TER General Board

Re: . But it drive me crazy (Obviously Not Familiar With TER’s Review Format)
Zeel 67 Reviews 1853 reads
1 / 35

I have noticed an uptick in some providers listing 2-4 home cities. Why do this? As a potential client, I become reluctant to contact these providors unless there is something else that makes it clear where they actually are located. Unless something else in the ad clears this up, then what is the point? I would think a provider also wants less emails/texts asking about availability from clients who are not where you are too. Am I missing something?

RespectfulRobert 33 reads
2 / 35

But I have seen more than two at times as you state. I think it's a case where the girl is either in those cities quite often, or she has plans to tour there shortly. In either case, I think she would welcome the inquiries knowing she will be in those towns very soon or is currently in one of them. I see this on tryst fairly often so I think that is where you are seeing this?

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 38 reads
3 / 35

If the gal is exclusively tour those may be the main cities she works from.

Zeel 67 Reviews 50 reads
4 / 35

Yes, this is mostly on Tryst. In many cases, these are women who tour and list tour cities, including the home cities listed. When they have tour dates, it's obvious where they are. However, I see plenty of cases where there are gaps in their tours or they don't have a current tour. It's in these cases I would prefer to know where they are. I would rather not fill out a screening form, which most want me to do before answering any questions, to find out they are not in my city now but will be at some point.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 36 reads
5 / 35

who do this is that it means they tour regularly to those cities and have some repeating customers in each one.  Other cities are not guaranteed she will ever come back.  It will depend on the demand and how well she does the first time in cities that are not her "home" cities.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 40 reads
6 / 35

I have always catered to all of Southern California. I am in San Diego, so that means adding multiple cities…

Inland Empire
Orange County  
Los Angeles  
Palm Springs  

I myself don’t find that to be strange, or unusual.

I have also, always catered to Arizona + Nevada upon request. I used to refer to myself as the West Coast Diva!

brownjack 45 reads
7 / 35

This is also my experience.

There is one provider to whom I am rather attracted and she travels a regular circuit of 5 or 6 cities.  If you are on her "route", you can count on her being in your area every month or so.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 43 reads
8 / 35

Limiting your geographical touring area (except for AZ and NV) to a distance reachable by car rather than by airplane gives you more flexibility on length of stays and help in controlling your fixed costs.  I have met many providers that do the same, moving between LA, OC (Irvine/Costa Mesa) and SD, having several regulars in each city.

-- Modified on 1/22/2024 9:49:15 PM

Zeel 67 Reviews 46 reads
9 / 35

It’s easy to just spell this out though without claiming all as your home city. If I am looking for an incall, it makes a big difference knowing where I am driving to in order to see you. Plenty of providers do exactly this too. Or alternatively, if the concern is you want to regularly show up in the search for all these home cities, just write in the description that your tour city is X but you tour the other cities regularly. This way I know where you are when you are when not touring, but understand if my city is a regular stop for you as well. But if you list multiple home cities with no clarification with which one is your true home, I’m probably not going run  through the obstacle course you just set up.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 38 reads
10 / 35

No shit. When you start selling pussy you can give advice too because driving to LV & Phx is smart af. When you book in advance make arrangements to be stuck delayed in an airport for 10 hours maybe driving would be your best bet. Live & learn. I would rather drive. No delays.

mayamonroe23 45 reads
11 / 35

I think it is so weird! I also have seen girls who are for a fact half way across the country list theirself in a large city to try and gain deposits weather theyre scamming or actually pre-booking alot of us are unsure but why contact someone 1,000 miles away just listed in your city or a hour away just listed in yur city when there are thousands of girls already there

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 44 reads
12 / 35

I've had to travel from Minneapolis to New York many times, maybe twice a year for the last 15 years. I prefer to drive. Because I've had planes cancelled too often for weather. And ticket prices plus luggage fees for two people are greater than the cost of gas and tolls. Although it did take me a day and a half each way and we just slept in the car. But never was late due to driving, could plan ahead of snowstorms, etc.  So that was 1000 mile trip each way. I can't imagine flying to a closer destination. The three hours at the airport, you could already be 200 miles in the car.

impposter 49 Reviews 62 reads
13 / 35

This is a reply to multiple city ads AND to the touring-by-car posts, below.
I have noticed that some Providers have multiple listings on models-world, probably because that platform doesn't allow multiple cities in a single ad. If I search "Jane Doe", I get (all the same Jane Doe), "Jane Doe - Charlotte", "Jane Doe - DC," "Jane Doe - Chicago," and so on. I don't remember if there's a freshness date on models-world ads.  
My next guess is that SOME Providers are good at trying to optimize their ROI. Maybe they found that having ONE home city didn't bring in as much biz when touring their Other Cities. When listing multiple home cities, maybe they find that they lose a few possible clients but somehow come out ahead with regulars and new clients.  
Last example that I never understood. I knew two Providers who started out when their home was in the Northwest (Oregon). They toured a lot (Boston, NYC, and several other cities) and started listing their home city as Dallas, TX. When I asked about that, they told me that they had moved to LA but decided to list their Home City as Dallas (which they sometimes visited but did not live there) as their Home City. Maybe they just liked Dallas?
When Newbie Providers ask for advice on touring, especially those that haven't toured before, I pretty much always recommend starting with "Other Cities" within driving distance. As pointed out below (QB, CDL, lester), it makes sense in terms of cost, ease of travel, better use of time (no long waits at airports), etc.. I also point out to Newbies that it keeps you within easy "helping" distance of friends or your support group. You lose your wallet while eating out in New City? Call a friend and they'll be there in 3 hours (although Zelle and Venmo are fast regardless of distance).  Broken suitcase handle? Help is on the way. Car problem? Help is there in a few hours. Feeling bad or need a friend? 3-4 hours and there's a friendly shoulder to lean on.

Posted By: Zeel
Re: I have seen the same thing but usually its just two cities.
Yes, this is mostly on Tryst. In many cases, these are women who tour and list tour cities, including the home cities listed. When they have tour dates, it's obvious where they are. However, I see plenty of cases where there are gaps in their tours or they don't have a current tour. It's in these cases I would prefer to know where they are. I would rather not fill out a screening form, which most want me to do before answering any questions, to find out they are not in my city now but will be at some point.

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 27 reads
14 / 35

A lady can have her base city, say, "A" and other cities serviced, say "B". But she could be shipped out to say, city "C" have a reviewed there but that review will surface in city "A" and "B", not the city "C" where the session took place.
What happens is that I could plan a trip to city "B" after seeing the current review posted and then find out she's not there.
Also,with that being said, she now has two reviews posted just from one session, the review in city "A" and city "B", but not "C".
The "Session Location" should be city driven, and that's the city where the review should be posted.  
And a girl, say in LA should have Orange County as her "Other City Service" on her profile. that way she'll have So.Cal covered for exposure....Just a thought
That's my rant, done...and I did bring this up to TER. Still waiting but not holding my breath
PS. All the ladies really should make use of the "Other Cities Serviced". Even if you're stuck in Barstow

cks175 44 Reviews 35 reads
15 / 35

What happens is that I could plan a trip to city "B" after seeing the current review posted and then find out she's not there
Nobody’s going to plan a trip to City B (other cities serviced) because a review popped up there.

Zeel 67 Reviews 37 reads
16 / 35

Ah yes, this is within TER. The issue partly is the cities are based on reviewers. Some providers will actively engage with TER to correct and update things, but some are not really connected with TER that way. I was posting more about ads on places like Tryst that allow them to list multiple home cities. The problem is clients look at the home city to know where they are when tours are not listed. But if you see more than one city, you don't really know where she is.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 33 reads
17 / 35

I’ve been told by my clients that’s they don’t want to risk running into a provider at the grocery store, so they choose providers who only tour, or visit. Some prefer flying out a provider instead of booking local entertainment it’s all personal preference. I had a friend who used to fly me to NY once a month to do an overnight. I don’t mind traveling to cater to 1 smart individual. I prefer to only entertain 1 lucky person. I enjoyed taking the red eye to NY it never bothered me.

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 32 reads
18 / 35

You're going to city "B" on a trip anyways. you see a review in city "B" of someone you've been eyeing.Thinking she might be there finally...then to find out... whoa...she's in city "C" or "D" or ...
Got it?

impposter 49 Reviews 50 reads
19 / 35

TER needs to add some instructions to the Review form. Is "Location" geography or real estate? Prior discussions:


Posted By: Hpygolky
Re: Its usually the base city and other cities serviced.  But it drive me crazy
A lady can have her base city, say, "A" and other cities serviced, say "B". But she could be shipped out to say, city "C" have a reviewed there but that review will surface in city "A" and "B", not the city "C" where the session took place.  
 What happens is that I could plan a trip to city "B" after seeing the current review posted and then find out she's not there.  
 Also,with that being said, she now has two reviews posted just from one session, the review in city "A" and city "B", but not "C".  
 The "Session Location" should be city driven, and that's the city where the review should be posted.  
 And a girl, say in LA should have Orange County as her "Other City Service" on her profile. that way she'll have So.Cal covered for exposure....Just a thought  
 That's my rant, done...and I did bring this up to TER. Still waiting but not holding my breath  
 PS. All the ladies really should make use of the "Other Cities Serviced". Even if you're stuck in Barstow
(Where did you post your suggestion?)

cks175 44 Reviews 41 reads
20 / 35

Also,with that being said, she now has two reviews posted just from one session, the review in city "A" and city "B", but not "C"
That’s just wrong. When a monger writes a review for a provider who has an “Other City Serviced” location, one review is created. The review shows up in multiple city searches, but it’s still just one review.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 68 reads
21 / 35

I have bought more pussy than you have sold, and I have had real life relationships throughout the years with providers who have sold more pussy than you, so I think I know what I'm talking about.  

I agree it depends on how long you are going to stay in LV or AZ as to whether flying or driving makes more sense.  The flight from San Diego or John Wayne is an hour and a few minutes.  Driving to LV from San Diego is 5-6 hours. To Phoenix is 6-7 hours.  

With that said, you missed my point that having your "home" cities in one geographical area is smarter than, say, San Diego and New York.  Not surprised you had such a knee-jerk reaction.  If you had sold MORE pussy over the years to where you didn't have to empty drool cups for a day job, you probably would have understood the big picture a little more.  My intention was to PRAISE you for keeping your "home' cities RELATIVELY close together, not to trigger you on a minor detail.   Read my post again with an open mind and see how embarrassed you will feel.  Lol

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 40 reads
22 / 35

Is more like 5 hours. And that’s actually to the Phoenix SE suburbs. Phoenix proper would be less.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 43 reads
23 / 35

take the route along the Mexican border where safe pitstops for clean restrooms are almost non-existent.  It's rated at five and a half hours direct.  However, the safer route is up I-15 to I-10, which will take you all the way to Phoenix, rated at six and a half hours and there are plenty of populated areas along the way where it is safe for a woman traveling alone to stop for restrooms, food, etc.  Lately, if you take the more direct route along the border, you may encounter unusual delays from migrants crossing the highway wherever they feel like it.   She just has to decide if the 30-60 minutes she might safe is worth ignoring the safety concerns, but if she can hold it with no restroom break for five hours-plus, it may be a viable option.  Lol

holystonethedeck 87 Reviews 30 reads
24 / 35

I wouldn't have any issue seeing a provider in a grocery store. My assumption would be that she would act professionally and not run up to me and kiss me or anything like that, especially if I wasn't alone.

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 34 reads
25 / 35

We both fumbled this one! Me a lil more so if I’m honest!

You said “Driving to LV from San Diego is 5-6 hours. To Phoenix is 6-7 hours. “

I took the second part to mean LV to Phoenix, because of the order of the first sentence. I see that’s not what you said, I know you said said SD to Phoenix.  I thought you were talking about her making a circuit. SD, LA/OC, LV, PHX, home.  

I wrote in my response about “the strip” (Vegas) to Phoenix.  

You just failed to catch the goof that I MADE when I started talking about LV to PHX lol. But yes what you said about SD to PHX is correct.  I haven’t made that trip under this administration, but I used to always take the south route because I don’t have to stop. Women/children in the car? Good ol’ I-10!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 43 reads
26 / 35

our mutual embarrassment now.  No harm, no foul.  Lol

Here's the funny part for me, when I saw the word "strip" I figured it was a typo and you meant to say "trip."  Lol

-- Modified on 1/24/2024 9:39:33 PM

1angelinajones See my TER Reviews 36 reads
27 / 35

"Testy"  isn't  la  autoproclamada  reina?   Jeez,  @CDL  you're  simply  trying  
to  be  agreeable,  and  you  receive  an  unwarranted  classless  retort!  
0h  well.... probably  needs  to  get  laid!   Indeed,  centralized  geographical
"home"  cities  are  most  financially  effective  with  proper  planning.  

Personally,  it's  preferable  to  fly  vs.  drive,  since  my  "home  base"  is  West
Coast,  centrally-located   {San  Diego}  which  is  most-expeditious  to  some  of
my  touring  destination  cities;
A  flight  to  Scottsdale  or  LAX  is  only  an  hour,  The  SF/Bay  Area  1.5hr,  and  
to  Cabo  2 hrs.  thus  more  hours  for  profitability.

I  enjoy  the  relaxation  which  flying  affords  to  further  rejuvenate   for  my  
tour-based  Clients.    
Warmest  Regards,  @CDL  have  a  great  day!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 34 reads
28 / 35

White-knight on this board.  It's good to be me.  Lol

Thank you, luv. Your logic about saving time is flawless.  You should be the one here sharing with other ladies how to do it right.  Six to seven hours on the road for a weekend of work in Phoenix is likely to shortchange the customers on energy and enthusiasm.  Maybe she's worried she will pay for an airfare, get there, and no one will want to see her.  Lol

jaydalee See my TER Reviews 39 reads
29 / 35

You will see this majority of the time on Tryst.  
Many of us including myself pay for a premium listing to be ranked high as far as ad visibility.
Not too long ago they added the feature to have 3 home listings. For what I pay each month on just this one site I am going to utilize everything it offers.

Home listings can be defined as having homebases in all of those cities or she is based in one and travel to the other cities listed regularly or an upcoming tour.
I am Vegas based but I am now a touring provider as well.  There are cities I will be traveling to in the near future but may not have any dates or that city listed in the touring section yet. The reason being I have not figured out my dates of travel to these cities yet or completely travei schedule But I can still add those cities for interest. And I am going to actually go the specific cities I have listed.
In the bio of my Tryst profile I have in big cap letters which city I am based in and which cities I am traveling to with dates and to see tour section for full travel schedule.

Even with big Cap letters at the front of my bio guys are contacting me via phone or email wanting to know if i am in their city now. You would be surprised how many do not take the time to read a bio or website.
I see how it could be confusing if multi-cities were listed no tour schedule and her bio and website do not mention homebase.
Hope this cleared up some things.

tozer 72 Reviews 39 reads
30 / 35

Jayda, thanks for the candor and clarity! Super helpful... xxx Michael

Zeel 67 Reviews 37 reads
31 / 35

Posted By: jaydalee

 In the bio of my Tryst profile I have in big cap letters which city I am based in and which cities I am traveling to with dates and to see tour section for full travel schedule.  
Even with big Cap letters at the front of my bio guys are contacting me via phone or email wanting to know if i am in their city now. You would be surprised how many do not take the time to read a bio or website. I see how it could be confusing if multi-cities were listed no tour schedule and her bio and website do not mention homebase.  
Hope this cleared up some things.
See, you are actually doing it right. I have seen your ads and I have seen others who do it similar. It's as easy as including in the bio what your home city is for when you do not have touring dates. And, I am not surprised whatsover by the knuckleheads who still contact you. I'm sure you can atest to the low attention some guys put into what you practically spell out in your ads and on your websites. No matter how clear you are, some people are just going to stupid anyway. But I appreciate providers like you who still put in the effort for the guys who actually take the time to read.

That said, as the OP, I'm specifcally talking about the providers who list multiple cities and no where in their ads identify which one is their actual home base. I want the details that providers like you provide so I don't have to guess. I do not want to be the guy asking any provider if she is actually in my city. I want to be the guy who knows because she wrote it down and I read it.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 14 reads
32 / 35

I never saw the issue with crossing paths with a provider.  But on the other hand, when I ponder what I'd do if I booked a provider and she turned out to be a relative -- would I ask for a family discount?

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 31 reads
33 / 35

But I really wouldn’t mind if she came up and kissed me. I wouldn’t expect her to and I wouldn’t do it to her. But I’d be fine if she did lol.

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 20 reads
34 / 35

Caught me off guard with that one.  

If she’s kin, deeper in!?

jaydalee See my TER Reviews 32 reads
35 / 35

It cuts down on unecessary correspondence if it is mentioned in the bio of their tryst ad.
That way the provider and potential client is not annoyed.
The ones who do this perhaps trying to gauge interest before trying to out a tour together.
And others are just trying to gain interest to her profile where she might push her online content and no in person meetings. Which is quite annoying to us ladies who are actually paying for airfare,hotel,and rental cars expenses

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