TER General Board

No Green Bay Board, so I had to post it here....teeth_smile
Lover2Knight 19 Reviews 1499 reads



There's gonna be some high powered wagering going on in the northeast over the next couple of weeks.

Was cheering the Packers tonight and now am just sick about their loss!  I hope Brett comes back!

Patriots win, make history and break records all the way!  Anything so that the Giants lose.  Cowboys hate the Giants as much if not more than the Redskins so I must bet against them without a doubt.

Did anyone outside of the NY area want to see whiner Eli Manning play the Pats more than Brett Favre before he retires?  The television people must have collectively committed hari-kari when they saw the Giants win it.

Might as well pop the corks in Boston right now. It's gonna be a two week buildup to a snoozer.

And if you giants fans are all wanting to point out that last game of the year, keep dreaming.  You'll see reality on February 2nd.

February 3 ... and agreed, sadly the Patriots will win big.

I soooo wanted to see the Packers win.


Feb 2nd is Ground Hog Day, but Super Sunday is Feb. 3rd.  Let's hope we don't all get caught up in a Bill Murray nightmare...although spending eternity chasing after Andie McDowell wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing... ;)        

As for football, we've been hearing this sh*t for the past few weeks...first, Giants were going to be blown apart by T.O. and the 'boys for the third time this season...sorry, didn't happen.  Then, this week, the Giants would freeze in the cold against the dauntless Packers, with Superman Favre delivering them to an easy, blow-out victory.  Favre is certainly one the greatest QB's ever, but he didn't look like it during the second half on Sunday, nor especially on the second play of OT on Sunday.  Again, sorry, didn't happen...  

Say all that you want against the Giants...I saw several Boston fans pop the cork before victory was secured during the '86 WS, before the fat lady sang.  Snoozer?  Wouldn't bet on that...I'm not stupid enough to think the Pats won't win, but it will be a game.  This is Boston vs. NY, and the former historically does not fare well against us.  Pats vs. Giants, until this year, had little historical NFL significance.  Pats won against us to end their season undefeated, and will most likely win again, but don't think the Giants will go down without a fight!


#9_T.Romo1056 reads

The reason we lost the game last week is I was too busy looking around for Jessica and thinking about all the fun her and I had in Cabo. Not as much fun as you and I had that wild weekend I was in Vegas.

Ohh yeah, T.O. says hello. At least that's what I think he said; its difficult to understand him when he's crying.

I don't blame you for looking around for Jessica I know I would..hell I probably wouldn't have gone to the game! :)  

I actually met her when she was in highschool and she was a cutie then too!  I met Tony ahem I mean you a few years back and well you had the personality of a wall.  Glad to see that is changing slightly!  


I strongly dislike the Mannings.

And that means...what?  In the eyes of an east coast sports fan, you appear to be bitter, not to mention clueless...

I'm not bitter at all. Being a Massachusetts, I'm a Patriots fan, and the last time I checked, they hadn't lost a game this year. As for the Mannings, I just don't like them, never did. On February 3rd, we can stop annointing the boy wonder.

My apologies.  I saw the Pats dust the Jet's in week one in person..I am aware that the Patriot's are a world class team!  I was bothered by several refernces here that the Giants would be cannon fodder for the Pat's in the Bowl.  While I expect you guys will win, it is not a certainty...if it was, why bother watching if it's not a game, and the outcime guarteed?    No fun that way!  Boston vs. New York is the best of all rivalries...I harbor no hatred towards you guys who root for your team...now if you mentioned the Dallas Suckboys...yeah, I hate 'em. LOL...


The feeling is mutual.  I would not have mind much if my G-men might lose to Green Bay as long as they beat the hated Cowboys

done41458 reads

As a GB Fan from WI I am happy with the fact that the Pack made it as far as they did. Good job guys! Do as good or better next year and I'll still be happy.

Don't be too quick to count out the G-Men. Just ask the Bucs, Cowboys, and Packers. And if you watched the Pats yesterday, they didn't exactly light things up. Brady looked very average.

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