about him. It's crazy and honestly dangerous to like someone to the point you get butterflies.....Oh boy. He says my name and I melt, he messes with mind and of course I mess with his but it's crazy.  
 As a provider and even a client there's a line you don't cross and of course we are all trained not to catch any kind of emotions in the business world but..... then there was that one that just got away.  
 Don't be coy it's your turn......

want to see what happens next?
yolo, no?

Dfusethesituation416 reads

I think there mantra or stigma that providers hold to clients and vice versa.  I have been with some providers that have been really genuine and others where it feels like an assembly line process.  And I'm sure there are providers out there who feel treated that way by some clients. At the end of the day, whether you are considered an "elite" provider or not so much on that level, people are still people and feelings can and will get involved, especially if the chemistry is there.  And there is nothing wrong with clients/providers becoming something more, but it takes a whole helluva lot of maturity on both sides to make something like that work out.  And speaking from personal experience, it was overall awesome.

bigguy30456 reads

It's clear you have a thing for this guy and want more than a provider/ client relationship.
So what's stopping you from seeing if something is real?
He got you emotionally and physically.

Just take a chance and see where it goes from there.
I never understand why people are afraid to take chances.
We only live once and it's stupid to live with regrets.

Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
Ladies and gents, we all know there is a favorite provider or providers you know theres'a favorite client.  
 I personally have an all time favorite client, there's just something about him. It's crazy and honestly dangerous to like someone to the point you get butterflies.....Oh boy. He says my name and I melt, he messes with mind and of course I mess with his but it's crazy.  
 As a provider and even a client there's a line you don't cross and of course we are all trained not to catch any kind of emotions in the business world but..... then there was that one that just got away.  
 Don't be coy it's your turn......

bigguy30402 reads

So him being married did not stop him already.
Why worry about it now?
She might be the real one for him and not his wife.  
It's a matter of making yourself happy with no regrets.

Posted By: hpygolky
-- Modified on 10/7/2015 11:26:41 AM

Nothing to do with his marital status, it just can't happen. Bad business, and be known as the provider that dates her clients I don't think so. Not the kind of reputation I want.

So many many reasons why. Main one i don't want to step over the imaginary line i gave myself. He said I love you and I just laughed off. It's crazy, you have to keep it business.

GaGambler374 reads

it's funny I have no problems at all telling a chica "te amo" or even the stronger version "te amo mi vida", but saying it in English, I seem to gag on the words.

I am sure you have your own reasons, and if one of those is that the "M" in mister M stands for "married" that would certainly be a good one, but while you maybe "should" always keep it business if both parties are emotionally available that "rule" is certainly not cut in stone.

bigguy30332 reads

Just enjoy the ride and have fun.
Also rules are made to be broken and it's nothing wrong with that either. Lol

Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
So many many reasons why. Main one i don't want to step over the imaginary line i gave myself. He said I love you and I just laughed off. It's crazy, you have to keep it business.

LOVE THAT mentality. My best friend who is also a provider falls in love with everyone she can't pick lol

Alan_Nimm329 reads

for an hour or two or for ever long our date is. Then we hug and kiss and say good bye, until the next time... if there is a next time.  

Not that a provider couldn't fall head over heels in love with a client, and vice versa. That's human nature. But it's not what I'm looking for by seeing providers.

i want to use my love gun on floxiegirl..

...as a result of this profession and I have no regrets in the slightest.


It's all chemistry, really, but that's no reason not to enjoy it.

In time, the initial rush will fade, and then what counts is real effort to make your relationship what it is - be it just a sex thing, or something more involved.

It's all up to us, to decide where to go.

That's the problem with freedom, you have to live with the decisions you make

In that case I want to be a communist lol live at the whim of another LOL. Nothing will transpire there, it is what it is with Mr.M and i'm sure before I retire (In less than a yr) that there will be many more like him. At least, I hope so.

I saw a client one time, and the instant I walked in he was smiling at me and I just liked him, right from the start.  I felt so happy, like I was coming home after being gone for too long.  And being with him was amazing, looking in his eyes, his body, the way we laughed together but were crazy with lust at the same time.  Of course I knew hey, Emma, chillax.  This is what you're paid not to do, not to feel.  

But you know what?  At the end of the date I found out he felt the same way.  And we've been together ever since.  The bad news (I guess) I kind of quit the biz because I'm so into him.  But it's amazing, every day, and I'm so grateful.

VagWorship381 reads

Seriously.. a roller coaster.  Not something I was looking for - but it happened.  I posted on The Erotic Highway board last year (linked below).  I really need to post an update out there. Geez.  Had I known then that that was just the 1st 2 months of what has turned into a 15 month journey (so far) of high highs and low lows. Confusion, happiness, pain, bliss.

It is such a complicated web, and yet I still can't walk away.

Of course it's a Blessing! Not all special, passionate, soul connected relationships are meant to be forever...some are and some are not.  

When a gift like that comes your way... do not waste it...pour yourself into it....experience and invest in the moment...for as long as it is meant to be.  

When the time comes to let it go, do so with beautiful memories and appreciation.

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