TER General Board

Re: • THANK YOU ! - • Good to be back •
StraightCountry 3 Reviews 552 reads

It sounds like someone elses loss was our gain.  I am looking forward to your posts and insight as I found them very intellegent and helpful to newbies.  Hopefully the sadness will stay away and the returning happiness will continue to grow.

shaka7003565 reads

Guys whats the wildest thing you've done to come up with the donation for a provider? Have you ever dipped in the mortgage money to produce the donation or do you mostly budgetize for it? Especially with the rates of a lot of providers increasing. Especially some VIP providers that charge over $1000 per session. Or have some of you guys ever tried to barter for services or negotiate the fee? To the ladies do you ever feel some of your clients can't actually afford your service and have you ever offered them a discount?

Would you go to the golf course and tell them that you can't afford the greens fees, and offer to only pay for 5 holes?  While there have been many discussions about whether the ladies work ONLY for the money, the money definitely does enter into why they are here.  If you can't afford to play, you'll need to sit on the sidelines until you can ante up.

I'm sure that some guys spend money that they shouldn't, but I never do.  My problem is time, not money.  If I had more time, the money would get to be a problem.

As tempting as it is to dip into savings, I only hobby as much as I can while staying within my budget.   I have really enjoyed getting into  hobbying, and would love to hobby with greater frequency. I could probably hobby twice as much as I do now for about a year, but then I'd be broke. So, I stick to once a month.

-- Modified on 9/26/2007 3:29:23 AM

RE the question --- ladies do you ever feel some of your clients can't actually afford your service and have you ever offered them a discount?---

Yes I do (feel some can't afford to play) and no I don't (give a discount).  Nobody gets a discount.  Well almost nobody...  :-)

If I feel someone is out of their league finance wise I wouldn't feel right taking their money.

I remember one time on a trip to Montery. Some guy in Salinas (about a 40 minute drive away) didn't have a car and lived with his parents.  He wanted me to drive out, pick him up, play and return him for like $1,000.  I was like dude, "I think you need to save your money and buy a car."

I hope he did and has since been able to play with  some other lucky girl.

TS Jamie  :-)

Its funny, but I only seem to get requests to lower my donation from guys that I know have the money they just want to haggle. I always tell them know. I actually just ran a back to school special and had 2 guys try to haggle me down from my already discounted special. Both of them were clients who had made appointments to see me at twice the rate of my special and scheduling conflicted. So either they were never going to show up in the first place or biz was good before and now theyre broke. who knows.

I'd love for you to make a tour to Chicago. E-mail me if you need any assistance...

I truly hope you are just bored and couldn't think of anything else to ask.

If you can't afford to pay without hurting yourself financially, you can't play.

I, as I'm sure most here, have a budget setup to "play" with.
If I want to see someone who may have a higher fee, I save up longer.
Under no circumstances do I take funds that are meant for other things, like food, clothes, mortgage, phone, electricity, etc.

Remember, this is a hobby, not life and death.

It's not worth hurting yourself financially.

Oh, BTW, barter or negotiate for services? NO class.

Just my opinion...

-- Modified on 10/23/2007 4:22:54 PM

I, for one, have missed you.

Take care.

Just my opinion...

I echo Bob's sentiment that it is good to see you here Lisa.  The new website is nice and you are looking good.  Hope things are going well for you.

I was in a private arrangement for a while which was very nice but a bit stifling & suffocating.

Sadly, the powers to be at TER don't allow retired - (self) delisted providers to post.

So I was sad and alone with so much to say. :(

But .... NOW I am back in force, once again a true operative, running, going, speaking, posting and having fun again !

xo Lisa

-- Modified on 9/26/2007 10:21:08 AM

It sounds like someone elses loss was our gain.  I am looking forward to your posts and insight as I found them very intellegent and helpful to newbies.  Hopefully the sadness will stay away and the returning happiness will continue to grow.

And thanks so much for not actually answering the question! LOLOL

I also once took a cash advance on my credit card back when I was in college, hoping I would be able to convince my parents to pay the bill just this once (it worked, but I had to think of a creative explanation for the money).  

No matter how old I get, I always seem to want to hobby above my head.  There's never been a time when I see a provider with money that I "don't need."  I always need my money.  There's no such thing as "disposable" money.  For me, this is a very expensive luxury, but since it's really my ONLY luxury, I find ways to rationalize the expenditure.  But I always make sure that my bills get top preference every month.

shaka7001064 reads

time just answer the question; it may take you a couple of hours to do that but I am sure you can atleast give it some effort. Thanks to the people who actually responded to the question. This was a legitimate question I asked about coming up with the donation.People always buy, purchsase, or pay for services they truly cannot afford. Why do you think so many people are in credit card debt and a lot of peoples homes are in foreclosure.

If I am not mistaken, your question was towards hobbyists. I for one do not imagine that Zayzha or any other provider has issues coming up with the $ to hobby. Am I wrong here? You were truly rude in your reply for someone who was just making a comment on what she thought was funny. You should re-read your question and apologize. We certainly don't need men who are rude AND illiterate on here...

So, are you saying that it's OK to be rude OR illiterate, but not both?  If so, is there one that you'd prefer over the other?

Shaka's question was aimed at hobbyists AND providers.  The last sentence of his post reads as follows: "To the ladies do you ever feel some of your clients can't actually afford your service and have you ever offered them a discount?"  It seems like a legitimate question, even if the answer is always a self-deluded "NO!"  Despite what you may think, most of your clients are probably not wealthy.  Most millionaires can get laid for free LOL.  

Seriously, most of us are just working stiffs.  We have money problems just like everyone else.  We sometimes make bad financial decisions and spend above our heads.  Perhaps you and Zayzha are mocking this post because you feel guilty at having taken money from men who can't really afford to give.  I don't think this is a common occurence, but it must happen occasionally and you know it.  For example, have you ever had a session with a college student or a grad student?  If so, odds are, he couldn't really afford the session, but he did it anyway because the little head was firmly in control.  Don't get me wrong -- it's not your fault.  You're running a business, and you can't be expected to grill every customer about whether they can really afford your services.  And you're definitely NOT obligated to offer discounts or bartering to anyone you don't want to.  

All Shaka was asking is whether you believe you've ever provided for a client who can't really afford you.  That's all.  Women are supposed to have intuition, right?  If you ask me, you're the one who should apologize.  I think YOUR response was exremely rude.  Nothing about his post was particularly offensive, whereas your post referred to Shaka as "illiterate."  Or how about a better solution -- how about no one has to apologize to anyone, because we can all say whatever we want here.  Especially if it has the added advantage of being true.

OJ Simpson, and then tried to sell it back to him in LV.

Didn't work out too well.

GaGambler711 reads

It looks like it worked out better for you than for him. lol

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