TER General Board

Re: Been offered it once, was flattered and turned on
MmmMelanie See my TER Reviews 715 reads

Posted By: GoogleWasMyIdea
When chatting mid-session with a fairly high end provider who was talking about her business I impulsively asked "What do you do when clients ask about BBFS." She said "I say no." And then after a pause said "But if you get a full set of tests, pay for a full set of tests for me, and pinky swear you haven't done anything since the tests, I'll do it with you." And she had a specific testing outfit she liked - can't recall the name.  
 I realize it may have been a sales hook to get the next session, and I have never gone BBFS with a provider and don't think I'd start now. But I found the offer flattering, and probably because of the risk, a turn on. I realize both of those may not be rational responses, but they were the emotions I felt.  
You asked her about it, she probably thought you wanted it (because you asked her about it), she probably thought 'There goes another one...how do I make sure he repeats after I just told him I never do it...' So she pauses, like you said, to formulate a response she will try out that will ensure you repeat with her. Hence the testing response.

A lot of girls will offer it because they think it is the only way to keep you coming back, or get business. (I mean why else would they offer it. From what I understand the higher rate is hardly high enough to justify it as a viable offering) They think 'how can i compete with all the other wonderful girls out there. how can i be different enough to appeal to more people.' It's 'Females Insecurities 101'. lol (and a lot of 'seekers' know this)

Since we are all adults here and take full responsibility for our choices, I thought I would ask to see who is willing to share their personal experiences. You aren't expected to answer both questions but I am really curious about the first one especially since there is an uptick in conversations among providers about the extremely risky and unsafe practices that are being requested of more and more them these days.  

1) How many clients/providers have asked/offered this to you out of the last 10 you have seen (regardless of time line)?

2) W@hen this happened, what did this make you feel/think at that moment?

3) Have you ever regretted participating in bareback (with anyone - including your other personal life) for any reason?  

4) Yes, If you have done bareback _anything_ more than once in the last 10 years, did you have a partner at home?

5) No, If you have not done bareback _anything_, did/do you have a partner at home

Skyfyre1113 reads

I sincerely doubt your curiosity will be satisfied. On such a taboo and non-PC subject do not expect straight nor real honest answers.

You're deep in the "don't ask don't tell" zone with this issue.

I would ALMOST agree with you except that when I stopped and thought about it, there are enough bragging testimonies to BB... anything/everything ... across the reviews and general chit-chat on the board that you could be a blind, deaf, dumb and moronic detective and STILL be able to find more than a dozen folks who casually thrown it out there as if they were telling you the time of day. The don't ask/don't tell certainly doesn't apply to THIS place and if it does, I want to see the boards and reviews YOU are reading.

Mostly, I just wanted an answer to the first question. I am curious how prevalent the request/offer for this practice actually is, especially among the forum dwellers who spend the most time on here trading notes and tips with each other (as opposed to the casual visitor who is typically only ever here to check ads and read reviews about a prospect).

If there is sudden lying or demure modesty about this particular activity, I find that hilarious given how much graphic and detailed info can be found about what these posters do or like to do all over this venue. Its a bit like a flasher in a raincoat getting upset because someone lifted up the back of his raincoat without permission. "Oh, NOW you suddenly have a sense of decency and modesty?"

Not everyone on TER is a liar or a bottom feeder. I have confidence that some of the folks who pop up to give a little input on this topic will be folks worth having conversations with, personally preferred practices aside. The rest? They make for colorful reading.

Posted By: Skyfyre
I sincerely doubt your curiosity will be satisfied. On such a taboo and non-PC subject do not expect straight nor real honest answers.  
 You're deep in the "don't ask don't tell" zone with this issue.

GaGambler1621 reads

1) Out of the last "10" hookers I have seen, I don't believe any have offered BBFS, but MANY hookers before the last ten have done so.

2) I guess I can answer N/A to this question

3)  I have no kids, unwanted or otherwise, and I have no STD's so I guess I have no regrets. I will confess I have been "nervous" about both possibilities after a few "wild nights in my past.

4)  I know this is hard to believe, but I haven't "cheated" in decades.  

5) Same as number two N/A

Now let me ask you a question, are you writing a book, simply curious or is this a threAD designed to draw attention away from your lackluster reviews.?

and lastly, although this was NOT one of your questions, YES I have had BBFS with a hooker on more than one occasion. but in my defense I have had several monogamous, long term relationships with hookers in my life, where we "made love" like any other couple in a LTR.

Ok, now let me ask you another question, how would you answer your own little survey

provider to initiate a discussion about, so I am going to read between the lines here and try to answer the real question.  Yes, there are providers that get to a certain age that have extended their careers by offering indiscriminate barebacking.  The flip side is that the quality of your clients will invariably go down, making the practice even more risky.  Many older providers seem to be able to tolerate the added risk, or at least justify it to themselves, because it keeps the money rolling in when they are well past their prime, and younger providers threaten to lure away their clients.  Whatever you decide to do, I hope it works out for you.

YairMarx913 reads

1) I'd say about 3
2) I was horney so it was a blurr....But it was something I didn't regret
3) No..See number 2
4) Yes had a partner at home
5) N/A
Now my question, do you or have you ever offered BB? Or are you thinking about it?

NoYellowEnvelope995 reads

1) No provider has ever offered BBFS to me.  

2) n/a

3) No.  I love my children dearly.  

4) Yes.  And it was only with my partner.

Posted By: Samois
Since we are all adults here and take full responsibility for our choices, I thought I would ask to see who is willing to share their personal experiences. You aren't expected to answer both questions but I am really curious about the first one especially since there is an uptick in conversations among providers about the extremely risky and unsafe practices that are being requested of more and more them these days.  
 1) How many clients/providers have asked/offered this to you out of the last 10 you have seen (regardless of time line)?  
 2) W@hen this happened, what did this make you feel/think at that moment?  
 3) Have you ever regretted participating in bareback (with anyone - including your other personal life) for any reason?  
 4) Yes, If you have done bareback _anything_ more than once in the last 10 years, did you have a partner at home?  
 5) No, If you have not done bareback _anything_, did/do you have a partner at home?  

"3) No.  I love my children dearly."

Best answer to any question I have heard in a long time, especially in my short time in this place.

Thanks. Made my day with that.

1) How many clients/providers have asked/offered this to you out of the last 10 you have seen (regardless of time line)? NONE
2) W@hen this happened, what did this make you feel/think at that moment? NA
3) Have you ever regretted participating in bareback (with anyone - including your other personal life) for any reason?  NO
4) Yes, If you have done bareback _anything_ more than once in the last 10 years, did you have a partner at home?  YES (anything to mean BBBJ) --- NO (anything to mean FS or anal)
5) No, If you have not done bareback _anything_, did/do you have a partner at home?  NA

-- Modified on 10/3/2016 9:06:25 PM

1) How many clients/providers have asked/offered this to you out of the last 10 you have seen (regardless of time line)?
Two of the last ten.  
2) W@hen this happened, what did this make you feel/think at that moment?  
Annoyed, turned off, and disrespected. I'm awfully busy now when they write to set up a date.  
3) Have you ever regretted participating in bareback (with anyone - including your other personal life) for any reason?  
No, I've been quite discretionary about who I have unprotected sex with, and feel fortunate that I can say I've never worried about STDs or pregnancy. Spur of the moment fun, isn't the worth lost sleep or worry.  
4) Yes, If you have done bareback _anything_ more than once in the last 10 years, did you have a partner at home?  
I do offer BBBJs and I did have a committed albeit nonsexual partner at home (yes, it was an odd relationship), when I started this, but no longer do

I had someone once - not ask but try to gently force my head into his lap - without a condom on. There was this ... off smell... I don't know how to describe these things but something didn't smell healthy (and it wasn't coming from me!)...if you have ever worked in a hospital, you know that you can smell sickness on people just like you can smell old age or death.. and I was completely revolted.  I refused and insisted that he put some kind of protection on and he adamantly refused and then promptly lost any interest in anything after that.

I didn't have the heart or diplomatic skills to tell him that his groin smelled like some kind of genital or fungal infection and only someone with a death wish would voluntarily entertain whatever he apparently had picked up somewhere else. I still won't have that conversation with him - mostly because he had suddenly become enough of a dirtbag to try and force my head anywhere without asking (or warning me) first. Not cool and since he wasn't like this before, I don't know where this sudden change in behavior came from nor do I care.

I haven't seen him since. I won't take his phone calls. I won't book an appointment for him. I ignore his emails. I am sure he has found another provider since then. I wish him nothing but the best and a discrete doc who might be able to convince him better than I could about the value of condoms, especially when you are a married man.

) I've never been asked to go bareback but I have gone bareback on three first dates. One of them was a girl who went straight from bbbj to Greek. The other 2 i talked them into it after a condom first round.  I've had condoms break on occasion and we both continued on till I came inside them.  
 2) only the girl i did Greek within  20 minutes after meeting her I thought "this is a girl that doesn't say no very often"
3) I took chances but never got anyone pregnant. But by age 40 I had a vasectomy performed which not surprisingly increased my bareback performances. It seemed to put women I was seeing at ease that I could not get them pregnant.  
No partner at home.

I had three PSEs who did bareback with me on our first meeting. Two did anal.  Regular women don't seem as concerned about stds than getting pregnant which I can't get them.

ROGM819 reads

Posted By: Samois
 1) How many providers have asked/offered this to you out of the last 10 you have seen (regardless of time line)?  

  Two. I'm currently still these two providers.
2) When this happened, what did this make you feel/think at that moment?

 3) Have you ever regretted participating in bareback (with anyone - including your other personal life) for any reason?  

 4) Yes, If you have done bareback _anything_ more than once in the last 10 years, did you have a partner at home?  

No. I'm single.
 5) No, If you have not done bareback _anything_, did/do you have a partner at home?

See answer to question #4.  

I don't ask a provider to go BBFSCIP on the first few meetings. I ask when I get to know her for a while. Of these two I see BBFSCIP I've never had an issue or problem. I don't go BBFSCIP with every provider I see. Only the ones I really like.  


If you don't like going BBFSCIP fine. But don't preach to me the dangers of BBFSCIP. I know the risks. And no I'm not going to reveal who these providers are. So don't bother sending me a PM

1. 0
2. N/A
3. Not at all
4. Yes (only BJ)
5. N/A

I hope all the providers say absolutely "no" to any suggestion of bareback sex.

I have gotten private messages asking me to trade intel on BBFS providers, so I imagine there are more people barebacking than you think. Although I have done BBFS with several providers, I don't trade info on them because I'm selfish.

2) I felt intense pleasure from my penis at that moment

mouth481 reads

without revealing any secrets what will usually get a provider to give bareback service.  Is  usually money or the fact client has seen the provider many times or what?

I think I've seen more than 10 provider to answer these question.

no, none of them offered, and I've seen some of these provider more than few times and never offered.  It's something I would not do regardless if I have someone at home or not, main reason, all it takes just once and I don't feel like getting something that I will regret for rest of my life.

1) 4 of the last 10 clients have asked (or intimated, skirted, danced around) the subject

2) I felt really annoyed that they would ask, and also very disgusted that something/someone in their "hobby" experience made them feel as though this was an okay question to ask.

3) I have MOST ASSUREDLY regretted participating in bareback. I've been cheated on by boyfriends (and husband) engaging in random "one off" trysts with women they undoubtedly didn't know enough about to entrust with their (or my) sexual health.

4) Bareback _ anything?!?! Really?!?!
     Okay...so.......I will only be answering *below* as to BBFS because:

 "Oral sex has been shown to be a less risky activity, but it is not risk free. Again, it depends on the viral load of the       person with HIV and the dental health of the person performing oral sex. The risk of HIV being passed on during oral sex centres on fluid containing HIV (semen, vaginal fluid or blood) finding a way into the bloodstream of an HIV-negative person (via the mouth or throat, which is more likely if there is inflammation, or cuts or sores present). HIV is not passed on through exposure to saliva alone, so a person with HIV performing oral sex on someone who is HIV negative is considered to be very low risk.

The type of oral sex makes a difference to the level of risk.
HIV transmission through 'receptive fellatio', which means an HIV-negative person performing oral sex on (giving a blow job to) a man with HIV is possible and it is likely that HIV transmission happens in this way sometimes.
HIV transmission through 'insertive fellatio', which means an HIV-negative man receiving oral sex from a person with HIV, is very low risk and may be impossible.
There have been very few reports of possible HIV transmission through cunnilingus (oral sex performed on a woman). It is biologically possible that HIV could be passed on through an HIV-negative person performing oral sex on a woman with HIV, but this is considered to be low risk.
There have been no documented cases of someone being infected with HIV through receiving cunnilingus from a woman with HIV."

4a) Referring to BBFS >1x in 10yrs:
      4 significant others in my private life
      1 client relationship which evolved into a primary partnership for almost a year.

4b) I never had another partner at home. Fluid bonding is very special act reserved for your closest and most treasured relationships



Posted By: Samois
Since we are all adults here and take full responsibility for our choices, I thought I would ask to see who is willing to share their personal experiences. You aren't expected to answer both questions but I am really curious about the first one especially since there is an uptick in conversations among providers about the extremely risky and unsafe practices that are being requested of more and more them these days.  
 1) How many clients/providers have asked/offered this to you out of the last 10 you have seen (regardless of time line)?  
 2) W@hen this happened, what did this make you feel/think at that moment?  
 3) Have you ever regretted participating in bareback (with anyone - including your other personal life) for any reason?  
 4) Yes, If you have done bareback _anything_ more than once in the last 10 years, did you have a partner at home?  
 5) No, If you have not done bareback _anything_, did/do you have a partner at home?  


thanks for the response. I just want to point out for everyone else's benefit that we often fall back on HIV not being transmitted so easily through the oral route but that is hardly the real concern with BBBJ. I have done the same thing myself and given BBBJ on occasion with the same comforting thought.

As it turns out, the concern is incurable gonorrhea (drug resistant gonorrhea) that seems to be proliferating in the population these days due to the increase numbers of drug users engaging in high risk sexual contact because their concern is getting a drug fix and not avoiding getting diseases from a random client. Of note, people have gotten gonorrhea in the eye. Receiving facials from someone with gonorrhea is how that happens but again... mucous membranes with no condoms, why?

We are nationally struggling with a heroin epidemic that is piggybacked by a meth explosion, especially in poor rural and suburban areas where high risk prostitution is likely to be higher in practice due to financial need and lack of access to information resources about how to protect yourself as a sex worker against the bottom feeders out there. This means that the places clients are most likely to get drug resistant gonorrhea are no longer limited to questionable street corners with providers who look the stereotype of a street walker.  

Heroin, in particular, seems to be the drug of choice with the younger people. Ask any paramedic the average age of the heroin overdose they are called to tend to and those folks will come in the average mean age of 18-25. This is also, notably, the same age of the younger providers who are new on the scene and likely to take higher risks out of ignorance, invincibility or simply lack of concern for anything but a drug habit (if it applies). It also means that if he/she has a boyfriend at home, they are also the age when that boyfriend is also likely to cheat and eschew the use of a condom also putting them at twice the risk, and only one of them voluntarily.

Given the current heroin epidemic (and meth users) and the proliferation of drug resistant gonorrhea along with the rise in clients asking for BBFS and these HH/QV indicating that they are clearly trying to operate in a proverbial hit and run level of contact and disclosure, I have real concerns about every new client I deal with - and even my regulars, given the propensity of some folks to start acting stupid once a comfort or familiarity level has been reached in their mind. We all handle our personal matters according to our comfort zones so I hardly expect anyone else to share my level of concern about this particular set of correlations.

What I do wonder about - seriously - are the motivations/intentions of anyone who would actively encourage OTHER people to engage in high risk activity with sex workers and who would take their advice/encouragement as something to be seen as in THEIR best interest? I mean, here is a complete stranger that you don't know from Adam making it seem like a great idea and a small risk to go walking on a high wire above a highly trafficked street below, as if only the best folks can attempt that and make it happen ... and someone, somewhere is listening this and assuming that this random, unknown person give one rat's ass about their welfare if something goes wrong. Men must trust each other a lot more than women trust anyone OR ...? I have no explanation for this false sense of confidence and trust in someone from the internet who is likely to be infected with god knows what and is just looking for folks to join his misery club with him.

We all take our chances every day, just walking out of the house. I just don't understand how folks can take these kinds of risks without looking at everything around us that is factoring into it.

-- Modified on 10/3/2016 11:19:35 PM

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-- Modified on 10/3/2016 11:21:07 PM

And men as well, a la Michael Douglas... who claims it was from going down on his wife but some of us know that it wasn't a vagina that got HPV down the back of his throat... ahem.


Posted By: AlyssaTantra

FatVern949 reads

Why is it wrong to ask for a specific service?

How else would I know if a lady is willing to do "what ever" I may be interested in?

If I ask once, and the lady declines, and I don't bring it up again, what's the problem?

JakeFromStateFarm700 reads

And now for the real answer:  Because it's a reasonable supposition that if you're willing to ask for BBFS you have engaged in the act in the past and your health may be compromised as a result.

FatVern626 reads

It doesn't necessarily have to be BBFS, that's why I said "what ever I ask for" I may be interested in having my asshole licked, or want to know if the lady will drink my piss.

I won't know unless I ask... Duh.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
And now for the real answer:  Because it's a reasonable supposition that if you're willing to ask for BBFS you have engaged in the act in the past and your health may be compromised as a result.  

JakeFromStateFarm620 reads

Duh.  But it's nice to know you'd like your asshole licked or for her to drink your piss.  And we didn't think you could be any less attractive.

What a complete waste of time for everybody on this board!!! If you don't have the balls to use your real alias then GO THE FUCK AWAY. Pussies.

GaGambler659 reads

but only Jake is using an alias, FatVern is what is commonly referred to as a "yellow envelope"  

but does it really matter about the alias? Jake has hundreds, probably thousands of posts under that name and FatVern most likely has even more, as he has been using that handle for quite some time, both of them have more posts under their respective handles than 95% of the rest of the TER posters, so who really cares if it is their "real" fake name?

I will concede this battle of wits between the unarmed is a complete waste of time, just not for the reasons you cite. lol

JakeFromStateFarm666 reads

When you come on this board with your real name you'll have a leg to stand on.  As for me, my handle has never posted here and never will.  I only use this alias for posting.
So please...

ROGM800 reads

It makes me think that some providers do enjoy going BBFSCIP.

1. 1 in the last 29 years offered, probably about 200 providers ago.
2. Uh, what did I think? I was in a pretty self destructive phase of my life back then and in a whim said sure what the fuck, lets do it.
 3. Yes, I regret taking that one chance (looking back over the years of worry it caused as well as the constant testing to wnsure I never got anything (I didnt get anything, I'm clean as a whistle)
 4. The only bareback I do is my wife... and that aint often... which is the main reason I am here at this point in my life.
 5. The one time I did bareback I was single.  Over 20 years ago.
 In my 29 years of hobby life (I am in my late 40's), I had the one intentional bbbfs and 2 condom tearing/slipping incidents.  Never cip for any of them.  The intentional one I pulled out and shot on her belly.  The broken rubber ones I immediately stopped pumping when it started feeling "real" and changed to new rubbers before finishing, or switching to oral.

Afterwards I got tested and still test yearly, all clean.  About 12 years ago I got a vasectomy so I could fuck at home bareback without worry of future pregnancy.  I also thought it would increase our frequency because the latex had bothered her.  Turns out, she just doesnt get the urge for it.  Thus back to providers for me.  But I still cover up for safety.

VOO-doo669 reads

1) How many clients/providers have asked/offered this to you out of the last 10 you have seen (regardless of time line)?  

Out of the last 10... zero. The last time someone even hinted at BBFS was this past winter (it was my last reviewer, who also shorted my fee). He didn't ask outright, just kind of fished to see what my reaction would be. I think before that, it was another reviewer who actually asked outright. That would have been June 2015. Time before that... a reviewer, again (he didn't review me). I think that was the winter before that (over 2 years ago). I can't remember any others. Not something that happens to me often.

When I worked for agencies, it happened all the time. I'd say about every 3-5 guys would either ask outright, or make some gesture toward it. You know, when they want to rub against the inside of your leg... then keep inching closer, and closer... I'd pretend to play with myself, just to cover the area, and then try to redirect them. Some would actually try to push my hand away with their penises. Some would just get aggressive and try to quickly poke in that area, before my defenses were up. Condomitis was another common ruse ('I can't stay hard with these things! Can we maybe...' ).  
 2) When this happened, what did this make you feel/think at that moment?  

I always felt repulsed, not only by full BBFS... but also, by the idea of external genital-to-genital contact. For some reason, I was more tolerant when a guy would try in the heat of the moment... I felt that they were just getting carried away, which was at least somewhat understandable. The ones who tried to calmly negotiate or even barter/threaten for it really made me mad. And so did the women - agency owners - who tried to get me to do it 'just once, just with one guy' so that I could supposedly jump-start some review momentum. It just struck me as disrespectful that the health and sanctity of my body meant so little... why would some client I'd known for an hour or less deserve that kind of trust from me? Or for that matter even a regular... no matter how nice he is?  
 3) Have you ever regretted participating in bareback (with anyone - including your other personal life) for any reason?  

It's not something I've done, even with a BF. Due to pregnancy concerns, and also because I've been providing and not monogamous. I felt that it wouldn't be fair to my partner (especially when I lied about what I did).
 4) Yes, If you have done bareback _anything_ more than once in the last 10 years, did you have a partner at home?  

See above.
 5) No, If you have not done bareback _anything_, did/do you have a partner at home?  
I've had boyfriends, but we never lived together, or spoke of any commitment beyond dating. I also lost my virginity later in life, which made me less susceptible to making choices I might regret (not that I didn't make any stupid choices, just not that particular one).

'For some reason, I was more tolerant when a guy would try in the heat of the moment... I felt that they were just getting carried away, which was at least somewhat understandable.'

To me it's not understandable at all. But then I have never played with boys. Only men, who would never let the heat of moment be an excuse for risky sexual behaviour. There would be no excuse. Either they are safe as they can be or they be pushing limits. No pretending to be 'getting caught up in the moment'.

'You know, when they want to rub against the inside of your leg... then keep inching closer, and closer... I'd pretend to play with myself, just to cover the area, and then try to redirect them.'

They are not toddlers. No need to 're-direct'. You 're-direct' toddlers. Just say no. Put your hand on your va-ja-ja, say no, and don't make any excuses.

Good thread though. I never knew so many people had these 'opinions' about it. Wow. smh

2Pop3Pop609 reads

responses are like homophobia. The more you claim you won't the more you probably do and did. So, I avoid saying what I would never do. Has a way of coming back to me. While a newbie, could not understand claiming a ATF. Hookers don't deserve that. Until I met mine. Laffed when guys fell and couldn't get until I fell for my ATF and made a true friend. Said I won't do bbfs then asked the ATF for it several times. BTW...she always denied me when I asked for it.

1) 3---One just hopped on for the ride after a stellar bbbj. Let her get a few strokes in before the big head kicked in. ATF never would go full on with giving bbfs but the condom busted more than once. Her sly smile let me know she knew it each time and could feel the skin on skin. Each time I got more than a few strokes in before the big head reminded me I didn't want more kids. Last one advertised bbfs as part of her free spirit swinging nympho lifestyle. I tested her and found she meant it. We bbfs all night a few times. She was very popular in my city and had a lot of reviews that didn't mention bbfs even tho she had a average performance rating of 10 that tells you a lot.

2) The "accidents" felt great but the risk level made me not let go completely and enjoy it. Although I did with the last one. I was in a funky state of mind and living on the edge with the last one. Glad that mood passed. I got tested each time. Phew!...all good.

3) S.O.s always get bb. that's why they are S.O.s. No regrets with S.O.s. ATF could have been a S.O. if she had said the word. No regrets AFTER clean tests.

4) Yes, had a partner. got tested each time

Been years since. Rarely hobby now...grew out of it.

Guys are so clueless to sex Ed, STD, STI, and pregnancy. If you think a woman takes the pill and doesn't get pregnant you need to be neutered. It amazes me how many people don't care about their health, and providers are known to be some of the safest partners because we know how important it is to us and our business.  
If a provider offer BB, my guess is she is desperate for cash and clients and if you think you are so special it's just YOU hum you are clearly a dumb fucking fool.

The thought of getting slimmed in and pregnet by a clients makes me want to puke.  

There is a vegas provider that says she does Cream pies ON HER WEB SITE!!!!!  and yes i have seen the web site    its sad that women would even THINK of offering something so stupid, but what is even MORE stupid are the men that would take them up on it, especially if they are married..........i will NEVER understand why this is even a thing.

Could you PM me who this is? I don't ever want to see her.

ROGM560 reads

Posted By: Avsfan04
Could you PM me who this is? I don't ever want to see her.
You sure you don't want to see this provider that advertises BBFS? Or actually you want to see her? Requesting a PM about her seems suspect. Besides I wouldn't worry about it. She most likely doesn't live in your area anyway.

Check my reviews I hobby in Vegas! I don't eant to see bbfs providers

i wish i could , but im not vip.......

Posted By: Avsfan04
Could you PM me who this is? I don't ever want to see her.

From todays Dallas TER ads:
Bareback Full Service Available! Text Me At 214-326-9107 link - by bb0000, 10/4/2016 9:46:35 AM (37 reads)


at least the CDC (center for disease control) will know where to find ground zero for any major outbreaks of something in that area.

GaGambler687 reads

However thankfully she is one of the very few so brazenly advertising herself as a "cum dumpster"

Intrigued*780 reads

I think we look at our favorite transactional activity as a hobby.  In fact it's the free market at its best.

Where there is demand there will be supply...and all the other laws that apply.

I have about 20 reviews.  Of those, approximately 25% have offered BBFS.  It has never been offered as an option on the menu.  Instead, it's an assumption.  This in spite of the fact that I ALWAYS bring my own condoms and I ALWAYS place them explicitly on the nightstand.  I have never partaken.

I recently booked an appointment with a very well known lady who has a wide menu.  We were having a wonderful time.  When we were naturally ready for intercourse, I was shocked when she opened up and attempted to pull me inside, passionately, without a cover.  I smiled and said we don't know each other that well, yet.  I took a deep breath, and applied the cover.  Unfortunately, it ruined the mood.  We finished our time together, but I was running at about 50% of normal performance.  I left the meeting graciously, but I was disappointed.

I would encourage any lady who is tempted to work in an unsafe manner, think again.  Good customers will understand and respect you for keeping yourself, and them, safe.  Most of the ladies I have been fortunate enough to meet are intelligent and skilled enough to attract and keep clients without risking their well being.  


GoogleWasMyIdea812 reads

When chatting mid-session with a fairly high end provider who was talking about her business I impulsively asked "What do you do when clients ask about BBFS." She said "I say no." And then after a pause said "But if you get a full set of tests, pay for a full set of tests for me, and pinky swear you haven't done anything since the tests, I'll do it with you." And she had a specific testing outfit she liked - can't recall the name.

I realize it may have been a sales hook to get the next session, and I have never gone BBFS with a provider and don't think I'd start now. But I found the offer flattering, and probably because of the risk, a turn on. I realize both of those may not be rational responses, but they were the emotions I felt

Posted By: GoogleWasMyIdea
When chatting mid-session with a fairly high end provider who was talking about her business I impulsively asked "What do you do when clients ask about BBFS." She said "I say no." And then after a pause said "But if you get a full set of tests, pay for a full set of tests for me, and pinky swear you haven't done anything since the tests, I'll do it with you." And she had a specific testing outfit she liked - can't recall the name.  
 I realize it may have been a sales hook to get the next session, and I have never gone BBFS with a provider and don't think I'd start now. But I found the offer flattering, and probably because of the risk, a turn on. I realize both of those may not be rational responses, but they were the emotions I felt.  
You asked her about it, she probably thought you wanted it (because you asked her about it), she probably thought 'There goes another one...how do I make sure he repeats after I just told him I never do it...' So she pauses, like you said, to formulate a response she will try out that will ensure you repeat with her. Hence the testing response.

A lot of girls will offer it because they think it is the only way to keep you coming back, or get business. (I mean why else would they offer it. From what I understand the higher rate is hardly high enough to justify it as a viable offering) They think 'how can i compete with all the other wonderful girls out there. how can i be different enough to appeal to more people.' It's 'Females Insecurities 101'. lol (and a lot of 'seekers' know this)

GoogleWasMyIdea796 reads

I think what you posted is exactly right and makes perfect sense.

By the way... checked out your site.  Clever, smart and sexy!

Skyfyre656 reads

Whenever the non-PC taboo topic of BBFS is brought up the usual strong response always came.

And as usual it is pretty much one-sided. Overwhelmingly mostly from the anti-BBFS crusaders and moralists as expected. Especially so since the OP has already made clear from which side she's coming from.

So a few brave hobbyists would admit to indulge in such. And unless I missed it I couldn't find one response from a provider from that side of the issue either.

The anecdotal evidences I've seen indicate that it is a lot more prevalent than the general hobbying public (both guys and gals) think. Not surprisingly a lot of it is UTR (under the radar).  

Anecdotal evidences also suggest that it is on the rise. Advance in medicine and treatment has made STDs a lot less scary than it used to be. Pretty much anything can be treated nowaday. Even AID is no longer a horrible death sentence the way it is. Many HIV+ people live a near normal live today. One recent such example is Charlie Sheen. One not so recent but still living well is Magic Johnson.

So basically as time goes on the newer generation of hobbyists and providers just do not have the same fear of God as those of the generation that lived through the initial AID epidemic

GaGambler647 reads

I still don't believe that pussy is worth dying for, but I am NOT one of the holier than thou crowd who claims to have NEVER had BBFS with anyone, despite having six kids.

NoYellowEnvelope651 reads

Posted By: Skyfyre
... Advance in medicine and treatment has made STDs a lot less scary than it used to be. Pretty much anything can be treated nowaday. ...  

It can be considered a fringe market then. A niche market. It doesn't need to become the norm because people are afraid to be accused of being PC-politically correct.

Politically correct implies a connection with politics and I don't think politics are invited into to many bedrooms or people sex lives. I also don't think that any politicians or advocate groups are too concerned with protecting an individuals' feelings when it comes to them wanting unprotected sex. Just as I don't think their is a group of people whose existence is being minimized, nor are they being denied basic needs and freedoms because they want unprotected with SWs.  It's a medical issue, a community health issue and a personal choice/intimacy issue. If one wants to ignore the risks and just have 'fun' all the time, then take a pill for it after, then it becomes a social/taxpayer issue. Who wants to pay for the medications that it takes to keep someone with HIV alive till the end of their days. Or the many meds to see which one will clear up the antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea that is prevalent now. Trying to make (convince us) everything 'less scary'  is no excuse to infringe upon others people's rights or boundaries.

1) How many clients/providers have asked/offered this to you out of the last 10 you have seen (regardless of time line)?   3 out of 10
2) When this happened, what did this make you feel/think at that moment?  
I will not lie. I love the feel of bbfs. However the worries afterward drive me crazy. I have never caught an STD but understand risks. One girl offered it up so freely (and I accepted) that I was worried sick for weeks until I was tested.  
When I end a good session where safe practices are followed I always leave happier.  
As far as BJs, for me a CBJ is a waste of time. So it is BBBJ or no oral  
3) Have you ever regretted participating in bareback (with anyone - including your other personal life) for any reason?  
short term. Almost always. Long term, never has any real issues.  
4) Yes, If you have done bareback _anything_ more than once in the last 10 years, did you have a partner at home?  
 Yes. Wife. However I'm in this hobby because she rarely wants sex (since menopause kicked in) and when she does she prefers it covered.  

5) No, If you have not done bareback _anything_, did/do you have a partner at home?

Eas with my ex. Had bbbjs and used female condoms with hookers. Never been offered bbfs I'd not continue the date if it eas offered.

ROGM743 reads

If a provider and client agree to see each other BBFSCIP then why do some people get all upset? Nobody should be forced, clients and providers to go BBFSCIP. Everyone is entitled to their opinion on this subject. Fine with me. But those that are Anti BBFSCIP (or claim to be) don't tell others how to conduct their personal playtime. For me I like seeing my two trusted providers BBFSCIP.

...It's a bit more than just an opinion it's a game of Russian roulette with the with any uninformed sexual partners in the future. If you think it's none's concern try posting a review of the providers & use your real TER handle & not an alias. Certainly most of us mongers would love to not use condoms but the fact that fs with a provider is much safer using one than going bareback is what drives me,

icebear687 reads

1 Of the last 10, probably 2 (maybe 3).

2 It is hardly unusual. The last two months it as probably possible with about 10 different girls I was with (still about 25%)

3 Not really.

4 N

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