TER General Board

Re: Best case / worst case
zellfreddy 17 Reviews 1904 reads
1 / 21

I typically do not screen with real world info. I've built references over a decade and have p4 and if that doesn't work I move on...

But... There's a really cute 21 y/o I've been following on OF for a while... And her rates are cheap-ish for what's going on right now around here.

She wants me to send her a selfie for screening, holding my ID... But... She said I can block out everything on my ID except my face and first name.

I guess I have two questions

1. As a screening method, does this get her anything? I guess some comfortability in seeing who she's meeting but without anything else she's got my face, state of residence and first name. I guess I don't know what the point is?

2. Is there something I'm missing in terms of scams/leo/blackmail she can get with that?

This girl has no presence outside OF and Tryst. The phone # gives nothing, she has no email, and no other socials.

Lmk what you guys think.

RespectfulRobert 42 reads
2 / 21

I dont know how likely that is but you have to determine if you want to take that chance. My concern, and it may not be yours, is how do you know you are compatible? Without reviews, or P411, etc you may be diametrically opposed as to what may transpire in the bedroom. Of course we need TOFTT guys and you may be one. Only speaking for myself, I wouldn't see her based on the info you have provided so it's really up to your risk tolerance.

zellfreddy 17 Reviews 37 reads
3 / 21

The OF content is really hot lol. Honestly 9/10 an OF leads me to skip a girl but this girl has me thinking with my little head.

John_Laroche 39 reads
4 / 21

Best; she's just making sure you're not a fat old slob or of a race that she objects to fucking.

Worst: she's a psycho (or LE) and plans to post your pic and first name, along with all the other potential john's who answered her ad on some social media platform.

Depending on how long she's been on OF and Tryst, you may have an idea if it' s more likely Best or Worst.
Have you joined her OF page and asked for a very specific selfie to prove that SHE is real?

zellfreddy 17 Reviews 31 reads
5 / 21

The OF is two years old and we've conversed a little, but not in the way mention, that's a good idea.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 41 reads
6 / 21

My first question would be what and how is she going to screen without your last name? I *do* ask for all of this info and I do run a background check on individuals before I see them, but you would need a full legal name to process the background check. Unsure of the point except to confirm it is really you when you show up.
The only way you will get in trouble with the police is if you ask for specific sex acts for a specific dollar amount. Do NOT do this ever. Never. I don't know how many times I have to say this. NEVER!
 You do have to jump though hoops to get on tryst. Of course I am sure some fakes/scammers get on there, but it is more difficult.  
Be very careful if she asks for a deposit/gift cards as these are the prime ways scammers get you. Without any other internet sites hard to tell if she is a real provider.  
And always, I know it is difficult for you gents, but think with the big head and not the little one!! And always trust your gut instinct. If something seems too good to be true, very often it is.

RespectfulRobert 37 reads
7 / 21

The first is that thats not the only way you can get in trouble with the police. The police can, and do lie. Once you are inside a room with law enforcement, it may already be too late. Many men have never mentioned specific money for a sex act and were still arrested. Now they may not be ultimately convicted, as that is another matter, but just the arrest will make the papers and make the ultimate adjudication of the case meaningless to most as the damage to their lives would already be done.
As for "thinking with the big head and not the little one", that is a strategy only answered by the client's risk tolerance and personal situation. If every man followed that rule every time, no one ever would be the girls first reviewer. TOFTT guys are vital to the community and place themselves at more risk so I appreciate what they do greatly.
I do agree about the gift card in this instance. My personal rule of thumb is to not give one unless the girl has a long track record of professionalism with those deposits.

impposter 49 Reviews 45 reads
8 / 21

Your reviews are mostly around DC / Tysons so I'll assume you are still there.
Isn't most of OF content filmed indoor? How do you know that she is where she says she is? She could be OF-ing from a yurt in Mongolia or a hut in Tierra del Fuego.  Are you going to ask her for a civvy selfie standing next to the Washington Monument? ... or on the Capitol Steps (cue the parody music, chosen from 12+ years ago to avoid P&R accusations: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVeBZsvfvY8 )
As far as selfie + license is concerned, is there a way to make it seem "natural" so you can blur the details digitally? "Me and my buddies at the local bar and the guy made me show ID!! Can you believe it?" (Note: I was once carded by a new security guy in a bar when I was in my 50s ... and looked like I was at least 40 ... and one of the barmaids / servers knew me personally!) That way, someone who got hold of one of your "buddy pics" blurred details and sent it to her (or whoever she really is). If your photo includes tape and such on your license it is clear that you were trying to hide info before taking the pic.
I had a few more Qs but not the time to post.

Posted By: zellfreddy

I typically do not screen with real world info. I've built references over a decade and have p4 and if that doesn't work I move on...  
 But... There's a really cute 21 y/o I've been following on OF for a while... And her rates are cheap-ish for what's going on right now around here.  
 She wants me to send her a selfie for screening, holding my ID... But... She said I can block out everything on my ID except my face and first name.  
 I guess I have two questions  
 1. As a screening method, does this get her anything? I guess some comfortability in seeing who she's meeting but without anything else she's got my face, state of residence and first name. I guess I don't know what the point is?  
 2. Is there something I'm missing in terms of scams/leo/blackmail she can get with that?  
 This girl has no presence outside OF and Tryst. The phone # gives nothing, she has no email, and no other socials.  
 Lmk what you guys think.
This looks like a "natural" and "innocent" photo of a guy showing off. "Can you believe they carded me!" or whatever. Then digitally blur out whatever you need to before sending to Miss OF.

trimming 28 Reviews 31 reads
9 / 21

If you provide her with that information it can be used against you later as proof that the two of you had contact. It could be used to force you to do things against your will like, extra money,
Sent to people you don't want to know that you see hookers, etc...

I hope you get the picture.
No matter how "safe" it seems, it will come back to you in a not so flattering way.

Never provide ANY RWI !!

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 37 reads
10 / 21

Well I am not a guy, but I am a provider who requires a photo of you holding your id & never would allow you to block out the real life information needed to look you up. If she allows you to block out all your real life information how is she verifying? It’s bs. There is no way anyone who is doing their due diligence can screen with only your first name visible. To me personally it appears to be shallow meaning she is on concerned with your appearance & not her safety.  Sounds, like you’re both a good match. lol. Smile for me!

OlympicGold 42 reads
11 / 21

She’s out of line

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 33 reads
12 / 21

to cover up information on your license unless a provider is open to some less-intrusive means of verification, like a vouch from another legit provider, which is what I do.  When providers stand hard on their overly-intrusive screening requirement, it's better for ALL concerned to just draw a line through their name and move on to someone who is more reasonable.  Trying to talk a provider down off the ledge on her paranoid screening requirements is a waste of time.  Customers should politely suggest an alternative that would be acceptable to them but don't argue about it.  Just move on.

sexystephie See my TER Reviews 38 reads
13 / 21

People at hotels and car rental places get your id. Restaurants and long ago video rental places and most of us have done this. I ask for full name and pic showing on id and a selfie. I just want to know your name in case you hurt me. I will take a reference from a gal because  if you behaved with her you probably will w me too.  Your info is more likely to be stolen another way than a reputable provider. I know If I ever got in trouble I would be the one in trouble. I would never admit I did anything illegal with anyone. Usually in this biz you get in trouble when one of the two are law enforcement  I have been in this biz for 20 years and have never had any trouble. Knock on wood.

AvaMarie92101 See my TER Reviews 40 reads
14 / 21

Without giving away trade secrets there is plenty to be found with what she is asking for but not enough to take over your bank accounts or life...probably.  

It's also murder insurance. If I go missing or my body is found by  housekeeping the cops will have a starting point. It's the same reason I asked for IDs when giving tours of apartments or homes.

zellfreddy 17 Reviews 29 reads
15 / 21

I agree and that's the problem: she's not a reputable provider.

UnnamedOne 61 reads
16 / 21

if you need a reminder not to send a pic and RWI. You could become internet famous.
What, did you forget Stacey Smith and Tim earlier this year? Tim was identified right down to his job and home address by just his picture.

702167 23 Reviews 47 reads
17 / 21

It is always about legality. MOST if not all of this goes away or is simplified if we didn't live in a society where other people's beliefs determine how we live our lives too. Would we have to talk in code in texts or avoid "being explicit"? Umm by being explicit, do you mean asking you wtf you actually do for the money you charge? Who ELSE can do that? Talk to me once you get here??? LOL  

You wouldn't NEED to run a background check or if you did it wouldn't be a big deal because the threat of getting arrested wouldn't be there. "But what about people finding out?" Really REALLY tired of caring about this. We live in a free society. ALLEGEDLY. We live in an open society. ALLEGEDLY. But too many people across the political spectrum belief-wise feel their values outweigh the rest of us and they get to pass laws where we get the "DOWN! NOW! DOWN ON THE GROUND!" with a gun pointed at us and getting locked in a cage treatment. All because we did something someone else doesn't agree with. Well why the FUCK should that matter? If we aren't hurting anyone, it is none of anyone's business. And if we did hurt someone? Just like with drug laws, WE ALREADY HAVE LAWS ON THE BOOKS FOR THAT. Yes I yelled it. It is ridiculous people don't know that.  

People seriously need to mind their business. The idea that we have to live in the shadows and speak in code like this is ridiculous. And I'm sorry, most good providers don't do this, but ALL of you could do it and that is taking advantage of the fact that we CAN'T ask straight up "do you give bbbj" or whatever and how much? That is a basic and obvious question and so many times guys go see a girl in this situation then they find out when they get there that they don't do shit and you have just been ripped off because you aren't getting your money back. So now guys wanna not pay until after the deed and now the good girls get pissed. It is and endless cycle. Bait and switch and cash n dash is strictly because girls take advantage of the illegality part.  

The deposits and screening? I mean, deposits and cancelation fees happen. You are never gonna get people to be perfect and some people are just ignorant. Go ahead. Try and force change. Try and reprogram people. It is not gonna happen. But I mean, screening? Why other than the bull shit social stigma should I care if some provider has my license in my hypothetical better future where it's legal? So she has my ID or my picture. So what? Btw, that is the difference between a rental car company having your ID and this. Renting a car isn't illegal. ERGO why should I care? They ripped me off? Easy to trace the breadcrumbs. I have done it before when someone got my bank card #. Now they can catch that shit easily.  

So I guess the closing question on my lengthy response (Sorry, I am just very passionate about this subject)is this...what exactly are people like us doing to change it? How many people still vote either party knowing neither will ever legalize this the way it should be? This should be legal and socially acceptable so long as we do it in a certain part of town out of site and that part doesn't suddenly become a crime den. Shouldn't. Nothing there is illegal. Police and local authorities should treat them like any other business and respond if there are issues.  

Until then does it even matter? This whole fucking ordeal sucks. We're being treated like dangerous criminals and social pariahs by people who do WAY worse where people actually get hurt. All we wanna do is as consenting adults participate in a transactional encounter involving sex and money. Said like that? How does it make sense to make this illegal and how much easier would it be to root out the trafficking if they finally made the legal distinction between trafficking and consenting transactional encounters involving sex and money? Answer: It does, but people on both sides feel a certain way about it morally so NEITHER SIDE will legalize it federally or even state wise. They want to force their values on us and they will continue to because we let them.

beechnut 1 Reviews 30 reads
18 / 21

But many also ask for workplace info as well, and I can understand one being a bit leery about this one. At one time most employers didn’t give a damn what you did once you were off the clock. Sadly this is really no longer the case.

beechnut 1 Reviews 30 reads
19 / 21

What I would do is get provider, especially if unknown, to agree that donation is for companionship only, and that what takes place between us is contingent upon where the mood takes us. I have never requested specific acts be done.

beechnut 1 Reviews 23 reads
20 / 21

Are, were you a realtor as well?

beechnut 1 Reviews 29 reads
21 / 21

Took many of the words right out of my mouth. Today gambling is nearly everywhere, and marijuana is closing in. Yet there has been little movement to unchain this leg of the trifecta. When might the PTB begin to realize that prohibition of this activity hasn’t worked any more than it did with liquor a century ago?

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