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RE: Addicted to Buying Pu$$y?
panopticon123 2 Reviews 179 reads

It sounds like you're jealous! And, IMHO, to call repeated behavior an "addiction" is a means of affording the other person a means of avoiding personal responsibility and blame for possibly costly and/or harmful behavior...

Is there such a thing as addicted to buying pu$$y?  I swear its like every time I go to erotic review and read the reviews I see the same people over and over again reviewing a different girl every time. I looked at on persons profile in particular and he already has 15 different reviews for the month of May. Every session he did was at least $100. That means this guy paid at least $1500 plus in May alone for some pu$$y. Good God man.  How can somebody do this. Its like he buys pu$$y every 2 days. How does one have the time to do this. Running around from house to house looking for the next lay.  I don't even had the strength or time to be calling all these women in a month. I wonder if some people here are addicted to buying pu$$y. I've seen several other members here that have a ridiculous amount of reviews in 1 month alone. How do you live with yourself that you have to run around buying some snatch just to get layed. Doesn't it get tiring after a while. Give me some feedback here. Help me to understand this addiction.

I guess you don't much cruise the guys who see the same amount of girls and spend over a grand a pop? It's not an addiction just because one guy has more money than the next. If he can't pay his bills because of hobbying, that would be an addiction. If a guy has money to toss around, who are we to say how he should spend it. Some guys like to see one or two girls a month and stick with them, and others like more variety. No big mystery here.

Johnny - I won't comment on what folks pay for "company" or how many providers they see....but I do want to compliment you on your reviews.  I love them!  They are really entertaining! lol.

Regardless of how many providers one sees, we are all involved in this "biz". From what I see, you have reviews, so you're playing the same game as "Joe Schmo" who has X amount of reviews.

I agree with London, since when has a $100 been so much money? And spending $1500 a month on providers isn't exactly what I call an "Addiction".

Everyone has different urges and needs they desire. And for that matter, we all have different budgets. Do what you do, and don't worry about how much money another guy spends on providers. If he can afford to drop that much "Paper" and not have it phase his bank roll, more power to him.

Remember this....Pussy always comes at a premium, it's never "Free" even in the civie world.

Everybody thinks they can judge everybody else.  You really don't get it.  This is a fuck board.  Everybody has different ways they enjoy sex.  But there are always people like you who judge the way others express their sexuality.  Oh, you do BBBJ!  Sick fucker!  Oh, you do BBFS! Disease-ridden pervert!  Oh! You fuckt a tranny!  Sicko!  Oh, please, take your judgemental crap somwhere else. You are fucking boring.

"I won't see girls who have 3 pages of reviews. I like low mileage p*ssy from BP." Do I need to say anything else?

He assumed that women with pages of reviews and I quote, "Can't possibly have any thread left in the p*ssy." He obviously missed school the year they taught Biology, and that normal sex can't alter the size and shape of a vagina...only the extremes with other objects and child birth can. Some women are tight and some are not...just the way it is. A woman having sex with her bf who is 10 inches, has more of a chance of being stretched out than a provider with pages of reviews who might only fk twice a week, and below average guys at that. I love the way some guys think they know what is between our legs lol.

AnotherPerspective285 reads

I never  wonder why they aren't drifting,  saving gas money .

Posted By: johnnymapalo
Is there such a thing as addicted to buying pu$$y?  I swear its like every time I go to erotic review and read the reviews I see the same people over and over again reviewing a different girl every time. I looked at on persons profile in particular and he already has 15 different reviews for the month of May. Every session he did was at least $100. That means this guy paid at least $1500 plus in May alone for some pu$$y. Good God man.  How can somebody do this. Its like he buys pu$$y every 2 days. How does one have the time to do this. Running around from house to house looking for the next lay.  I don't even had the strength or time to be calling all these women in a month. I wonder if some people here are addicted to buying pu$$y. I've seen several other members here that have a ridiculous amount of reviews in 1 month alone. How do you live with yourself that you have to run around buying some snatch just to get layed. Doesn't it get tiring after a while. Give me some feedback here. Help me to understand this addiction.

Everything is based on that. Did you come from outer space? :)

It sounds like you're jealous! And, IMHO, to call repeated behavior an "addiction" is a means of affording the other person a means of avoiding personal responsibility and blame for possibly costly and/or harmful behavior...

Apparently if he has the time to see 15 girls in one month and spend roughly $1500 each month, then that shows he has a lot of free time and can afford that type of lifestyle. If you gotta work a 9-5, then it would be difficult to see 15 ladies in one month. I use to work a 9-5, and damn, I use to get tired as shit after the day, and not want to do anything.

Atlanta has a lower rate than most cities, which makes it possible for the hobbyist to achieve those numbers. If I lived in Atlanta, I'd see multiple women in one month too.

I wouldn't say they are addicted to buying pussy, it's just a lifestyle that they can afford. If its addiction, then their financials and relationships are affected. Apparently, he is able to afford seeing these girls in one month. Some guys have the energy and luxury to see plenty of girls in one month, while others can't. Not every person is equal.

I don't regret seeing multiple girls in one month. In the past, I use to take an entire month off and devote that entire month to seeing providers. Its a lifestyle choice that person chose to make. You've never live this lifestyle before, so, you have no experience in it. I can tell you that it is enjoyable to see multiple girls in a month, but, after a while, it does get tired.

I've been hobbying now for over a year. At first, it was the rush, excitement of the journey, and the feeling of sleeping with multiple girls. I've had some months where I would see over ten girls in one month. There were a couple of times I took vacations and saw over 15 girls in one month. After a while, it does get tired.

Its not like I can't get free pussy, its just the convenience of it. I have an SO, and I can get sex from her anytime. However, it does get tiresome fucking the same girl over and over again.

So, to answer your question. Some guys are more fortunate than others, they can work less, have more time available, which enables them to see multiple girls in a month. If you can live their lifestyle, I think you would be tempted to try it. From my experience, you will get tired after a year or so of seeing plenty of girls. After I have overindulge in pussy, it all seems to be the same. I've seen all types of girls, affordable to luxurious providers. I am at that point in my hobbying career where seeing only a few providers in one month is more satisfying than seeing 15 or so providers. It's just more satisfying to me. Over indulgence can be a bad thing.

I only saw that many girls in the past because I was still new to hobbying, and everything was still exciting. Now, a few here, and a few there is good for me.

Poor people are crazy, rich people are eccentric.

So it is with sex.  If you can afford to see a lot of gals and enjoy them (And I used to do two or three a week in my salad days.), then you are a hobbyist.  If you can't afford to and do it anyways, then you are addicted.

For the former there is TER, for the latter, Sexaholics Anonmynious.

PrayingForRain172 reads

Your credibility is questionable when you've seen a provider that goes by the name of Twixxx (not to mention Karma...).

Posted By: johnnymapalo
Is there such a thing as addicted to buying pu$$y?  I swear its like every time I go to erotic review and read the reviews I see the same people over and over again reviewing a different girl every time. I looked at on persons profile in particular and he already has 15 different reviews for the month of May. Every session he did was at least $100. That means this guy paid at least $1500 plus in May alone for some pu$$y. Good God man.  How can somebody do this. Its like he buys pu$$y every 2 days. How does one have the time to do this. Running around from house to house looking for the next lay.  I don't even had the strength or time to be calling all these women in a month. I wonder if some people here are addicted to buying pu$$y. I've seen several other members here that have a ridiculous amount of reviews in 1 month alone. How do you live with yourself that you have to run around buying some snatch just to get layed. Doesn't it get tiring after a while. Give me some feedback here. Help me to understand this addiction.

His writing style is pretty good, and his reviews are hysterical.

Totally!!!  Hilarious!!!  I say keep him for the reviews alone!

I wish I could add reviewers as "favorites"...lol

More like contradicting nonsense, and utter bs. "My hoes have been acting up, now I know why I don't pay for p*ssy?" Yet, he pays for it 3 more times after making those statements lol. Yea, just brilliant. I can appreciate humor, but at least be consistent.

You know, it's kind of like illegal drugs. Some people can use cocaine and weed and keep it to a purely social level, it never gets out of control. While others, after their first hit they're on their knees offering $2 BJs to fund their habit.

If you're seeing 15 girls per month, YOU HAVE AN ADDICTION - YOU HAVE A PROBLEM. It has nothing to do with how much money you have or whether you can afford it or not. If you're seeing a paid provider every 2 days, you are addicted. No two ways about it...

Posted By: johnnymapalo
Is there such a thing as addicted to buying pu$$y?  I swear its like every time I go to erotic review and read the reviews I see the same people over and over again reviewing a different girl every time. I looked at on persons profile in particular and he already has 15 different reviews for the month of May. Every session he did was at least $100. That means this guy paid at least $1500 plus in May alone for some pu$$y. Good God man.  How can somebody do this. Its like he buys pu$$y every 2 days. How does one have the time to do this. Running around from house to house looking for the next lay.  I don't even had the strength or time to be calling all these women in a month. I wonder if some people here are addicted to buying pu$$y. I've seen several other members here that have a ridiculous amount of reviews in 1 month alone. How do you live with yourself that you have to run around buying some snatch just to get layed. Doesn't it get tiring after a while. Give me some feedback here. Help me to understand this addiction.

and interfering with work, family, finances etc. I know many single and wealthy men who see that many providers a month for short time frames. So the guy fkin his wife 15 times a month also has an addiction? Money or no money, it's the same thing. Sex is sex, paid or not. If one can afford it as a luxury item without doing harm to his other responsibilities it is not an addiction. Many men are retired, some run their own companies which have them on the road all the time...no two situations are alike.

-- Modified on 5/31/2012 4:27:49 PM

Where can you find these $100 dollars ladies? I can't find them. A descent FBSM with just a HJ costs $140 minimum where I live.

your CHEAP A$$ would start paying for some quality pu$$y, you might actually see where the "addiction" could come from.

But hey, good luck with your "non-ran-thru low-milage" backpage biddies.  Sounds like you've been having great results there. BAWHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

That's all from me for now...I need to go re-thread my tasty, tight and oh so sought after pu$$y.

-- Modified on 5/31/2012 2:44:24 PM

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