TER General Board

Re: A deposit secures my time.
holystonethedeck 81 Reviews 45 reads

I'd like to say that I paid QB a sizable deposit when she was planning to visit my area. Her plans changed a few weeks later unfortunately and within 5 minutes of her notifying me of her cancellation, I had my deposit refunded.

MartiniMonster4349 reads

Seems to be a trend of providers demanding a deposit up-front these days.  To me, that is a total deal-breaker.  Now I get it that ladies sometimes might get a no-show, but then again, so do we.  Long ago I answered an ad for an attractive lady and was told to go to Apt A someplace and give THEM the money and they would tell me where she would meet me.  Yeah, right.  
A lady has a right to run her business any way she wants.  And I have a right to  move along.

The bottom line is this: everyone on both sides of the equation has to do what makes sense to them and what makes them comfortable.  

I have paid deposits a few times with no issue but I wouldn't pay one with an unknown or new provider. I've heard some horror stories about some of the brand-new 20-something gals.

As a single Mom I have to make arrangements & I started requiring deposits to book my time back in 2010. Considering the facts many providers book a room to cater to clients & can invest hundreds of dollars hoping to get bookings. As an honest person I would never steal, and I did not gain a good reputation by scamming anyone. I believe if you do your due diligence you can make an executive decision on who is 100% legit. Merry Christmas!

Smile for me!

I'd like to say that I paid QB a sizable deposit when she was planning to visit my area. Her plans changed a few weeks later unfortunately and within 5 minutes of her notifying me of her cancellation, I had my deposit refunded.

That is why you do not pay a deposit. I believe it's a scam

Always remember that this is an illegal activity!
The less RWI that can be traced back to you the better.
That's why everyone that plays in this arena has Handles, Aliases, Burner phones, Voip phone numbers, acronyms, etc...
Theses only exist as a way to hide who you are and what you're doing.

Who gives a deposit to someone who has that many ways of hiding who they really are?

No to deposits and RWI.

Stop being an idiot people!

-- Modified on 12/25/2023 11:54:29 AM

It all depends on whether the provider is reliable or not.

Reliable ? This is not an April fools thread. If she is reliable she would not request a deposit, why would there be a need for one ? C’mon man.

The problem is customers who aren't reliable....

Ok, makes sense (we will omit all the scam possibilities for now)  

What is the customers equivalent of this though?
What kinda of collateral does customer get for providers reliability?  

I mean, this is a two-way street biz after all, no?  

This is largely a rhetorical question, but maybe there's a real answer I'm not aware of somehow.

-- Modified on 12/26/2023 10:50:36 PM

So let me ask this question then: if I were to go on quora or even chatgpt and ask them this, omitting the industry in question:

Party A and party B do an illegal business transaction. Neither party is reliable by definition. Party B demands a collateral and party A cannot demand their own collateral. Oh and also Party B will often demand pii info from party A while party cannot do the same. Is this is a balanced deal in terms of fairness and which party is at disadvantage, if any?

What do you think will be the answer here? Another rhetorical question, really.

And before people run in and say the usual irrelevant statement of "u don't like don't pay/engage huh huh", this isn't about that at all.

This is about when looking at it logically and rationally, the proposition is completely and utterly disbalanced. I wish it was presented and always acknowledged as suxh. But it isn't - I wonder why (rhetorical question again!)  

The overwhelming majority of scams in this biz are deposit scams. If clients had their own collateral, I would venture to say the number of deposit scams would be close to zero.

And Im sure someone will - as usual - somehow interpret this as "rocket saying all providers are scammers and liars" . No, this isn't it at all. As long as other providers are doing no deposits, it is always better in risk aversion way to not give deposits and not visit providers who do ask for a deposit. That's all.

RespectfulRobert45 reads

Don't knock women bc of their business rules and regs. This is VERY simple. Go see a girl who doesn't ask for one. But suggesting a girl that requires a deposit isn't "reliable" is silly and grossly misinformed. Many, many reliable women ask for them.

A local favorite lady went on a rant to me a few weeks ago about last-minute cancellations taking a financial toll on her. She has a civie job and takes the day off when she gets an appointment (she's truly "low volume").  

Not counting her fees, she lost a few thousand dollars in salary within a month. She told me she was planning on charging deposits from here on out.

RespectfulRobert45 reads

It's so easy for guys here to say providers shouldn't charge a deposit but they aren't the ones out potentially thousands of dollars. No guy wants to pay a deposit but is it that hard to see this from the girls side?

AllTheTimeBaby28 reads

You've got that right!

When I was a n00b, I got burned several times with deposits. I saw this coming when a provider would pick a fight with me, then feign outrage and use that as an excuse to retain (steal) my deposit. Since then, I regularly consort with a better class of escorts and have no problems.

Being a "regular" has its advantages! Of added benefit is women will refer, or "lend" me to their friends!

It all leaves a trail.  I have done it but don’t care for it.  Cheap advice to proVs name your business something as in marketing or accounting. Nude photos in your Venmo don’t explain easy.

If it is a well reviewed gal.  I don’t mind.   I draw the line at my real ID.   Money is just money.  

What part of my body am I itching ? Deposits are for suckers, I’m gonna put a deposit on my groceries, clothes and fuel. Does that mean if cost go up I get the price at deposit rate. I’ve lost deposits after reading reviews of “reliable” reviewed providers. But as someone said on this thread, it's just money. OK.

Well  I hope you called them out publicly. I'd be interested in seeing your naughty girls list.

Winter Kay was outed yet look at profile, even after being out some still attempted to see her. Shocked so why bother.

If they require one, I just move on.  The risk is too high.  

Never charged a deposit in 15 years.
Never had a problem.
Never will charge a deposit.

This continues to prove what I believe.
'RespectfulRobert' is a provider.

Stop playing games girl.

-- Modified on 12/26/2023 3:17:31 PM

I have seen him 3 times now, actually. He is most definitely a man.

Hmm, so is RespectfulRobert your alias then? 🤔

I do agree with Ms.Scarlett that he is a dude, but he thinks, acts and views this biz more like a woman's perspective, so I can certainly understand your confusion.  Maybe he's transitioning and just hasn't announced it yet.  Lol

weakest comeback of the year on this board.  It makes no sense unless you add some context.  You should be embarrassed.  Try again and think first about what your point is and what you have to say to get there.    

how about answering my query?   Are you transitioning your gender anytime soon.  The simp you are today makes it easy to take the next step.  Lol

OK....we will go real slow here. My point is.....it is a joke. It is funny. Everyone knows Robert is a guy. Everyone is in on the joke, but you, obviously. There is no context. No one needs to be embarrassed. No one thinks Robert is me and no one thinks Robert is you. And for 2024 we will be getting Mr. Lion.....a sense of humor!!! YAY!!!

RespectfulRobert40 reads

And as you have no doubt noticed multiple times now in this thread, he is fantasizing about me transitioning. Obsessed about it really. Is he projecting? Maybe he wants to tell us something? lol.

I have no fantasy about you.  I'm just connecting the dots on your general proclivity to think and respond like a woman, and trying to be "one of the girls" by always agreeing with the providers posting here.  I was merely curious if this was part of a "process" for you.  Since you don't want to talk about it YET, we can move on.  Lol

not Robert, so if it's a joke to Robert, that's why it didn't make sense addressed to me.  Not everyone knows Robert is a guy, or someone wouldn't have questioned it in a post.  I'm sure he appreciates your white-knighting his masculinity.  You have to admit he is REALLY in touch with his feminine side.  (Maybe too much? - Lol).  

I really don't even know how to respond to this without being mean. Yes, it was addressed to you because I was trying to include you in on the joke. It was to allow you to add your own funny antidote and be included. Now I just kind of feel bad. Sorry buddy!!


And this thread turned into something else.

Didn’t see that coming  


Deposits,  pay or just move on. It’s not that hard.  

I know I know…  

That nice clean hotel with those crisp white sheets with no random hair on it, towels with no random hair on it…well bro…It came with a grasp. A deposit. Right?  

No deposit, even with a paid room. I gotta pay a wait for it. A deposit.  

I respect people’s opinion, however calling gentlemen idiots because they choose to pay a deposit is kinda crazy right.  

Did they use your money for the deposit and why do you care what other gents do with their money…

Pretty sure you can sue the hotel, right? Right. As a lodging customer you are protected by certain consumer laws.  

Whereas a provider can take anyone's deposit, say "sayonara sucka", delist, rebrand, change pics and be out there with a fresh identity and story in under a week. How you gon get the deposit back? Do tell.

False equivalency here.

And as far as telling what others to do with heir money. It's more of a financial advice. When I tell people don't buy into NFTs it's just a large ponzi scheme and chances are you're gonna get fucked (in a bad way) , I'm not telling what to do with their money. I'm giving common sense advice. Same here. Don't give out deposits if you dont wanna get scammed.

-- Modified on 12/27/2023 4:16:03 PM

Enjoyed the analogy, NEVER EVER give a deposit. I have a provider I saw once she started and have seen her a number of times. She now insists on a deposit while touring close to me. Again, I saw you from the start and you don’t trust me---good luck, I’m out.

Lol...this analogy has so many, wait for it...holes in it!

You're comparing legal vs illegal.
You're comparing a verifiable entity to a made up name.
You're comparing a know address to an unknown location.
You're comparing a legal contract to a temporary venmo account.
You're comparing legal actions vs gone in the wind when things go wrong.

Stop being an idiot people...no deposits!

like you said, it goes both ways. But as a well known provider being in the adult industry for 10 years I don't like to be plan "B" - I know it sounds weird 😁

Unfortunately, the most common reason is  "family emergencies and I have to leave town right now" so being based in Vegas, we know they spent too much money no matter what,  

I travel out of the country for personal reasons and when I book dates, I book an international flight as well  ( this takes me at least a whole day flying is different zone time) so I am not going to fly all the way to have last minute cancellations. I hope this helps!


AllTheTimeBaby40 reads

I'm a seasoned hobbyist, but have been burned in the past with ladies who stole a deposit. This occurred when I was a n00b, and i chalked it up to experience. I also have had a provider return a $1,200 deposit, again when I was n00b.  

I am, at least in my own mind, an experienced hobbyist now and no longer have problems like this.

Now, I see only well-established providers with whom I enjoy "regular" status. I give these 3 or 4 women deposits, on occasion,  simply to lock-in an appointment when she is touring and many others are vying for her time. In this realm, I haven't lost a cent. I did, once, allow a provider to retain a deposit when I cancelled at the last minute, as I knew she would otherwise incur an opportunity cost, and I wanted to maintain the relationship. I could have considered this to be her cost of doing business, but liked her and did not.  

I do not give deposits to unknown providers.

Just my $0.02!

Seasoned hobbyist ? Really you know how they say show me the CarFax ? Show me the reviews and please don’t spew the nonsense that you don’t write reviews. If you are seasoned and seek advise maybe stop the alias nonsense. Seasoned ok, LMFAO.

Why would a deposit be needed if the provider has already been seen multiple times? Seems redundant at that point. Text to schedule and see you then.  

I can see giving a deposit to a well reviewed provider to book your first, maybe 2nd, appointment. But after that, if we cant go on a couple of texts, im out.

How many times have you stopped seeing a provider after one or two meetings with a deposit? Many providers report being burned after foregoing deposits from “trusted” clients.

Hope that makes sense. I require 20% and ID. I will never adjust my rules. I’ve done it before and get burnt every time. My advice is to go with a provide that has stellar reviews so you have nothing to worry about.

Because even regular clients can be incredibly unreliable. I’m sure you’ve seen the answer to your question multiple times but still disregard the reasoning because it doesn’t fit your idealized narrative of a provider-client relationship.  

Last week, I had a regular set an appointment with me hinting that he was short my rate, I did not ask for a deposit. Meanwhile, he was simultaneously texting my friend who is a new girl, begging her to set an appointment with him for the exact same time he had already scheduled with me. Not only did he offer her more than her asking rate but also nearly twice mine. She ended up not seeing him because his eagerness freaked her out, somewhat related but he had a meltdown the next morning due to the rejection and sent her an 11 text rant. He ended up canceling on me at the last minute when I wasn’t receptive about taking a lower rate and likely because he was reeling from his ego being hurt by the new girl who couldn’t be bribed.

So there’s another example for why some providers ask for deposits. We shouldn’t have to lose money because a client is using us as a stand-by for their preferred provider. Your indecisiveness and emotional instability is wasting a slot that could be offered to another client who pays the deposit to show they’re serious. Even regulars WILL waste your time.

There is never really a "Trusted" person in the sex industry.
Did you see the story of the porn actor that had "undectable" HIV and never told any of his sex partners he was raw dogging.

I can assume that people thought he was a "Trusted" performer.

People can be trusted until they can't be...don't have loose ends hanging out there when they have an emergency come up (I.e. drugs, medical, new shoes, etc..) and they need money now.

I definitely understand and support the right of anyone to do business as the see fit. Completely get it that some guys are no-shows. It's a choice. Good luck to these ladies and I'm sorry for the troubles they've experienced. But I've had years and years of great times with providers on practically every price level and have never paid a deposit. Some have asked but then said never mind after I provided a good reference or two. I think I would be happy to pay in advance toward some kind of FMTY or multi-day experience if I ever sought to do that type of thing, but not for a standard 1-2 hr encounter.

So, to put this into perspective….. I require a deposit because  
1) I’m blocking off time for you  

2) if you cancel, I’m out my rate but I keep the deposit because I’ve missed out on a lot more than that. That’s only fair.  

3) I’ve given out my address after screening and then get ghosted. Now some address collector has my address (scary) this happens to us often. I’ve put my foot down and said no more.

4) I’ve gotten ready numerous times and waited for an Uber to be ghosted. Combine all the 3 above to this one. I’ve missed out on other bookings, time and money.  

Trust goes both ways. Book a provider that has a reputation. Our reviews and reputation is our business. I would never lie, steal or cheat a potential client. My reputation is my business and my reputation isnt worth ruining for a couple hundred bucks.  

Hope that makes sense. I require 20% and ID. I will never adjust my rules. I’ve done it before and get burnt every time. My advice is to go with a provide that has stellar reviews so you have nothing to worry about.

But you want trust in clients to be paid in money while you want trust in YOU to be in words of  
"I would never lie, steal or cheat a potential client."

That is not both ways, sorry. For it to be both ways, trust on both sides would have to be paid in money, or paid on both sides in words.

But not one side in money, and other in words.

If you think talk is cheap on client side, why can't we say the same about provider side? Because you say "I would never lie, steal or cheat a potential client."? I'm sure your clients that ghosted you said the same thing, as have scammers who cheated clients of their deposits.  


I suspect that there will be no answer for this simple question.

-- Modified on 12/29/2023 1:35:14 AM

You unwittingly just made a case in support of deposits.

That said, if you don’t want to pay a deposit, don’t pay a deposit. Plenty of mongers never pay a deposit.  If you come across a provider who requires a deposit, just move on.

No I haven't. I made the case for two-way business to have the SAME accountability on both sides. Not lopsided and imbalanced accountability skewed towards the seller. Get the fuck outta here.  

I asked already, is there a collateral on the client side? No, there isn't any. That's the ONLY reason why the most prominent scam in the biz is the deposit scam.

Will you ever admit that this isn't two-way biz and such a transaction is a heavily imbalanced proposition that will be considered so by pretty much anyone if you omit the industry in question? Probably not.  

But why? What does seller of sexual services do that makes them special as opposed to other sellers, including sellers of illegal goods and services? Not a damn thing.


And lol, looks like you don't have any logical argument left, so you resort to the usual "if you don't like dont do use/buy/engage ". We're here deconstructing the idea of trust in sellers mind being equal to client paying for it but the sellers word somehow is good enough..fuck outta here.

RespectfulRobert48 reads

Thats the point you consistently miss in your argument.  
Providers just have MUCH more risk with regards to cancellations and NCNS than clients do with regards to lost money in almost every case.  
The request for a deposit simply levels the playing field. In that scenario, the client now has skin in the game, as does the provider. If the client feels the need to ask for "collateral", he/she is certainly entitled to do so.  
But much in the same way you the buyer can turn down that request to pay a deposit, the provider has the right not to accept the buyers collateral request. Freedom of choice is a wonderful thing. :)

Excellent analysis. There’s nothing stopping Rocket from asking for collateral if that is so important to him. That fact alone blows apart his “it’s unfair” complaint away. Just as clients have the freedom to ignore providers’ deposit requests, providers have the freedom to ignore Rocket’s collateral requests.


When doing an illegal transaction both sides have the same risk.

Both sides are a flight risk.

How do you assess risk and what's the basis of you saying MUCH?  

Let's seem some numbers, but they can't be from providers. Obviously providers have a horse in this race. Let's see what is your basis for such a wild statement besides providers own justifications for deposits.  Can't wait.  


Lol at evens the playing field. Not only cannot you admit that the field is biased towards the provider, you say it's biased towards the buyer? Lmao I can't even.

What "skin" is there for the client? Client had zero guarantees. Client is at total and complete mercy of provider. Lol.  


Something you and cks fail to understand.  

Were arguing a specific business transaction from the point of view of is it fair or lopsided in terms of requirements.  

It is irrelevant that "clients can turn down the request". Completely and utterly irrelevant. Client can turn down any request/requirement, that doesn't mean the request/requirement is fair or balanced in propositional value.

I already said,

"and before people run in and say the usual irrelevant statement of "u don't like don't pay/engage huh huh", this isn't about that at all.

This is about when looking at it logically and rationally, the proposition is completely and utterly disbalanced. I wish it was presented and always acknowledged as such"

"If u don't like don't pay" isn't relevant here at all and I wish youd stop bringing it up. Using this logic, you could justify literally anything by the seller because buyer can decline the transaction. You wouldnt wanna do that... Or would you Robert? If so, maybe discussion is pointless.  

Special place in the shadow realm for those who think the seller can do whatever the fuck they want without being called out, because the buyer can say no. Bad seller propositions should be called out constantly. I'm glad there are people in this thread shitting on deposits besides me.

More world salad from the KGirl Forum’s resident geek. Deposits are bad because there’s an “imbalance” in the buyer/seller relationship?  Using your logic, rates are “bad” too.  How do you separate deposits and rates using your line of thought?

If you see a reputable provider there isn't as much risk to you. This is our job. We want the appointment to happen. Men are playing. They might be talking to 3 gals and we set aside time, get a room, whatever and he blows you off. The risk is here because if we blow you off you wasted time. But when you blow us off it costs us money. The deposit secures time. U come then no problem. If she has to cancel she gives back deposit. If you cancel in a reasonable time she gives back deposit. She only keeps it when you blow her off last minute. And she deserves that bcuz u wasted her time.

Dfusethesituation45 reads

In general I do not do deposits, and if a provider requires one, it makes my decision to see her that much easier to say no and move along.  The problem for me is, there is no accountability.  If a provider stiffs a client on a deposit, said client has to go through so many loopholes to get their money back.  But lord forbid a client crosses the line in some way, shape or form then they're "blacklisted".  If there was more of an alliance between us clients (at least those who refused to pay deposits) then they would have faded away, but there isn't.  And of course you have reckless clients out there who just willingly pay, which makes it hard for us that don't.  These days it's damn near impossible to come across a provider that doesn't require a deposit.  So as the OP says, I too just move along and hope to find someone who doesn't have that requirement.  

Girls wouldnt demand deposits if guys stopped flaking. I as well as many providers have actually ahd guys show up to our locations then let us know and that seemed to be all they wanted. To let us know they knew where we are and never actually see us for the scheduled appointment.  

If deposits make you mad then hold other men accountable for it. Yall love to be mad at women instead of other guys who are the reason alot of girls have these policys in place in the first place. The day of no deposits is going to end soon I hope you all know. So be proactive and get used to it now.  

Things are getting more dangerous a girl cant spend 300 in HOPES of making it back when you have to have lower volume/ higher rates to afford to live, or work all day everyday to stay afloat if your not doing higher rates.

LIKE ALL MEN NEED A ACTUAL DOSE OF REALITY AND WHAT WOMEN GO THROUGH. because ya'll make it so blaring obvious that yall have legit no idea at all what's going on for women in the world.  

If you were at work and worked off third party contracts and got told youd make 5k this month on a contract and spend days talking about it then at the endof the month they just ghosted you or said woops your ass woudl be up in arms about it.

So why shoudl women be any less? Why should we accept less? The way I see it is we deserve more. ESPECIALLY girls who do what we do. We are the only reason many men are happy in their boring lives with their boring wives and their demanding and annoying kids. Liek WE ARE the golden lining. Treat us like it.

Here's the news : not all providers are women. Especially nowadays, that should be clear. There are gay providers and trans providers. Many of them actually.

This isn't a men/women problem  

This is a buyers/sellers problem.  

Please put the gender card down. You're misusing it here.  


Oh and I don't know about others but you have too high view of your own importance. Sellers of sexual services are the only reason buyers are happy in this world ? What? Lmaoooo.. Do we all have to bow down to our knees and praise gods for someone to sell sexual services?  

This shows what sellers really think of buyers huh. That were all miserable fucks whose only highlight in life is buying sex? What a pathetic view. You sure you're enjoying this job? Way to view the customers.  

And because of this, you get to forego regular buyer/seller interactions that are equal and balanced? Lol

Personally I buy sexual services the same way I buy other services. Sellers of sex aren't special the way they think they are. You're just a seller. And I expect you to respect customers rights. But you can't even respect the customers themselves.

Dfusethesituation39 reads

I'll say this.  Flaking has been apart of this game since the beginning of time, the same as bait and switching.  I for one have never flaked on an appointment and have no want or need to "get used to deposits".  There are plenty of providers that don't require them, so if they match my criteria then I'll just see them.  

"LIKE ALL MEN NEED A ACTUAL DOSE OF REALITY AND WHAT WOMEN GO THROUGH" I could sympathize with your point I guess, but in the world of sales you make how many contacts per day and divide that by however many who actually show up and get paid 5 to 10 times more for 15, 30, 60 mins of work vs the average person actually working a legal job?  Now if you actually put forth effort for your appointments e.g. lingerie, heels, make up, refreshments, etc., I can respect the fact that you ask for a deposit to secure your time, but if screening actually meant something, then all it takes is actually doing your research and rewarding clients with good track records and not lumping them into the same boat as time wasters.  But since y'all don't, then I won't, and I'll continue to not seek out sessions with providers that ask for deposits.  As it stands now, I've saved a shit ton of money that I would have historically spent by just applying that logic when I'm searching.  And for the record, I loathe clients who make appointments and no show for appointments.  

You’re assuming all providers are the same & we are not. I put forth lots of effort into every date booked because I cherish my adult playtime. I choose lingerie by inquiring the persons favorite color. I always have snacks & refreshments if I am hosting. You state you sympathize, but you really do not because you are generalizing by stating ya‘LL.  

In the South it’s pronounced you ins all. lol Smile for me! Happy 2024!

I love entertaining people who respect my time & effort.

Dfusethesituation35 reads

Guess you didn't read this part "Now if you actually put forth effort for your appointments e.g. lingerie, heels, make up, refreshments, etc., I can respect the fact that you ask for a deposit to secure your time"  

And I'm from the south, and I have never heard "you ins all" lmfao.  

Sorry lady, you + all = Y'all

"Y'all" is actually singular. As in asking one friend, "Y'all wanna get a drink?"
But the plural of "y'all" is "ALL y'all." As in asking a group of friends, "All y'all wanna get some drinks?"

I am not sure why providers don't simplify this process by giving clients the choice of paying the deposit or not. Offer guys who pay the deposit a discount vs the guys who don't want to pay in cash.

I do agree with adding incentives. I am updating my new site I had to create after ditching the old with little notice. Installments are also an option. I think there should be rewards.

give your customers a punch card and after they have paid for nine sessions, the tenth one is free.  (Some may still tip on the free one, so you still get something.)

Several AMPs and related businesses in NYC used to give out such cards! (I've still got several almost-complete but place-now-closed cards. Maybe they'll re-open some day ... .)  Some were "10th visit free" but some were "50% discount on 5th visit."

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Do what the car wash does . . .  
give your customers a punch card and after they have paid for nine sessions, the tenth one is free.  (Some may still tip on the free one, so you still get something.)
None of the places I frequented used the "spill the 10th cup for free" verbiage to avoid abuse of their MSOG policies.

as they are LEAVING, which means there is no chance they are being scammed.  I knew you would figure it out eventually.  

OlympicGold37 reads

It seems like I’ve seen it before

...and politely declined each one. Like it's been noted here-a provider has every right to ask for one, and I have every right to decline. I have never been a NCNS or even late for a session for that matter. It does suck that flaky customers have definitely influenced the deposit issue, but I'm not guilty by association so I'll move on to the next (no deposit) lady.

LisaEC34 reads

I can guarantee that the number of bad experiences we have as providers far exceed your bad experiences as customers.

We take deposits for all bookings which enables the ladies to properly plan the precious time they dedicate to escorting. They arrange for pet and child care, travel and organise their diaries around the booking.  

It is rare we have a client protesting to pay a deposit. I am always grateful to new clients who trust me as a new agency with their money upfront.

Its not a thing in the UK.  Too many scammers  

Only acception is if a girl has to travel a long way she may ask the client to pay for the taxi.

As the requirement for deposits becomes more common, scams will as well.  It's just the nature of human behavior.  

become an attractive option.  They are not going to screw up their reputation by scamming an individual customer.  

I been with escorts for so many years and not once i made a deposit.  I emailed an escort, she's new and got 2 reviews, both good.  She emailed me back and she need a $200 deposit for the appointment. Any advice? I don't want to be scammed.

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